HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_11_02 Town Board Minutes (2) =117G 0 F THE SO TNT T07,71\T BOARD held BFovember 2nd, 1927. In the absence of the Supervisor, the meeting was called to order by Justice. Boyd at 10 P. Present: Tustices Boyd, Collins, Howell and Leeds. Clerk Sherman Upon motion, it was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.. A communication from Mr. R. C. Heather was received and read requesting -the installation of an electric light on Heather Bane and the erection of a street sign on the corner of "r"_eather Dane and 'Weaver Street. The commt nication was ordered received, placed on file and the ratters contained therein, referred to the Superintendent of Highways for his report and -recommendation. A communication from Mr. C. V. Moody was received and read, requesting the acceptance of certain streets in Larchmont Ridge, in order to enable the securing of street lights. The communication ;,:as ordered received, placed on file and referred to time Superintendent of Highways and Counsel for report and reeor=-end.ation. A communication from Lir. Rodman Y. Price was received and read. relating to the condition of the roadway in front of his house at 34 Carleon�Avenue. The communication etas ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Superintendent of High ways for his attention. Upon the recommendation of Counsel, the follo7,ring res- elution was presented_ and upon roll call unanimously adopted, YY=AS 9 the owners of the fee and or the rights of way in a portion of Willow Road, a certain street in the development �r dst- ric-t%of the Town of I,amaroneck known as larch- mont Gardens have heretofore filed-.a petition fvith this Board and the Superintendent of Highways of the Tovm of Yamaroneck offering to dedicate and deed said street or portion thereof to the Town of I.-anaroneck and re- questing said Tour and Superintendent of Highways to accept said portion of said street as a Town Highti7ay4 and I =-'= said petition has been considered by this Board and the Tot^m Superintendent of High;,,ays, and the deed of a portion of -- said streets presented; and ,IFEREAS the Superintendent of Highways has examined said street or portion thereof and has recommended that it be accepted as a Tos.m Highway of the Totin of isamaroneck, and uEAS, the deed to said street or portion thereof has heretofore been recorded having been included in a deed covering other streets; NO T THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the To n of Iuamaroneck do and it hereby does accept the afore- iner_tioned offer of dedication heretofore made by the Larchmont Gardens Company and others and the deeds and releases to the Tovm of Yamaroneck presented thereto, and does hereby accept as a Town HTighvaay the follo,uing described road, street and way or portion thereof as sho%n on -- certain map entitled "Plan of Lots called Larch- mont Gardens'" situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of New York, surveyed for Clifford B. Harmon, 51 East 42nd Street, New York City, Net: York, Sub-division No. 1 and 2 by Long and Miller, Civil Engineers, dated nugust 16th, 1911, and filed in the office of the Register cf Westchester County on SepteMber 11, 1911, as Idlap No. 1949, and described as follows: ALL that certain section_ of the Street or road de&ignated on said map as 7illow Road, shay^n by said map to be bounded as follozsi on the ';lest by block 409, on the north by South Brook Road and the westerly line of Block No. 413 as extended to Block No. 410 on the east by Block 410, on the South by Harinon Drive. And be it further RESOLVED, that the aforedescribed road, street and .:ray or portion thereof be and the same hereby-is made and dedlared to be a Public To:vn Hi ;hti,ay, and be it further =SOLVL'D, that the action of the Toirni Clerk in recording the aforesaid deed and release be and it hereby is ratified and approved.: and be it further RESOLVTD, that the Superintendent of High/- vrays be and he hereby is authorized and ernpo,rered to execute and record whatever documents or certificates are necessary according to lazy to vest title to the Torn in said street, and to bring the aforesaid resolutions into full force and effect= and be it further RESOLVED, that the Torm of Yezaaroneck shall be kept safe and harmless from any claim or d_asnage of any nature or character whatsoever in nary rise arising from the improvements of the aforesaid streets, anything to the contrary nctvri thstanding. Upon motion, duly seconded, it liras upon roll call, vnanilncusly RESOLVED; `,,VE-7REkS, the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint hater 'uorks, No. 1, has submitted an estimate of .x137.26, as the cost of installing a hydrant on West Hickory Grove Drive, between :Pest Brool:side Drive and Yardon ?cad; therefore, be it R.ESOLiT✓D, that said 7 estchester Joint :rater ';'forks, No. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and requested to install said fire hydrant and to charge the Tomn of T ezraroneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of said 7.7estchester Joint ;rater Works, No. 1. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, ;THERE.'-,S, the Board. of Trustees of the '?estchester Joint 77ater Tor'_ts, No. 1, has submitted an estimate as the cost of installing a hydrant on Harmon Drive bet,.,�een ',leaver Street and the Larc2unont ,ardens Club House; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said 7estc-:ester Joint .Yates '�'vTorks, No. 12 be and it hereby is authorized and requested to install said fire hydrant and to charge the To-;-m of I:ama-roneek the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of said 7est,4 chester Joint: -Water 'Yorks, loo. 1. A COMMunica:tion from Yr. James Grosso was received and read requesting the installation of a 6 inch water main on Forest Avenue, between hurray Avenue and Vine Road. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and upon motion, duly seconded, it was u_oon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, ,,=PEAS, the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint '1Tater TWorks, No. 1, has submitted an estimate of $1.132.40 as the cost of installing 200 feet of 6 inch pipe, togetl-ier with one hydrant on Forest Avenue, between i:urray Avenue and Vine Road, : therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the said 7,7estchester Joint Water Works, fro. 1, be and it hereby; is authorized and requested to install said main and hydrant and to charge the Totirn of Yaxaa,roneck the actual cost thereof as ascertained and approved by the Board of Trustees of said ';westchesten Joint 7water Works, 1o. 1. The iollo;°king resolution was presented and upon roll call unanir:_ously adopted;; THHIREkS, the To.-n of Eamaroneck heretofore entered. into a contract .,,ith Rouken Glen, Inc., dated Hay 26th, 1927, providing for the taking over under the terms and cent ditior_s of said agreement of certain streets in the development kno7,ri as P,ouken Glen, inalud- ing Glen Eagles Drive, for a distance of 250 feet as described in said agreement, and '�W. , HAS, thereafter and on September 7th, 1927; the Town Edard duly took over as a To:'rn T?ightiaay, pursuant to said agreement, a portion of Glen Eagles Drive for a total of 250 feet as described in said -resolution, and 'Y'MAS, it is now desired to authorize,` the Supervisor to enter into a supple- mental contract providing for the taking over of 400 feet on said Glen Eagles Drive instead of the 250 feet heretofore provided in said agreement and -'or the Town to accept 400 feet instead of 250 feet. 1,710'V, THEIRZFORE, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of highways, upon motion, duly seconded, Toe it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to enter into a su-o-�)lemental contract �,ith Rouken Glen, Inc. , amending the contract between the Torun of lllamaroneck and Rouken Glen, Inc. , to the extent that 400 feet of Glen Eagles Drive shall be substituted for 250 feet; Further RESOLVED, that the resolution heretofore adopted by this Doard on September 7th, 1927, for the taking over of Glen Eagles- Drive to the extent of 250 feet be and the same hereby is amended to read. 400 feet instead of the aforesaid 250 feet. Iurther PFSOLV M, that except as herein provided the aforesaid agreement and resolution shall remain in full force and effect. The following resolution was presented and upon roll call unanimously ado-oted: i REkS, the Town of T,lamaroneck hereto- fore entered into a contract with Rouken Glen, Inc. , dated Ilay 26th, 1927, providing for the taking over under the terms and conditions of said agreement of certain streets in the development known as Rouken Glen, including Vine Road, for a distance of 600 feet as described in said agreement; and :IREAS, thereafter and on September 7th, 1927, the To-vin Board dull- took over as a Torun Highwway, pursuant to said agreement, a portion of Vine Road for a total of 600 feet as described in said resolution; and +rPPSAS, it is now desired to authorize the Supervisor to enter into a supplemental con- tract _providing for the taking over of 800 feet on said Vine Road instead of the o 00 feet heretofore provided in said agreement, and for the Torn to accept 800 feet instead of 600 feet. Y077 1_'ER-EFORE, upon the recd-rsnendation of the Superintendent of High7rays, upon motion, duly seconded, be it RESOUIEDf that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empo-uered to enter into a supw�lemehtal contract with Rouken Glen, Inc., amending the contract betc:een the Town of ILamaronech and Rouken Glen, Inc., to the extent that 800 feet of Vine Road shall be substituted for 600 feet. Further TMSOI,VED, that the resolution heretofore adopted by this Board on September 7th, 1927, for the taking over of 'Wine Road, to the extent of 600 feet be and the same hereby is amended to read 800 feet instead of 600 feet. Further R SOZVED that except as herein pr07ided the aforesaid agreement and resolution shall femain in full force and effect. Upon motion, duly seconded, i t was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, 751=-s, the Board of Trustees of the 'd�estchester Joint Vvater 'Works, ATo. 1, has submitted an estimate in the sum of 8216.00 as the cost of installing 150 feet of 6inch pipe on Glen Eagles Drive; therefore be it RE ,-SOLVEDi that said Westchester Joint 7atex '.Yorks, n. 1, be and it hereby is authorized and requested to install saili main and to charge the Town of ?;amaroneck the actual cost thereof, as asceetained and approved by the Board of Trustees of said 7estchester Joint Iater Works, fro. 1, provided however, that the excavating and back filling of the trench will be performed by the Houken Glen, Incorporated. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. Iii. i Tov,n� Olerk i