HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_08_18 Town Board Minutes 4\T
ugu,,r,-5 1 10,25
h e I d.
r d to 2? ID Y S U-,0 e r 7 SO�T
Tho nneeting vas called t
Burton at S 44 5 0 C lock p
11 tilt US 13 S v i E,,o i, B u r t o r,
Justices Boyd and 0611i r
Omm VON: Shammyr,
Counsellor (7'a-mbie
Up c r: rr,s,t i o n du 1
7cnse vvith the reardl-ing of the mimstow of meetingz not yet
The Micr!, ��e-portetd th-,�it it. is necE:ssary at this
t i m zm, t c m-��Ike arranggementes 103?
,001101g; placce foT. r C 7i !��tr,-�r-
1, n gr 21 ra ALection plar-posee betwcen nevv c"..istrir.ts in
to comr-ly wipth the Fli�,,ction
atior, hc,, �cc-
Aft"EF 2.- ftlycourssicn and, c�)n.7iaerL
q�iestcd that the follovring piacz�s b�� cffic�ia�,Ily
foy th:,-,,t
of tI,.,,-e Vo].ur.teer Hoaj', Co-rap-any,
Pi 0 0 1-1 a garag e, #340 hTarnow on eyck 1117vorm q
AL wilra r or c c 1\7 e w Yo-S,17
11 C)-or n j. 2?-0 F' C-4 t A-7 i'�M U E AT 2MI a r o n c c ic N to wv it cs r k
Ccntz-al ScAmol, r1027111101371 :r !SiO
-e of Boston
11,10 new?
e hool'aaase-easterly. side
t4t�,:@,B t S-c Of 2 7 C r S tZ-Z�e t
at ms,Y- n e c N Yo A7 r o f th c- T -vLnn o f
t t
D,i S I J. i C 1 0 6
Tonly: ,-�f Road -,-)-nd
adop ted ommending to the To�,,vm B...
S f 0 11 n-rry as
Tom.t lu h e a-p o .I.c a t i o n o f I.V 1 o n r o P, S t J i.n e r 'It;o fE-Om t mi
.we llinq o ht south iBide o4' Highl:end ;-,,venue 22C) feet
werst of Chatzworl,'41a ATerueTjQ.r c Imm o n t HMI.1111 ez, mdthin 30 fe,,et
O'n ,
of- the sICO-1-cet i i ne�g. be granted and t h d e c I 0 f th t
B id, .1 d r g o i-mm i or.,s i o n r e v c r s ee.d -p r o m7,-L rd r,-6 t h a t n t of 0.
b u I d. n P-- be nearer than 15 feet to the s t mx-e s t
That the anp Ii cati on o-..r Mrs J C, owna o n czxfe,
in the rear of the residjencm situata on the no",, th
stIde of A-venue mi thin '765e feet of tInrEn st.re-at line
r � n
D n
be I qran t e d and the eleci s_i on of B,,i i d i n o mn,
-rov4 d "Uh"-4.-. no ]part of. tlia-,, sai d ga, -nearer
than 6.7. f-,-5et to -tlhe 42-itInefet lilnee
S4-e-,,-,4zhn Badlol--to to erect a
Tha+ thcu a- y 4_ %wr
ppli o,ati on o in e s,
affice or. the south si de o-P Ecator. Pe,%,4,gt Road about 26500 feelu
erst of Horrmqoc].Lp.,s Road in an diztrict be a n t d
amr.l. the dncision o-f the B uj-"1 d i n g e d c)r o
d,e d t ha at t h b u 10,,i rag be 2'.n a 13, r r%o�e-o e.c t z i n ac c o r dcan c P, Iw h
the filed -olans.
4= dND 49P
J T') -Roehm to erec+ a, one
Th"at the of Frederirl-
f C-il ml' 1 y- d wen.I'-1-i r.g o n th e n o r th (ir,,,J_ (I.e c f Birch Flozad 100 feet
-F Chatelivilo-L-th Nw Jz &t of the street 11 ne,
n wi th i n 3 C) f
we s t o Avg a e
-axtad and tha, dc-c ' 9' 1 1 1
g i i o r, o f t h sl2w,41 B u 1.d, ng 0 om.m
pal"ovided that no part o-41' the z..zid 'bui-Iding be reiozxrer the.
Q.,dtreet than +,..hc f,3--onk.. 011." t1n%e housp...� adjoinl-Irag on the 3.
That Iffl'_h e app 1-ic',-a i o 4n, c f H e-I en C o C"-r t e.n c er*c a two c aIr
CrA Jf,,-.he southwg.-,;EA co-.emexm .,-,r6 Street amd. Beach
St,.-reiet m thin 75 ft".-i%ftwfflt io--LP Be,2,ch St_reet 'V-Doep 'granted and ti.hE.A.
c s J_ c r, o f t*IFS'e B u J. i n Comm �3,wion reverzed Drovided tbato
-,,)n 15 feet to the
-no part of the asaid -e garag be nearer th,,,
t r Ow,rZ U
QSS Om mm C=
11-hat ',-.,he Q-0-01JLCatiDn c,-jf John A.,, C^rI-,in to erect a. one family
dwelling 1xi Lh gaz.2-n�ge attacheid on the northe"ast corner o-P
th4r, rzO feet - of the
zr.d SI-oney Sid Dr,"Ve
Ch e e e rnr S t r Ine
i ne be gr-n z d am' -he dec- s i on of the Bu* n g
d -o-r o v.-�.d e +h a t cam r:, 'b u m7 b c, e c t e
o mi iv xk� _kA %.E�
ft ed.
in all r el S9 p wi h i?-hiP + .. y 1 6 .iy
f thoe Bm'.1
c'.1 sn:.ch r3 -5
'_m:�,'a4 t
f t h e -bui lclli r
+ thz�,n, re fr nt
sign be no neany�r the zu
wr t" .{,..z��°� �� I°`r.•'"p�y� {w��
That the applicatiOn Bittef tC
uth ;rcmji de of Bc;5ton Poet 110ad about 100
a Y1 C1 ITZ T R 11 C W1 th CO 9101
L.-I rL r"r d zn d- th
f e e t ea s t of La.",c llmo,r.t V i!1-a c7 e 1i n e 'b e .,, an t e ", e d- thzA
re'r " - �lo v i
on re% Xseu P
of Bujid.ing Co-mmissit
n accc�rdance -,t;rith the planp. f j,
n g It 11 i z
zhr.�p 'be per,,mitteaj than 10 f4wit
and th-1+ n ro r
-0 d. that z pati ti o r-
to the from -=11 on the qrzde f_Loolv Zla "ate f r,in t
P t 0 f
'be ern-cted b(AWK!" 51011 WAX 21101
said ficor and that said 'building be nolt
feat t,--,% thte�- Etyec,.t line.
F C mp a n y teo
That the )jjcatj1o,.,^4 of Lalart�! A
A;_'.. c i e-,, y6yoNeHo
srect signs on land a'I' Giring th e
ow; aV:,vtit 200, ftet nort',11 of the continurtion of Vilre St:raet
ne o
F ng n
c.ril-poon Sti-vz,,z� W'd OT
t! :.-Jecision of the
nt c d- al n d 7010
r 7treet 'be tz�mn.,-corarY FTa
.projriea,d non ths
B,,�,i I d i ng Cormis��ion -reveTE�e 4, im
0 ign ard that no eign com
d A, ml c 11 tl j
5 truc tcd nearer t "T"'E z-va r Street than 15 zs'-et ba fir''r- of the
17c� om the rr,!D'.rt".t,
frant 1int ol: WA 110111
-1222 i c v.ti 0 n of ChztIez L"
Tha t the a, t t zLc h e.d v)n th te
t.vo cazx ga:
fzmily 07,01,i rill wit,
re Dy�j ve anu-:,
""f Hiclkory Grol 0 a si o n
-be granted and the d.a%cision of the Bol-ildik1j; Q
I at least
-�_)r07j.ded that th�e-�,- builaing, the South-
znd 6 feet frOM
30 feet from Flick!��:y GI-Ove DyivE,'
rloldc,_t�tzin to erect a one. cad."
That the an
of Charles 7b 25 0 f e e t
17 at im th th s i d e o f y r U.e -A 7. ,&n-a e at-�►o u t
Wo Street -githin 75 fact of the street line
fi-OT. , e Z 7 C- I a i 5 o n
be grant cd and Will dKO 'b ne, r
T 1z V el g g
reed provided that no part of
st l ine,,
than 72 feet to the s '' °°
ze e cft y
'gh e r eup o n the fO_,11-10';zqir19 11"e c-5 c 11.",t n r' s t -0
ad,% 4'. d
F3 t�c. n d ie�, and. upon Frloil c?,,,,j- were %irani_mou ly
'i.Pv_HEnaASj the Board of -Appealz ,s
Boz;.rd that
tlie Towr
Stiner tO
the applicatiOn of Honrosi
n n fam i
Board of -A-opezls --*,Ln 2,
P r-- t h,NPPO-
decl sI Orl Of the Bul' 1 ding. i C brpm." sme."
.i on
kT,r-HEREAP. the Board o-F -A-,p
dj. AL. ha�e
mms e n d%c,d. t c th e T c vvrn B o a r d tha t
ri -n n
t-IL-ie woplicz?, o n o f -11"L& 7 B in
+0 �raCj a on.e
C;a. i n th
u L-
+h res ide nce sit ,itt on
th r.o r t'-' si de o f H 11 co v nu e
f na
sd, t h ik r 75 f c, c 4.d
f a
zr the deci si on o +"
1 In C oonarn-i
,+ha-' no part of -�-h a d g zz,
d w ;0
age 100 e n P. a r t h z r 53 f a e tj I.-o the
s t'a"."e e JCI
ITE D t h t--h.e T o,Im B ov-0 d n.u
uz n A.,"I.-t_-rim'^w 1 Sec t i o n 2 6 h iEar l-,%
c ro n s c-n t lb:,5, t o z n d c o-n f J- t h
--1 r 3.n
,eta w�RIC -)n of the Board o�-E* A-ppeals
r 'h drac i 5i on o f th e 3ui 1 d
C o
.r,7HFFLIb,L 3, the B rcl ri-F A-p-p e s im 3
to, the Town. Boi�,-rd 4C-zial;
4- a I-L,
r 6.w
c Z..C, b s n f f e on th
!Z, �O n c,z+ihf &6oad about
f B c m"i
Y)O feet egas t of Hro.-,=oc,%,ks Face i
ar, u na, �,j)o-Ic--a+w S d d I t�r ic t b c; g2rarv,-,tj a d
U. %� -Z,1-i %J ZOL ;6
d,ja c 1 s, n o f +h e
I 4 ,
i s s o,n i-e v Ire r d -o ro v 1 d c al t-1-162
b u J4 II d i b
a, c c o%I-d z�n c e w i t-"Ia t h%co!� f i 1 d s
t P h --hk f b t
F I Z S,Oj I V E D t,h z+w I T Arrn- B -a In c9- p, u x
to -41-41rticl%e. 5. 'Section 26 h%4-----r!pabY
c.onsents to and con." rins. wtlic raction of
thle, Boarcl Aircieals Jn raversin, uha
dacilsion of the4Bu.ildinoF sqion,
Iwo f
th 3
roc o mm n d e d tv� the To-Tm 5-ozard, that
"-) , 'IA
C - ! 'D B 0 eb_.il
h r, an-o c a tJQ D n o b'rt e d g.%it L li*�.
o Once--;i
1. on
to cw-rcs -w fermi ng,ly
the' nebirth eide of Birchl-Ro--ad 2110.0 feet
-fL- -_n -L",- ... - J--.- - -I- i a .- - I- - . -A- 4 -Ik
L �`1'�!f n'd�rte'*{}' 'h�'"�`
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u ill"CL Sl J-TL 7
ril 11, 1
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LZ Nt 11 Q rte„
voJk Z�L'u 10)A •
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Ta r7
�da—L) 9 U
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0 u ZVE 10 u UL psi C) U. L
T. IG I UT-U.I cl,101 S I I
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Ir 7*r- 'r lot
q. c a s ile)
u I-[ I 'T'In G V��.
Z"Z7 Tqj
a Q"V%11 OLE it, U. GIL CL 4%
the Board c A- "Is h- 'fin
J tzle. 79,1VII 13ward Out
11 coal z z G, Sutton
an a,�vcrtiEing zig. n c;n thz�.,
f z;e t -,�,p s t 0 f 11. e.1, i t t S t r. t "b
the f,� s i
'tilts I If C 7 C T S C
ftat Ed-z- �,ncnthE- 'p�,--r-mi t
to 11 c h E, n s, i z e r J tl!-a t tI.,
I,- - ZIO MULIMal 0101
Ea gin )C 2-,,trzcA thayn
tlri,c, fr�,mt of the.
o,n the
71 it ED C)!:,IVT.l iD,, tli.a t thaTown
etc) .00"L",--�-,I,e .5� Sc:(,-�ti C r 26
SZI r-_t t 0 !1 d cccnfirms ej!:,he actiior- ::,f
th to
th c•i il on of th;�� B-olildi-ng
i o n
,7T-,T,EY,ZAS, th, Br�arft of !%L, c.-ZI t h
to th- e 'that
L i
th e a
Z�n d list 1:a g z on the
of Bostor, 71oad 4 tb o,vz,t
-A .3f Larchmorit Villaze
lir,,- bll PT3?Wnteds t-he, cf-,a�ci S,i ,2,
cf t'-'r-pe
C 17 an 01 th a 1: Is Eli d 1) n g
e r • n a c c io er c t�,z n t h t7 D 1 a ni
and that no
C Lrmittz�cl :kL-Aezror- thnin lo f E F;t to ,f .o.
:F270YA ANTZ.B. on the mna6.c floo:r an d
such rm a.J-r Is '1 the
rz,f i g
fc,-;,t to the
Itsu-i, not ne2a.x'er than 12C
�treiet ii-ne
thercfor�. Ins
1:11sat the B-mm W
o tcl 5Cotcn UT Con-
t I2Or ilto � 1Siy O
lWHN -,,rc- coy Arym the actik-,n of
them Board of in
t deccision ;Df 'the 3ui]-.din;r
5� a=
vullows: On ljcvard of
rzcomm ended to the Town Toard- th-;�t ths
I i r fi,- 1 n f T-.a u
of the hc�,,:,sa
d * oinin.._ on the north
th of 21 A!if o r CC, 10 e .daa
RESOLVED, 1111 St it th It T 0 NVE 23 0 Z 37 11
1)U is 13 U so!I is n.) at 37 ji c 1 t� Lr:�7 Sac ti :)n 2 15
ti- E: action r,)-f -the of A.
2. r
Bu_"L 1 n g C 0mr,11,0z.- s,i o n
vassu,13, ahe Bo�T,),r,! of Aj�,pezis h�4s
to 010, Tcvvm, Bozzind y1:1it
th e -a-
A- . -11'. o
two C fndtl a 7
a ar earmsys zaty achd
c)rj etip
so,_zth-vvest ;orner if Hj,31cory k,"lrr
D�-ive ams.14, -,Zibur i1cly1jo with:Ln 30 faet
Of _'�Vilbur gyro-anc te
of the Bailclinir
g Comnrnisl,--,-ion
p.!,ovided that the zaid-
bu-11-1dUng- "ps,azt 30
HiCK027:T CVC)Irl! ID31jorc. cznd 6 feet
thereforc Ice it
R:E,-'-CL17ZD, that th,,!,,- T3ma Bc)x
-�Dur.s ran ant
to Artiols- 5, Sect.-,Leo-n 26 'r'Lereby
c!nnscnts to f,-,.razi the zctjon
'D o 01 in A (0 f A,,
th e deci si o rA cf the Bui 1 ali nF, Cwnm-ni s E.-L, on
Alp-L)ezis hz5
C M M-1 is T1 d i!di "t o the '. m Board thzyt
171,S Z ti ,_�n 0 f MAL A e z C.o I cll s t e in
tc) ercct 2,. on t: cair qmi2yq! C)rj at1he north
j_de Of Tlyl-tie A7en-.'JLt about 250 feet
within, 75 feet
of the street linz be F-ranted ,-.md t.he
d_,:E�c isi on c.f th e B ui.1 di Tall com-n-Ii sz, o n
r s v e 77:11, do t 11 t f
garays bos neair-er than 72 fzct to 'thc
stTeet line
"bc it
that the Tovim B�Dard'.
tiz� Articlt�, 5IS��ction 26 hercby
sants-, 1,o a-rd con firmu the acti:Dr of the
E�Oard of -A�ppeaiz in rze-usrsin. the
elecisLodn ,-)f the Building C�)-_,Tmmds;�don,
-CL CIL�Ll;T3 U�cl.
4 (j7 k-� L
Z5 L -Tj ZA-
7 r��
10 LZ r .6
u4n }— �►
6.pt vklp ZA +
L-Q C� 6,0 7 C',
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;?7-7 re-0 **�q;4r'."+.
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1+ L
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4� C!rq � 4—L r-rrr
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or, rl5,
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C'IXL 76. 76 L C I
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33 9 7�I-D
-et L!
.tfi 5th j L L
-Cj U4 �7
n p
F45 7'S * Py; .. +S ."•r+ "f
Ll R u F
LL L unr
'P um
, rte x
4r .1 U
m, r-qrL --I
-T�-q T r'.°f Frf°.-y r `t.i'�r--iT T- S Ui 3 a 9
T"TU C-j G� A U U"0 P Tr Cl U'"k 42A P'�eT7L
rL Ufa
a i e L
rll° CC%A FIC wr. pF o�,L 0. S�74W 1A.
10 t P C,r)�
t� L 0 L
WHEREAS, the rc Community
Assodiation Inc . , has presented
petition to tal' s Board alleging that
i-t is the oit a.,!r of o is Nos 1 5, 6,
and 8, -block 28 of Section 1
on tai- assessment map of' the Tom
of Mamaroneck which are seaweed at
$500 . on the assessraent roll of said
To= . for the year 19 24 ,P and
WHEPI S, said petition sets f'o art
that the o r i d property'
occupi d-. by a Boy Scout Cabin, which
is t from taxation under the
law; and
WHEREAS, was .
against the `o r'a i d lots o r
school taxes of 2 ; therefore
on the recommendation of the
R;ceiver of Taxes, be t
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and
hereby is thori zed and empowered
to authorize and direct the Receiver
of x and the Board o - Assessors
to cancel of o d the outstanding
.school tax of 2 in the aum of $5.14
plue interest -arid penalties on the
aforesaid amount.
pon the reco=endation of Gounsel, the follomng
resolution was -oresented and upon Rolf. Call unanimoutly
; MREAS Edl-th Ed-t Cailler bought from
Elfrida Watson September 191
Lots NR s . 16B, 17 and 18, in Block
Section 6, of the Town of am ro
c ; and.,
t#HEREAS *hrough a manifest error,,
t he change of ownership of the
aforeaaid property from Iffateon to
Cailler was recorded by the Board of
Assessors against the wrong property;
WHEREAS thereafter on - ri l 30P 1918
the said Edith Cailler paid a bill
amounting to 22. 4 for State, Counter
d Town taxes for the year 1918,
said tax being paid in cord c
with tax bill purporting to be of
the aforesaid property* and
RESOLVED that the Supervisor and
Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby
arelre5pectively, authorized and
empowered to cancel the unpaid 1918
State �ounty and Town tax now
own to b due and owing against
the aforesaid property, together
with the penalties and interest
thereon, upon payment by the said
Edith Caillomr of the Sum of $22x54
being the flat amount of said 1918
State, Court; and Town taxes, plus
any school taxep for the year 1918
now due and owing with i
and interest due on said school taxes,
Tr the recomaendation of llounsel,, the following
resolution *mss presented duly seconded and upon Roll Call
unanimously adopted*
EREA S it a-3peara that Lots No .
and 12 in Block 82 of Section on
the assessment map of the o wr of
Mamaroneck were assessed against two
ovmere in the year 1917; and
iffHERES it appears that the aforesaid
lots were sold for taxes thereafter
due to fne nor,,payment of said taxes,
vHEREAS the said taxes as against or e
of the owners have been paid together
with the interest and Penalties there
T o n; an
WHM S it appears that it is equit-a
able therefore due to said error, that
said second duplicate assessment ehould
be cancelled; therefore, upon the
reco=nendation of the Receiver of Taxea
be it
,RESOLVED the -Su e r i sor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to
cancel the aforemaid double assessment
and the outstanding unpaid taxes now
appearing aga n t Lots N . 11 and 12
it Block 82 of Section 1 or the assessment
map of theTovm of I amaroneck for the
year 1917, and to take such other and
further action as may be neceaaary to
clear the record, Including the. issuing
of such cancallation certificates as
may be necessary.
to the Village 'of Lrct, and
that, therefore, at the time said
taxes were levied and became
lien, the property properfty was em t from
taxa-tion. He recommended. the
adoption of the following. resolution.
- Upon the recommendation floe
Receiver ,t was upon
inotion duly seconded
R. ESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes
be and he hereby authorized and
empowered to cancel and discharge
of record certain taxes as shown by
his books on record on the following
property for the read ective years
herein shovm,
Sec ti .. , Block 11, to is 9B, 10B,
and 12-State, county and Town taxes
d schotol -taxes for the year 1924.
Section Block 10, lots 4 and 500
dh o c for �ea
Section , Block 28, lots 1, 213, 10,
and 12-P school taxes for the year 1924.
The Clerk presented a claim for the decorating
of the Town off ices and Town Hall n the sum of $75, due
the Official Decorators for tree Firemen' s Convention and
---:� - d that the claim be apiproved,,
Upon o o n duly seconded it was
TED that the of CJ .Iiebbert
for the decorating of the Town offices
and Town Hall in the a= of $75,tOO
be and the same hereby is approved
and order submitted to the Board of
Auditora for their c t .
e Clerk reported that due notice o f the time and
place of holding the meeting had been given to h cf Vne
Board as required laws
Counsel reported that it was desired to amend the ,
form of resolution heretofore passed at the special frog
of the Town Board held February 18, 1925, at which acto
was taken upon a petition duly filed with the Town Boar.
requestin,q the Town Board to extend the present boundary lines
of Sewer District No 3of the Town of Mamaroneck and the
Sewer Sy there now -t shed, o a t ioljxd
in and make a part of said ri- t the territory embraced in
the said pro d oosed extension, which extension was described
.; ... &-r,4 A ,A&4-� 4- ' a& m+,, +&&A +inn +in& orniftyiAmprit f
............ , CD
RESOLVED that the resolution heretodp
fors pa5sed by this Board at a special
me.eting field Febttary 18, 1925, pro
viding for the extension of Sewer
District N . I of the Town of llamaro=06
neck,, be and Vae same hereby is amended
,.._�.. o ais, to read, - i n amended, as follow S .
ion sagned and
acknowledged by owners of real property
in a proposed extent3ion to th.e. present
of the Town of
Sewer District No
than oneqM
Mamaronecko representing mor
half in value . of the taxable real property
ri , appears y the .s preceding
coal assessment mills a.11 is rove dd
by Sections 230 and 230-,.A of the own Law
of the State of New York, heretofore
been duILy filed with this Board,
i describes the proposed
extension to Sever i sa.c Nov and states
a maximum amount p o o is e d to be expended
in the construct i on . .d proposed
anion to the aforesaid Sewer Sys eau l,
i that opposite the name of each petitioner
appears the assessed valuation of the
real property owned by him or her in such
proposed extension to the said Sewer
District, according
the preceding
a assessment roll
�MPMAS there 1' a annexed to and presented
with d made a part of said io
and plan of the proposed extension to
the said Sewer Bistrict No.
and said
Sewer System, #,rte sp ci is i di n
lions and connections and outlet t o
Sewerage Diesposal Works and Outfall Sewers
vuhich has been prepared by a can
ni-veer* and
said si *mars ask the Town
o make an order establishing the
Sewer District described s ,id pet:Ltion
and atating the amount proposed to
expended in, the construction of rjaid Sewer
Sytstem4 and
+RE � id petition asking for the
establishing'IffHA on
ors ivi s r did under.
230,w.A that the entire portion of the system
in sari d proposed extension d i m #.�. �
to serve the entire proposed extension to
d Sewer ID src shall onsrod
mac* . �` .
petition until extensions thereto- shall
be authorized as provided by law- and
IvIaMEAS the Town Board is satisfied
that the Petitioners are owners of real
property in the proposed dxton
�. and own more than onewhalf ue of
the taxable real property thierin, and
is .l satisfied that the real property
situated witbin the proposed extenBion
in r vd 11 be of sufficient value to pay
for the cost of the con,straction of the
Sewer Sy tem -in sai d proposed extensi o
according to the estimated cost thereof,
as set forth in the i ti , and that
all provisions of the law relating to
the establishment of the proposed . ,,
tension to Sewer District No . l have been
complied wi t ; and
vVHERE i proposed extension is des
r . d in said ti ti n as fllwat
BEGINNING at - point on the easterly boundary line of S vm r
District No. 1 of the Town of amrc as now s-tlishd
which point s approximately 125 feet sythstry from
mere the aoutherly side of -Howell Avenue if p road... ac re.-se
Weaver Street and 10 feet easterly from the easterly side
thereof - ld intersect the aforesaid and continuing
easterly and n.ortherly along said boundary lire of Sewer
District No., 1 as follows thence s t rly and at right
:.. angles to " r Street 350 feet; thence northwesterly 400
feet to point feet southerly from the southerly side if
Palm er
almer Avenue, thence northeasterly and parallel with
- --- Avenue 1000 feet to the intersection of the boundary line of
the Town -f Mamaroneck with the westerly boundary line of the
Village of Mamaroneck, t which point said proposed ext o
to Sewer District No, l of the Town of MiLmaroneck leaves the
easterly boundary line of Sewer District No,, l and proceeds
southerly therefrom) ; thence southerly and along the r i
boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and 'the Village of
Mamaroneck to a point approximately 100 feet southerly from
the southerly side of the Boston Post Road- thence westerly
and parallel with the southerly side of the said Boston Post
Read and 100 feet southerly therefrom 1050 feet to a point 10
feet easterly from the easterly side of the Hocks Roadway&
thence easterly therefrom 925 fts thence southwesterly and
ro a i d Hocks Roadway t right angles to the westerly
side thereof and 100 feet beyond, thence northwesterly and
again parallel with said cos od end ft
westerly therefrom to a point loo feet southerly rly from the
southerly side of said -.Boston Post Road; thence westerly
axed * air parallel with the southerly side of the Boston Podit
Road and 100 feet Voutherly therefrom 550 feet t which
point d line of n s And continues northerly along the
, . + ?%-I--[V1 A n-"-t r I i in is strint NCO. 1 of the
I t r
Avenue 400 feet to tae westerly side of ver Street4.
thence northerly 150 feet al ong the wes t erly s ide of Seaver
street to the corner formed by the intersection of the south
e .y side of C e leon Avenue and the westerly s ide of Weaver
free` : and s Tea Street . a point
where the southerly side of erle Avenue ' prolongred
would int'ersect the easterly side of said Weaver Street;
thence easterly 100 feet therefrom and at right angles thereom
T - thence northerly and parallel a the easterly side of
IffeaverStreet and 100 feet e asterly therefrom to the point
or lac e c 'beginning
All of which oose eeio o said Seer
District 'of the Town of Mamaroneck is more eecicily
shown on certain map. entitled"Town of Mamaroneck, a General
I n ' Section ,Se;er s I #I or & . ax E yen
Civil Engr. December 22"
k11 of which aforesaid o's e extension to said
Sewer District No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck i g i ns and
abut.s 'Upon Se *br District No. 1 of the Town o-f kamaroneck,
now a stablished along the easterly o d.a.ry line thereof
therefore be it
RES "), that theaforesaid petitJon
e- apred by this Board; and be i
RESM, that the Town Board is
satisfied that the petitioners are.
..owners of real roey in the -proposed
extension and own more than ors e,? a.l ' in
value the taxable real property
-� therein, and is also satisfied that the
real rc er y situated within the promw
posed extension is or will be of
sufficient value to pay for the 'Cost of
the -construction of the S e z er .S s em in
said proposed extension, according - t
the estimated cost thereof, as set forth
in the -oe io and a all provisions
o the law relating o the e stabs'shmen
o ' the proposed e ` e ►sio Sewer
DIst"ict N . 1 have been coranlied wlothA
and be 'it furtIler
P=i ` ,, ha � e af ores.aid. described
property and proposed extension e' and
e same h.-ere '
:Ls established, a n 'e e
-o and made a, part of said Se +eim
trice ITO& I of the Town o -.16' amreeck
and e it -f r
RESOLVED, that the pres'ent Sewer District
o I of the T olAm of Mamar o eck as now
constituted, together with the extension
G I IruTI G- at a point on the es er y side of Uhats-ccorth
Avenue' 110 feet south of the intersection of the southerly
de of Myrtle- Avenue and the westerly side : Chatsworth
Avenue at which the intersection of the boundary lines of the
Village O' f- Larc'n' mont and the Tov of Mamaroneck converges
running thence southerly and along Said westerly s ide of
Chatsworth x e which is is the 'boundary line .f said
Village f r olu o and Town c 125 feet - h
Village � running
northerly boundary
erly along the northerly boundary line of tie
Village of rohmo 2400 feet o .a point There said Village
line '.f continued would intersect the. -easterly boundary line
of the City of New o ell e thence northerly along said
boundar.y line between the Town -of Mamaroneck and the City of
New Rochelle.' 5600 feet to a Point 625 feet north of the
northerly side of Forest Avenue at is point Forest Avenue
intersects the aforesaid boundary line.; thence easterly 1150
feet and nearly parallel with said Fo'reut Avenues thence
northerly 200 fern thence northeasterly Soo' f eet:j thence
no r )--ieae e l 2 -from said point last des cri ed to
Point 5o feet westerly f'rom the westerly side of Murray
Av.monue4 thence northerly and parallel with Murra'y Avenue
(and e :v-erLIj tr e e t a f t er. th ey J o in and 15 o f e e t wes t erly
therefrom, o feett thence easterly crossing Weaver Street
at right ' angles to the w eerly side thereof to a point 150
feet -easterly from the easterly side of said YiveaverStreet,;
thence 8' outherly and parallel i i ' e er. Street and 150
feet easterly therefrom 250, o point to feet northerly
from the easterly' side (northerly at t1iis point) of Rockland
Jkv eziu e thence 'easterly and parallel -triad Avenu.e
and 150 feet o e ly therefrom, 1425 feet; thence siouthho
easterly to U e westerly side of Rockland Avenue inters-e .
z the .same at a point 125 feet easterly from the corner
forced y the intersection o the easterly side of est
Avei e ix � the es erly side� f Rockland thence
SOUVneasterly and along'
the easterly de or boundary o-O the
e o e s or Sec o s �o -n as "Colonial Park" nd"la c. im
moat Gardens" , ree a c el .n shown on e respective
recorded a of a d sections , 1400 feet, o' the northerly
"de of 3. Farms v 1, c . point 'is. 150 feet. easterly
fro formed •� �
corner � intersection o-L .the northerly
side- of Little Farms Road and the easterly side of Edcrewood
' ac thence easterly 200 feet along the northerly side of
Little Farms Road if the same were prolonged- thence.
easterly, and at right angles to said line just dew'cribed,,
to the northerly side of Stohey S de "' thence out
easterly 200 f cross doe S
ode and a right
angles o the northerly sale eeof hexc so� rl 200
feet; thece southeasterly and to the westerly side of Grey
Stone Road intersecting the same at a point 125 feet northm
e rl
from the corner formed by the n ors ec Ci o of 'e w es m
erly side of Grey Stone Road and the -northerly side of Garden
Road; thence sou easery 350 fee g crosin 4e -easterly
side of
Gr'ey Stone Road and the northerly- side of -Garde
oad2 interse'eting the same ztreets at points� � north
rly and 25 feet easterly, resp ecti sly from the corner
formed .the intersection of the side of Stone
'?AIM In vi 4-U % �—,.+...t 1 _—-1__ . 01 .% .d �easterly +�
neck which e also the easterly � � .i e o-O the V"llage
of Mamaroneck, intersecting the same at a point 125 feet
northerly from the intersection of said boundary lines with
t thence ly � l .
aforesaid boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and
the easterly boundary line of the Village of Mamalronecko
orosez t -e r g muff-mway of the.. T�ToYs-i� *7 .&. &H� o 4o. an
Palmer Avenue to a o t o the aforesaid boundary- lines 175
feet o�tery -'from � e t crosses the southerly side of
al erA en (at 1 - .o point it jo"3. s e o o e ex ens on
hereby provided -t ,e included said Sewer Distriat
thence southerly and along the aforesaid boundary line of the
Town of Mamaroneck and the Village' of Mamaroneck to a point
approximately 100 feet southerly from the t he ly side of
the Boston Post Road, thence westerly and parallel- with the
southerly si e of the said Boston Post 'Road and 100 feet
southerly erfr ' o5 feet to a of feet y.
and a al e said Hummo-c ks Roadway, thence. southeasterly
a with said Locke oa gay and .10.0 feet - easterly
therefrom 925 f eed thence. southwesterly and across said
woes ad ay at right angles o the ester y i e thereof
and 100 feet beyond, thence northwesterly and' again parallel
w:LV,,,i said Hoofs Roadil;-ay and 100 feet wes ter y therefrom
to a point 100 feet southerly 'from the southerly side of said
Boston Post Reads thence.. westerly and again arall el with the
Southerly side of the Boston -Post Road and 100 feet southerly
therefrom 550 feet. at which point' the said proposed extension
re oins the ' rese t southeasterly boundary line of Sewer
i tr_i t No. 1 as now es tabl i shed)$ thence continuing westerly
and parallel it the. southerly -side of the Boston Post Road
and 100 feet southerly therefrom 800 feet to the point or
t er e t i on of said o vary line of. the T o o f Vam' aroneck
----. with the easterly oun - ry line of the Village o f Lar Imon ,
.'d Point being about 100 feet e'o t er y from the. south side
. : of the 3oston PostRoad, . thence northerly and along said.. .
easter-ly boundary-line of the Village of LarcImont and across
the rightanf away... of the .YNa .&* * � . to the junction
of said easterly boundary line of said Village of Larehmont
'th the northerly o .ark line o-l-
said Village, thence
vve t-e ly, northerly and westerly and along sa northern
boundary line of the said Village f archmo t to the point
o. l ace of beginnings and all of which said proposed Sep*
i- r. c t' an the ext.es. os thereto is more so e 6e .ay
zhown and set forte on three' certai-n maps entit .ed 'it To of
T a aro eo , �estc esterCo,. ,Ne'�v York, a General Plan. of.
r-opus a sewers ers in certain Te ri c is the from" which
et from hi ch
�s through District. ITov, 1,v larchmont., by L.Z.Van Etter.
Civ.il Engineer, February 7th, 1918111 and "The Toirn of
amar Leo , stehe er County, OY. , General Flan of
Proposed Sewers tr ct �o � ,o C, y L. E.Van
Etter, Civil. En ro December 121,192111 and "The o w of
Mamaroneck, e eral plan -of Proposed See o , Sewer
District Now 11 Ee an Etten, Civil Engrep cea ear 1922" .,
and be it further
RRSOT_, d thn.t. Vnim SoWp'" ,
E,SOLVIMp that four. all purposes
o: taxation and a s es s -e t- - this
resolution and. the Certif irate
herein authorized to be filed shall
take effect imm pia e and be it
ASV ,- that the aforesaid eem
sion to Sewer District No ' I herein
authorIzed and established shall
hereafter,- for all purposes be reed
gad d a part the ;i a .
sy , es heretofore -established,
and shall be co s ru c ed and may.
ain d,. y'-.- I Dommissio-ners
Pf. . e s--ad SewerDistrict No. 1 of
Town - of Mamaroneck, and the cost
construction thereof shall be pro-w
vided for by the 'issuance and sale
mf Town bonds in the same manner as
is provided in the Twjim Law and by
Chapte.,r 422 h the Laws of 1922
of -thy State of IT e 11ork or m o
thereof s is applicable four she
payment o + the cost o the oar, ina
s "e- , � ,L ch said bonds shah -a
Town charge and the principal and
interest thereof, together 1xith the
cost of maintenance of such extension
or ex tens 'ions , shall be collected from
� �e real property :� . the said
District by the aforesaid Sewer
Commissioners I the sam-e manner as
of s aid extension or ex -e o
had f o me d a 'part of the original
system c o s tr c d in aid Sewer
District No.
. The Clerk reported that he had Z ecei ed e s r a ed
for furnishing and installing a range and end s- oven and
bromaler in the Town Hall for janitor's use and that the
best Price aie was.'
*a the sum of 118* submitted by Z.
Vama onec � and he asked that he be authorized
to Tmrfhase ale and- have same- installed for the said
Upon motion duly seconded was upon Roll cal.
RESOLVED, tl a ' the .Clerk be & d. he
hereby is authorized and + Empowered to
order a -has range. -and end gas oven
and broiler installed in the Town
Hall for the j ani for t s us e f or the
sum of 4118. and n . tie s awe b e
and hereby is made a Torn ha o-e.
communication :Cron. a t e
I e .�. ender e �ese� �
.... J.1—�. ,T--�. — -4— --9 " llnL — k .
The mum i l' on was rya � I ��
matter of .1.red -IC0 o Counsellor am .
A convaunication from tae '#��iSe ' e
Wow any � received and read eei meeting
o f the T o v-n Board at ph i oh time their- .9f f o e ' . may appear-
to -bring up various fire mat-tors.
The comiunication was ordered placed on file and
the matter' ref erred o the Fire Comm" d et ermio tie
date for a soecial r e 4
The Clerk reported that- Mrso = s o tear. 1 i o�n
Gardens Id es d Dermission to use the auditorium of
the 7'eaverStreet Fire Souse for the Gardens Club.
Upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED t that tie e � o
and empowered to make arrangements ivith
the Gardens Club to use the auditoria
of the 'V'V'eaver Street ite House at a
date suitable -111, o them and that a nom* nal
charge of $lo o e o ed for i clean'
i g and- taking care of said d i o f o
communication prom the Y e S e e om an
a received and read requesting the appointment of John E.
She o Yam o e c s N ew Yo rk v � e o o w e d e
for pie Fire Company effect o u1 . .2 o
the resignation of Charles Schleixel,
Upon the -recomendation of the Fire Comp= + was
p motion duly seconded and upon Rolf, Call
MS ) that the apo inm - of
` John E.Shey as special officer and
driver at the WOaver Street Fire
House be and the same hereby is
approved by thiis Board. The saxie o
make effect Jule Ists19259 at a monthly
compensation of $125*000
Counsel stated that he had examined the rgetition
presented y. e i .den of the Ijillon ark' section s
requesting the Board to e stablish a sewer district in that part
of the Town of a c o kw as Dillon o � o p r i ng
part of the ...resent Fire District No * 2 of e Town of
Mamaroneck. He recommended that *e o Board hod a public
meeting. of the property- owners the distxict affected so
that eve-.A".y one might be given an oppportunJpAy to be heardo
After discussion upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOD, that the Tomm Board hold a
special p . l ee ng at 80630 -110
on September 1191925,1 at Dili- on Parko
and empow respectively, to
prepare. the necessary notices and
attend to the s i -same to
L.._ carry the aforesaidr es-olution into
ill force and effect*
.w:.� U o ion, duly seconded, the meeting adiourned
at 11:30 clock P.M.