HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_10_01 Town Board Minutes (2) 73
t h e T c,.7:n _-_P,o-a r
To"m of I'amaroneck
vela October 1, 1924.
The meeting ::as calved to or6
er by Sj_,Dervisor ?a-r-,_Cn
at IC) 55
P 2 E S 1-17 T
j'nstice3 Boya, Col lilns,
TO= 01, Sy'k. She-1-mall.
1-n-2-uriberlain, local manager of the re7,T 7o-_,'k Te7s-
Oc=oa:Y%7 a-oi:!earea before the 3oara relatirig tc +"ne daange. of
rates to a -anifc-r�ra basis of the tele-phone Service in'the sever-l�
tmmn de-nar,521le--ats. ftuer a full a -e-,Ig,hy 518c-QSsion of the __,after
it voted that tLne same be lai6 07er at -his ti me for rature
f r 31j roe 7-!_�
3u-'ery isO- -rtOli re-POTtus tuIlat i--,-j- accor-aa ui
_t'-�ority givein him by this bQard eat a - -
p-re7i cas �T- e eti n
115z. he has en_
D-Off Y/ a!-10 I-r. EcIlister, Oivil Engi-nears an a
Surveyors, to e _- Ma-p a,-,,a ae
the correct �'Glanaa y line
L.die To7al1 of T_famarcnec% a-na the Cit-7- Of N67v Rochelle for the rur-cose
Of T—r'al�':.-ag _L-o t—"G graflte(�, tLIC ti�,e Vf
it the -Plr'006E�ailag bro7ight by r
- 4- itU7 agaillSt t�!IS 7�cara
L:Ld the 04 "
u . of Nev: R00 e, 0 estuablish a bo-juncl,22-,7 74i1e, That
a-S a res-L-Illu vei-y ex1a-asti7e investigation, said. elagineers rave
Eurto-a also rejorts that -he bo-j a-_
n -rLe Ile
L _S�_L
on said ma-,o runs -Ora ctic2,±'Y 'rlls 11.01tIr f_ om the mm c 'ey,
t1i e SO-L)thei", 'r u7x7n - se' at
Y Si S-L--e Of the 3ct-�tlorL 1,os-u Rcaa 0--a the
u tie S I Ili e
e t t of :17e7t, RCc_-'Ie7,7e and- the Town
_Qoint 01-L S4�1, __ - 0 to a
0 0 ' -he _,�oc-k CELI -led. Ricrl'oeii
�11 _L u _ich r-oirt Ric i IS 2,j,1.proz-Lmaue_Ly live or Six `rc vest 0
narea feet t _,ter lire
Bar tu=l 11eQUest-S that he be as thorizze,! to �_,a17e a
ret,zma to the afore&�_ia 7.TZ,4t p
_jja 0 jrLsti_,'jte a. procee to
s s ine bet-.,ae_,a +he 0_-� ty of
To".m of 7.Tarjn�- C't, , __Tee.. R o 0 h q a a�rj
0_ a�tablishoa acco"5
Ice the nrr.-��,Sions Of
3sct-ioin 37 of the f Or t.,
sl: COU-12sel, [!2,t
eng" _Ose he may
0-0 a as he L-12Y7 aeei-im, r.GcGqSa::,-, 0.na
-3-ast'cs BOYC'L t-hereu�poja offered f3r aC "4
f07_1c-.,�,j g reSo-, t h
BE T-7
Su-_0e_visor i�-, the sm 1 c, use
-0 , nent Of T.I_. jaMes
Du-f:":j Of Ham-a.=_-nac7f, York, am. a yz�.
Eollister C:C !'zou � ITe-
Civil R-ngfnee:�S a:"a
_L - 37jx7eyorap fCr the
Of ma],�Lng a ma-0 Cp
b0-C,n E a 7 the corre-t
Qet,�Yeerl the C y c)-P
a as
ti e T c-�-m of T- I - Ve-;
- Z be and —S S�ajL�_
here b7 2es"ects a-p-oro.�:ec,,, 4-a2j�
th e ex-p D -I
e--a'ses lmc-OTred_� t1nerefc'-'a be maae a
�rcPsr to`Mn charge
DI'QPer vou-chsrs the 6-,c r e cCn_m be _4t
u r th tom..1r.
that the Sm ervisor 'oe 2 he hereby
is, _,;.thorizGd aLnd emz-owerec_ to institute a -proceed_
ins --ar-ae'r the 101"Ovia-dOns Of Section 37
of the Ccimn�-,7 :=, for the -0 r�c�,Gse
U� -U
Of determining the correct boundar-y -1 ine
en t 21 e C I t y Of ITT e C C In e 7
Tc—,- of e and
=or -at Dur-coze
S-j_Ch attorneys, engineers- ay:a
experts as he may deems -prc-cer ,izd ire_
c e S s 0ry, ; that t=ie reasonable e7penses,
Th.ic.h ma-�T be inc-arrea therein,
be made
proper vc di arge and be pai5
he Sa-oerVi SO-7' UpOrI filing 7,T-'I
Proper 7machers therefore,
00n a vote being taken ij.l30n the fc- regoing res jut
L_ - 0
the same were declared UrMni--T-ously a;do-:�Ied
ni Cat4 on
comr-quni from the Board of _-!_,ppealls -vms recei7,ed
ng that !�essr�� rlomklir�
an� read statL -a H 1S0"
la ar -Iiggil , 7,!ere sTorn in as
Of the Boar�,. it also re-Pcrtef, that the lo-tiogitg
7"'ere Edc te6 an�t recormenae5 4G o the that
T _ zrd f'02� their action__
The appeal Of Richar-,-, IrQa-Q to erect a Oa
Lamlly 'residence On the north Side of Locust
Terrace, betWea-� EIge-.ate:r :27
7 -ace aria Par_E�7-
IM�L _1-7enue,
2- The apl)eF,,! of Martha Bose tc erect a one f� ,ily
resi6_e-nce or, tI,,a so-u.,-uh west Side Of 79-mver
Street, about, 116 feet -,j7est the- the Boston
20st Read 7,d -IU-hin ZO feet of ,
te street li--
3- The ap,,�eal of 31re3jq"ic_K R. Findlay
erect 2. Me car
garage 0--,a the corner 0'`•
Taney Rcsd and Roc-Zi lays tone A7enue Tit"a-in
the 75 f0ct'setba3k,
4- The appeal of Ea-,,ara m
=1 Z. 3akI-,er to
erect a one 'J2Mi_'Y residence On the snots
Side Of Dean Place, 320 feet east of the
Bodo-, Post Road,
w,hereu_I)om the fco7..,-41,Lg resolutic2as 7,7
�L -_L 'ere -_QreS927Ltea ana n
unanimou-sly adopted
7 HE2 EA.S the Boars Of 1pneals has recc_mmend
to the T=i Board that the Bic hard
the m20 t0 erect a one fan'ilY resi0Leiace or,
Sd-8 Of L u
ccst Terrace, bot-Ween,
Place anJ :-:,arkiancl Ivenr-e, be
granted any the 5-801sion Of the 3u_iI5
_L � _ijag
CoaTa"Ssicn be reversed-, Provided tl2at the
loroposed_ house Eiiai! be erecte5 ill sccor5anc6
6I,rit2 the riot piaq fi
led, therefor, be i t
RE'9 TI Ia a t the T C-:,-,r- B c ar pu r S un�,_
t to
'""cle 15, Section 26 of the Tor, 7.--F
I-L_ L_
hereby �!onsej-,ts to a�y col�_pir
L Ms _,qe action
Of the Bca2i, -Of -L-p-peals i-T the
'U-- -1 reversing the
decision Of the B*_U,__-*LId_i-_,IF Commission
of Pep-Is- has r Comme
r e -
th Tc�TL u ha t 'he appeal of !,Iartha
Bose to erect a one famsou r ily residence on the
:-rest Side Of 77oaver Street about —,6 feet
7--est of the 30s'011 "Ost Rcaa, �-Iithi-_r-L thirt-
_L U
eet, C� the Street i-Qe 00
decision granted and th'-V
to Building_L _i2a
_OX'07faea' that COMI-q--sSion be reversee
t t,-,E)
0-0 0.S.e
laill.0- be erected
n d bL7—
accOraance -�,�vjt,,j the p, L -
therefore be
t -o' -01P-:a fi]ed,
RE50-17ED, ti-iat the Tci�rn -Board. -pursuant
tQ -Irticl e 15, Section 25 of
awl, aiereby cc-aseLlts to ana- co--a--firms the
8.ct'01! Of `6 3Ca'_(I(I of _110-7�eals it re7e:-S-
Lag the 5-ecision-, of the Builoijig Commission®
'J=as, the 30ara of r-,)Gf_s has re-
omma--naell to t-?,-e To-,.-m_ Boa-r5 that thle appeal
rederic R. Riralay to erect a ore
car garage on the corner of 7a:_Ptley _Roak
aria RCO'IdLuggsto-ne Ilvemue v.rithin the 75 foot
setback, be Srantea ana -
the 31,dia-L-Ig Com-mriission be re=Se6,
737 07 iae5- at the said garage be erected.
Motu less La:.q 10 feet -Erorm the sia6 line
0 u -1 u
PrO-Pe r'-'T azia ilot less than 15 lee
from the street front on 7aL lay Rcaa_
-a---T e f or a be it
REK217ED; tlr_,at the Town Bo_,ard
u 0 _Lr t i c I e 7 5 Section 26 of he Toi;a lav,,
h-ereby ccnsen-s C a:aa cc-n,i
Of L.- -=s the action
the Boara of -!peals- in, revers'j-g the
decision Of '61--'e
S u 2Caro of 1C7eals has recc=endea
the Tovm Boar_ the an-pe-1, or
7 e r t-, erect a on 0- f F-T. 7 r-0 s 10--mc e
OY, the --muth side Of _C_
Place, 32-0 fast
east Of 508"C-,'I Pcst Rca�!, be Frai2t-ed an,3
-7 ec S i on Cf tine Bu.i_Ldin,cr Colamiasion be -re-
V e r---e a, e a
what nc -nart c-F the
U�I -
b e .fearer to �, e Ir
- e S,-r e t C) L t
t^:= LIn S b u,i I'I i m g a-5 J o in�_n�� 0 -1?,e a-a 2 t
Therefore be it
_"230:17= tie TO,.= 3oa-rc-1,
__a.s t to
Art'cle SectLon 26 -of -�11-e To',7:-n `=,
heleOy coiissntz t�) ema confirits the action
of the Boa-2a ofA-p-pea7e = -,e-
7ersing the
'_7--cisiOM Of the 00=i s z r.
Justice Coll _L Erect fc aac-
1� 7T SQ,;..7E7) that t-n-s 70':i7,, 07 e b e a73 a
e I'e b - 11 - � - to
t r;z
Hammarn-meek Barn r---ph i
-i a i
Che --prohnimnt Ti-mLes, -L', ,
"I ice. and Election, ITOtioa _. a.CCOrdc,l2Ce
�,Iitlh the �=07iSiOnS Of the Eiect-;on
2:aa that 'he empeases tu_te-',efore be ms..I�e a
-Ial',�-e a-_,aa th t 'he S Or
cL a 7�
ip�77,7 STME -0-p cn f:.I-'_rig 7,-i
_ �-,Lr
'7ouche-_,^s the��efcrell
U1001"I 2, vote beir'rig lta]k-en a C �, S 0
pere� ing e. ,11 t icia,
,.he sam)e �c7 a] e� n
unfa rn o-us",y
The re--oor-ts that he has received f-r Cjp.
an' � 71ilk,
S_'?ecificauicl'is cove�o'ing t�� _rc�aitects, filial -C-Lm an(!
U __U
a 'CU the et-ticil C-f the zr8seylt
7 -S e '�' b e C Oa7er t a,-; aa,��� -0 -
-r,°i2 _ _S e r s a t
ana re,�u_ez�-s 'hat notice as :PC-! C)0
- u 'J n
1 1, 7 to be
00 -�ublislh 7 -,-or bilEs u 07611-ed Oil C'etuober
the _Sr��:mcnt
TLIaes T r C 1,1C c-L- e ve!Y i-L j�
-.,_Ia3as e 0 2_Ir a s if,a T T..C® 31-'rtuori a7so re:.�3 ests that the
L- -G-10IIIS be a-,p-pro-7ea.
The J-js tu ic a Boyo- of�ere,5- �or aao-otion, phe
L - - U-
-L-LCT71ing resolution -
BE --2 tiaatu the -clans and
-s-oecificatio-xas co7e27ing the 21, -11=atuions
to 'be =-ae or, the Eagew=5- 1-7enue
Read hire H-C-ase, for 1101,ice 7--eaaquarters.
prepared_ by L.'essrs. --Eggers aria
Asn,ociate Archibests, be and the same
"I e='e b 7T are a,,D-,-.roveq, , =d- be it fuirtheT
that r-QtiQe tc biaaers to
f=rnish the necessary labor and- mater-!-1
in and about the alterations anti
CoM,.'Let-imll Of sail_ building, in accoYd-2,,--lCS
v,-th- the ssi5 -la.' s na qpeCifica,iOils, tC
be received- alla Openea on October -L�7, 192,C-,,
8:30 O'clocx 2 Ij
be -Qubiishecl -'in
—e 7-archmont Times for t:70 7°Tee7g Con
tivaly zzad the Clerk of this Ecard is hereby
airectea to -publish saia notice accoraingly.
!T- taken -u-po--a ',-.-Ile foregoing reso-1-atio
,�CYI a vote being L n
the some 7.,-as 5-eeiare�- umanimo-csly a(cpted..
-IT TO 0 n M,0 t i C n the -meetuing --,aJC-0-1Iea at 1111 ,. 55 '2.!,,,T.