HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_09_17 Town Board Minutes (2) 287 S�IEC7AL MEETING OF T-H J0717 TOWN E04a:3 _E TID7,NT C-F I'L�'11kRONEOK held Se-otla.,,.nber 17th, 1027 The nneet4n,- was called to order by Saper-visor E=ton at 1-10:20 Present: Supervisor Button Jus 'H t,ces Boyd, Co"nins, owyell and Leedis ,, S, .,o erirtendent of Highways Coles Town Clerk SherMan Cou'nselloT Gal-liazai Sixioervisor 3u'rton reported. on the negrotiatinns 7ihich_ he and counsel have been conducting -xith -Mr. and IDIrs. Greennall of HillcTest Avenu_e, To-4,-,r- of Ida-.maroneck, 'Yaw, York, fo-- the �,-quisiltion of a perpetual easement in a 10 ft. strip of land vied property in order to lay a s-torm %,­iater drain pi-pa aoross L, *r P- thlarein so as to, connact, with the present drain on Hillo-rest Avenue. The proposed agreement ,r:hich Ex. auTt-on 'Iliad had preparea, b7 Coansel read to the Board. Theye-apor Justioe Leeds offered for ar-option the f o 11 ca` i" ng T es 0 lut i on,: FESOLVED, that the aotion, of Supervisor Dar ton JLn the matter of the acquisition, of a perpet,_,al easement in a IC, -ft. strip of land across the Giae-nall property on the north side of Hii"I'Larest Avenue for the sum of $1,C00-0C be approved; and be it further -"ESOLVED, that U the Supervisor and Townn Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and em7porered to exeoutp, the agreement which has iust been read to the Board; and be it further 'PTIRSOL7ED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is author-' zed and ez.- U , po-,,vexed to pay Mir. and 1,-A-Ts. Tharies 1H. Greenall the sum of $1,000.00 upon tine executior, and delivery of said agreem6nt. The a esti on of the ^c do _L _Ut the foregoing reso, *jor, ,;as Put to a vote ilit"'i t1he follo7ing result: Ayes: Seven 'Joss: Tone The following resolution was presented for adoption: TMEFEAS, 777 Town Board and Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Mamia=oneck have applied to the Board of Supervisors of Westohestex County for authorization to borrow the aggregate pr-incipal sum of 845,000-00 for and or the credit of said 289 Town, the same being necessary for improving the h- -I ays hereinafter named and constructing storm ,vater dip-ins therein, as set forth in said petition, for which, highways the s a I c Town i s ab Ie or to be zade liable to taxation in "v"hole or in ?Dart for the Cos", of the in,- pro,vem ent thereof, said highwayz being named as follows- MURRAY AITETiF I"rom i*s intersection with ET-,Tson Street south to a point distant about 200 feet from the north-,,-,est corner of -Haplewood St-reet; (b) GLENN ROAD, from its intersection with Valley Road southeasterly to its intersection with H=, -ray Avenue; 7PLLEY ROAD from its intersection aith Rockingstone Avenue to ;t,-. in- tersection with Fores-1, Aven-ae, d) FERN PLACE from Valley Road to Chats- worth Avenue; (e) 3TRCH ROAF from Valley Road to Chats- worth Avenue; CHATS-NORTH AVENUE from its intersection with Birch Road northerly to a point about 200 feet southerly from the southeast corner of Bryson Street; (g) H-111crest Avenue, (h) Colonial Avenue; 1i) 1 L1 APLETOOD STREET from its intersection :With 'Xienn Road to a point formed by its intersection with Elurray Avenue; and THF717AS, said Board and Town Slkpe-rintendent of H.Lgi-Trays did request the said Board of 8uQervi5ors that they designate, direct and provide vihat part or portion of such Tvwn shall be liable to taxation for the Purpose of paying such Sums of money so borroved, together with the interest ,vhich may accrue thereon; and THERTAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tvastchaster has by Act 'No, X, passed on Se-pter-elber 12th, 1927, author- ized the Town of Msmaroneck to borro-w the sum of $45,000-00 and to issue its bonds therefor for the purpose of -,ayjng for the cost of im:proving said higrbways and constructing storm water dra;ns tb it and chid duly designate what part or portion of said Town shall be liable to taxation t1herefor. Now therefore, be it .FESOILSVEED, by the Town Board of the Town of Ida-maxoneck, as follows- ... ........ 291 1. That there shall be issued bonds of the To-,:,m,_ of Yla_-a- rons-ok in the sum of $415�000.0101 for the Purpose of pa.,ins the cost of Lm-proving the hilgh-ways hereinabove referred to and con- strUCting stoTm viater drains therein:. 2. That said bonds shall be 45 in number, n.-umlcered 1 to 45 imolzsive, of the denomination of $1,000.00 each: shall be I dated September 1, 1927 and bear merest at the =ate of 4-1/2`- r payable se -arnu, _Wy- pei aniva - -f.r.i --I-,y on the Ist •-1 s of L11arch and °yteais782° ii each year untll said bonds are (ally J)aidl and shall become due and payable in ekqual annual instalments of $3,000.00 each., the --First instalment to be payable on Se-ptember 1, 1532 and annually thereafter until 146. 3. Both nrinci-oal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in Fold coin of the Unfited States of America, of or eq2aal to - r I o the present standard of reight an- fireness. at the Trust ,o)mjpa,ny of Laiohmont, Larchmont, 'New York, or at the Bankers Trust Company, at 'New York City, New ",_"crk. 4. SAID bonds shall be Signed by the Superip-sor and attezt- ed by the Turin Clark of said Tovm., of lllamarcmeck under the seal thereof and the interest colarpons thereto attached shall be signed v,*,ith the fac-simile signature of said Supervisor and sl- all b e coupon bonds ,lvi th the pri vj age of registration in accordance Taith the P-ro-isions. of a General DlurAc4- al Laled and shal" be � n form substattially as follows, the blanks t1aerein being p-Toperly f I ed 'ails U-1-511TED STAIIFS OF A:,M_P,71,_k STATE OF NEW YORUK 'IfESTC EST FER COUNITY IL07117 OF HICIDW�Rv. BONDS 1927- N. K71,07 ALL '12Y B17 TH-ESE. PRESENTS, that t1lie Town of s_'amaro neck, a rmunic_'pal corporation and political sl_bdivision the County County o; 77destchester and State of New YoTk, for val7o.e received, hereby acknowledges jItse]-f indebted and promises to - -1 LI 'he si:, pay to bearer or. this Is' day of Serte-mber lc5 -U tm c f . .1�i DOLLARS, lamful Lmoney of the Uni t-ed OFF THOUSAND j$1,C0Q CO' - States of -J r 0 reor the date jAmei gather with interest the- from U ha-_e o f7' at the re,to Of 41/2�. per ann7arr payable semi-annually on the 1st day df each year, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest: coupons as the sa-m-e res7eot].vely mature: 'ortl,- interest and princinal being pa-yable in go I o o the United k, ld o--r f States of America of the present. standard Weiglat and fineness, off' its eq:odvalent, in ia:Tiful money of the United States of America, in Net York exchange, at the Trust Catpany of Laichmont, at Larchmont, York., or a' the Bankers Trust Com-oany, Xe-v, York City, New Yomrk. This bond is one of an issue of forty-five (45) bonds aggregating "he sum, of forty-five thousand (0415,000.00) do!lare of -like date and tenor but =.,aturing at different dates, 4ss-asd pu--suant to Chapter 20 of the Laws of 1305 known as the General 24unici-oal Law and acts a-.mendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, Chapter 106 of the Laws of 1 5,0q knoTarn as the County Lm,; and Acts aim-em-fa •ory thereof and supple4entai- thereto, Chapter 30 of the Lwvve. of 10105 known as the 'H'4­Gb-vay Laws an:--! Acts amendatory t:neTe-of and sup-le.mental '.hereto and Chapter 17 of the TW7,,s of '9015- as 21 1 k, - L2 a­,ended b-7 O'hapt-er 383 of the 1.lazs of lq18 anf, an Act Of the o Board ,' �AaPervisors of Tlestc,hester County dul,r adopted on the 1211-11 day of September 1927, by the affirmative Vote of two-thirds of all the membeis elected to said Board of SUperv-1 50TS. 293 : 7t, is hereby certified, recited and declared that all lows, 0--n d 1VIons and thim—, I 0s reqvd red to exist, happen and be perm former.'. precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have hFxpem- ed and have been perfo--rned in due time, form and manner as --e-quired- by law; that the aac-,;m-t of this bond, together with all other Indebtedness of said To7p.,n Of --ff--roneck, does not sxoa-d F-n-- prescribed by Laxi. that p iSi Cn ham: been duly Made for the collectior" of an annual taX S-afficiant to -,ay the interest of this 'bond and thle total bonds of thig issue vviith inter-- est- as the 5a-me shall respectively becorne due and payable. The fill faith and credit of said Town of i s hereby -irrevocably pledgeA for the punctual r z � - payment off the L r4 n c-,-!:�al and interest of ""Pis bond scc,--Tding t'.0 j �'s terms. This Bond may be converted jir-tc) a registered bond in accordance -xilth the provisions of the general Municipal Law. If this bond be registered the intbrest hereon at the reqaest of the registered ovvnez will be remitted by mail in New York exchange. 71,17TI77TSS -0F, the said Tov,;n of -.1riamaroneck, Westchester Co-anty, New York, has caused this bond to be signed by t its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town hereunto affixed, attested by its Tom Clerk, and the interest coupons hereto annex- ad to be siomed -,with the f-"ac-simJle signature of its Supervisor, and this bond to be dated as and of the Ist day of Septeij-.ber, 1927, Supervisor, Town of T.Tamaroneck, N.12 Attest: Town Clark (FORIIZ OF COUPON) No. On the day of 19, , the Town of Mamaron- eck, 'Wgestohester County, New York, 'will pay to bearer the S-am of tlwenty-t-vvc and �O/JC)O ($22.r; dollars at the Trust Company of Larchmont, 7,arol- yevi York, or at the Bankers Trust Company, New York City, New Yotk,being six months interest then due on its HighMay Bond 1927, dated Septe-mber 1, 192-,bearing Nwmber Supervisor (F2071AI OF CONVERSION CERTIFTCATE LT-oon the �%Tiitten request of the owner of the 'wilthin bend for its conversion into a registered bond, 1 have this day cut of-P and destroyed coupons annexed to this bond amounting in the aggregate to $ and the interest on this bond at owhe rate and on the dates as lraS provided by the oo-=,ons, as well as the -crin- ci-oal hereof, grill hers-after be paid t legal TaPresentat-tre---, successors Jr as-signs, at, the place of pa,- ment srecif4ed hereon, or at the request of the registered Owner, the interest wiil be remitted by mail in New, York exchange. 'his bond may be registered as to princip?l only '.upon the presentation of the saMe to the Town Clark with a writtlen reqiisst duly acknowledged by the owner hereof, This bond hereafter w-11111 be transferable on the books of the To-im, Clark of the Town of Mlayna--cneck, 77estchest'ar- Gounty, Ners York, only on presentation of the sarre to the sai d Town Clerk V,;-Ath a w4titten assignment duly ack-no-viedged or proved. mated 11 lowen -7—wL Of Hamaroreck,N.y 295 Date of Fegistry In `shOse r-am- e Registered. S- V -at-,=e Of Town Cle"Ic That there shall be raised a.gainst all the taxable -propert-7 ir, said Toivn o'S�idaYfarOneOk lying outside Of the iL® --orpoxated 1.1 ages of Larchmont and lvamaroreck, ann-aally, by tax, a SILLY-r- Sufficient to pay the principal and interest Of S�P_-_d bonds as the same shal1 become d,,je, 6. Said bonds shall be sold apo, sealed pro-;Dogs als uj= notice published at least five days before suc,,,, sale at leas unce in the Larchyicnt Times and Daily Tix-es, tw,o newspapers p I 5 ut'ished Jr, he Co-arty iii i -�uhich said bonds are to be sold, and in the Bard financial in, the City of Yew, York. 7- Said notice of sale shallbe substantially in the following forni- "IYOTice of Sale" C-F To,,,vr- of Mamaroneck Highway Bonds, 1;27 St=ew-, 1., Highway nt Bonds, 1527. 710TICE !S HERF-BY VEN, that the Town Boezd o. Town of alaTAaTE3nevfi, Kea York, xill reoeive sealed proposals at the office of the Tow-n Clerk No. 4 Ely,,., Street, in, the -Village of Maziaroneck, New York, until 3 --'clock September 30th n 1527, for the )purchase of the follo,,rving bonds of said Town, to-,#it: I tp) Z,41 gh i �',' 5.,C)00.0 _111 way imProve.mentu Bonds of the Town of I'layfi-Ironeck. in denorninations of $11,n _,C,0.C,0 each n� atiered 1 to ., ar, e r 45 incl�lsive,, dated Se�,terrber, 1, 1027, bearin-1- interest at the late of 41/2%,, per annum payable on the Ist days of March and Se-rte-mber in each year and maturi ng 4 n eq%,,a, r__jr.Zp instalments of 6,000-00 each, t' - u �u _I -te first "nstal-ment to be and pa7ab-le on September 1., 1932, P-nd annually thereafte-r anti 15L4,;. ,b) 934,600-00 Weaver Street, Part 7�, Cc,_,nty H-_'12�hTaay ITO. 1645 Improvement Bondz of the Town Of Mamaroneck, Few York, In dancm'nat'Ons Of each 3 , except Bond No 5 begin the denomination of $r_-Oc.00 I I -� Ce ed 0 3 5 no u-S v e dated September 1, 1027 and Payable as follows. yonder X;Q 3 1 t 0 34, J n011asive, aggregating the sulTr Of ft_3�1,C,0C).00 shall C� C� - be payable —n acqual annual �'nsta:Lm +s L - :1. _en_ Of $2,000-C330 each, the fi`r�st inztal- ment on Se-otember 1,1032 and annually thereafter Until septe:::'Iber -,L, ic�48 ana Bond NO. 35 for the sum of $600.00 shall be pa7, able On Seotamber 1, J45, 7vit-h- the thereon interest from 61 Q _e date thereof at the rate of 41/2% per annum payable seI2qi­aMnUa'!Iy on the ost da-1,15 Of Maroh and Se'- �, L pts,mber. Eot'h -principal and interest Will be payable i_n gold Coin, of the UT.ai-ted States of America, Of or equal to the present standard of `hle! ght and fineness, -at the Tru.st Com-pSny of Laichmcnt, Larchmont, NeIX York,= at the Bankers Trust Company, in the City Of NeW York, NeW, York. Said bonds rill be zoupon bonds and mwf be con-tert6d into registered bonds in accordance -xith the Provisions of the General i 297 All bids must be ac,:�onnanie:! by a certified check n the azmunt 0"" 45,`0-00 u on a 7--atic-nal or State Baulk or Trust Company wathorized to do business in the State of New York pa7able to the order of the Toisn of IvIazmaroneck! The checks Of the uns accessfui —leas shall be returned uron theavarding of the bonds. No interest will be al loxed cation an axfount of the check of the successful bidder and such check will be retained to be ap�plied -i n part payment of the bonds oi, to secure the Town against any loss resialtin- from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. The bid vfhi--h offers to purchase both issues and pay the hilghest premium will be a„,ceptled. Separate b.; ds will not be considered. The opinion of iviessrs. Clay, Dillon & Vamdewater attorneys, of 120 Eroad,7a73 -ys-x "H'ork City, as to the legality of the issuance and sale of said bonds v., ill be furnished to the successful bidder. The Tomn, Board reserves the right to reject ar,7.• and ?.Il bids, Dated, 17th, 1o27. By the order of the 7--,-vn Board Frederick Sherman Town Clerk The question of t1h-eadoptior. of thie foregoing resoi- ution 'eas rnat to a vote git-h the follo%,,,ins result: Ayes: 7 Noes: None mhe follo-,,y.-Lng resolution vas presented for ado:tio. ME-IRE AS, the Town -Board and To-,;;r- intendent of 1.7--'ghways of the Tu,7n of Mamaroneck Inave applied to the Board of SI-I-pervisors of 'vXes-.c',I-.,es ter County for exxt1iorization to borroi,v the aggreg- ate -orincipa,l sum of 1,14,600.00 for and on the credit of said Tovin and issue it's bond-s theTefor for thepurpose of paying the add-itional cost of cor.st-.'acting and. im-proving at an adfiti.,)nal 1,vidth-the h—rhxay known as Tveave.- JStraet, Part 1, co-i:mty No. 1645, a hiphvdav lying w' thin the bol, c�a-JaS i)f 1G T own or �U tlie cost of slaoh construotionand improve- ment. of which said Tvxn --;� liable to tax- ation in -,hale or --',n and 7M-ERI!AS, the of S✓ visorz- of the Ir IOWM of Mlranna-rQ-neck has by, Act No. X1, passed on September 12, 1'927, aat'llioril zed the Town of to b• r:rs- ",nn its fall h, and credit the s-= of $'34;;Goc--CI0 and, -issue its bonds therefor foT the ;`:u IQse of -pa,�,- i -Ing the addi tional cost. of oonst-ructir-S and finproving at an additi-o-nal width the h-iE�h,,,T;a y named above. be 707% T-=-77, SOLITTED, by the Torn Board of the To-;,;n of Taa�saronsck, as follovs, 299 That there shall be -issued hi.-h­,va-y bonds of the 110-7"n of hTay:,-aaroneck in the sum of S34,6CO.00 for the rl;,Lr ose of -pa-y-ling t--e additional Cost Of construct-.-mz and at an add-iti,,--na yui dt 1- e h il zh,,,-,, 7 k n o ivy P a Count-7 7eal,- r Street, art No 2. That said, bonds s--all be 35 in number, n,=bered I to a 35, inol-asive.. of the denomination of each, except that and No. 3F shall be in the den-om! at _r ion of 9600.00, dated Sent- ember 1, 1027, and -paya'blc- as -_Foj-_;ot,-s: Eonds­ 'T"Tosi to 31', Olusilve, aggTegati-rig the s-UM of �34,00C;.00 shall be pay-zhle it equal annual instaiments of $2,060.00, the IN-Irot, instainient to be Payable On Septenter 1, 1332 and a=ally thereafter to September 1, and -Bond No. 35 for the surn of $600.00 5ha-11"t-e- sa,-Iraltlle on September 1, 1545, in-.,.st thereon at the 7ate of -11,1/2 per anntlam payable senni-annually on the -first days of Iviarch ar,d ,-ep'weyrber after the date 'hereof, until the principal sum, thereof JLS fully pa-id/ Both I;rinoi.-pal and interest of said bonds sham be pay- able in Zola coin of the United States of America, of or equ,5�11 t o ­­e present sta nda rd of eigh and fineness, at the Trust GG1Y' any, Of LarchTmont-, Larchyriont, 'New York, or at the Bankers Tinast, Connipany, at _11-;ev, ion,_: City: 'New York, 4. Said bonds shall be silSned by the Sapp-k4 SOr a--I at yes to ed by the Tovvv Clerk of said Town of Iilamaroneck:, the s eal ";he_-eof and -Iftn.e interest coupons theieto att-ached shall be sic' with +.he fac-siwile Signature of the Supervisor a-.-,d shp-11 be coupon bonds with the privilege of registration in acoordance C: with the provisions of the Genez-al Yunicipal Law and shell be in foTm, substantially as fol lows, the blanks-therein being prcpeily filled, viz: TA'TTE'D STATES OF AIIIER-TCA STATE OF NMETj YORX 07v1T OF UAHARIONECK--COUNTY OF 1,71STOTHESTEF Tjz _TER STREET, PARS 1, HIG-MAY jI,,,jp,_,:Cl7ETUTENT 30N.D 1, 027. KNOW ALL VEN BY T=SE ?=SETS, that the Town of Eazaaroneck, a municipal ooipo7ation and politic-al Within the Cc my of Westchester and State of yew York, for value reoeited, hereby acknov.,ledges itself indebted and ro i52s to !.ay to bearer or, th° Ist, day, of September :.he 5,= of Dollazs, lazi-ful money of the 'United Sta-�Ies of A-merica, together wIth interest thereon, from, the date hereof at the rate of 411/2�b per az,== payable on the Ist day Of zach of the months of Sep'L.ernnber and :�L­ardh, in each year. up-On presentation ano Surre-nder oftte annexed interest co-apons as the sable respecti7ely matuTa; both interest and principal -being pay- able in gold coin of the United States of America of the -Pi­esent standard and fineness, Cr its eql.„ivalent, in lax-f-al money of the United States of America, in Ne-g York et c^I - _Oharge, the the 71--mast co=pany Of 11-erchmont, Laroh:niort, Yew Tork, or at the Eankers Trust Conzany, -a' 'New York Ofty, Naix York. This bond -is one of an issue of thirty-five (35) bonds of equal amount aggregatin,L­ the s-en of 834,600.T0 except t"at bond No- 35 J for SMOC.00 of like date an6 tenor but matiarinE; at different times, issued pursuant to the Laws of the St-ate of Few Yo-.k.i. kr.o,.,7r- as Sections 138-as -and 142 of the HipghTray Law, bei ng Cha:otsr 30 of the Laws of 7-000 and Aots amendatory thereof P-nd llemental thereto and Section.s 13 and-I 14, of the County T•aV, s-,5:p p being Chajpter !6 of the Laws of lqIO5 a-ad Acts amendatory thereof and s ar -ement a! t hereto and p-aTs,.:,ant to an e`.ot of "he Board of Slapervi sors of Westchester County duly adcpted on the l2th clay, of uCl Se'otembe-, -1 C27, by the af f irmp-t'i"le Vote of t"Wo—thirds Of all the r"embs-.i7.q elected to said Gar of S-a-ervisors, for the pUr- p"S e of payi n3 the a ddi ti on��I Cos t of. C ons t Tuct inp,; and im-,prov,j ng at an addit-lonal wi dth the hig`hnevay kno-'n as Teaver Street Part I., County Hight lNo. IL6Lrl7_Testchester County, a hi z­,Ihway lying -gil- I - - t,__ in th; boun,_9arji ez C-P (fL b orgp D- is hereby certified, recited and doolaied that all acts, condit ti ons and things r eq�j_e r, to ex-,s p en an a, be S-r- f o rme d p r e c ed s r�t t c 7-nd i n e 4 -- : L " --ap_ issuance of this '6ond- have -hampened ar.d:-"hatri been, performed in due time, f o r�,_i,: and zn.anner'as re quJ re d by 1MIT; that the ardount of this bond., together virith all Other indebtedness of said Town of I'Laimaroreck, does not exceed amy Zr .-mit -prescribed by iaw; that provision has been duly - - maele for collection of an annual -ta%- sufficient to pay Irae i�r_Jncipall _ntereSt of this bond and the t6t5,1_ bonds- of I�h�ls S S-ae ;sr4 tln el-_ est as the s=_i:ip_ shall T-Sz-_ectively become due F---L' -.TI-n L _d payalble. L.10 fl,�Lll lalth and. credit of sajd. Tc",vn of klamaroneclk- is -irlev- Ocably -pledged fc,-- the rt 'dual payment of the Pr ncipal and inter- est of -h s. bond acct-Tdl-n,,_ t-c its This bond may be c0liveTted nto --- reg-stern d bond zn ac _ co rdanc e with the prow-11 si OMs 0 f the 0 ener F-I 2�lni 0 Dal T,a7..,T. tf tlnis bond be rel-l-4stered the interest hereon at the req registered owne_r 'oe re-z.- stew 0y ,uest of the Ma27 in Nex Yo-k excha�nSe. T I�j 1,-k'T T 7. _7R7 t07, one Said Tc,;7:j 2 xz:l of L. j,_,rorjec,, West--hester Courty, Yle7rg 7oj-l;, has caused th!s lbbor.,-d to be signed, by Jits Supervisor and the corr_o_rate s eat cf_s�p_j r0o-,., I-, hereunto affixed attested by its To-,;vn Cllerk, and the interest cou­,.ons her-et-_ annexed to be sl'_ ed -,,Mt'_n the fac-simils Sigrat-ure Olf its Super- Vi,sor, and this bond to be seated aE and of the Is', day of Iwo su ervisoT, ^a Gf l an;arcneck, 17. Y. A,ttsst: Town Mler'� �-F�m,z or -umupo'%T) '.No On this day Of ig the To,,,,;n of Man,aroneck, Westdhester County, Fevy York, Will pay to bearer the sum of doll-aars at the Tr-a5l�l 00m-,oSn,-y Of Larchmonat. Larchmont, Tew York, or at the Banke_rs T-i-ast C;c-_pa-!Y, Ne-e; York City, New York, being -es I s I x months I i nt e i then due on its Weave- Street, Part l! Hil gh- av 1�mr -I- i , , bear-ng '17umter promment Bond '02-1, dated, Se-ptember 1, 152-7 Supervisor (FOMI OF CON7EEIRSION CUETITIFICAA70 Upon. the written reqi_,est of the owner of the -within �l bond for 1-ts conversiorn into a rsgistered bond, 1 have this day cut off and destroyed corj)ons -annexed to this "bond anountinx in the aggregate' -i.-o �� and the interest on this bo'nd at the rate and on the dat4s as W as -provided by the coupons, as L as the ��rinciral harecf, w-112.1 hereafter be �-paid to u legal --c-presentatives, SUocessors or 8�ssi,gns, at the place of payment specified hereon, or at the re aeat of the registered Owner, t'L_e interest hill be rer"'i tied by mail in New Yor'__ exchange, This bond may be registered as to larincipal cn'17 upon presentation of the same to the Town Clerk vyith a VTTItten request duly acknowledged by the oR'ner hereof, This bond hereafter will be transferable bn the books of the Tov;n Clerk of the Town of ?fla'Parcnec's. Gfestches ter County Ne-,v Yo? only on presentation of the same to the said To,Tn Clerk witha irvri tten assignment duly acknowledged or preved. T'ov.n Clerk, Town of llarmaroneck.. N. ya Date Of PegiStry In whose name registered cignat,,re of Town Clerk �. That where shall be re.3 sed ann#ally, by tax, as provided by law, a sumo sufficient to pay the interest and -principal of Sand bends as the saire become due. - 6. Said bond shall be so-ad up:;r sealed proposals %pon notice ublished at 1ea5t five days before such sale at least once, in the Larchmont Times and the Daily Thies, two naw5papers -pub® lisi-e d in the County in which said bonds are to be Sold, and in the Bona B%coyer, a finan�i al netivspaper pt bushed in the 0i ty ti,f ides; 1'oZ'k. r. Said notice of sale shall be substantially in the follovzing form: "Yotice of Sale':' of Town of 11araror_eck Highway Bonds 1927 Reaves Street, 'Part 1, Highway Improve- ment Bonds 1,027 IT^T10 IG ;-IFRE-EY C-IVB.T1, that the Tc-gun Bcard Of the T'oV:n oil MA ✓ roneok ire. .. qua-a3y , dd York, will receive sealed J'°CpcSaaS at the office of the Town Clerk, No. 41- Elm Street, in the Village of Mama- roneck, New York, until 3 o'clock P. M. on September 30th,, 1027, for the purchase of the following bonds of acid Toren, to-svit: �a L ,00J.00 iie�,aay Improvement No n s of the 7oo,�vn of Mamaroneck, in d 'n r �, 1h1,0^vO.00� each, numbered d l to ?�5 9 eno2?f d. G.Li ✓'u.,� 'JL ere inclusive, dated ve teLnbev 1, m�27, bea:-?in- intereat at the '?•te of 411/2% per inn , �wayabls s6K"-annually 0-3' the ISt da47s of M and September i each year and :maturi n- i n equal a?:'3u, 1 3 a'SA?l^1env5 of 83,0()0.00 each, the first ;nFt?.lm°nt to be due and payable on Septen:ber 1;, 1932 and annually t bekeafte_ until 11046. o b? F;a7 ti•,600. "'i aver Street, Part 1, County ` :vvkY 2y 77 !Lro Je ent o �645 CL the Town of Ylar:arro eck, Ne,e, 1'-)rk, in dencrinaticns of $1,000.-0,0 ej-,o, excer,t Bond 35 which s-.e,11 be in the denomination of $600.00 numbered l to 3F,in.clusive, dFlttsd September s, 1927, and payable as follows: Bonds as. 1 to 34 incl-asi e aggregating the sum of W34,000.co -.hall b-- payable _n equal annual instal-ments of $2.000.00 each, the first _nstal„_ t .�_on on Ce^ nctember 1, 1532 and annually thereafter until September? 1 y� ad Bond No. 35 for the S'=, of $600.010 shall be payable or `?^t°:Yber 1- LjL',-- with i n e eat thereon from the Cate thereof at the t17 a of 4-1/2% ^,°'-° e•?7"A`1u'2'i payable SC-,n2_-•?(1?;U.ail;/ on the '.cy days of :w 'ci7 a'-ad September. d J Bot'r p vino i-oal a,--,qd i�-,tej--st be payable in gold - ccny of the United States of Amezi,�a, -,.JP oI equal t^>to the pres- ent Standard of weight and fi7."kene5s, at the Trust Company of Larchmont, Larchmont, New York, Cr at the Bankers Ti•—,st, Con-pany, the City of 'NTe-,,i Ycrk-- Nex York. Said Bonds will be coupon bonds and may be converted into registered bonds in accordance with the -=ovisi,:)ns of the Generalldu-nicipal Lwx. Xll bids must be accompanied by a cent Tied check in the az-olant of $5,000.00 drawn upon P- National o-1- State Blank or Tz-ast Company wa t It o r i�ed to dc business lll .— the State 0-F York, payable to the ordez, of the Town of Yania-roneck. The - - 'a, - — U - checks Of the Uns Coessful b4dders shall Ice ret rne,-' upon the P .,;.,rarding of the bonds. No Interest will be allowed upon the amount of the oh--Qk of the successful bidder and such oheck will be retained to be applied in part payment of the bonds or to seclare the To-.vn aga-Inst any loss resin wing from the faillare of the bidder to co-��ply with the terms of his bid. "he bird which offers to pl.=dhaae both issues and pay the highest premi= sill be accepted. Se-cara-tn, bids mill rot be considered. The opinion of 1dessrs. cla-Y, Dillon e- Vandewate-,,, Attorneys, of !L2co Broadway, He,,,i York Gitu-j,, aks 11-0 -tIle legali,y of the issuance and Sale of sai- d bonds be furnished two the successful bidder. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all b-ils. Dated, September 17th, 1027- P L �y order of the Town "Board Frederick M'. Sherman Torn Clank The question of the adoption of the foregoing rescl- ut'dO-Ms PIV-4.- to a vote with the following Ayes: 7 Noes* nozie The Clerk presented a communication from the State H.IgIhway Department relating to per"Pit• No. 7027 dated July 25, 1925, granting to the Town of ITa,,marcneok permission to lay a 10 inch sewer 2 1 re., and furthei, Stating that the contractors dOir-9 said work had/not, re-Placed the ctarb and pavement aw said locat-Ion. The 00mzliun-ication seas Ordered received,, placed or file and referred to the Board of Sewer Cow,, .tis$lorjers for th----'-r attention. Upon motion, the -meetinCop, adjourned at 11:15 A. 1,11. LT-In�Cierl,