HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_09_10 Town Board Minutes 283
ICIET T-0,112-11 BOARD
=71, nF 7
held Se-pten?ber 0tla 10,27-
Th,e =eet ME called to order Lt, Sulper7'sor 3�_-,rt-on
at 11:00 -4.. K,
P RE=T.- 3U-Qer7i$Cr 3UrtU_Yj
jIlSt I-CeS BOY0, Col lj_r tea:e1"� E.:q a T.-a eds
of -_E_il5'fr.77s Coies.
To Uzi �
�Ierk Sne=an
�7ustice Zeeds fresenterdl the tJ_
'I'le Fn -ezed petition end moved its ad - tic n:
, 7�y, t'--e Towa 3,oard of t"ne Tc-m
Of "'est-claester CoLuity, Yemr
YOrIZ, "llat t-?Ie Supervisor ble am-1, he
laelfeby is auth-or?zed and directed to
prese-n' to the Board of su-o
ez,-isors of
the County of the amnexed
Petition signed ~ all "Ine member& c-f
t'lle 70VM1 :card Of tCie T01--VDI Of 1,,aIMIF-rOrleC-Ir
and i-n-e Tovm S pex=rtendent of Higlrvuays
Of sairl Town, to sutlr,_.oriize/ tae bond-,Ln--
iDy To-v—m of Kama-ronec?_ tlae aSg7e6ate
r :inci�pal sum of �45000.00 to ;gar the
CG S of imlprc-virg the ixi the
Tovr of 1,1amaroneck hereinafter r-amea
geld constructing stc= nester elrailr5
z i
t�Lei,eir_; 7--e follm7ing are tln.e h_46;h,,mys
proposed to be
A. 117-URR-AZ _A fror,_ its intersection with 3ryson Street
sout'n to a -point diata--it, about 200 fees f-rom the no_-tawest conne��
G=R-N' ROAD, from its intersection 'Talley Road
soutlnea,sterl,y to its intersection wfbtln LIHT'urray Lvenue.
7,7�'�7 AD, f-ron-, its intersect? tin, 7�ccl,,-Tnsstone
• Y .01
Avenue to itla inn-ersection Forest Avenue.
?T-k CE, f r om Talley Road, t o "' a- ,o s-v, r"
Ch t . t__L n
3TP,C-_-- RGr.D from 'Talley Road. to v a Avet-n-;-e.
from on wi tr- 2i
its intlersecti
Road nort'Lerly to a alout 200 fleet, soutaerly f-rom t'-,e
50,jtlaeast corner Of Bryscii Street.
H=11, CM
.7 - 4-S 711tej,Se�_ li
't - en
n ROc G.
to a poi-r-t Pormed� by its intersection -,�vitt 1115.)rray -ATer-Lue.
T'ne of the add-ptifon of the foreFoing resolution,
-,.,,,a,z -out to a vote 1ri-rL
Ay e s Se-%en
E,Icezz -Yone
lustiae Leeds presented the follom-Ing resolution -.!;:th
the amne=ed rpetition and moved its adoption:
=LVED, By the To= Board of the Tovrn
of Ya-maroneck, `::Jeata' ester County, I'Tew York,
that the Supervisor be and he hereby 4-s
authorized and directed to present to the
Board Of Supervisors of Westchester County
"_ae annemed I)etltion signed by a majority
of the -members Of the fown Board of the
Town Of Hamaroneck, and the Tomm Super-
imtendeY:t Of of said Tome to
autlaorizeif t1ole bonding by the Town of
Kaxnarcneclk in tlie aggregate princilpaj sum
$34,600.00 to Pay the cost of Lm:
at ala additiona'! ridta the hig'hnvav situated
in said To-�"m of "bla-m-aroneck kno7m as
7eav-er Street, Part, 1, Com-Ity :gro.
-Zn,e questlon Of the a.doption of the foregoing resolution,
lvas -p,,)A' to 9, 7-ote with itlie follm,,r5mg result:
Ayes: Se7er,
74oias: ITone
TJrOII music A, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 L YL.