HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_09_07 Town Board Minutes (3) 265
=TII,-G C-7 1-,C._:
Tc2y 02- Y.
Se,-tember '7t'n, 1927.
in t1ae, absence of the tlae Til-_-eting nns
called tc orcer by Tustice Boyd at 0,:210 F. y.
resent- jUst' ces Boyd, Collina, Ho-,,.,eil and. 7-
Toff�n Clerk Slae:z---an e d S
Unon riction, duly seconded, it Was 70ted to disDense
t'-'e reading Of tiae minutes of =eet-Lngs not, yet a-pDro'red.
Y--- Cl,iff 0 rd Cress rel�re s e-r!t4 ng the 'o on al Par'-k
ank! '-7ei9Lbcr'nO0d Association a-pPeared before the 3oard and
recluested informatian
L as
uo ,---,rlen worY- will be commenced on
t I-i e Oriel e "t R c.c k I an-d Air e-,I u e an d t t e i-
i r C al �nstail ation of
He 7'-as aO-,F-isej that tLese matters are i2l the �-a (i 0
I-- n s f
SiLperinte-nde--nt of hi-ola,.va.ys and due to h.-
IS absence, no def-
inite -LIfor-m-ation c;—:Yi be Siven at tInia time.
He furtqer advised tlaat these matters
Several e
.�)e c-p i e M- and addressed the 3�aard.
relating to drainage The 3oara djacussej ,rje Sab-,Iect
"i them, z � - -- - U
ad7.;-Z.,n, _- Of tne -I'VorL that �-Llad be
en, done to da-e E,,
Jr"r.e r
co=n t erl,-
�01F tea.
T11 e C I e rk --Dr e s en t e a C 0='--M i C at j o-,j Of t ILI e C c ur ty
EnE ine e-,-- n r C.7 at f o n o t f!e d en-2 P.,n 6L -�e a Q-a s t r u c t i c n c
30storl 11cs-L. Road.
.A.:ter due con s-I derat4 on tC e fol,jo-,F'j K S resc:._U,4 On
-nd ar-on- Es
resented a
FESOL-TED, that it is the v ense of •"I-s
Board that -,xe a-p-pro7e of the ir,.-,Jidenin�'
Of Bc3t0--rI -70st acid as cu+liiaed by Cconty
7.-no`aeer 1- in Ili$ letter dated
,,.,o Donald
-TUIY 29 tL, 1927' and b e i IU f u r tIn e r
HESOL7M, that the 7iov-;1 be requested
to -,lot;- I
J-Y QuTlt-u D-c -Ilonald of the
action 41-a'�en by this Board.
The Board then took up fo-ZI Coy�
parallel -ro;,�.te 10 the Boston Post-load.Aderation tl'ae -c.roject of
ireser t&f, anci U.P-On roll call unanirlou'aly ado-�pted:
resolution r "'ne entire matter t1le fc-',Io T-*ng
ter 6iscuss4an
--oard of Suj�,ervl,sors of t1r,-,e
County of -.'-es"cneater has adopted the County Road Act TK-if c'n act -erml ts the building
GOILLrIty Roads 0,6f -ntjy�by
"LIC' County anCl local
L mun c i-!a a, itiesg an
11 ?LiS sail e, Board of zu-oer�,- sors sti,-c-
ulated, that in the 6ing of the Paral-,el
n -
Houte to tas Boston Post Road, the County,
-PaZ,- an amount G'C UiVale7it t0
the r
OTF C-0--r'structing 2, reinforced CoYlcrete -pave-
a t'n 01, (30) feet
',C1e I ocal Muni c-i-pal Lty j,:j-L-i
11 -cetitio--n for a
Of forty y t4O) or more feet, az--,d -pay the
cost of the -,'�avement in e--fess of 11'air.ti, C3-0'*,'
feet and �rorid,,- amT addi Mona ll ris-lat of
required anal -,nalntain t�ia -pavement --fte,--
constr�-icticn; and
1=73-IS, a tentative route "'I'as been laid
Gut for the constructlon of a arGllel
-cute to the 30stor, --Port Road, alioselY
-oara7 leling the Ye-w Yor1c, I'lew Haven and
Hartford e11--tend-ing from the 10-,.7in
Of Rye to t'ne Te-,,-, York "ity line, wnicn
Youte through the ;Pillage of LarcInmont
eztencws over :Pa--aer =venue croasi-n.-
Miats7:crtt A7enue, thence
Avenue an she Park-.,:ay, t,'nence
over ne
rigbt of-v-�-, :),- .1
I- .�y cioE e1y leling
the Yev� -fort, Ye-.7i Ha--en and- Hartford
-Railroad in to the City of
a- ZeC-tiOn Of the a7a07e naMed roUte
is in, the To-mm of ?.Tamaroneck %-jest of tIne
Ti I I ag-e of T,arclo-Tiont, azard east of t'--e
of R- oc'ne-lie.
T-=-=-F0-=, be it
RES017-EDI , that the To-mr! 150ard of the Tnm
of TLalaaroneck res-edtfuily -etit�-J I on he
3- 0E-rd Of Supervisors to designate for
construction as- a County Road the alboo�-e
describe(! route in the To= of '17-amaroneck;
and be it further
SOLVE?, triat in tie even-, of favorable
action by the Hoard of Supervisors, said
route be i=- ro7ed by the construction of
a reinforced concrete pavement fcPty (&gl
feet in rtiQtfi, the Town, of -7--amaroneck
hereby agreeing to pay fuji cost i of eon5tr
ion in ezeess Of the r-cs,t of a co*-,icr--+--e
pavement �O feet in wic`th to Pr=ide a'-Tl
additional: rigal, of way rewired, to hold
tIt'le COuntY 1M3M---Ies--- -Fro-ra any ---nj I! -ge
a 15-a—m
due to chM=Ige Of grade or aligi'rnent and to
ma.Lntain the: -oa.-em-ent after constrL ctfon.
A aOM-117--aticn from to es-IcIneoter Lionti---6 GQmpan-y
�7-a received and real requesting the ng an official order ccvering
iss"e-ilatiOn Of 0 e 60 C. P. incandescent lamp c--r:- pole 21,
Chatsworth ,-enue, east of Glen aoaa as ordered installed by the
Su-oerintendent of High-ays.
The cOmmuliicration eras ordered received, placed On file
and upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the action of the auper-
inte-ndent Of in ordering the
installation of one 6o c.
p. incandes-
cent lamp on -pole. z, Chats-rimrth Avenue
east of Glen Road be am-7, the same Inere-
by is ay proved.
The 3card took. Up for consideration the question of
as "o,.%ra Tligb
_ymv F, certain_ streets and roads in the
developir-ent knom, as R-ouken Glen.
Afte-7- a. ful-l' discussion and d:ae con sid era ticn, the
following resolution Tms presented:
-MRZAS, k Petition b-as been presented
to this Board requesting t12e To,. n of
1Zs,zr,aroneck tc accept as Tovm 41T-J9'n!,1,'aY- s
certain streets and roads and partiorts
t'nereof in the development or section
in -,aid To= lying and being within the
Town! of Ya--- arcneck as shown upon a certain
p eni'itled, "A-vended lfap of Rou k en a e-,2
Section one, in t"ne Town of lAsmaroneck,
Westchester County, Yew York", made by
A. T. Fbbte, givil Engineer, dated Se-pt-
ember 2, 1926, filed in the office of t'Le
Regiatrar of the Gcunty of 'Westchester
on the lOtb-, day of September, 1926, as
I'laP '-\To- 3041T azndl
ZI-EPaII.S, Roaken Glen, Inc., is the caner
of the tract of land embraced within and
sLiow,n Moon the foregoing :nap, to-getr-er -witla
U thereof_
L.ne streets and reads aid -Dortions -* ereof-
tulnereor- sro and caused the same to be
filed and recorded in the Register's office
of -Westchester -County, IT. Y., on September
10, 1926, TLDap Yo. 3041; aaid
in fil-ing said map, said Rouken.
Glen, Inc.., made an offer of dedication
of the said streets and roads and -oortions
thereof shovu-n. as -Public Highways to the Town
of 179z- roneck; and
-22AS, 'U'Le aforesaid offer of dedication.
bas never- been witlidrwwn or revoked by it
or any one in its behalf; and
',,-H,E=wAS, Roukea Glen, Inc. is wi7,.1ir-g and
has agreed to deliver to the Town of HFama-
roneci,: a, d my executed deed of said streets
au roads and portions thereof in proper
form and releases of said streets-- and roads
or -oortions, tnereof from any mortgages nw7
liens thereon; and
REAS, in consideration of the preniisez
till-i-e Superintendent o-f-Higlaviays lias recom-
m-ended that the same be accepted as
H-O-U,, THE=70FE, be it
PESOL�iED, that the Yovym of -111amaro-aeak co
and it- hereby does accept the aforesaid
offer of dedication. teretucfore mmade by
Rouken Glen, !no., and the -deeds eund
releases to t1qe To-%:i of Mamaronecl, -pres-
ented. thereto and aoe--- herebL,-,T accept as
Public To;m Highways the f ollo'kviiig des-
cribed streets and roads 2-nd portions
thereof situate and 'Lying and being in
the Town of ilanriaro-neck, County of 77est-
ch-ester, State of -New- York, as sho-.-- on a
certain -,-,ia-o en-I'Gitied "A-mended Yap of Fouken
Glen, Section one, in the Tovia of Ya-marcneck,
�-,;eztchester Co., N. Y.', laade by
L. T. Foote, Civil Engineer, dated Sept.
2, I926, filed in the office of the
Register, of the County of iestchester,
on the loth day of September, 1926, as
LIap No- 3041, and being the roads, streets
or portions t'^ereof. _as s'lao-w1 on said map
and entitled! _e eo SaRGUken Glen Easy
�r,__��.�e, _couken
Glen .-eat give a�c Roulce1
Glen South Brave La
di Stc°T,^ce d`.',_ -
�xc`;E'1j, ?j f�et)t 10. 5)° it -i'u tIer
_ I
RT,Sn2T�`, , tl.a.t. tie streets roads or
porti ons thereof, to-rita Rouken Slen east
Drive,,- Rcuken Glen 't.est Drive, P—nd Foaken
,r en ari.Ve ka ._isb nce of' ay)pro -
ima.telY "�;TS feet,", as sraGm-1 On said may,
and as" to the e.to 1t -_ereiaaboye described,
Tae -end the same hereby are Tn_a.'de and de-
clared to be Public - ig'_ aysg and be it
_1 n-- _F : m....,�
_�._iiSu.l�`ici�a, tia.� tcie �v� 1 Clerk 'ce and �ie
!?ereby is e=o•�7!er'ed and directed pG I
.^eceif of the aforesaid deed and release,
to:record tG,e 88 C, and be it furt'ner
ETSC!=, 'U',I a, tita su-yOerin.te_1d e+1t 0f lT iS(2-
nay „ be ar_d he hereby „ a;:t`0ri�en. an J em-
co'.`Tereo to e:,:ecate and rezord G_CC-
llaae n s and certificates are neaessary accord-
_ - {g to la:r to 7est titl..2 _'2 ticie To-.-I of t e
a_'J e S a Streets and higlmrray s or portions
.__ereof and to bri1go, t lis r esolati on into
full force and ei'fect9 and be it further
ESG.i 71M, that the S i1 of 1�axnr.aronec-h
s fall be kept Safe e.,--,d harmless of any
cia +n or damage of any nature or cLaracter
a an`- `:1tie art. i � from- t1�'i I
!'roveme:_t1Gi t:ne aforesaid streets or yor-
..v ons t'!_ereof, anl-thin- to t'Cte oonbrary,
no tV I t' --ndlinz,, and be it fort ?er
:,2301r''J , t'aat the To-vmi Of !'i mnarc-e"
-reserves the r_ght to revcke and cand.el
L,I�ye acceptance of the aforesaid offer of
dedication and t�.e acce,, ta-. .^,e of the
aforesaid streets and o- -cortions
t'aereof and_ ,��a deeds or releases 0f
should Rouken Cle^ Inc. fail or refuse
to c rrV out tCle tei s and conditions Of
S certain agree:?ent entc^eCi into on the
26th r_`I.,y Cr -Iv`a: 19r�2;, �;et.,ieen the TOti:.^
6f 1'f_w'aronec_k and i�ouken Glen, Inc., a-1y-
thing iereina.ove to _.iP L'cn.�ra.ry" not-
T';-I„ gLuestion being a•s en U-Coa the forazoing resolution,
'Ce sa,,ua -xco 1 -ron Call- unaa.='ouz ado_Jted.
1 AS, _ peti icn :_as been or--aented to
his 0a.rd reaueSti t�1w 1Guv"l Of ..A'r_n<rgYew :
to acre-ct as To-vYn certazr tre2ts
arld ro,As and por"fona ^.ereof fn tt devel-
u_ri:.er.t Section in 5a.id TGU,!^_ _,rid be=
?i`a n' t C>;:* r'f __2'?2 rGaeck c.5� s1:0`rvY on v
Ce'stain :i12. entit?:,:1,� '�'-Yl i of Rouke Glen,
:Section four, in the 1G':23 Of Fd_a_maro neck, i'e 7t-
IIhOSter Co-, Y.er, _?de by A. I e Foote, Civic
2r_gineer, dated Tan. 29, 1927, and filed in
t ,e Office Of t'_e Register of %he CO'Znt - 0f
Testche6te on tG•° 4th d_ay Of ebr,a �,-,tl 927
as map !"o. 3105; and
G I er., T=ic is tae
owner of tre trac-tt of land eiiiforaced
,uitliin and s;w,,,-,n upon the f0--e-O'01r,-
Lrialj7z tcgeth-,er -::pith. the streets and
roads and 1ortions thereof t1nereon
sno7L.7n, and cauSea the sa3 e to be
filed and recorded i-n the -Register z
office 0 f -.,FS s"cn e s t e r County, IT. Y-1,
on t'fie 4th day of February, 1927, as
..lap ','o- 3105; and
IZIIZALS, in `--niz seAd maio said Rouken
C11 e n, i--a c., Ynade an offer of dedication
of t'ne zaid streets umd roads and portions
the:eof •1l7.ereon slao�ur- as I'lublic
to the Town Of 7Ta-r2FjCfoC7,C; and
ZRZSS, 'Le aforesaid offer of aedication
has ne-vrer been -�:Titndravra or revoked by it
or any one in 41 t-s •eaalf; and
7MLS, 17ouifen Glen, =nc. , st---11 dea res
_C In a z r e q-u e s t a d "n a t + -e s a-`a offer o-
d6dication of
said streets and roads aid
portions the-reof shom -on: the afor&saad
m a.p be accepted as Town Hi-g'nruays of t1le
76-,-Tn, of :Zamaroneck; and
.�-HERZ.LS, alcuke.-z-1 Lien, lnnc., is -,silljing and.
has a-Qreed to deliver to the To-;m of K�maa-
ror-eck a d-aly executed deed of said streets
and roads and -cortjo.r-s thereof in -cro er
for-m) and. releases of said streets alid roads
or portions thereof from any
1-fenis thierecr-,; and
in Co f SeS
l -- '-L ,O _Q re
t'6.e Super-"nt-endent of
'r.aS reCoKj_
mendec! that t-�e be acce-,D-ted as High-
ay S
be it
'ESCLIJED, t'aat the Tovin ,-A '--'Lamaroneck- do
a�nd it 'fiere'Dy cu.oes accept t aforesaid
of-fer of dedicat.-Lon, 'nere-to-fore arnade by
!no., alzd t11-e (eels and
releases to the Tol,,,, of -Ores-
ented t'nereto and does iaereoy accent as
Public Hlig`117.Tays -1511e -fcl1o,,-.4Lnv- descriLed
streets and roads and -port: ons thereof
situate and ly-.nZ and in the- 7C-.,q:,j
of 'Ji-a.m-lroneck, Gountv of '..'Iestc'rLester,
of IiTe'w Yoz=<, as cz�Lo-,-,n on a c ertaiil�
ei,�tit led"Lap of Rouken Glee, Section
Four, in tle To—m of -Yamsroneck, ester L ester
X. Y.�, made by 161- IT. IlYcot-n-, Civil
Engineer, dated Jan. 29t:j, 10,27, and filled
in tie office of the -Register of tj-.e Uoar.ty
f --"e z t ch
-ester on the 4tb- day of February,
as Zo. 3105, and described, as
tollo-�-.rs, to
Rou'-,,,en Glen Soatla Drive, and -,,rin e d from Roa m a,
on, 400 feet - .ply-.,-1py -, ro-M ::le J-ntersecticn of tne nortU-,erly side of
0-est and the easterly �J-q.e of'Vine amad, as Laeasured a7 ona-
easterly side of Vine Road, {at wtnich -point Vine Road tu.rns at
ansles and :,,roceeds east and Yjest tuere-from) -,7infJcll point is
ol:) o24te tee e ,stet-ly boundary 1-2ae of Lot 43, In 7-lock 6,
Vrience -viesterly ffmm, sa,�ra IF d i d tarce of 81110
eet - -- L, -L eser 10e a dis,
to a point orposite tree ,.resterl-, boardlary line of 0 in
310c'k, 6, Section 1.1"
�y TT �:.�rllzer
s.ZSC)7 tna.t rile streets and roads or
'Oortions thereof, tC-";ittr RotZi{en Glen
Sou.tln Dr17e and Tine lR oad, as. slnov x! on
said map, to the extent herei.nabove des-
cribed, be and tlae same la.ereby are made
and dee_ared to be 3.blic Hig s:a..rsy and
be it further
MSC.1VM, that the Tov: Clerk be and 'ne
rareby is empowered and. directed upon
receipt of the aforesaid deed and re-
lease, to rac,cru_ the sa e. 1....w be it
-�=P 0,I,'T2;D, that the Sup erinte. dent of
1E1 ':LFv ays oe ar_,d he hereby is author!
iZed and e-n3 o e-^ed to e:'_ec;:te ^.'_ record
..,atever documents and certificates are
necessary acaor ing to la,:: to "rest, title
in the i0':in of the aforesaid 7S
an -i_*S1':irr'�y-_-. `or -ortic.as tC?ereof a .c.l 4Q
olu_g 41-his resolution into full force and
effect; and be if further
PySOL-VED, that the To-ma of ,.ar_?aroneck shall
be Sept safe 2-nd L a=1 e s s of a=�r claim or
damage of any nature or c1naracter -f!atso-
. er in ary .ise .-iS1ng frQfn the lmyj.rDverb?eant
of the aforesaid straets or ycortions thereof,
to the contrary notwit"Instandingi
and -De it fur ^_e
750L'Jiil;, that e T ry m. :-
the cv,__ o. a._ar;,nec:� rese` es
Mae right to revoke and cancel the acceptance
of 'ae aforesaid offer of dzedi call ion. and ta
acceptance of t1ne aforesaid streets and 11ighv.-:.ys
or �corti_ons +aereof and tae deeds or releases
of same, ShCUid Rouker. 'G 1, Ific., fail or
refuse u0 carry Out the te=s ana Conditions of
w certain agree3�a:t entered into on tia.e 25th
Clay Of lfay, =927: bet,,Teei t1ae Town of 77- _on-
ack and ?cuke_L u"en, Inv., any-tILLig.lereinabove
to tl,ya contrary not-rithst2 ndin
y,-_,e outest-ion being t;�Ven ujon the aforegoi'r_g reSCl-,J.t-j_an
;h Sane T as upon roles Call t�nani;'I,oaaiy adc ted.
S. a petition has b°en nreseV.ted to
tlais 3oar(I requPstLgg tine Town of vlam-aron-
eck .Vo accept as a Tonn ijh-,r! y a certain
street and Woad and =tiens thereof in +Cia
deTeiopment or section in said To m2 3 f =�
ardbeing .-it.in lbhe To,,m of 1-�arizaro-neck, c.s
sh-avm on a certain ma-c entitled `S.�_aended
Yap of 'RoWken Glen, Wectson. Six,. i_n the
Town of em^arr�neck, ?estcriester County, N. Y. "
I. 2000e, Ci• il Engineer, dated
aprii :-R
1y27, and filed it the office of
t'ne Register of the 'County of .'estclnester, on
the day of
1927, as _Iap Iao. and
eE l2°1 , aoukeen - a,, Inc., iS tie o`is er of
t'--,e tract of land eifOraC('Ld 'Plithi 1T3u ShOiuA
upon t'rte 2,f OregoLgg map, together P:i tCl the
street and road and portions t-nereof tnere^vn
a�ior�r ,
and caused the sane try be filed and
recorded in th2 i eSiSter*s Office at .?eSt-
cl ester Co., N.' Y., on 1927,
as ';ap ;o a p and
S 4d R -e,,l
-, 'a, n f i 7 i n g sa. -m a p a
G.I a n,, Inc.,. ma d e alt Lifer o f d e d i c a.t i ca
of the said street and road and portions
e o f t ,e r a o n s ho as a _2 11D 1 i c !1=S t, ay
L'o the To-mn ®_ and
the aforesaid offer of de -cation haa
never been or revoked by it or
any one in i. is and
Roker ujen, C., Stijl des--es
and has requested t'-"at tae said offer of
dedication of said street a-qd road and po-T,tions
t,,ereof shorn on the aforesaid ,,zap, be aocepz-
ed as a F-JiZriway of the Tomn c0[-,maroneck;
=S, Roulce'n Glen, inc., is Trilling and
has ag-reed ICO deliver to the To,,ma of Vanaron-
auk a duly e;,zccuted deed of said street
and road and -portions tae--,-eof in Dro-per fomm
and releases of said street and road or
-- U.- - from 4.
oor'-Lons therec-L L any mortgages now.
liens tl'.Lereon; --uid
=Pakg, in consideration of the -;,remises
t1--,e Su.per-Unte-rident has recGnnnnended that
the sane be accepted a-s a
be it
=SOL=D, that the To-w-n of D'TaL-taronedk do
and it hereby does accept the aforesaid
on 'Heretofore made by
offer of dedLca'� ereto-
Houken Glen, inc.., arid the deeds and re-
leases to the To-;:n of Yama--ro-rec'x Dresented
thereto and does 'nere'r* acce.7t as a Public
Hign'L,way 'Ll,)--3 described street and
road and portion -L.Inereof situate anii lying
and beans in the Tonm of -Y-amaro-recic, 'Vilest-
cilester moo., Y., as shc7m on a certain
ea -, 'tied A-am ended '-r DaTp of R o u en Cie-n
Secti.oza Si:�, in t1ip- To-mm of
'.,estcnester IT. 7
-note, Civil Elns-iiieer, Dated aii. 2Q,,, Iq27,
a-n(f. filed in the office of tne -Rezlzter c,-f
the C6'xnt-Y of `.estc�--ester, on tic-le
da-y of as !,-a-o -Yo
am describer',f as -L---I lm-,-7s, t c
Glen Eaj�-:Ies Drive fircm t'::,-e easteil.y teiminus ttoreoff
w'nere it Joins t're -'�.-esterly s-.de o-f Fouken Glen South
Dr-7e?, %-,-esterly a, d'Starve of 400 feet.
3e -it fart'ner
PIZSICL�,=D, that Vne street and road- or
-oo r-�--I c pns, t ejeo-, 7agI S
- ',i-
Drive, from L --e -,,-,-e,-terIy terminus th-e-e-
of (to-rit: it. JoIrs the
21cle of Rcu:�-.en Gler- -Sout-'-,
erly a distance of 400 feet a.s s'-Io-77,n on
said ma-p, be and the s2mie Inereb--,- -'s L-,2.de
a�'4d declared a --P-ab-lic Hi gln7uay; ma 'c e it
f i r e r
279 :
RE S 0_I:�ZD that tr-e 7-cm 1-e r k be and
he n e I-e s em-p a-vu e red an d 6 Ji r e c e d
,uzi-= trie receiot Of the afcres-aiaA deed
al-id rej-1-ease, to record the same; and -r.e
t f t'r e r
=SIIL',TED, thiat. SLrperintendentu of
HiZ'-Lwayz be a_�?d 1--e hereby is eut]aoTized
F-nd e_ owe2e,_' to e::,,_ecute and record -vvhat-
e-Ter aocmments avid certificates are nec-
essary according to Ia7,v to vest title in
the T o-mn of t'n e a.f o r es ai d street an ci li i gIr-,—
-v-,.-,aY Or -portioil hereof and to br-(.ng `Uiis
resolution into full force a:nd effect, a-nd
rye i fu-_the
=SO=, that t,.e Tovm of -_,Iarnaroneok shall
be lce-ot s afe and harmless of -any Cl aim or
de age Of anY natc.,re or chs,raatsr
in any 7.71,'se from, he i=. ro-%rement- of
t�,e aforesaid street or -ortim tnereof, any-
ni-lis to the contra�, noty-i'ithstuand-Ing; Fnd
be it furtb_er
=SOLVED, that the Tow a off Iamaroneck reserves
t1le rigs t to re v olce and cancel the acce.7-tance
of ti-,e aforesaid offer of dedication. and the
acceptance Of "he aforesaid. street and higlnwaoy
or -cortio-ns ti-Lereof and the dee(!$ or I-eleases
of same..- ShIould ROU7--en Glen, inc., fail to
refuse +10 Carry out the terms and conditions
of a certain agreement entered into on the
Ar -e
26+.q day of lQ27, anYt�!i g !-,ere' I
,:ay, 7 n -na o c 7
co_atrax � .�LI
y no t,."n.s tan-3_in".
e cu e e t i or- b e mg tak en u-p or, la e o-re Ec ut-
- � E �-eaol i on,
t',e s2_me '",as upon rol! call umanimouS!7 adoygted.
Upon mit.,tion, duIY seconded. it, -T-as, upon roll call
sm im,0 U s ly
t1la e 3 0 a_r d. o f T r u s t,e e s
of the : estct-iester Joint '.,late- T'lorks,
has submitted an estimiate c,- �'.
��5,975.77. a,s
the Coat of instal ling 1,141 feet Of 61t
_pe 022 Hiznlcu6 _'_-TeI-_,Ue frQm 20rest _'Zorenue
-e7cftraRe Avenue,
r.e r e f c re be it
P SOL-,=E.-D, that Soli' e s t cn t n.t e I-
,,crks, I'To. I a �e and It Inereby is alaffa3riized
and requested to install said main end fire
and tc cnarge he Twm
o of
the actual cost thereof as ascert-ainee- and
ap2, r0 red by the Soar cf Trustees of said
Ve s t cr iester ioLat :hater I.*,.7br?s, 1 o. 1.
mon mot-on, duly seconded, it u-,ocr
un anima uzi-,
PLE SOL tale Board of Trustees
of the yo. 1,
has su:oy.,iltlted an estimate of , '-733-74 as tine
oost of in-stalling 33.t5 feet of b &
1i:.e on,
30ul er EOad from _7oi-est _irenue to Villa Road,
_,arefore, 1--le it
se.jd -stcf-,p
in' t .'.ater
0 0 e and
t heresy S a U t L-L o r i Ze d
aro recaested t0 1nStai' SG i0 12jaj nd to
n a
cc-ial-ge the "IOvi-n Of' 3-amaroneck the act,�-tal cost
thereof as P-scert-ai_aedl and afi-proved
no2rCj Of irUSteel Of t=e s?,zd
-ectcnester TGint :rater io~'�s,
Upon r Gt'4711, duly seconded, it -Tas, upon r0ll call,
u1an Lan—u s l
-� -CSOLVED, ':_± the Board Gf yrustees
Of tae ';se s'tcGds-er Toifly %,ater '70ri�S; -0. 1,
has submitted all es 'lAate Of `695-10, a.,s u'-^_e
cost Of Mstaiiin•E 3,0u feet of 6r- -'dl :;'''
^len =agles Drive a:mod 1 00 meet on 7�%zlla
AOad, toget per Fri-tn one Ii°y{.drani,, tCiere ore
Ce it r
SOLVED, L-et Said .t2stC'i!e tee= v0iYi' 8,iver
`,'"dI''Y>a 1, be =n'. it �:IereC^,- '�s a,+'!Or?zed
and e ,estea to inZtall sa=_ r.a.i:l.s a d _.ire
nV ra?^�ts at"!G_ tG Cn2,.rge the =f -'1@F_ccr%%PG-'Gli
tLie actual Cost t':lere0f as 2's0e'tained and
a'g-proved by the 130ar'-L Ci° 7rlJS'ees of said
.'estcn(�Ster Joint ra ser .'orksp 1�d.. 1, prcV -ed
laOl:evEr, tna,t the ezda at nG, -and baG'_. Willing
Of tit„ v r8nG.1, the O'GSt of ern :,'n is c Sti_'2at
at ( e 3U_ O1' �?�.CI} Ii 11 Ce 2rf0 led '4)U
,o uk ern fir?en, Inc.
U-00n motion, C—Ily seconded, .i t -%",aa JpOL roll wa- 1.
u.nanimo U s7 y°
RESOLVED, t[_e Board Of Trustees
of ,.he ':i'estenester- Tci11t -;.;«ter '; crks, Z,io.
aas submitted u-i estimate f >o32m2f -.s tt-,e
Cost Of iCistalli-no 4010 fe2 of 610 iJine On
Rcl ice, Glen aouth Drive, toget ner witn 0ne
n;Ydrz t, s.^.er G'f G'�e, be It
iestcnester �oi_� t =_at6r
Or S, 17o. 1, be and .%t 1.'lereb77 is alatilorized
and requested_ tC ins'-all said 1'fiain a2i fire
nydrax.t and t0 charEe the `?'o'tV?1 O'_° tdial�lc`3--ronedk
toe actual CC•at !' eaeof ^s ascertai-ned ap—d
a__ OY2CC Cj 1e
30ard, Of irLi=tees of zaid.
+2 S .0 lca °r O i11t .7o L2r 'i Ol%:S, _'4 . 1, `y 0-7,der'
nowe7er, t'lat t ;^c e cava,t="!.z ana N�a,C fi11��
of t� ae trencn, ttie Cost off is estimated
E`- tn° S Of 515-00, Jill be perfonneG' by
tbLe 2ouken Glen, !no.
U-100n mOtIz.011, dul- ,Y secor-ed, it was, uj.cn roil ca,11
A-86 =SCL;M, ' �:".o'REAS, the 3oarU Of mrusteez
Of the : estcneste� ' -.r a- i --
r To�n�. :aver ,��:cuss, -,,To. ?,
E;:U!]litteL an 2St-IL ate of :k-??22Gf.56y, t?c
cost. of ins tolling 900 feet of 6 4E piy e cn
Vide ^',OaC fro?, the end off the present Laa.in
on Til1a Road., tnerefcre, be
_d aSCLTEFL, :not said- ,°;.estcnesteri oza- -'.ester
�--orks, 'i0. 1, be and j, hereby is a.utno�:,
and reouested to :-r%stall Sapid i1ia,in and to
Cna1 2 t'C 2 70:":7i of w a:1a_oneck t, 2f ua1
Cost tt,iere0f as ascertaine% n^m^,'d apt7ra ed by
30ar'f Of `frUStees of said 9estc'fiestej�
70 71t
Uno� Gtzea, the r eeting adjourned at 1,0:4-G P. .
o rr4cl-,r'k