HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_06_01 Town Board Minutes 247
OF THE JOT-l'-12
7D 61 1 F�
TOV.--u 'DF a d-A-RU :ECK
held June 1, l';127
I-Phe meeting was called to order by SuiDe-rvisor Barton
at 10:30 po L-1
11resent: Su-oervisor FDi:,--rton
Justices HoiT,-ell and Leeds
Stcoerintendent of H-!.-h;-iays Coles
Tov,.rr Clerk Sherman
The minutes of the meetings of Lay 4, and T':-ay 2c,
read, and. u-
.�on motion a7p-jroved.
A deleEation f:'orL the Color-i-?,11 Par1r, and- I\Tei---�hborhood
Association appeared before the 3oard in -rela 1 4 C1, C. the acce-ptance
of cea-tair streets in Colonial. Park; the condit-Jon. of
Avenue and drainage on Forest and Sheldralce-Lvenues.
The matters of the condition of RoclIcland Avenae and the
draina-c,e on Forest and Sheldra-ve Avenues were referred to the
Suiuerlintendent of 11-1�7,,h-ways with ]power:t-u act-,im- the--pxemises
The -Board, then took uL, -Coy discussion the acce_etance
of streets in Colorial i'ark, as Town Hi�h--,,�ays and after a fl-,11
c,-,nsideration of the entire :iiatter, it �7as upon. t-he reco:=aendat-ion
of the SUperint2r went of and -,A!,on roll call
RESOLTVLD, -ffir= S, the owners of the fee
or 'U-ie riQhts of way in certain streets in
th,e develoo.,aent u-r district of the To—,m
of, '"aaaroneck known as Cc)ulonlal Park
have heretofore filed a -5tit-ion Tuith
this B oard and. the Su_:)er,--'Irtendent of
Hig-liways of the Town of n
LaL�iaroeck offer-
said streets or
ins 'Ll o dedicate and deed
-,, LI -s thereof to the To-,.,m of 1 amaroneck
and requesting said To-.,an and S-a-perinterd.ent
of Hightua s to accept said streets as
To it High,—s; and
1,-HEFEAS, said petition has been
this Board and the To-,7-m- Si).perimter-deht
of Hig-M-a-,,7s, and the releases of the owners
alorS said- streets Dreserted; and
%,7H E, there is a dilscrepanc,4 in the
Boundar-1- lines as shoTom on the t,-,-o ma-,s
hereinafter described; and
'V,-HE'lREAS. the To7m of Yamarorecl. gill assume
no liability -,m'hatsoever in acce-pting said
streets hereinafter descri,zred, due to said
discre-Dancies in said. :;taps 'cy reason of the
variaticns in street lines as sho-,7,,,n thereon;
an d
LiLITLkS, the S1;3erinterdent of H-ghways has
ex&mined said streets or portions thereof
and Zias reco=endedl that they be accepted
as Town E-4,Zhviays of the To-wr of I-amaroneck; n oli,.,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the To vim of 1r:aaia_^oneck
dp .and it hereby does acce-,t the afore-
said. offer of dedication her: tofore s_a.de
by ,osina 7 orenzen arid the deeds and
releases to the i0in of -amaronecrk,
presented thereto, and does hereby
acce-pt as Tovn Higm-ays the following
described roads, streets and 7ays or
-- portions thereof as shown on ta,=o certain
m2]s entitled "Subdivision Two, of
Colonial Park in the 1owr of !::.ariiarU7?eC a
'Westei:ester Count r, K. Y. , the woroperty
of Frederick Lorenzen„ F l.etcher Herd",
Civil Engineer & Surveyor, ---amaroneck,
Yel:r Fork, February 2n-d, 1 0,07, filed
in the office of the Register of West-
chester Count-T, Dece:-.ber 3rd, 19G7, as-lar
170. _i765." Revised !._ap of Subdivision Tvvo,
of Colonial 'Park in the Tot-m of L"aniaroneck,
'.'estchester County, IT. Y. , ti-c pro_oerty of
Fred.erocl Lorenzer, ys2, s-arve -ed as -.
_cossession Dece,c.ber 26th, 1;24.11 Walter;G,
Craig dated July 11, 10,25 ar_d filed in
the Viestchester Cov,rty Register's Office
Au-'ust 31 , 1925 as lda. 1o. 2u79, and
described as follows:
1. All that certain section of the
street or -road designated on said mao
as Hii;n.land Avenue and sLown by said -,ao to
be bounded as follc:,rs: On the west by
Sheldrake Ave. , on the north by Lots 238
and 2150, inclusive, Highland Place , Lots
251 to 263, inclusive, S,,;zpr.:it Street and Lots
131 to 14C , inclusive, and Lot 1,L6; on the
east by ForestAver_ue; on the south. by Lots
147 to 1SO, incl,-live, Forest Place and
Lots ltl to 190, inclusive.
2. All that certain section of the street
or road designated on said Ya,,) as HiZhland
Place and shown or. said :a-c -to be bounded
as follows: On the pest 'oy Lots 250, 291. to
296, inclusive; on the north by Rockland Ava2; e;
on t,-; east by Lots 283 to 2$0, inclusive,
and Lot 251; on the south by Highland ,,venue.
All L aat certfain section of the street
or road designated on said rca�) as Su:,i_nit
Street and s1lo�im on said ma:c to be bounded
as follows: On the ,,rest by l ots 263 to 271 ,
ir_clu.sive; on tine north by Rock! ;.nd Avenue;,
on the east by Lots 124 to 132 , inclusive;
or. t:,,e s-jutti by Hig?1 xG Avenue.
4. All that certain secti 3n of the street
or road designated or.' said L-ajp, as Forest
Place and s1ioti°.r_ on said mao to 'ce bounded
as foll ours: On t:'Le u3est b— Lots 2.04- a- d
181; on '-i.e north by Higl-nand Avenue; on
the east by Lots 180 to 205, on the south
by Forrest Avenue, and be it further
1=0LUD, that the afore-described roads ,
streets, and ways or portions thereof, be
and the sane hereby are :jade and declared
to be PL:blic Tc,rrn Highl,rIars; and be it further
RESCUED, that the To,ti� Clerk be and he
hereby is eni_:oq�,ered and directed to record
the aforesaid deeds and releases; and be it
25 ...
R 'SOI EM, teat the St?tierinter_der_t of
HL_;hv,ays be and he hereby is authorize-d
and e.npowered to execute anu- record what-
ever docuruentc or certificates are necessary
acc'ordino to law to vest title to the
To,,n in. said streets, and to bring the afo; e-
said resolutions
a:n_d be it f6.rtr-Ler into full force and effect
RESOLV.c,'D, that the Town of -azmaror_eck shall.
be kept safe and harmless fro: any claim or
lama; e of any nature or character mlgatsoever
in anywise arising From the i_rorove::,erts of
the afores=id streets or by means of the
discrepancy in the boun_dar lines of the
aforesaid streets as shown on said Mars
heaeinabove described or the variations
in the street or lot lines therein Shovrn;
anything to the cor_trary notwithstanding.
A petition was received requesting that gas mains be laid.
and installed on Little Farrrs Road, and Barr_um Road in
Larchnont Gardens. The petition ,,was ordered received,
Placed on file and the matter referred to the Supervisor
and Sul?erir_terdent of Highways for their re_aort and
A ce�Mounir.ation from the Sewer Co:=nissioners %h.as
and read, requesting that -oortio received
ns o i ar�ion Drive, Cherry St. , Gulley
Stresar Road, Hillside Roved, and Briarcliff Road be t .ken over as
To%-rr iorti'r�'s. The conzunica"ion %vas ordered placed on file and the
n:titter .referred to the Superintencent of r_ HighuJalrS for his re ort and
CO.CLALlniCation, t46Etaer uiitli resoluti onS '1Texe received
fror;. Counsellor va ible in connection v=ith the ta_vinn over of
1. Rouken Glen east Drive, Rouken Glen.
west Drive, and 173 feet Rouken Glen
south Drive,
2. Rouker_ Glen south "Drive (Portion not heretofore tAken over) .arid ap; roximately
650 feet of Vine P.oaads °
3. 250 feet of Glen Eagles Drive.
The cOMmunication .a_nd resolutions uve
on file and the utter referred xe ordered ilacsd
his re"�ort and recommendation,
�c `tee Su_ erir.cendent of H;ohrrays for
Superintender_t of Higr_v:a,,-s Coled resented Blue _ r•ints
and plans far the construction_ of a bridge on Roc_land Avenue. After
due consideration, it vlas, upbTI Motion, duly seconded,
F]3,SOLV' D, that
the Superintendent of
Hizhv:ays be authorized and directed to
secure tentative bids for the construction
Of a :ridge an Rockland Aver_ue, in accord-
-- ante -with the plans sub.ni tted.
Upon traction
the rneetir_g adj Dunned at ^y;20 a_