HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_03_02 Town Board Minutes 197
read 15�trch 2-na,l92 i.
The meeting was ca-lied tab order by sC unervisor
Burton. at 9.50 P.Z.
PP.HSBIff: Svvoervisor Burton
Justices Co � ns,Ho^reT�wlres
Superintezndent of Highways Coles
Clerk Sherman
CcLinsellor Gafole
Ubon motion t T as voted to dJ opense with the
reading of Minutes of meetings not yet approved.
A peti tim and resolL ti Qn was received fr= the
Chatsworth Issociatior. in relation to the condition of
Ilse th Chatsworth :--,Tenue Goii1T:SSY.icinjj� 2.-11- Rockingstone
Aren-,ze G,b""d easterly to forest :tverue; the insteC ation
of a sidewalk on the easterly side of that street and
G.Iso a Siciee7alk about 200 feet on the north side of
Hil or es t
The petition and resol-ation T as ordered received,
placed on file and the same refer-red to the Su-perintendent
of High a rs for his re-port thereon.
Co inanications were received from .A.Sterling
Szaith, on behalf of the LarcYmont Gardens . ,asocia,tion saznd
Ks. Lester Harx~isson in relation to the necessity of
rro iding a s-.fe crossing across the AT.Y,I?.u.?H.H.Ra?l Gad
and the V�eStC1'ieSter & Boston i?e::t1Y'C2.v_ tya.Cl'.y at 2, �^GiY:t
be t"r eer• the 'riighschcol and Larch-mont Gardens station.
ie oomT4i7.Y?ications viere ordered rate
in the minutes and pladed on file, and sarne were refer_e -
to the S pe-C *w:.02".
. .E , -f G `u at e,'`..q.,th 8-x •.e.h.,..zae '' n-g :v'r -c Yield
-__ ac3ordance V7i',-4: a resolution of the rTo;m Po--.r aon-
'mi the Pub-,is Hea-ring on the ati_olication C° the 1le;v"
_ m_
c , S,vlftGI_e R?j :+ '' GG ja ly' 2, zy the G`oLLY
nQr,Gatio n COmpa-n,- to�� run Tand 0--ner to "bus .in or
_xne, Y S th in and -o ,,on ",trove rt �C i`03,.r =V,-;r � C,f e Town
Cf IL? fa,r0"f_°Ck 2.f to Su'•oSti _.:e 'GU.SeS fQr trolley., and to c O=C e c T i l2 e '`edule iror the New York an
cam:, =C,-r•� I3a._.-'F2y Ccc_ y a*?C_ cori°:._..._ %° cJ.i�07.1^c.%:LCTa
_ JeSt ^Te,, Street `?'ra .ortati 0 ~00m_•a,r'y nC.
�. S" S1 a uses -C'"" Owl "S 2: Ctt t3 eSc _iirrr.
o-i,Ie SSrG. Tee o �a:fiU. R1C,—meyer G,'y3pec?'e'd for he
_ c S Lam_ d✓ Q 1_�o,L��j �.�1`:=� CountY
G�=eStS'.ijG�'�""G-(�.� `?':c,.:_�Sys^.��',.....t'!C'Ti SC�°_G.-�02X.iT,I?2C.. -
T,le SULIDe-17.lisoT statleC- th,2..t t1he T7:7;-.n 3Ca--d 7.i o a
cli--timue tie He8,1 .ng on the -at jor_� of th �y
T t,�_t 4
Keszarc. Tay1c.- and Ricj=ieyel. the
Bca-_d. o,-1 co I-L. Iiyons. ✓
Afze-l- discussion, im"i or, secc-aded, it,
ap_31_icat I on has been nade tC
th-e Tomm, Boa G_ of the Town of Ma=_Xroneck. "by
lhe County C= a
�pny,imc, for t7
Ole.,...-%i on of amnibus c�-,,rez, certain St-reet&,
and 0-f sp_iQ
after due rlc;tice Publ-ic, Hearin_- v,-ere
sa" apr�licc, - L
_ti�n loy the Tc.-,-n 2�sard. of
,he Tclvn Of MaL_r-Onecln?,^. ori, t]rLe 2'6th day of lar_-_ary
7, to
ev en.L no-,
MMEREPORL', 3E IT RESOI_17=;, that the
Bcar(I of Tcivn of (hei7ei nraf ter
ca-alied t'he Ecarul ), subject to the �l)rcvisions Of
Se-c-t-fon, 26 off the Cori�-,r_, , i s
rp-,t on-
con-sents that the sa_-7d COu_nty Tens-ortet-ion
7,r e 27 e n, r ca sec the Com ,�_ny),
- _C afte- LQ
Z_L;70'ect TIO tin-e L,��cvie_ions P q r
_1K ; - ,- , c t i?, 'Li-' e-
t,a a,11 f� 14 M-11 t-9AC�nn S j, f o T tl".e t e z Tr h e r e i i 1 a f t e T
et fo-th.
_ntain and, :.)perate rjo-Or lo-uses
nor oLf-...nibuse-a for the UZai1S v =t1Ci c,-f.passengers
and I O erty, car-ried by saild jDasse.aj.�_-,erz
fc27 hire,
and ac_-o2;S the naried
stre,s!7Z enueq and hizh,,-,-azr� Qr. portions thereof
tlne To-M of Mm--n-rone ck(1ner e i na3f e-_ called the
Tc-,,n) an,,' -articuia-_�-_!7r 7 ',I - -t
I -e s--i,_- 4-e 11 o t co-E
L,1aC1U.1G1TT-R=i 3EACH I11-1t. From z2ae IEo�-,_',_helrly 'Couxic-'ary
31--ine 'bet-oreen the Sri' lag-e of I n E nd
.L- _ ! larmchimo_ �_, "he T07,-n of 11' elrc-
necL or cl_+,,_svcrth _r,.'f,,-,enue, thence alon- Chat 27.7, to
11�7_tle .;A_,,7enue and the-nce a.--,cn-- e _-`.-.Tenue tc, the otat i.on
Of the Ne7,-,- 'Yfoxk, New Ha,,-en & Hartfor6 Coi2 - 7;j i
vi_- same 2cute, 2,ID-roxiiiiate 'JL-Istance 75 O, feett.
-the easteily 'bounclar-�- 11--ne -between -�Ihp_ T-o-u"n Of
L cnecar and th— 77 -.aE;e of lao=iont on the 3cz,:tQn Post
Pca ,.� thenze aionS the 3c,--tc.n Post RoaC+. to 't-e viester-Ly
line between t"e KlaJ..,Iaronecic &11,_� the 71l
of M`amaronecll: on t1-le 3,ortOn Poet Road, returnirg via same
route. _t):p_"cxim_ate _,Hl stance .5.2 rr�UeS.
The same be-IrIg pe.rtl of a thr��.uah routs bet7.een the
74_111.azze of larchmort an 451-ae Tow-m- of .LamarDnec'c and RY5
3cacln in 7`71age of $tye anC? dec�J,',nated as Route TTti. I on
a Map filed -".-,-ith the Te�7n of
%c. 2
From the nc):�-U'helrly bcuuiaa:`y
ii,ne -,_,s.stv.reen the T,.3-..-,-n o-f and the 7iii age of
La:»c'h�10irt cn Clh�__IsTcrth -her "i o
,re a- --n� Chat-sworth
",_venue _'Avenue, then��e- alo-ng Rocl--ingstme
Avenua to Fore-ot _Li-Tenue, thence alcng Folrest °_,.renue t.-.c
thence al cm 1,7eave2 St_-eet to HLarmor, D_7----,v-., thenca
e,1or-w_o: 1:1-2.rmon, Dri-re to the -ve--ter--,Y bo*omdaij- " ne between
the Tmmia of Mramaronecl- and the Village Of
Drive, retu.rninS via same :Lcute. -A-p_prG;7:impte distar-,ce
�.3 miles.
"'r I - L ge
,Me be-in-9 ,past of a through, rcu-'�.Ie betzeen the -T-J-
of !.aTchmcnt and the ITillage of vj-a� -
.L the Tovm- o,
Mlazaronecll, and desiEnated as Routle No. - on a certain malo
filed rich the Cler'xz of the To-n of 11-maroneck on
RESCL=,that this Consent is ou"Oject to the
f ollowing teriiis, conditions, 11equirements and li-mitat.-LcCisl.
'FIRST. TERh33 _jr� 001MITIONS C& CONSENT. This consent tG
maA.-Lita-in am5 co-per ate rotor c�use-,- or o.rinmlbuses upon the
2'reets �L - L,
, aven-aes and higlhways herein deacTibed shall be
neld. an erkj I C-T 'he CO-117.,).-m,,7 foy- the term of ye;axz
f--=, the alate of the issuance by the pii-b74c- s.-77i-_e
ion of the State of Ner York Of a Ce:lt-fficate of CcmrenienOe
the operation Of the routes herein descz-ibed.
At th iod this Con2ent shall cease k,
, .. i---e en!'*.- of such pej- -,n.:i !fe-er-
m, -1 n e un I e s s it e h a.111 S 0 0 n e r cease a r-r6 el e t e r m-,n e -2,s h e----e I n
S-OCM- C i ON. The Com-pany --ha 11 pay �c the
r this Consent an an.,un t eq uai t0 1-hr e e�_3 er C"'ent o f
the -jrojoortion of the Eros�� reoei-ots dezri7e6 from the
hrou&h :--o!,!tez- of w1hich the he-re-inabove descr'!bed routea
lcr-M a that t'-:�e a�.c:t-i-,,a-� Laile-al--c- in the Toum-
Of Mimaroneck bsa-rz to I�,- I-
.— t" tal &C'LIU21 -,-
through T- S
Q'ates- Sala aMO-Unt shall bo dete=--"ML;-1 a the
G.aj,, -
of Decsfflbe-L ant the 30t-h, day of Tu e in each yeal,
shall be payable
a -,7, 1-5 days after the date as Q.L
-� -L � U -
the amount thereof S-hal-1 have beer dieterm-'Me-.
COYSEET 707 =CLUSI'.7. Nothing in this consent sha-17
Oe deerle6' to Srallt a--y. exclunive
FOURT111. C01,11UMIM=NT OF OP]R^-. T
_.=N, Within t-hi-r-ty(30) days
after the date of this Consent, the Co-ripany shall a-oDl to
the Palbiio SerV-:,Ce CC-_- -4n ty
_T4 IE' the `ate of Ne-o.7 Yor1c,
to the provislions of� the Tians ortatiorj C - -
orico-a i -n
La-v" and shall- dill -JASer�111,Y PrOseCute sa--'r, application foi
Certifif,ate Of' Convenience and 15ecessity for 'he
of the bus lines hereir describe,-', and for all of the ;�oi;�tez
Mentio-ned and descriloe^ here-in, in default of v,,-hich
exid tie CJli--ent "14B ccnse shall,
at the Q-ot.,ian ct" the To-%m, beco-Ilee null andi vcid. The CQm1,F,,-ay
shall CQ-c-Uence Operation of eac-_,. and all of the routes herein,
Lezc•,ibed, within sixty(E-30) C!aY2 after issuance of -a
Certif.J.calle of Convenience erd ITece-9sity therefor by the
- -14ssjor., that si.;,ch reriod,
May be e-xtended by 'he Torn for a fui-ther e
p p r J 6 0
exvD. --provided-, further, that the commiencellent of Said.
000e--ation shp71 be prever:tedd yr iegai -crocceajags
!'I arly CourL,
or o-- b-y Qf jMpr07en-ont. ov by caases
not -,n.rithir- the control OF the the time for the
mey be extended for the period
of E7)ch -cr e7entil cn. b-L4t the t;Me for tl-,e' cori-m-encemlent of
Cry eraticn shall not be --,�te--nded on accou-nt of such lesa'
proceedings tinless such proceedi-nEo shall be f,�4-, -.Il-
1 - �-f ge_n, y
yz'0aecuted by the Com]�any, aj� d -,injea e C O-x-p a r y
I shalD 11'"Ve
given notice,"
-p-romitly, to the Tovm of any such jF,.;Da,,
or other occn.sior, of dellay and. shall have delii,,-ered
to the Tom n Cl e^ e
,O-C4 es of any injumctlon or other Order--
and the -pa-pers ujpo--, VJJV_i=Gh "he same sha!! have beer, ,,c-a.nted
S;nr U.-n-less, U20n tAe reql;est cf 'the To-=, the Com-,-ai'�Yy shall in
irr_ oon2;-ent that the To-vzm or - tz au+ho-ized
Ma�- inter7ene in an,,%,- such proceeding. Nothing in this
jp-&;,:agra�ph COntained shall, be understood Cr constrLied Paz.
Pl any ,FaZT extendinp
o"n char-Firg the peri 06 f ixed izl tI-Lj
Consent for the dura,tion of T-!-.e Consent.
FI-IFTH. STRUIC=,ES INT T= S'JP=TS. Not-'ainp-, herair-
-1 LI -U
aontained shall be C�,nztrued as perm4tting the Coraoa�n7, W.
erect, an-y structures wInatever upo-n arxy of the a treets
au enues or hiE--,'hwa:ys of the Town, the Co2npally sha7 1 not
,onstruct or any -Nxt�j2�es or struct-res -In
- L, --I.-- U s h
s�tree-us, a7 enues or hiFhwairs unless -1. -ho-iz_d
by the To7,rr but the To re may 0esiEnate one or more street
ter!:--inales for the use of the Comr-any and 1-points for recel
emd- di4scharEing passengers.
SIXTH. JITC ;.-S7GN;IEINTT C)F CONSENT. This Consent shall
not be assi-gneC. Or transferred,eithei in whole or in I)art,
or leased, $-,:bl�-t Or T!--OrtCa-ged- ir, any manner, shall ti'112-e
'hereto, eitlher legal or any r, t, interest
t I L Sh - 0.
or -orclerty therein, -pass to, or vest in ?xry other person o r
Mh,-.t50e7er. ei.ther by the ao- • of '11ae Coz:,ipany, or
0-cle!'E'l.tion of lB,eGg vvilethcr i<nder the provision, of the
t?,L-Utes relatinS to the consoliClation or. merger Of corpor-
ations Cr the consent of the To=. e74,: encea
oy an instl=er •, under seal, -5111y siEned and ac'--no-vnrledged
'Cal fts Supervisor, ar,�,7thin-n, herein conta-i-r.ed to the contra-r,�,-
thereof i-n any wise and. the F
L 'raXft4n" gi irg
-1 g 7 _
o-- waiving of a--Iy one or more of such consent or consents
shall not render u.nnecess�,.-,)- any subsequent CQnsent or con-
sent-- and no aae-i;Snment, lease, suIolease or rportgage of this
Consent Or Of sny -pai- thereof 07- interest therein, or of
the route 027 moil es mentioned, herein, or of any -?art thereocf,.
shall be vajid or effectual for -_-ly -ourpoze unless the
assignment, 'Lease, sublease, or z1ortge-Ee shall contain a,
covenani- or the _art: of the or mor,gqgee
that the sa=--z is subject -1110 all the -orovisions, -; onditions
el,l,v_ lihnitationa of this Consent, and that the ass-LZnee,lessee
ca' lr�01-tSOSee a5s',;1Mes and will be bound by all of said ipro-
sr condition-s- linitatio--nz -an-- especially ssi 4 c-or--
di Qn�- as to payments, ;n i
any statute oi- n the
-, r
charter Of suc�- ass i-,-Ilee or Ieszee to the co!!7ZTa-z�r notllm�,Ii.
stand.-ing, aani• t'_2at the p_ss'S,..Lce,7ea�e5 or 11,
-1. _C.rtga-ae
a-ny �2;ore fa-,j�01abie C-�--e.at,erf b-,r stat"Jte
Or 4- tS ch a rtei, end! t h a t it -i�,�41 1 not c'a-m by T e as c--n-,-
icy -
or Otherwise, from 2_iabM ty
S-kch add all of the co-nditicns rf this Conoent.
SlITTEN,M-71. T-7-PE OP BUSES. The Co3zypany shall at tt-.m,ea
diJrlrz ,-he terM, of this C,--nsen�-11 olperatz over '3 he routes
lierein on!-.T the hi�L:,hest tyi,.)e of modex;-n city buses•,
3U',S!']S OR 01-17- 13USES T-C BE -'0220= BY T07M.
aj r 11 7shicles wh-fo_, =,ay be operated. pursuan" to this
Consent shall be pro-pe'led by poi,-e3
1, J. 01- contzined
-7, thin the v ehilcl e i is rz- r by storage lbattery- , but. no
-ich wil-i- in J.t.s generation or u,e
-17 le used_ +7-4
-uce amoke or nozi-azz cdc;--,s
Of the of H-�a_7--rl of to conzt—, u 4 s an c e
I � -u-ite a n I --
(-b Ref ore any ,IotQr bus- or o=fD-us i ul i I se- ce,
1 17 -,,r
must be si,.brrLJ tted to the To-orn and liket,-,fise the -plana and
s I?e c c a, 0 11 s t' e-r a 0 2 t TO e s 0 sub mi t t e d t th e r v-v-i
7, 0 t-4 c Of the t i ize az d -p 1 a c e s,rh e-n the Co n
raz --
the Public� Sei-ica Commission for ap-,proval of such m- for
Or 0IM-ibUs alld also Of Specifications
0" 'c: al li e ast t an(-1-0
.2 t the Tm-na mast ble nfad-
or to the time -i hen s-t-,.ch aipiplic;ation is to be nzde
t0 the Public S a i-v i e n n e no
such mot.or bus o-
shall 'oe put in se-r-, i-ce unles-s- anrl .Zatii the Fu'^Iicl
Sera ice Co==ssion has am-pro-78d the same and sacs plants
azn4 sepoif-Icetions. 77here Mtor cu-.es of the sa=e 'Eyre,
and are to be -_sed, the subraiss-ion of one
and the Ser-leral -plans and. s10--cifications thereof qh-all be
s U f IT-i C i e rk t. If after a -.rotor lo-as or omnibus shall have bee ,.
80 e,-Cprolre,�!, defects dievelo-o vi_,jich render it unsuitabice. fori
servvice. then the Town naylsio.-bjeat to re7iew �y the
Seri} CQ,_mmJsSion_ ) -_-e,1-�,-,..ii_ra the wit_h-__r;1,.ra1_ of s_-.Uch
IOLIS from serfice,
ks,-.).ch bus so o_:7,ap
treZeefy In on FZ1.11W.1f0pow
if any, V1 -the P-,:1b_-_ic Se ?#W C."A9Y$H.1
TTINTH� GE=,_P_`-! =-,Tutl=1311ENTS FOR -tTE-HICLEiS. All ve1iiclez
in—a,- 'oe operated, -oursuamt to thiz- Consent shall, comply,
-he fcD',1cv4-'nZ_ general �-equti_ra_ments
A!I i C 1-3 In i c 1-1 1 3,7Y be 0-_p a ra e d 10 u rs u.sn t t0 11 h_J S
consent s1--all be so ��onst-_Pucted that Gil Or gre�,se can not
drop on the iroacl-tva,�. The Z, 'L,
_aX- 7.p4 d+-.-,
J. 5hal_ ncu exce_�i ?
I e�S t 5 o7e-C al 1a Nc, doub-le dech -,ehi3ies, shall be
o D ere,,t ed --;;i thout co ent o f the Town. Mach omnibus sha-1 1
be at, _',11 t-f-mes, --.vith a hand ch-emi Cr =- ,Cr fire � i
gul-SnLer in. good wozkirng condition and avcessible anrl reaay
for use atl all times. All 7-ehici_2 shat i lbe equj,,..Dsd --wv i t h
tires" ?,I--' ot-h'ar ty-pes, 1-kinds and f o r m,s L'i'p r e s
_PrOhiloi*ted. A�i parts shall lbe so --onstructed, that no
'ad noise or vibr-ati.on sha-1-1 reault, from o-oeration. I
buses E2.;st be fit te' -.,-Tith brakes o2,_abje of stozping ancl
holding the 82 arme a7d all The maximim
d 4 0
of the floo-r above t11e b ,,oe of the v7hee1s shall not excee-_
30, -inc'aes. The disl=_41oution, of t1-_n_e on a.�a- es,_'Iength
,D:C -,;jaae7 'base and other fecat-ares. of -design shall be SI.;.Ch
az to a.-,.roid SIC_ddinS as far a.q- -,�ossjb-ie �-,1 -0 -_ h
- - _j S'n'_ e sor, i
a,s to 1.)errm` easv stweexriing and 3ontroll . The gas-GIine tanh
shall be Itocated eitlirel.-J 0-Utsi'de 'U'l-le bocay of t'lle b-
an, iniat for fillinZ-, -whir__-1-_- -filli-mv `rom the
Q -1 e ly f the e
t ,Si
�e cutlet, Of
beyo-n-d-, t1ae rear line of the he b-.Od f U.
o- -r s Each
nu.s slaalll 'het7p_ -an emeT,�enoy exit d--�o:� at the oppos�fte
and tf the bus boay from. the .,eZ-cOarzly -uzea Pia Wranoe and,_
-,7hich e.me-L-genc- doo- shall 'be securely Hastened
,n a manner -orevent it- belng, o-penied eycerat -uher
c-pened for emer.;;einc,y 1-- 2oSP 2a
TEYTTH. IT2,12, OF GC11LPP1TT OF VZM17_C=,eto. No rpotor bus. or
shall be oil er,,E�ted pur�TaFcnt to "his consent.
t?_,etra shall 'be -. .ail the-.eon in letter-,- sufficient la-_rge.
t,o be visible For P_ d-stance of seventy-fiv"27r5l)
(a) The name of tulie cc,,n:)a=y one rating such 7ehicl e.
r0) The numfoer of the vehicle -!hiolin shall be assigned.
J t by the a.=,2, any and vd,__-D h shall not 'be ohanged ec long
as s•ac-h vehl cle shall be Operated "by the Compa4y.
In smallie2? 3etterz a1aall also 'be -caircte�_:
stzting-(c) The m).nber of -or which-, the 7eh..icle hz
JLqd quch other designating max_lcs as shall 'be
the Pu:ol i o Serv�ce Commiss-Jo- or the Tovrn.
Noth-*LnE� herein contained seal_ in aziy wise 'one 3onstriled
ass -2er;iittinSthe Coma�8,n,y to ma-intain
.11g on tt.�ia
m e T S o 0,9 ;.a.
e:.:te_--JL.oz of the buses, i` e 4 ng &t:)SC f4 0 p I -. -, , I-,
t t
di 14 on sha any sue__
oarr ozi the ext e,2ioF of sai es.
3J ESTI1T_,112T1,7 I ra�4 Z�-a of each
STC-_,,TS. Thie�
L,iotor Ions or oimaibus sha?I be, s12.in3y incIlicated on 'he outs.:-de
tf the -, ehicle and shall lbe ,..ae2a necessary,,•
such si_gns shall conta-in zvmh infor-mat-ion as r.rlay be
required 1p - the Tcvna.
0 1
MozcT -buses or aoases sha.111 be heated and 7 e r, -1 a,t ed
with such laws, 0-1-ders, ord4nance emd! o rd i nan c s
iCi �L Or state, as are now in force -eCt4n_ rAG13�_ I
_0U5 e Or
cmeiibuses: or as zaDy hereafter, during the terin, ^0f t'll!S
Consent, `0e i-n _"orce oz- as 712ay be r cu� P_�! b-, the
Se=,ice 00=1,Lssicn Or the Town. e- 11, , - . Public
THIR'TZENT-H. _11-IGHTING CF 17 HIC_T:aS� The enclosed ,�01,44C)r,
Of rotor blises 0- 01nni'b "N
uses S3,1 1 be e:i -
2_EA" in acccrd
ante -,.r,,ith Such reS:�jleLtiovis as are yo_-eScrilbeC 1),,, the PUb7io
or 'the To,-jn.
PCURT1 HT-7-1: =CM 0-2 P.,1,SSE1ME,-ELS TO
11=Der of pa,s-.engers, to be carried in any such 7ehicie S hall
not at aliY time exceed the seating -.,a,,-,J.ty of she -urehic-ic
e__c e-p t Zthat during the hours; betwee.-I seveyj o1c-.0cj7 and
t 4�ty a.
h�_ and during the hours beti,,een fOulp
olulock m. and ee-vP_.c-.L otclock -p.m. eaca day, and dur`ng
s7ar-h other hours as the 1bT,7q 51aalll •nclicate, the number of
a eD s, e.r,E;e r zS car-rieft ir. any :S -,;_,y ezceed the seating, ca2acj.,,y
hereof by e1j'7 -f=7e -re-
of SuCh oapacit,y.
'_T2,,1-TKTTE!T_,-!jTCE OF 77EHICLES. A!-' vehi��7 e�s op r
-pursuant to this Ccnsa^t E3!-ja co-,'Ifor-rf
in all
c,ri t_h the i-eq-unf re,,ner, herein conta-1-n2d. and shall be =zLL1,1aincd
in good and safe re,_-,ai-_ ana, a.:. a manner -vinich -.,`11 in al-7
and �, 11 tines ren6_er the -.,-ehicle fit for j)ub1j e,
.� . at a C a 1VICe.
The s,ail -Oery;-._Jt the Tovim to inzjectl at a--,I- e
ziiaeS any or a_17 the Tehicl e"u uze,�• 'oy tile c
o1—,3e.., of the To-.nn 51aa,,I subi,,J t :_,.ry such 7.rehic!* to the To7.vn
f0 r --*n q r,e c,t i o n f ur,o n n r e c!t I,.-n, .::a'" v -0
1 c 1 e s h aI be
un li t
Or U-_,50 ser ice, ther t1ae CO221anY shall upon notiCe.im-Mediately Withdraw such ve-nicl
frpn, Rervice, and aha',!
ca-ase it to aonfo-rl:, wit"C'. the -.eZuire:Pentz Of t1ne Towxl cn� S1-'a-.7 7
the defect b8fcre aucill Tehlicle shall be restr�Ded to
A,11 ewplocyaes of the Com1peny -,v?.j_e in Sel=,ce on alay
moto- bus or Czr=i:�)uz -.h_--0L1 be 1-,1 wflifoz= and neat and y
-Qus--s !!:U t be le-_Pt at a_'I —r-6-S Well
The dr-4-ve-r of a b-Ls must not o_-oerate a bus to which a
is attached.
'Tas Co any shall not IT
its o-oeratcrs to sj ,_
Qe or
1�`Sht a mata-h. ;,,hiie in or u1 on a 'J31aS, or +0 drink ii tO at 4 r-
liQuors while on duty G._ tO ccil i3_,t faxes except when th,e
"a. � I Uh
c"e Ja close 1-0 t e clirb axid notu in motion_.
ITQ iperscns shall o-ge=&.te any miotcr bus under this Consent
less he shall 'be d u- licensed -ander 'he lavis of the State
Of Ne-c-, YOT-Ir to operate the same.
NT 0 d e
Person, 811all coerate a bus who has, t o e 1a owie S
of the Ccm7a--n-,.7e
been co=,in-ted Of a felony or who has been
con .Lcz
ved. More than tvice of azly- charZe of recd 1esE ,riv
*_ viCllatjon of Lavi or 'he General Hi-;�llx,....-ay Traffic
Ta.ur oi2• the Of the Town or -,_v'ho has nct a goo dt jjorp_1
,.d:arac t er.
S 7-):T=P'IT -17 11L,.,7
TTH. ;1,7D C_?.D7_ CES TO -PE CO22111_70 WTITH.
,P-ws and crdinan--es affecting 'L:ne o_peratio-n of -Crolcr ',)uses Cr
OrMl11"01-1ses an,_f', all tra"C regulations agn e L, '10
Ll� _,1-' cab.e tlaer I c 1 -c;
i a f o C e C.p w1l i c--a may b e 4 n f'or4e in the Zt-v.m d s n z +11-_-- t Lj
of this 00nserlt shah' be cQ1--glied- with by th- ConaznLy. The
�Oa,ny sh,?,11 e out
Co 2n -1 all-d e,;I�Iorc
of azry oraers oz regul�_tJon2� ,:j.,jfCh may be Jssu.ed by 'he To7za,
desi • ed -Lo--- t-he piotez tion, and safety c-f persons or property
or floz- the �,,omfort� �haalth or r-onverAIJ.-ence of the -public.
Company shall no'. charge for transportation of iassengers
lost7reem _--ny two Doints withiln t Town of IhmaronecI:,
--ti on or portions of the Viliag_s of La ch. -a t. an
Ir'-M a r o n a c L- 7w i n s a i_-I Tor' o f gar ar o n e m,,e r the s
_ever n flLesJ gnat e�, a f are in excess- of ten cent s
G u (-10/' nor
ove-r the saiv T'outes fares in e-_cess of the IrateS hereinafter
-partIcularly S-0-'3 1"f_4 ena
TLe Cor-1-pany flUrther ag7rees ZVO give free tran5fez
PI,J-7ilegea- tn_ pas��enge_ -,payin�; �-,_ fare within the
of -.,.maronecI.,, tl--e por-on o,::- -ccri-ions o- the
7"1 7 a I -
es of Larc'_nmont o-I, E_Ltnaroneck witlii-a 'he sej� Town o`
M�,marmleck to ana./or from eFoh of the 'b-o.5 routes
de-scribed- to the other, at -poin-".-z of of saild bus
i-oa'es he-^ej_-_ designated, fiThlich ti-ansfer shall be good "betweer.
arry two points t-,.,ithin the To-wn of he 7TIllage
of _Iarc"=M-3-nt _nd/or the W-111age of 1,-IiRiDaarone-_I�: reache(,I Sair,_��
b-c-a es
The Cc=
p-any further aErees to E7 free trainz-far -p--i
47e�eS to an: f, -J -"cm t-he cr,_rs of the Nevr Yor-' & Stecraford
Rail.•ray Companl.r at yoimts nf in t",ars ecti= o-f said 'ous rwo.te_q
he----e---n desismated and the said Raz1 Ta,r Conipany, -provIded,
the fa r a char ged by s a i^'� Rai-lwaZT Cc rmany is. ten C e a t, I C.)
I I _fO 1
f tlae fane charged by the 7,e�vT - 11C & Stanfo-_rd C 0 Y-rl'a-
less thazi ten a trasfs: to one O-f said lJ-ns
routes from t"Ine said Ralil'i'W'ay Clom_,ai y- shall-, 'be i5suea,
of'rzamt u-_o on the -oas s e-r g er s a al`_,inz the t i-ans f er pe3TJ_ng the
azliffe-renoe bet-v.`een the fa e ohaz,�--_e_d lb the -Ne-7 Yo:nk- & Stai-ffford
Railway Coirpan:,, and the bus fare of ten cent-s(l0jZj.
A trans-fe_r' to and./or from the cara of the 'New Yo_-_,,c
Stamford Ra i 3.w ay C o n� n�,, s I i a I I be S c o d be t,',.,e a n an,- two, Ip o i n t z
-;thir ' e Tovan of I,'
-mp_-rcn-cI<, the Village of Larc.hmont a��,d/or
the VJ_171age of reached by said but es col, Faild Rai_-;_
v-,ay Ccr_,,pa:nyI-_ car-z;� ho7iwever, that a transfer -fr_-m
s id bus I'ne easterly on s "&4 1'�r;_�l7 v14 ' cal!C_ sh's, be
Sc�od as far as the --ne of the Town of Karr:son.
The Im-pa-7ay also aSrees that the aat-e of fare JL-n Zone 2,
to betwee'n th"e eas ter?a, Iina of th° Village; of 11a,Iaroneollc
�n d the ter2,71in-uz of 'he la_ch ont-I've B-eacI-I line a," 1tre Beach
z--1-a I I not be in excess of ten cent*(lrvIxSj. The 1_3 om,!,any
asrees on oart when, as and if it obtai-s- tile
cons e-.nt Gf the V1llaSe of Ilre to the -,-o e=?at.`Lon of bus e-s in
said'. mLunicl.-�ai i-ty that the iatve of fare -in Zone. 2, to wit
bet-j:,eem t1ne easterly 1-4ne of the Village of !_TPmarcnecI,:_ and
the of uhe Lt�rchmont-Rye Bead': 1-iiie a" Rye BeFchl
I - :�,p ��en e --
Shall -no t be n excez s of t,en enta(IO,-/) an-.1. th-at -s --g
boarriins buse�� of the C�;any in sa.-Ld. Zo-r_e 2 -a�poa the p eymm e n tu
of a tlls-_,-� cent(IjOje) fa-re _J-.n , aid Zone shall be entitlerJ to a
Iree trp_-,i-,_fex to t-r-e -orc-poE�ed- i ZO 1 Liiie of the vol yl?.;,iy
and. al5�r ,) _� s of t,—e Ne
YO rL & St alfo rd, p21117 ' Com]i?a-i-Y
Stiza, bet-,,-Teen any u -withirl the ;,Ti I
Schoo-; ticket 'books ccntaininS t-�,�Tenty(20) tio'kets each
,vl be for ome dollarr'-.00� to oaLoils. %)nder e1ghteen(18)
years of age, and each tic"Iz`mot In e considered as -- ten
cent fare under the above fare and transfer conditions within
the Toi,.-m of Ham-ar3nee1z, includ-,"nE the -portion oz! jortic�nz_ Of
-the Villages of Larchmont, and 111 =1aro-,neck -vvithi�n Said T_O4 l of
1.L—,marcneQ'_,c, over the xroutes hereizi designate-0►
C-1--il sir en nct- tn- exceed, th-_--e in number and 'Under fotlr
ar- d -0 an
Yea..„'-"- 0 e s h a 11 be c a r r e'_fl f r s e wh a c ro(D LTn .I-- y
_-du!t but -,_-ach clz- carried ed free sh-all not occup
LI_ - I - _j
seat. s. to the ezG7 u8 41 of passen-ers.
Ir�, adf i
tier; to the f ares lherei
-Ly -0--rovided
for, it iis unf'erstccd that the C o,=-any inte-rd to
through and rc,..�.nd ��Irj-c fares tQ =- d. f roMI v7i He
thin t-
Tc,�m off MazIlaroneck from amd tc coirlts or- other roa�es o-7
the Ccc-=,a�r,�, ot-q-de t,,,�e - - , I!T,� -
.r At least
�p roll ec-
,en aayo notioe of the f�iins vditl-a the Puj--3 ser7,ice
(10=2�iss"�On -of any S,hedAle Of such farez and of a
for to -put the sp-,me zn
effect be -�.�.Ven too the
sched'ale ccntai:s a,,ry speo-, +
Lal -h-r 0;7b y ojt
Hand 'baSgag- o" a�s-son&j effects of
-passengers when :per
10Y shall be carrJed lw�t'-,-,,cut cha-se
' j
'OUt the Com�Dawy sha],7 mot be held -or the•saf e-1-
,Y Or c-are Of such or other jjrr�jperty : Cr shall
it 'oe rec-Tui-red to issue C-'ec-kO theref-r nor shall the Ctm��any
'be req,,ai--sa to ca:-�;T
y dogs, o
s;aid buses. 1' . Q-1- ot-her a 2i` _C ul�,on Its,
The County Transpo-rtation CO=a1l.77,Inc. furt-'qe- ag-a-ees
on ita
-d th r teat il t i s -vv 111 i E to enter intQ an asreement
any _.person or he -peratj
line on it e"^ c_
o n-17 betveer. the o- 1��-naro-
vh a -�xo Q n the re a-k and the a J'tv 0- �V-11 i+ Z. 7 --t2 -
man t
Of a fare of 10 ..e Us (10�, suc -I�ne in the 7o7,a-, cL-
7-JI-Iiage Of Mama--rlonecck and a free transfer i�, jsuSusd C..o th� e
sue-" f EI�e, SI)c 11 free t-ransfer -,ed
by the Colmty Trans-pQrll -ltion Cor�Dany,,"c. a-2, 01
, v_/ - by Ness
YO-rIz & h _VT
a-11Y -ooints t,,Ie and shall be sQod bet e21
---L -Z,-- of f2� 'Passer,
lo-L�sez of the 0�unty Trans�,Dc-, ta,4n,
er Z-
ca"s -f the ITe-.-,: Y c r- & s t amf 0 r(� R EL w ay C cm-n an,7 7�r t'h-1 n
the -mL9-e c-- a2-3 1-1 ecR: p. z: 0-�f-p- ter. Cen-,(13,0)
Lare shall be e--Ititlad to a, free traz�zfe�� good to
the V-; -n,in
-af-;e a�qr,./ox Tmzrn c-P on said bus 14ne 02,ate�j
oetveen the 7-'1 e
--,@, C-IC a-d City of White P 1 a
an !-,T-amaroneck .venu ��n L 11 s
e 7-
UTIFOMY1 UT DUT-T Tn !Z=7 pp . U,- TTn-4 t e,-, S t at e,-, I-ga i-, C S
Pol-ic a-men, and Fire�Len -.M if orm�and or s be
duty a
a'10-;ved to :-i cle I-Cree on 0:2,
e-- .t ed
1,TII,TBTEMTTH.- .P�P C MTT 1U]ITT C:p ly, p Th e
ITI. 1,,T
Cyr �1-,y T,2age of a Recelver O-A
the Co.--,Toany or s- -'are"JI
the CO-,aj,.
or -Ije CoLq I --Ij-
1� IE, to
01� tc c,=T-01-Y 4 h --pz-3-oa-
o _�, Q:-_ o- const-itated
or Q f 1_c i al hav
a a h o r tu Y a n d e-- t-- T t he
C--f th-z .3 i crz
-t lack c f c a]� t al fu.nds, sha-L! be
for re� + J - �Imzent at the eiect-o-(, of
t1he Town -and- tji-
e COI-'T7 e-�,`)ress' and aE,;ree�� that
r r e S-2 r 7 e d -I-yl this -0
aragra-�Dh to I-ne Toeia e c n a
I e 7 a t i c r�s for this Cc,-,-Isen-;,, a-lid that tL.
vuill not _or eve:,It, h-n�,,ex nj�,j-n c t--*L o n. Qom' th
t"`�� fu1-7 Of the r"Z�nt C;-,- here-in r e e z�-e,;�
�c the rhC t'hat'
Racc—.re-f- shail be
--- aha"
be enz"Ltled to -a-ca u.Cs e e
0 t- th -Le
n, e f a
-Oe-4o�i cf sixty"'30% MCC,, 0-
4r % / -P-ya-I ;as buses as ',-,exe there-
Use -4n said To',,n upon compe--risatfon to be ;-,.�reed upon
QY the Towii. and the Co:::j-a-ny
01, its Cr be fixed
a Ae r-- -fte= -oro
z eina-
Tn aase at
0--P---ate, --auses 'ce.rcnA-
Pan&, ^O TB Or ro-n-aS o 2,ny
or Ou.;es fOI the iDe ricd of te-n(7-)
'th, I - -
c u mmk t S 1)r e v o,,3.s c o n z-e n r j 4- g n-"
t„e said Town sh2-111 have 'is--ae- t- "Fclare thi-- Consent
to be te='-�27-eted SI:6, to ca�ac-a`, =1 ann,--_I toe e:a=--.
-0 EIRATIcy.
3, M I ar t
4, 0. erate it�. -lbuses I a,
the New Yorj,�, Ne-7 H@; en. & P Harl fora,
,�4 7 road station. ;---,t
'"archriont for the acc,3=. odatim of the -esde--rits of the
Toc� 01- M.MeLrcnecl- ;.-.ocn F_n a=71ne schedale to =eetl
r eaSOPIP"O" e
f TIT eo-UllreMeInts of the sald resi6arits of the To-,-vii
and shall mai.,atain and o-)erate its b,_5e5 ol,er
e,-7�c the ro-�,,,tes h,3- r.
s-0 as Q gi e
q-e 3714 f el-:�,ch efttitce icrtp, 11
t h 7 and Tii t h 5 u f f-1 c_4 e.-L.
-L requencY to meet th e Y e—as onab-I e re.ments C f the trav,el i-n-
_�_bl is ?,-4d 012 &. Schedule Of not mo:�e tn—an 21Q minut-es hcad_7a7,r
e t,.i e e n 4-h e hours o- n- C. a.n,d b e"-,,-j e e n t h-_ ho
O 8 P-14 snd I at, sul�lh houlra ar' -1-Jr-les a7,s- tlne traffic
T it lVarraMt bt7t On a off not/ more than f�C miiau s s
be maIntained in each
head-way. rrae e,%id
Or, P-11 routes. The s] all L_n each Buz and Eliall flle -��,illh the To-vm Cla�,%k schedlulez
the time Of C e--l-arture of buseE -froM and Rrri7a_i at the
0 ft t-he 5aid rout-es azld a��zc, ,-hey
time uI_
I.eflnite -ooints along sa-d i-c-i eS to 'oe SDeC4i_ad frC
0 time by the To-.wn 3o ar Thza CO=-7)8,ny
O-• this GOnsent increase Or aec7-ease
the 01)erating head,.way betrWeen and run busee more cr
freQUe-_'l_t:.y tAari he:e4n soe•:i-�jc 'bY mtuad agreemsnt-
the Cohn-pa-er- a the T_ �:n
.) and c-7 , Boa
11 _S. HE jT0V
O'd �I.L OF
. The 00 m1pary, shall at its O-vlm exT_,ense, dc: ar ,thing
ami 7.,itl"in, -Lts to lcee'o -I 7ehiolas in
- lt�
0--oration and On _-egliular schedi-7-les durizig t�-�e ey-ist,=nce of
snO`'T &-nd -Loe in the streets, a-,re-_,I-Ll_es-az:d highw, ---- formLr
C-f t-lae rcutes herein Lientioned. and Unaer the firect on
ct� the SU-ce-r--intendent of Highwsjs it shall 'zeep, the se�ia'
street$, averues and liigli7ays
� I +'
ol l eaSt 3, ,J, l --i�, -hareof bLuet a r in c f,no
saal s
sno-,-� or -Ce rel'.r:07ed 10-,�
the Com2_axly Ie 0 w a
�Z-is t t1a c r 0 a :a_ 0 f any 7,t r e e t S, a7 e n I.,e s cYiv. rya frra ay s
f" t la e G 0 ln�-)az-,y "a 1,1 S ta n c ti.c e t 3 pa„-_'-4'^v:,:m .-;t a Q'r, -.'y;n5
der thiE paragra-.r
the T own, may remove the amcl
Co --,:,a.ny agrees to i,-ay "he exr-en se theeof on demand.
I T ND __T70j�T 0'1\ _0
C0!=T OP DI'T, �R70_17
It- is 'Mllde-stood that
DlZa=ant to th-J. 2 Consent, only "cle r0llte or route.-a herein
i�)enl ti-nell but. 8,houlCl_ '.---aff--*-.c 'op- d';-Te-tee.
Of th�� ...f �@,rt Of said rout-S
- - streets, a7,renues or
Qr rO'0_te2 eCpj�
"ISe of f4
lresA Via.xades, re-.,�ailrs, -;public JrZ�12:07e-
e E�,tS; or other e-,ent -v"hi,7.T" 11 -_I c SE tlae �aild streets,
Or to -,r--h4 — —, U I
..Cular t-&-PffC eml,-i-a��ily, tlaen
C F;aiya;�"ny ma y, s'0 e,3 t t o d e s ne,tr 4 D n 1- t h=_ T o-,.,,r- u.s e s u c'
E_ zt eets, a7irenues or as are n ece 9 s za ry to cc-r-14
the 371,077e7er, for an., reaz�-n ai.,ly of the Zt7e=_'1,5a
or hi;_`_m,,TaZTs shall, loe closeci to vehicular traffic. fo::
thean t,,7�enty-fcur hourZ, then the Co_mlp,,�ny
31--all coinz-,um.i cat e -,7vith- the To,,.,-!-, and clots,13m s,,.;.thc,_-l'ty
C)-Jeration upon other streOts, a7ei-,I;.C-S or high7;Lays for s-ach
neriod miring whIc"In seid st57eet, avenue or
cl.osed. The Comz7any shan not ria_Lce an agal"nst the
Town or a_ny j
or offfi;er the-fec�L' --C- dar.--a-ges thE,,t
res-alt to it T.. 'eascn of the -Y-rosPq4'mlon with
• i=roveir.ent orcler-�-� I sa"' Town O_" an,,,
Or loca:"al the-reof or by reason of a
y 1j 4 f
7erS 4
_o n
az herein If b,- ree.sc � of th c7osin_g Of ?X�v �ee_l
r t
a,ve-nu� or hf --h,-,,7ay- forming a. -cart c�f �;,�ny s-Ich rn 7
-Ute Or roLl.7,e-_
th-_ e-_.-sion of the bus-es of the Clxm-�a_ny to another street
a7enue c_r hi,,�-hway, for tlj� co
I � _�:,an, t 0
*bt-ain a mew consent '_`_rom the Tc-:,,,zi a:3.. a7athor-i ty frozn tlfi_�
_4 Q, S z-_7 ic e Co=i s:s i on, a n d. the C o ir:o
ax., ��hall orox Gtr--,
an-d- a'Ithorit-,T�
the Co-m-p;�:M37 c-f it-, bl,�,,s or 'b"L;ses eh.--i! .�ease,
slia7l; not be fLee-ed to be ��n, alo&nd-onment- t1he^C of
-1 - -
�� J�
t books olF a.cC,_-7Z.0+ 0-F ii— gl-0 S
sOU"ces z�--d
O each loeriod
',,--e eX-PI I- -
the tezrm of �hi� Conse-,it azd irithi-r- days;
af'te-r of thie Ccnse-nt- m7-1, reoo-_-t� to
th-C Tcv.r-n cf the lbuz,-Iness dc�re 'cy
-,:7 thereo-f. each
7.nie Town :
CC tc file -perio(aic -
Cov iernL- t-he the and
,s-,t the t--C -le by tine To-:,-n but zach re-oo--r.ts -z,
not be --eouil-ced W. -,- -t t'^ � -e 'n
O_� 0- er than cnc
m, cl n t i-,. h al I b e i r- s u-,h a- rn a S th e
To 7;-r: il rpresc---oe aLd Shall cont aJm a, s, eme-t
t t n olf the
the tot"7`_-, IM
of the To-,-', 'anZ
as the --. L
m? U e. Th e 17 o,.mmf, s
ti,mez it c' to bookc :�enc- h
s C,--:, t'he Co-m�)any fox
Une r�ul--o---J'Se of f t
Of-4--et�D anC enployeez ,;x
Lder cath. _P 7
SC ',--e -Te- lled the
rr--e rl,---,,h+ to I-eaui2e the (7-cmjPaZY to
the T-27--in t i o'n
shall lleen Of th-e
r--utez-- ccl-,,I)Jnation of
'c�Y it, of t-he b��iz -i�iileL
-d wi`,--h reEz-oec+
at c f -",he cl'c f
.Ln onnec on tlne�-, th, and the cort- thereo-f -�C
t 4 r° ai-rlr;a Erna vu V
e 2-Le,ll a t any
rnlsl the Town s,,:,--h
ereof as sha,I lbe -eque,.� Such
th e 0 t t
bcol� and recc-Or s, sha,- , be so that the -rQzs ircor,-je,
the anc- t1he t illccl--e Of the Ccjm,Den,� Lay be ly
E,710cated' betzeen the 'C" ,I , , accu-�.+
L �KUZ,_L 7 1
and LnY Tra-
oroe--- that "he c i,sat-,rn
o 1-he To-,-n.
L--s&r at -a`7 ti:�,-,es 'fe fail--lY P-21d
allal E� that 111S D-COfit de -vEd frclrl .-,ach rc-�;te may Z�7 -
I - FL-1,PC= The Com-Dany shall, sulor.,Iii:
t o `,-.Ih e Tc,-.,-ri no, later t'r.a..-I March first- of -_a,-ch yea,--,
the -Pe7ft` of the Cm-ser-t for I e -r
I - - L-h eal- Or Cf ee-.r endJ inE�
re ort z"ate.,
Lo--ati on. a�ncl g=�.ount-
'.y t lIa t-Ine Tc-z4-°
3. T o t
lote,-, s f,Y,r.,
a,11 s
1 Y
c, the Com-pany �o -r.,ers-on
Q-2 or, Pao C o u r, Of
1 Q, �e---a t i Or r-c uri -c 7
e- and
i,, ard h e lb,mac,'
The riame2 of o c e
L-1 8,nC, d,,�-Cto-f S
w Th e and :,a a:es e the
and f The ten(7C , holder-5 ot'
-L or
unsec-I-red debts.
Tc-wn zay the for-,. of 8ay .=ach
w h-4-h
the Town, zhall ce �,-z- e.,a j�a C t i c a-"b_e
ha u_ 1e as Vfle flo_"27i of z-e]�c-rt-- o" -I-
State cf Yo�-k %-,ith v sE�-Lje su'bJect rnatt----s.
The Torun ns at 2-ny Jme a -o
oath fro the Collq-can,,,- or fro= a-:ry of ilts O�ficers on arw or
all of the abc-Te mzttera 0 any ot—her -vvith the
Con:ow:,,;-Is business -,,vithin the intent a---r:d zcope of t1is
'rL:T_E1,TTY-S!j'r,T_H. F01PTEI=. In case of any viclation.
c.-c, b-reach or fail-o.-_re to -,f" ary of the 'provisions,
�.Y ith
conditions o:� lim-�tations here-in contained or -,vit1n, 0.11.7,1
o-rders o-f a,Me TG%r acting under the rpo,,,�-eyE granted by law,
cr herein reserved, this Consent ma.,., be decia-red- cancelled
arv-5. rev 01>8G 737
howe7f_-r, that zach act-icin
by the To7m shall nat- be tak-ren unt`� the To-,.7n sha-i-,
L_L __ I
notice to to a�--,-pes_r before it on a ce-ctpin
notr r'L-.-y S after "-,e, of s',,ch notice to
t 111, . - � L
shov.; cause th;-5 Consent shall ii--t-be can.celied andd
re 0 k e-d in ca a e t In e Com,!)ar,`- shall fail t"'o a)_'ear.. action,
2aa,y be talcen by the Tc:�n f:rtz,7ith.
2y falze a itry it t-_--Ia b--,ok-- of the C=�,z_-y o�- -Lp-_!ce
&tate-mant in the re-oirts to the To-orn as tc e� In,�,,terJal fp_ct�,
Made th-_ COMIpaziy, shl-'I a7s.� aonztJ* `-4;.t-;� s-ach a
v 0 On Or breac'-21 0-f --failUre to .',C'-pier YiJ th the -ozo7T i s-i on
herein contained, as to ,ararrant the cancellation and
tion oTf t-riiz Conisent.
CMPTIO AS= L-,,B7 ,"-
_ F. QAITT A _Tj_. T:,je
C cq- - L
an-ty ss'",a!'- ass mm e a i a7b J,1 i ty f-Or Via: S t'0 -,,,6 r 3:n S
asclq of tl'ae o-oe-faticn or _,,.ra_inten-
-prcper -,,e
atce c--" the "motor bus O_- 0rnmi7bus -_-Oulte or routes h e r e in
me zn t or,ed, -an.d i s a, c o eCii iO n o on -, h-ahe
ds C c- t t t t
Toiom ,,hall be undei -no liabil,ity 7hZtSoeTer either rs,.-_nz
ox lorolpe_-rty, r r, acooant of the same, and C o rmp ar z h F,I I
a d r ,-o;,ny to the To",rn any coste
za e-
a or ex-,De-noes icy the Tc,,,,Tn shall. be cori-pelled. -' o
eaSor. of any acts or def-,U7� of the CoMn
The Coimoany shall t3 t'.',.e commnience=e-_,�t of +"---e
Q,-C)eratio-n of buses 4-,,Ter the rcuteS h--(2,nbe'oie de_-cr4bed.
ta44 P-nd the-"eafter -mi-n-tain in, full fo-_r�e anj effect'
-0u.,bl-_'c liability insurance satisfacto��y to the To-vim�
a,:3 t Q
form *,,:nd'� *,afficiency of suret,7_1 in the sum, of at least
covering eac'-7 bus favcr of the
amdA_- the To,,,-Tr, =.d the ia 1 "_,)_e
com-c�F"my -, I L
gaa'es 17"S buEes, Cond-itiored '7he 057-,YmneTt Of
all jua-m-rents that ^:iay be reco-ure--ied 2,T any persor. or -pe:-sons
c,n acccnnt ,Df the or'eration b-77 tln- ('om.-,any s bes,.
T'he ConcEmy shall C,eliver to the TL:,-,r, e-L;.ch e F
v' ice S h e
;', n , t
atter -nay reciu-re -hat s-Llohn insurance has been ta.Len
and is being
TI - TTY-EIGHT,H. 301M. T'__-; =_ Consent -2.-o0n the ey,-.oi�ers
CzMdition --.hat the e de-2.j-�,-ej-y
of this Ccnsent, and before the corm:ence-man" of 0-nierations
s-naij 6e-_-os;t vfJ th To-,.FFn and the^e,-�*te::
main i-n n fln I 'c r,'e and effect, a Su--,,-e ty Coiz:pany 3oad in-
the sum c-f$2500.0,� condit.-Loned for the -f11_111 and f a i th f,,,:1
the Coage_:Lny of each and. e-,?-ery tezm and
com,lit-Lon of this ',On sent. if such -ocnd, shall at any time
becor,,e inoperative, t1ais Consent nay. at the 0-1ctionn Of the
Town be for th,rdith fo=Ceited by the Tov,-n withoat naygientl of
airy 0_"- ja-aS. Tf t_r R.L_' r,f
L am,� 1 s u---)a,b I e t o a v S-a I f
i z C c n s e n y _-ea s o n c f t h e ref c f the -,.7,-o e z-v c e
CO=s:: S s'L on Of t e 1-_4 S,h t. to ex e:�r;_' s e t h a s eg then 8 a,_1 al
bond �_-:hail be cancelled..
TP_'.2,TS'_PER 0' 70",77RS, D2FI1-T,.1T,_rC:,TS. 7'
� au
airy time the too-vers c-f the --s herein -mentionej. or
sh&,11 be transffexre�.. 7 e-,w to
o be r2 e rit c-n e d
board. bod
, authoa77 ty, officer or officers, then and
in aucli case, such other -,oard, body, a'othority, officer
or officers shall ha-vre ail the rights and duties
herein reserved to QI pTescribed for the boa-,O., body,
authority, officer or officers.
The "Town" shall mean the To-.':,-- of 7 arcnec]k
end any other corj)oration Cr ai—lliSiOn Of g07ernMent to
,!,-hich the ovunerahi-o, rights, p0%--,-erS and pri7ileges of the
Town of Ma-naToneo,1: shall no-,-; or, heTeafter belonS 03:
The words "street". t1a:-,Te-,ue" ane "hi;Zh-,,,,ay11
..zed in this consent shall 1be deened to mean streets,
h:.gm-Ta7,,s, conoo-arses, bo,�,Ie"Tards; bridF-ez'
viaducts, tunnels, -plablic places or ar-y other Dro-pert!
to -u-'hic'a the Tc-c,,n has title or over -c,,hich the :pub'lic has
an easement.
The words MoQoe" or "direction" t=here-,-er used
this co--Pent shall be deemm! to --jaean - -r-"tt 'r
_ 77 - ela notice o
direction. Every such notioe or direction to be seryed upon
the Compang shall be delivered at SUCTL Office of the Company
In the City of Yew York or iy-, the C ounty of 7,lestchc-stey as
S'L,a?l Vie. ,e S_' - mp am, -itt -n clesi6�nation
Ej a t&f'.
d , , the 'by w:- e
duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the of
Maronsch or if no such designation shall be so filed, Or SM
for aly ieas= -�u-:-h esignatiom aliall 'become inope--r&ti7e,
such notice or direction shall be for all purposas considered
to be duly serTed u- __ the- C��--ipamy by mailinZ Same -in the
7o-,:,.'nty of Ylestohecterj -poste,.,,�e --(-jreoaid, add.a-essed to the
Co, O
2 ly 7 Te-,,- Ycrk -,,Tery ca- -of
__t The deli
such notice or direction, as and ',,hen ab-ove prcvidea shall
be eqUi7alent to direct parscnal notice or ��ir e c t 10 11
shall be deemea to have been 6iven at the time of aeli-,Tery
aT mailing.
the • wn is c-E.111 ecl. u.-Do-n herein to ate:
action or -,-srfor--. any act hereunder, it shall mea-n that
sucl-i ac,t i on c r ac t sh,?.,'-,I 't, Gone or p erfcnmej, by the Boarf.
:.S ..,v of such its succersor as a 7co-ay
or y its off:Lcera, &E;ents., or representatives duly authorized
S'?'id 3'zard� Service: or of P�ny-gp-ppr 'or aocul--"'ent
-F'ecuiled to loe serTed u-��ora oi deliverej. to the To�,.-i 1-areunia-
shll be complete if servecl uDon or to the Cleah
or^_ resident of the Tcw such jperzo-n. or -persons as m�y
hereafter be designated by law to perform the duties no-,,v
srfoT=:,ed by said officials.
-ler 'I i
an hour or time is dasignate�fL -- - eii t shall
ce to mean Daylight Sa-,-inZ Time -,-,,hen-e7eT the aa'ae is
in force F.-nd effect in said To
THIRTIETH. L1!-PITRATI011T. in the event of any dispute
between the Town and the Co�,-.,,j�any as to any matter
under the Consent, such dispute 'be arbitrated in the
nanner folloKinE:
The To-,,-n shall a]�point one arbitrator and the Coq,�Dany
shall &i-,-,joint one arbitrator. SuL37r: aopoint-ine-nt sha!! be in
writing. The DaTty to this Cmnsent req-,-.eEtinz the ar-1-1-1tration,
shall apDolnt its arbitrator ana give notice in writins W.-
i e c t',-e !Darty of such appointment a-,--d the othe� party shall
within tenTIO) days frcm the zece�--ct of -5-.�ch ap- -t
its aMtrAtor and give Such ii3"e notice in -,-7ritiiiZ to the
cther party, either party ref,,-j512i.E to
'_j:.oint an arbitrator
as above provided, shall be �_een:5d to hE,-,,-e a candoned the
dispute and the same shall be decided in favo.r of the of el
T-f the two arlbitrators so cannot a--rea within
4 ftse,-(15) q�ayz -=om the fz.-ste of the a-p-goint.,fie-nt of the
second arbf—ator, t-��e-j a ,,j-; b
a-3 I,o n t e d t i f
the e: Court the 71 -in-1-1a
iPll D-15 tr i-,t on the r2,o on. c f e the- y a tJ �zzld --nor
y-- no t i C e t t-h e o t-h e a r'7 r 0 f -lie
11,1z e-nt
tO a�-PPIY fcA -1c-- Thre, de--islon, =0S a;ny t-;,-,,o
--n�ee be the dec's4,or� 0 the
shall f
e-n d sh a ez-,ed, u ji o-�7n on 'lie T , and the The
�x-oanse of the Co _ra— - al
V be the oart- n
-hs- dis-out,-= is deciis,-� . -r a's arb-1.1"ratorz- a-��Iay
CE 7-) ' S
r e e S o:.,•
a a-t an b e t o CO -n t -a"b'6 c rLj
0 a,i e
,-B t e rm s, C o-n d-i an e'u i 1-e--li e s 7 n hi i s C 0 n.�e v f zi
an,-J. cont ._red-, alid t1ne Cc,.ri arr,;- he2e'o-.- e-,�"-Q:-eBs7
-y -v,'21.1"-es emy
'4-- -
P-2` 010J,G,Cticna a,,� t-- the re=,.scnalblenesa Cr lege. -; uy 01
amy of the ;rov i si�,,-ns Of th-J"-: consent. ar any part thereof or
as to, an';- e al
Z, i-L`ht Or eut-1,107--ity of t--4.e To,.,,--n to 2.Karosa any
cond-*tion. _1e1 -J.-- Ita -- --1.
m , inpi , &r'Id "he C--�pa.-�v Ij-1
nO at ��:V -�-ct-Ure t2Lae set u--o Rs aga-n,2 t the To-�m- th e cl_7 a I m
t'hat 2an7r af the of "'J' s axe .,al Consent -
L, lt--- Vires,
Noth-�-.-,z ir this Consent covitained ahe.,7-1
be Constl�,aed to �?eqjl�.i2e t--n-e C,--,]T_0aP-Y t�, -�Q a�-Ly ac-- cr omit tc
do an-,- a--,. in of —any law- or r,7-de-- o- ru-oiio 'oo,�
u- oy f -y
pon whic-i -�Do-.Vers _-,S 07e:0 the
- - I——- �-- aff-�--Lrs of n2c"50r
at crese�nt or hersafte- be
the la7, s of the v__. a o�- yo2.-L,-. If slnc 1--",
'nef th�_,t any -Jf the
of tliis crnzertl are in confi-
�Ijtat4 3,
_!S o r
wit.-'i e-xisti--ig IP-7r, . t"re-, si-ali 1?,- f,-_r_tiv-e -J-P - en
n-d rh sa
co.nfl-ict- Ceases !:)-"- the o-oaratiwi C.f
THHIR],,Tlf�-SEC OND OF CONSENT. The Co'-- ar,-,r agree.,
t -S j�_al 1 110-*L, ac ri-j i�-e 01 F,J-ra a�n-,y vest k;- _ight, 1-le reiml-5-er
th'at the fcre3oing
, const=el �,s a,
o n s e-n n a-e r th e p--r-c-L,4-s i-.D n s Gf SE t I Q xi 26 of the _tea m-ZIporta-
c n C o rj�or _+-J on I a-,.7 o f t h a C' t. f H e Y o r, a n d rav,DC Tale
P- TO':.-_, accc_d`ng to thle ter-firs and cG--n(�-itionz h--r e�-.-r,.
e x.-Q r a S s e--i
The s,a-e:' t-r t --ae -ne7t orrer of lo.-o,s i?e s
the �!i Scus s ilor, Of t-"-1p, a" C-P he. ne-,-d faoe !:Eiia e
of the YArL' & Stszfor� -Ra-41-way CoLmapp-n-,, tvolgethe:�
ccnsent Of the Tc-,-n to the zor-Jn_ of aertp_ir 7-,n��z
Of Said
Lfil-er d7scusz-ion, u-pon mot-Jon., second
ed,it, az
Nev..- Ycr-- & Sta_-fc,-,f, R 4
P I av
C 0 ate G1 Sf-^ee
@,C a _ail. a in the T ol.,.-n o-' 72,1�3,mai-ci-,eclk
and cha:2s-4 nZ
to a ex.-Lff b-,,r the Se:.'Ti oe
u-oon, the ccnsent. of s2j-di Town of
ar'.d. mumilc,4- -1 —" 11
e an
said !Te-,-,* Yor'-,, & P, Co-
n12 a ay
-.(� -itioned the Tz-.--71 o� I -,n e-;::1!
-Rlli:i_C07,-R,' Of 2: ,"O-DOS- -7 7, e
t '] 21C;.
- mznt it ot' so of its 10 t8
as the Ftre Beach-R-
y e S ta'�J c--n L i n e �-1 s -1 s
4�s ,2ain ne and h
-cfricin'e-t iD ma C
o-f it -"cute 1no-imn as the La-rclm-cnt 1 no, i, --i n a
a�-z Is nr�t cc:L,-,c 7 d,ent -v,-ith its Ln-,a"n lines, the
such ASS �-nf ot,-er
o-o e xa,t o rn o 'o-c,a e a o-,r e u
routes a subs-i6i-ar-y
C,o Un ty S-.,o r t a t i-Y-. C 0 mr)an,r 17,-,c> t h a -4 n,c-r e a s e
o f th.e f-2-res to '1-e c-L -0-1f Ne\-,, -for'K & S f 0 d
so that F,-7,c" fal-c�-, shall
-n accc_-f.ance
Z nee anc_ T es
-oresentecl to -his Ron-rd, a o0-rply Of -v,,hich i�-�
ne--eto ai=e-=,edl as A", and the ----ee
e�_'cll_a-se of trpmsfe "-e btz_�es
0--n era tle,_1 b-1 sa11 4, Sulbs`d-ary cor-Lor,_ticn
ocez-ateal� Yorl, &
Ra 7 -1
t-o U7o 7 1 0 nt e r e s t'r) -,z ch
shculicI be acce-Iltadl, and
rt ch -'s
T=IIS a� n c.f s
neces-s-a—, rr
, fc_ I c,vn. o f Maiaa ro eP,_ D �-_17e +C,
'I'lae P"foll" Zer-,rice Co=52-sion tn_e tla
re in .te "he :ca es of r:_2e t3 be ccl-.arged by
NTe-,:-, Vcr:� & Etamf=d C,3ml—n-7 w4, th-n, -he
To-,."nt o--F' any restl-iot-
ions or lim-itctiorE s-j.c,^L 2at.�s of fare in
Of ITarna-1--necl-, to saild d Nev., Yo_-,_r S-tam-ford I'Lail-
ay C 0_nri any .0 S d e c e S S C,r
1',TC'T!, oR-7- 1T RE ti 0--:7EM, and t 'h.,,_r e-b
that he of TLLa_,ar3ncc..',� (�,_oes he-cebv-
cf t"i-Ie a7h*.,j-_doni-nen'l by Ne-,- Ycr"k, &
R a 4L 1,,,I'a of -c nluch of -,t S r ou t
e's 16S 7t-e Beach- -e Station line as is ncl,
t 77 1+h i t -i X,�7 0 ne 'Irl SO 2
Lt s =Uta • S its line as
a n,
o' ccinoident- its main -i-ne and
eb a U th 0-1,i z e ra n 5 e c t, t"-r-.e C 0 1:n S e_.I c f tl-1 a
Tov; of a�:�Par lbe-fcre the Publ-*L.3
Ser,;-irce Ci_l-n_,tiss an5 conse" Of record to such
abcandonme-nt in -o-roceed-Jr-as as -_--iay
y Yc-_,-_h & Sta'_-_f c,,JL R_-
-Public 2-ony Li�,airzn the a---r-V-c
c.- s-_�ch a-lic-nd-mment.
-hat tr-_e Trzvai of lla 3_:2oneah dlces hzLeloy =.sent
t.hat -17.ae ll-,nlo 1. 1 1- i c e may for a
t-- the Ne-,.: Yo -nfo-�.,, 7
-foz- t"Le tr-Jn.-..)o ta',Lon of
any rest:--` -_t I clns G= - Tw-L-oon rates
of fa-,f--e ccntainad, i-n :y C-C oGnzenta
c'i-,ien I-)-, tlie c� to s-aid 1172-oi Ycrh
aai-_nv8 - 13in— c_r it-s credecerscrs,
r r c-4 r-9 e r t h S a R 7c I i c S e I u z
c r e 2 e s .cl1 _ -..es' Z;` fare
rn_te�-�, nentilcn&� exid des cl
co-se-n.t. t-- and aj
tl , ' s
--a L h-
+ -
shal--, not -2S
YC,-rl� S t am- a 1,1', C,C) F�-,Y"Tlzill
C -C a�-,Y
nc i a 2.71 e_ a i,_reC. the con of t-he
rake_--a., eS -,,_-Z, pulDlic
'Q tLe or�,eraticn uses V_qo _ 'I-h-
to 2:7-h--bit an6r, slnall have
Cyppc_-:2ati-=.. c--l-, 7e= 2nlcj.-_ 1^3-0-t-es
n 7
7'j -0 e y,a 4 e 1��n- a ai cl bu s e Fs s -al
_c,l,ltlnl,?,e to "be, o7er he
4r aCC:��C- h t 4
the ...,--'!S
of aaid Bus Consents, anf, so jc,,1L� s,z frc-e
-an fees are exchanEed 7,etween
and the cars A Mae saifl. Yal::r yarh &mac
Railway acrnqp�a=�" as i'n Ez1hilbit
That the a ai�L rai jr.
itself Fn `- its slucoeszz;or��, t3 niaint��i-_n
luring the terr! of the a_-,:istence of &7�'
consent -�'�rante:I b-7 sa� e -- y
-o -or ally
or a""ted a3--_1_0_�_Q_ of Zaij
exchange trE-'.�sfer as bet7�'een
itself, sai6" 1Se-':j Yo-rl: Railw'��y
and said Ccunty Trana-portation
,I-o--Fided 0-- S-SaCjfj in p y
such o3nsent Eranted tr said Village.
11-j_R=M t-hat this resol,.",tiorj shall
not -in 'a.ny Zr �"-_'Cdify the
restrictions or a-Cove to.
except to the e�ntent heieir.&7bcve
The Supervisor stated that the M Co no-�T
up the matter of the application of the 7estcheztei St:2'eet
Transportation GomDany inc. Nor the consent to the substitut-
ion of the operation of buses _ motc_ vehiclea in place of
cars upon the traMm of the Westche5tar Transpo:2tatiOat Cc-iniD
M. Mqueaton spoke hn. fav,-2: E;ra_nting of
said slDlication on behalf of the CnE
also spOIce in fa77-:r of S��id application.
Afte_ upon notion, duly se,ondad, _t
RESOLVED, that the _,�,,,atter of the srantinZ of
the application loe referred to e CQL,,,__ittee
consisting of Tusticez LeejF a-_-,cI (,Iojjjjjz arj,_
COUnsel to meet -.7.-ith t,-.e officers of the
Railroad and :�epoxt back to -the
Board at a Special lfeetinE: to be held on
Ka- cInj. c, _19270
Ther ei-ng no f-Lrt'
_ -jo r )r'U_sine 2, u2 on mction the
adj.urned at 11.30