HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_02_23 Town Board Minutes (2) D=TING OF M ,M T T In TONVY BOA-70, I TODD OF held FebrUaxy 23rd,,1927. The mieeting vies called to order by Supel-vi soX :Durton at S.50 P.1% PMSENT: S-upervisor Bu_-ton J'tiSticez Collins Hrowellll,Leeds Superintendent Of Highways Coles Glerk Sherman The minrutes of meetings of December 13th and 15th,J_92-6, Tamuarl-­- 5th, 26th, Feb-r-uary 2nd and 3rd�,!927 Were read and upon moticvi approved. 11r. Schnor and s, delegation residing at Fifth L ,Avenue, town Of Mama-roneck, appeared before the Board and spoIle relat17e to the condil tion Q.f 2v+t 17enue T.,,,rest, of Chatowo--th ._-Zre=ue. The matters complainse of were referred- to the Su2erintendent of Hjghways® A co:mMunication from the Larchmont Gardena lzzoc_Jation was received_ ---L7 , 1.--- E e hoard at ,(:I read, a�V�'4 n- th o th at a. meeting held lay the Associal. ' at the prom- �' ion approval was exI01essed pt removal of snow, from the ztreets by the S'Jp erint end en't oft' ad The coLufa cation -�,;as ordered noted in the minutez E placed on file® SuPer-Tiscz Burton rSoommended that he be authorized to raise the sum of $7,500. for ay purl rpoaes the sale of a certificate or indebtedness in anticiration of the aoIlection cf tames- which have been levied and which 7 "'! become due on ist, 192% 1-u-st-I.ce Leeds, thereupon offered for adoption tIn-e- f0_ _swing resolutio�n® be it 2300=, that at the SIO-Der-isor be and he hnereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the faith ar.-A cred-it" of tie Town the sum of s=can thouoan! fiVe hundred ($7,500) dollars for which sum he shall issue in the name and under the sea-I cf said Tovzn, in ariticipation of the collection of taxes levied and assessed for high7way purposes pxc against the taxable Derty S_ituat ed outside of the viliageo of Larch,,jont emd M1-_.-,aa:Lonec_k and which will become due and payable on April 1-qt,1927; said certificate to be sol-i for rot less than the par value thereof, to bear interest at the rate not to exceed flive(5%) per oentum and to mature at such time es the Supervisor may determine. Said certificate shall be paid with the taxea-- -,,-,hick will become due on I.pri-I Ist, 1927, and w-hich have been levied a-n.d assessed for high,,vay purposes, as afore- sajd; an.d it is further 193. RESO-TVED. that the Supe=, �isor and Town. Clerk- be and they hereby are authorized and e­povvrere�. t 0 sign a t' as execute�e such papers and instruments as may be pro-Deer i to effect the sale ar • deli ve-77 0 Such Certi icate. Upon a vote being taken the fog ey.oing reaolutions WeTe declared unanimously adopted by the vote- ly e e-B ix ITo e q--r-c n e SuDel- I iEOZ- Burton reported that on account of certair. legal technicalities he 77as a7o,�e -'C .ff.ct tjj ur - V 6 _p settlement Of the tvio claims mentioned in the report of the special counsel and resc.7,uIicn adopted thereunder at the meeting of this Board held on December l5th,1926, a,nd reouested that lie be a-athorized to settle the claim Of the To•%rn Of Mn_-P_nroneck againstu sp-JU f daxlages sustained to the property formerly Q-"nad by Gironde izpon receipt of V�,500. M% Garton further stated that he recommended the settlement of said claim fo" se.,id sum of $5,500. believing it to be a fIP_jXI Settlement and in the interests of the To,,—,.L.miter some discussion and consideration, Justice. Leeds offezed for ado-o'ton the followinE 2?esolution- PESO-TV-7D, that that _rOrtion of the resolution adopted by the Town Board at its =eetin- held on December 15,1926 -wrhich authorized the acceptance of the offer of $7,500. M-ade 'by It-. 21111er on behalf of the Wes tchester & Boston Railroad. Company z af�,', the hTevk 11aver. Raj road Conrfany in full settlement of the c-lalm for damages sustained by -property now owned by the Tovin of I&maroneck 4:,orMer__-y rammed by y-_sz. FZ'anoesca, G-dron-la at the intersection of ! rrtle and lazxray aver es F'-d f0:x° dex-lagez alleged to have been sustained bY_ Carm-ine TortoreHa, the o-mner of cert"irl premises t the southerly Uses si uated :t th" side"Oaf !Vrtle -AVenue -,weot of Mhatsworth Ic7en�ue, by the change of grade Of Cha:tzworth, Murray and, Itrrtle .,Porenues, be amd the same hereby is rescinded; and be it further RZSC=, that the offer of $5,50oa made by LT_-. I-I'Llier on behalf of the Westchester Boston and. Iiav__11 Railroar.3. Comn-�panles in full settlement of the claim for d _amages sustained by property formerly 017,rned by 11rs. Francesca Gironda, nor; owned by the Town GIC Mazial-oneck by reason of the change Of grade of Myrtle eared lar= ;r Avenues adjOin rIS- said -preriises be and the same hereby is accented ard the settlement in all 1es-Pects enipproved; and be 11, further Pj,'SCI.V=, that the Supez-T4 sor be and TQ�Im Clerk hereby are authorized and eylpovvered to execute releases and documents as v;jLil be neces5ary and proper to Gar rT int-0 effect the at,07e settler-cent. The question of the adoption: of the foregoing - 1�1 ,h a res-01"O,tiOn 117R$ Out tO a vote 151j' the failowing result- ƒqb e ei= ffo e none The resoz tip s sere accordingly £ecl a c=s Z a to, ; o= Miction, the 2ne eti )cam r-e a at ;,30 2, � . � . .