HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_01_05 Town Board Minutes (2) r E:"
TUZN CF lu�i :Gi CY
held January 5th, 1927.
_ The meetinS vas called. to order by wu-oervisor
Murton at 9.30
3;�liBS—E1ST: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd,Collins.Hoviell,Leeds
Town Clerk Sherman
Superintar_dent of Highi ays Coles
Coransellor Gamble
The glark �:resented :.nd read a petition -which had
been filed -vith him by the Via;ple Gardens,Inc. reauosting
the Suiperintendent of Highways in the Tovn? of T:.amaroneck
to accept certain streets named therein in that certain
development or subd_ivi sicr� kno?aa as Ilayc)le Gardens.
.after discussion, upon motion duly seconded., it
a:L-ice tlh,t the :,etiticn be referred
to the Superintenaent of Hig�YWays and
Counsel to examine and re•Jort bacit to
the Board.
The Clerk read a car=munication from the Weaver
Street Fire Company requesting the installation of a fire
at tix corner of iiiCkory Grove Drive anal _P'oCky load.
Upon motion duly seconded, the -natter v:as -referred
to the Superinteiide;t of =iis-liwasyfor investigation with
povier to act therein.
The Clerk :resented a cemmanication from the
ffestchester Lighting 0, =jDaay in regard to the installation
of street lam s heretofore installed within the Town of
P•,ama.rcncc by said Gorir_-any, requesting an approval of
the install3.ticn.
Upon motion duly seconded, it vial
F,7,SC=D. , tint the installation of 25CC
candle lPower znc :ndescent lai-,ps by the
''�1estch,e ter Lighting Co_,a,._any within the
To-,n of Dia.iaaroneck be aTt��roved_; and it
Was further
SCI rte., ti ,.t of the afcresnid ele-rer_
installations ti;e on Nine Street be
chargcc to the Lighting District, and
nine o- s?,id_ lam-1 char-ed_ to _-Park
District, Zo. 1. V
The Clerk advised the board that it was necessary
for t.o To-van!� oard to fix a 6-ate for the Hearia:ry of the
a;�_lic,- tzon of wiestchestar Street Tra.nsyJortation Co_zy�ar�y,
Inc. for the consent of the To-on Boc.rd of the Town of
a arOneCk a17Q tAe Of l� hviays to the
S: 'Os ti tution of" the OyJErc tiD:1 of buses or m•'otor vehicle
in glace cf cars upon tracks of that portion of the route
of the `111estciaester Street Transport_-Ition a omnicany,Inc. on
.' aLlar'z)-nec i iAwe-nue in the Torn of 1clrAarUncCi{.
The Clerk road t_ie afo:,eE iCd. and
after discussion, it was
SOLTED, that a Public I1earin be and
the same h" reby is called- to be hold on
January 26th,!°27, at 8.30 P.P.I. at the
office of the Tov;n Clerk, of the To?rn of
hlz�uaroneck,No. 8 T"l2 Street, 1.'121aaroneck,
for the ur_pose of hearing the
of the �cstchester Street
Trans_oortation Co-'n,�a.ny,Ir_c. in cc rd. ce
�taitn t-e ---tiLion; and it further
ru3VL'.-1J, that notice by aO"7e1"tise_:_ent
given for said a_gplicaticn in aicco"rdance
a1•itth the lava by t le "_�e titioner or the Tovdn
and thG,t all 3rs3nE intereEted in
ayylication Or in Op_�OSition thereto
i,rho are y3resent at Mat herein,, be heard;
a.nd- it r fu Giier
=-S-7,71--, that nothir_g herein contained
shall in any,�,!ise be ;;onstrued as a consent
to the present clap ns of tihe 's"Jestchr-ster
street Trar_aportatisn C.o_nrpany,lnc. that
it has at this t'LMQ a valid franchise of
the Town of Yaraaroneck for the operation
of strc-ot railway lines within the Town
of nor shall it in any way be
construed to impair the rights of the
Tcvan of it=a aronacP, to hereafter ouestio;'j
said franchise for the operation of street
cars ou s .id street within the Town. of
11'amaroneck thereunder,
The Clerk further stated that the aiJplicati en of the
County Trans-portation Coulpa:ny,rnc. to operate buses within the
Town of i. 2.Inaronec7L- had heretofore been received and a Public
!Qarin,- dulir called and held and adjourned from tirae to time
notice of" all of vrhich had beef dull* youblished.
He further stated that thereafter the County
Trans-ao"rtation a ompany,Inc. and the New York & Sta:.Xord
,jailvvay CL'r"ya,ny had filed an ai4eTided apOlic2..tiOn invOlvinS
the substitution for trolleys on certain lines of the iTera York
StazffFOrd Railway Company, the rrovisior for -has transportation
on certain new lines, and the re-zoning of the Iiew YL'r]s
Stanford Railway Zi`ith an increase in the fare tO be
charged in exc hunoe of transfers between bus and trolley
and. the 'abandonrncnt of certain routes of the 11 e•,v Yorke '
Sta.zAford Hail-,`,,ay Coink,ary c---used by the substitutini'i of-buses
meter discussion, the Board deeaed it wise to hold
aIh ad.dltional Public Hearing on tike afOrPSa:1 arheildEd pcthtonS
and" upon notion duly seconded, it vya,s
7E.;7 "T , that the Tovdn3 oard hold a Public
HearinE on the amended apyDlication of the
County Trans-_;;crtation ::=.nd the
k;evv York & Sta.i_oford- Rail%,ay Company for the
co-ordination of motor buses and trolley
service within the To-,,t-n of I;Pauaxonecki in
accordance with the petition heretofore
filed on January 26,1927, at 8.30 P. at
the office of the TownCler�.,S ElIn Street,
a�naroncc' ,I ev; York; and it was further
HliSC=, that notice of said Public hear-
ing by puulication either by the petitioner
or the To' n Ci lErii be J.F@'. °.;l.rl tha 1- i_e
,said Hearing of perso2is interested in said
application, or in o_positiou thereto , be
,Counsel reported that in connection vdth the
ajol is_-tien heretofore made for the acce=ptance of Bryson
S=treet, that he had had a conference with George G. Murray
and 17.,r. .iurray had authorized hire tc state to the Board
that he °ras ready to Geed the street to the Town at such
time as it would accept the same. He further rel:,orted that
the Board of Se,-ver aomnissicners of Sewer District Yo. l
Were ar_Xi ous to have the street taicen over by the Town
Board and made a town highway at as early a date as
possible as they desired to lay sewers therein and in
contiguous streets.
U1oon motion duly seconded, the matter of the
acceptance of Bryson Street was -referred to the Superin-
tendent of Highv,ays and Counsel with power.
Supervisor Burton advised the B card that he had
.1P1'C-tofore had conferences w" ti2 rerzonS representin the
-rra-;,le Hill levelooment in connection ;-kith the potisibility
of tb.e io�vn of La.2aronec'_k obtaining a right-of-vlay thrcugh
for drainage -purposes, affecting the entire area of the
Jlaole Hill Development and contiguous property to the
north thereof.
He stated_ that the ratter was row under cor_sidcr-
ation by the representatives of the development and the
Superintendent of Highurays and requested that a cor_ru_nittee
be a_pointed to conclude the matter.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it ;7as
SL '1 , that a co=r(imittee CGnsisting of
the Supervisor, Superintendent of Highv,,ays
and Justice needs be and hereby is appointed
with power to further investigate and
conclude the :natter of a drain in the maple
Hill Tevelopment.
The, Supervisor presented the annual re-ao-rt of
I'ighvvay moneys for the year 1925, which ,vas ordered received,
oted in the minutes, `laced on file, and' upon motion duly
seconded, it Uvas, upon Roll Call
RI,;SOBS,D, that the annual Highway report
Of the Supervisor for the y ar 1926 be
anr. the sGaiie hereby is a-proved; and it
is further
RB:SOLVE7 , th�A the Su-tervisor be requested
and authorized to h,' e the same published
in accordance v;itz lativ and_ that the cost
thereof be made a -prc]:er town charge.
Upon motion, the meetin& adjourned at 11.30 1�. .
Ole rk.