HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_12_15 Town Board Minutes (2)M I=TITuG CF = JOINT T0„17 13GA- ) TC LDI OF LAILAR C ICY held 1<ecerrber 15,1926. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 10.00 P.N- 11HE---STT: Supervisor Burton_ Justices Boyo Collins,Howell,Leeds Tolrm C le ra Sherman Counsellor Gamble. The minutes of meetings of November 10th and T:eceiaber,lst,1926 were read and upon motion approved. The kessrs. Nye and Price appeared before the Board xequesting information as to the progress being made or, the application for the installation of gas on Caerleon .venue between --wrieaduvi Place and Howell Avenue. They _resented a coruraunication from the West- chester T,ighting C,orapany addressed to ]Zr. R.C.ITye,together with a sketch shoving the proposed installation and houses t o be supplied with gas. The co4imunica:tion and s -ketch *:ere filed with the Tovvns oard and after a. general dis- cussion of the entire matter the same was referred to the Supervisor for his attention. Iwr. Gagliardi, Special Counsel, in the matter of widening of ldurray Avenue reported that: (a) Irmnedia.tely after the conclusion of the condemnation proceeding, acting upon instrvctior_s from the Supervisor, he took up with: yr. Buell, one of the attorneys for j,:r. Tuliller of the 'vVestciiester and 30stonRailr-cad Company the matter of the d.arr�aves sustained by LCrs. Francesca Gironda and by Ca-rmir_e Tortcrella, as a result of the change of gr�-,de of Myrtle Avenue adjoining their respective parcels; (b) That after extended Negotiations, Vir. Miller on behalf of the Railroad Company, agreed -to pay to the Tovra of Idamaroneck the sura of x;'7500. in full settlement of said claims, -which is limited to the parcels in question; (c) That in the Condemnation proceeding under which the Town of Kai:aroneck acquired the Gironda property, a stipu- lation was entered into between counsel for the Town and the attorneys for It":rs. Gironda and for the lessees e_apowering the Commissioners of appraisal to determine the amount of damage, if any, sustained by Dirs. Gironda and said lessees by reason of the change of grade, as aforesaid, not conceding any established grade, and include the same in the award to be made by said Coamissioners; (d) That the offer of 0500. made by Yr. Miller is fair and just a.nd advantageous to the Toim of Ila:.iaraneek. Yr. Gagliardi also reported that irmiediately after he deposited the amount of the award with the C. ounty Treasurer of Westchester Clounty, he addressed himself to the ta.sl.c of obtaining; possession of the Gironda property and with that in view made a motion before Iu'r. Justice Tompkins for an order of assistance under the provisions of the Condemnation Dom,w; that the order of assistance was grar_ted but that he ti?ithheld delivering the saxre to the Sheriff upon the assurance made by:I4rs. Gironda that she would vacate the premises in question during the week of the 20th inst. 11r. Gagliardi recommended that steps be taken to have the building and contents sold_ at public auction in order that the building- may be dmolished and the grounds filled and graded at ar early crate. Mr. Gagliardi also reported that on the closing of the Gironde matter, he waived the 1926 school taxes ar_d requested_ the Board to adopt a resolution directing the Receiver of Taxes to cancel and discharge the same. After discussion, Justice Leeds offered for adoption the following resolution RESCy ,1, that the report of Lir. Gagliardi regarding the matters aoove outlined_ be received and spread on the minutes of this meeting, and be it further EESCL ED, that the offer of 7500. made by Yr. Diller of the Westchester and Boston Railroad Company in settlement of the claim for damage sustained by YIrs. Francesca Gironda and Garmir_e T ortorella by reason of the change of grade of Myrtle Avenue adjoining their respective premises (it being expressly understood that thisB card does not concede that the grade of 14yrtle Avenue eras ever established) be and the same hereby is accepted and the settlement approved; and it is further EESCLV1, that the Supervisor and T ovivn Glerk be and hereby are authorized and empowered to execute such releases and documents as may be necessary and proper to conclude the above settlement, and it is further IMSC.T.MID, that the matter of disposing of the Gironda building and contents of the demolish- ing the Gironda building and grading the premises be referred to a committee of three members with yoouer, to be apioir_ted by the Supervisor, and it is further RM -'SC =, that the payment of the school taxes levied. on September 1, 1926 against the lots formerly owned by Francesca Gironda and described on the assessment map as lots 23 and 24, block 71, section 1, be and the same -- hereby is waived and the Receiver of Taxes of the To= of Idlarnaronec'k is hereby accordingly directed to cancel and discharge the same. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was put to a vote with the following result: Ayes: Six ITaye s : None. The resolutions were accordingly declared unanimously adopted. 173 In accordance with the foregoing resolution, the S upervisor thereupon appointed the follo-wing cant -rnittee: Justices Collins and Leeds, and, Glerk Sherman. A comr-unication from G.' .Loody,President of Roucen C len,Inc. was received and read advising the Board of the fact that nothing had beer, done b the New York Inter -Urban .pater Gcmpany in regard to laying the water mains in Rouken Glen, in accordance with the resolution heretofore adopted by the To vim Board. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and the matter vias referred to the Supervisor for his attention. The Clerk presented an application by the West- chester Street S`ransporta.tion Gor2pany,Inc. for consent to the substitution of the operation of buses and motor vehicles in place of cars on tracks on I alriaroneck avenue in the Town of hiamparonecic. The application was ordered_ placed. on file and the Merk was directed to prepare the necessary ntiufoer of copies for each member of the Board for their study and consideration. U'yoon motion_ the meeting adjourned at 12.,14 A.1-11. G1erk.