HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_11_10 Town Board Minutes (2)'.TING OF = JOINT TO`NIT BOARD TOIMI'E CF I cjM-CK held November 10, 1926. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8.25 r.1L. FREE T: Supervisor Burton Jus ticesBoyd,Coll ins ,Hoaell,Leeds Town Clerk Sherman Superintendent of Hightirays Cole--- Counsellor olesCounsellor Gamfole The minutes of the meetings of July 7th,July 21st and September 15th, 1926 were read anal upon motion approved.. A. co=nunication from Iver. George H. Noore, on behalf of the Larchmont Gardens Association, was received and read requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of ?iickory Grove Drive, Jest Brookside Drive and Palmer Lane and also the installation of a fire hydrant at the corner of Sunnyside Dxive and Greystone Road. The matter of the fire hydrant was referred to the Superintendent of Highways. Upon the recoarmendation of the Superintendent of Highvuays, it was upon motion duly seconded, FESOLIVED, that the Westchester Lighting Comypany be and it hereby is requested required and directed to install one 60 idle power street lamp at the intersection of Hickory Grove Drive, West Brookside ]give and Palmer Lane. .L petition was presented to the Board signed by ten property owners requesting that Rouken Glen Fast Drive and Rouken Glen 1"�est Drive be accepted as a public street. After due consideration and upon the reammmendation of the Superintendent of High -,days, the f ollowing resolution vias presented and upon Poll Call unanimously adopted: I ;S, the ownersof the fee and/or rights of Tay* of certain streets in the development or district of the Town o f Idamaroneck known as Rouken Glen, have heretofore filed a petition with t1iis Board and the Superin- tendent of Highways of the Town of Camaro- neck offering to dedicate and deed certain streets or portions thereof to the Town of Yamaroneck and requesting said Town and Superintendent of Hi&]=iays to accept said streets as Town Highways, and said petition has beer. considered by this Board and the Town Superintendent of Highways, and yVIEI"AS, the Superintendent of Highways has examined said streets or portions thereof and has recommended that they be a ocepted as Town Highways of the Town of 3damaronec1c under certain terms and conditions, and IZIE' i kS, the Supervisor has heretofore ordered the Inter Urban Water Company to install a six-inch water main from a point on hurray avenue in, to and through tReu].-en Glen Last Drive and Rcuken Glen West Drive, a distance Of approximately 1150 feet in length together tirith one fire hydrant, said streets being shown or, the map of Rouken Glen hereinafter described. NOW, =--- -B,F01M, H3 IT 1r-;SCL=- , that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare: I. i'he necessary deed or deeds conveying o the Town of -1aman nets the f ollowing described roads, streets and ways or portions thereof as shovqn on a certain map entitled"Amended Yap of Rouken Glen, Section One, in. the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester Co.,14.Y., dated Sept. 2, 1926, by A-1, Foote, Civil iingineer, Larch�racnt",- i. All that certain section of the street or road designated. on said map as Rouken Glen East Drive. 2. All that certain section of the street or road designated on said map as Rouken Glen_ Lest Drive. 3. That certain portion of the street or road designated on said mar as Rouken Glen South Drive beginning at the northerly and of Rouken Glen West Drive as zhomn on said map and running westerly therefrom a distance of approximately 173 feet. _TI. A contract between the Town of Idiamaroneck and Rouken G1en,lnc. a New York corporation, under the terns of which said Rouken C; len,l.zc. agrees among other things to construct the aforesaid roadways hereinabove named and to complete the same in accordance with plans and specifications therefor approved by and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways together with a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to Counsel guaranteeing to the Town the carrying out of the terias. and c_onditi lats, of said agreement. FURILMR RHSOLM-M, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and ampovieredto execute said c ontract f or and on behalf of the ToiTn of Llasmaroneck when approved by Counsel and a fter the e xecution of same by Rcuken Glen, Inc. and it is 159 FURT=�,1 i5SOLT D, that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare the necessary resolutions providing for the acceptance of said roads, streets and hig.I.l,,;ays or portions thereof by the Town of Kamaroneck a.s Public Town Hightivays of said Town for adoption by this Board when and as the afore- said deeds and contract hereinabove referred to are executed and d elivered; and it was FURT17-R HESOL 1, that the action of the Supervisor in ordering the Inter Urban :dater Company to install a six-inch main from a point on Murray avenue in, to and through Rousen Glan East Drive a.nd Rouken Glen west Drive; a distance of approximately 1150 feet in length, together with one fire hydrant, be and the same hereby is in all respects ratified and confirmed, and it was FT'.Th--a i-SSCI=, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized, aTMs_1:)owered and directed t o forward a certified copy of this resolution to said Inter Urban Water Company. .A communication from Er. C.W.Moody, of Reuken Glen, Inc. was received and read requesting the installation of street lights within that subdivision. The communication was ordered received, noted in the minutes aid placed on f ile. Upon the recomLendation of the Superintendent of Highways, it was upon motion duly seconded P-1 S017 , that the Superintendent of High- ways be and he hereby is authorized and empowered -Lo direct the Westchester Lighting Company to install the following street lights in the Town of Uamaroneck: Qn_e street light on the south side of Edgewood ?avenue at or near the entrance to the Police Station on said street. One street light on Cedar Street, now knoaJn as Cabot Road, running south from Myrtle Avenue. Justices reeds and Howell, a Cc=ittee cn Traffic Booty and Signal System to be installed at the intersection of Chatsworth, Murray and T.yrtle Avenues reported progress. Justice Deeds reported_ the good work and. co-ol:era.ticn extended by the officials 6f the Villa; ge of Larchmont in helping locate the water leak at the intersecti on of Chatsworth, Murray and H{yrtie Avenues. The G1erk was requested to s end a letter to the officials of the Village of Larcrrnont expressing the appre- ciation of this Board for their aid and assistance in this work. 161 Mae Clerl: -,resented a con -muni Cation from the Testchester Li htling Couripany requesting the authorization for street la�..ps, installed and -which v,:ere completed on Septer.-,ber 15,1926. .Toon the reCo.mmendation of the c`Utierint.endent of Higrizays, the follov,=?n resolution was upon Roll Call unanimousiv adopted. he Superintendent. of Highways has re';orted that u�,on his request the 7est- c1iester Li-nhting. ycmnany on Septer:ber 15th, 1926, com7,)leted the installation of the follo-ing street I pa: 1-L-400 candle pcv--er incandescent lamps ander- g-rcund connections, as follows: 5 on Chatsrorth Avenue, 7 on Yyrtle Avenue and 2 in Hurray Avenues and discontinued the folic-ving street lamps: 1-60 candle co-aer incandescent lamp on Chatsworth .Avenue 2-250 candle -cower incandescent lamps on Chatst,;Torth Avenue 1-250 candle power incandescent lamp on ITurray Avenue I-4-00 candle power suspension lamp on Murray S -venue 2-32 candle �_?o,a:er incandescent lamps on Myrtle Avenue 1-100 candle power incandescent lamp on Myrtle Avenue 1.-250 candle po�7er incandescent 1Fmp on Myrtle Avenue 1-250 candle porter incandescent lamp on LTurray and Illy rtle 4ves. 1-100 candle power incandescent Iamp on Vine load 1-250 candle pov:'er incandescent la-Zp on Vine Road -250 candle po-:*er incandescent lamps on Station Drive NOT, Th"1 EF ORE , be it RES'OI,= that the installation, changes and discontinuance of the street lams made a2 above resorted be arrroved ac of Se-otC-T27ber 15th, 1926. -- Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10.30 P .Y. To:,n Clem.,