HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_06_02 Town Board Minutes (2)K1X_STIYG OF THE SCINT T011TY BO.A-RD TORT 07 MAILLP601TEECK held June 2, 3926. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 11.45 P.M. PRESENT: 5upervisoT Burtoll Justices Boyd, Coll ins, Howell & Leeds Superintendent- of Hig-aways Cz1as Town Clerk Shemman Counzell-lor Gaz-able. The minutes of meetings of January lath® March 347th, April l3th and 27-th and Irlay 3Eit,1926, were read and union motion approved. A co.-mmuni ca "lion from the Se-wer Commission was received and read rsco=ending the taking over of certain streets as Tom Highways in order to allow the said Sewer Cwmmission to proceed with the installation of sewers as -planned in said streets. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Higzlways, the following resolution 1:-.Taz .pr ese:ted and 'upon Roil Call una--ninnously adopnted:- 1,TiEFEAS , the o -,-- e r s of the f e em an d/o - rights o f way in certain streets in the development or d il a t -- i c t of the Town o f Maria r c, n e c k k?i o -m as Larohmont Gardens haveheretofore filed a zetition wit.'a t1�is Board and the Superintendent ofHigi,_ways of the Town of Mazmaxonec2L offer- ing to dedicate and deed said streets or portions thereof to the Tom of 111amaxoneck and requestirxg said Torn and Superintendent of Hig]m.7,ays to accept said streets as Town HiShways, and I TiMr il.J_ L MET US, said�etzt-on has been considered by this Board and the To -fin Superintendent of HJ_1P,q-,.­_-ys, and the deeds of a portion of said streets presentled, and 7, MEAS, t'he Superintendent of Rig'_rivays has examined said streets or portions thereof and has zecommzended that they be accepte&- as To -an High—,_ys of the Town of Hamaroneck: 3rQWv,T11T-,R7�R3, BE IT PESCLVED, that -E,he 'am Y ol,rn 0 f I- , aronec'_< do ar-d it hez& does accept the aforesaid offer of dedication hereto -Lore -made by the Larchm.,iont, Gardens Company and ot'laerz and the deeds and releases to the Toon os Llaz_,iaroneck- ;�resemted tl'nereto, and does hereby accept as Town Highimays the following described roads, streets and 'nays oz portions thereof as *hi; m on a certaill map entisled "Plazi of lots called Larchmont. Gardens" situate in the Tc%lm of ma-mmaronedk, Co,,inty of �Yestc'nesltler and State of New Ycrj�, surveyed. -for Clil"ford. B.Harnmn, 51 East 42md Street, New York City,New YorL-, Sub- division i%io. 1 and 2, by Long and -ailler, Civil Engineers, dated Augast 16, 1911, and 135 filed int -he office of the Register of Westchester County on September 11, 1911 as Ifiap No. 1949, and described as follogs: y. All that certain section of the wtreet or -road deziZnated on said snap as Locust Road, _-nd shown on said map to be bounded as follows: on the west by bloc -k 4-,6; or - the north by Garden Road; on the east by block 406; or, '.Lie south by the -northerly line of Hickory Grave Drive as extended to block 416. 2. All that ceftain section of the street or road designated on said mall as Garden Road, and s1iown, on said "map to be bounded as follows: or. the vest by land now or forznerly of John Palmer, o -a the north by block 417; Orchard Road and block 418; on the east by Test 2rookside Drive; on the south by bloc,"Ll- 416, Locust Road and block 406. 3. All that certain se c140-0 'he street � of 1. &1 or road designated as Orchard Road, and shover_ onsaid m to be bounded as folioivs: on the west by Wea,7er Street; on the north by bloolc 423; on the east by the westerly line of Clover Street, as e:�tended to block 427; on the south by block 42?. 4.1 A _t the In section of aje stzeet certai 0_ road designated on said map as Lansdowne Drive, and *hownDr. said MaD to be bounded as fQIlows: on the west by Weaver Street; on the 'north by block 429; block 320 and 17.5t Brookside Drive; on the east by the -vvesterly line Of Clover Street as extended to block 42�'; onthe zclath by blccl-- 429. ;m, All that certain. sectio-_ra Of the street or road designated on said map as VTest Brook- s."de Drive, and sho-un on sold Map to be bounded as followz: on the west by Weuvgr Stree; on the north by JiG^ i 430, t1ae brook flawing s')-uth— warcla into Valle-jr Lake and the Part:; on the east by a _o0int 01P!Pcsite lot 13 Of Block 429 and distan7 350 feet westel-ly from the westerly line cf Lansdowne Drive as extended to block 431; on the south by block 429, Ibloc--k 428 and LansdoTirne Drive® 6. All that certain section of the street or -cad designated on said map as Little Farris Road and shoi--�on said ma -lo to be bo^anded as fo',lows: oin the wrest by Bas; Brco,�sde Drive; on ';Ie north by block 425; on the east by the e-qste-rlY side Of Edgewood Place if the were extended solatherly to the southerly site of Little Farms Road; on the south by block 419. 7. All that certain section of the street or road designated on said map as Edgewood Place and shown on said ma,,D to be bounded _ns 'Q3 " ows. or: the vest by bloc.I�: 4250- ori the norlt.11 by bloc 425; on the east by the e_,id --f said on said-map-_(b'e1ing the easte.:,Iy 'courldazy line cf the Property shown and des- crilced, on said reap) on the south by block 424 and Little Farms Rcad And be it FURT_H M. RMSOLVED, that the aforedescribed roads, streets, and ways or portions thereof, be and t2ae same hereby are monde and. decla-1,.ed to be Public Town Higlnwayz; and be it -VMT=t RESOLITM), that t.ae Town Clark be and he hereby is empowered and directad to record the aforesaid deeds and releases; and be it FURTIM R];SOL7=, that the Superintende-ilt of Hirhways be and he hereby is authroized and e�zpowe_-ed to eaecute and record ever dacuments or certificates are necessary acco-vrlinE to law t -o vest title to the Tov,-. in said streets, and to bring the a-Poresaid resolution into full force a,,:Id effect; aid be It FURTHM RESODFEED, that Lhe Tomri of Maxaaroneoh shall be kept safe and harmless from any ai __m or damaEe of any nature or character whatsoever ii anywise arising from the improvements of the aforesaid streets, any- thing to the contrary notwithstanding. A Communi cat jLon from the Westchester Lighting Company was received requesti-ng a resolution for the inst,ll atI.on of three additional street 'lights on Fifth A,7exaue. L),L--. Coles requested that a resolution be adopted removing a pole situated at The Rocki nEstone on Roc-cingstone Avenue, and the in.9tallatioy(I of two hanging traffic lights. The communication was ordered placed on file and the fcllow- solut ing re ions were presented upon the recorfmiendation of the Superintendent of Highways, and upon Roll Call unarili-Lously SdoDtSO.:- RESODIED, that the West-lc,este_- Lightlirg Company be and it hereby is authorized and directed to install three street light's or, poles tWo;, four and seven, situated or. Fifth Avenue In the Tera of Mamaroneck. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Hig1ili;ays, it -nas RESOLVED, t1iat the Westchester Lighting Company be and it hereby is authorized and directed to re --07e the present light- ing role situated at The Rockingstone on Roe'kingstone Avenue to the sout-heast corner of Rockin-getc-ae Avenue amd Srprace Road; and be it further F:,4190=, that tcrc hanging lights be in- ztalled on each side of The Roo'kjngstone� The Boa;,.'d -too1c :up -for cons -11, for the expenditures of highway money for the Year 1926. rhe agree�.-,ent was presented and read and upon the recommendation of the Saperinte�,dent of Higkrways, it -1.m7as upon Roll Call 'Ananilacusly 139 "I 12SOLVED, that the agreement or tl-,e expenditures of highWay .Money for the year 1926 as presented and read be and it hereby Is appr,--ved 'by this Board and it is further RES01WED, that a CGI T of said agreement be filed with the Clerk of this Board and the Clerk is instructed to forward copies of the same to the County Slaperliltendent o --F' Highrays. The Board t -hen proceeded to execute the aforezaid UPon. Motion the meeting adJourned at 12.40 :%2j. 7 -Te- /