HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_12_16 Town Board Minutes (2) 0i
held December 16,1925.
The meeting -,v-as called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 10.45 P.M.
PREhTT: SupervisorBurton
Justices Boyd and Collins
Superintendent- f 'HighvLrays Coles
Tb,wn Clerk She"rn:arn
Counsellor Gamble.
Upon motion" it Was voted to d ispense with: the
reading of the .minutes of meetings not yet approved.
-Counsellor Gamble reported-in relation to the
Proceedings for the acceptance of certain streets i:n
Zarchmont Gardens and stated that the necessary releases
and deeds- -evere in proper shape -so that the streets m. y be
accepted as Town Highways if the Superintendent of High-
ways so recommends.
Upon the recommendation- of the Superintendent
of Highways , the following resolutions ,7ere presented and
upon Roll Call una.nirnously adopted:
,TEEP-73AS, the owners of the fee and/or the
rights -of way in certain streets in the
development or district of the Town of
Maraaronec'k, known as Zarchm.ont Gardens
have- heretofore-filed a petition with this
Board and-the Superintendent of Highways of
the Town of Mamaroneck offering to dedicate
and deed said streets or -portions thereof
to the Town of Mamaroneck and requesting
saidToun, and Superintendent of Highways to
accept said streets as Town HighE7ays; and
1REAS, the said petition has been con-
sidered by this Board and the Town Superin-
tendent of Highvi&ys , and the deeds of said
streets presented; and
'v'iIM AS, the Superintendent of Highwayshas
examined said streets or _portions thereof
and has recommended that they be accepted
as T o om Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck:
Town of Hamaroneck do and it hereby does
accept the aforesaid offer of dedication
heretofore made by the Larchmont Gardens
Com-any and others and the deeds and re-
leases to the Town of Uamaroneck presented
thereto, and does hereby accept as Town
Highways the following described roads,
streets and ways or portions thereof as
shown on a certain map entitled"Plan of .Lots
called l,arcnmont Gardens" situate in the
Town of Mamaroneck,County- of restchester
and State of New York, surveyed for Clifford
3-_Ha.rraon; 51 East 42nd Street,New York City,
New York, Subdivision No. I and 2, by long
and LIUler,: Civil Engineers dated August
16; 1911,-and- filad in the off ice of the
Register'of -County on Sept-
ember 11, 1911 as"yJiap no. 1949; and
described as follows:
1. All that certain section of the
street or road designated cn said mad, as
Hickory Grove Drive, and ahovrn by said reap
to be bounded as follows on the west by
Locust Road; on the' north by Block 406;
on the east by Palmer -Fane and/or Jest
Brookside :give; on the south by Block 405.
2. All that certain section of the street
or road designated on said map as Rocus't
Road and known by said map to be bounded
as follows: on the west by Block 416; on
the north by the northerly line of Hickory
Grove give as extended to Block-416; on
the 'east by Block 405; on the south by
Palmer lane.
And be it
FURT=R RESO7VB'D, that the afore-described
roads, streets,and :rays or portions thereof,
be and the same hereby are made and declared
to be Public Town High,^ays; and
BE IT RJR = P,^=i��7ED, that the Torn Clerk
be and he hereby is empmrered and directed
to record the aforesaid deeds and releases;
BE, IT _-77RTHi2 rSO�V�D, that the Superintendent
of Highl,,iays be and he hereby is authorized
and e�nc,owered to execute and record v.*hatever
documentsor certificates are necessary
according to la-v,- to vest title to theTown
in said streets, and to bring the aforesaid
resolutions into full force and effect; and
BE IT RJRTHB'R RBSO=, that the To-Tin of
Vamaxoneck shall be kept safe and harmless
from any claim or damage of any nature or
character whatsoever in anywise arising from
the improvements of the aforesaid streets
anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
A general discussion of Proceeding Xo. 4 was had,
which petitions for the acceptance as Toi7n Highways the
remainder of the streets in aarchmont Gardens lying ,vest
Of 'West Brookside Drive.
After due consideration, it wasthe sense of the
Board that the matter be referred to Counsellor Gamble to
take up with the representatives of the Zarchmont Gardens
GomAany and the Zarchmont Gardens Association with the view
of .having the parties interested get together fox theurpoae
Of remedying and taking care of the drainage situation it
the vicinity of Orchard Road.
A petition from Er. R.C.c?eathdr was received and
read, asking for the acceptance as a Town High,,,ray the street
called Heather Lane which is located on the Heather Property
at Iffeaver Street.
The pe"titi-on"Fras -ordered referred to counsellor
Gamble and the matter of the acceptance of"the street was
referred to the Superintendent of Highways.
The Clerk brought to the attention of-the Board
the need'of. new street signs-"in 'the unincorporated part
of the_To-Tm of Mamaroneck' and he suggested that a ecm=nittee
be appointed for the ;purpose of taking` the matter up and
submitting its, recommendation to the Board.
U on motion duly seconded it ryasvoted thata
committee ne a,` ointed to t akeup the question of street
signs on the Town tHighvays in the unincorporated section
of the Town and that they be authorized and empo,nrered to
secure designs and types of signs and the cost thereof.
Co-mmi ttee The Supervisor thereupon appointed the following
Messrs. Sherm.an,Collins, Boyd and Coles.
coinrmnication from the Committee of Rine,
ap,.:)ointed by the Yfunici]�alities of 'Westchester County to
consider countywide bus operation was received and read
advising the Board of a meeting to be held at the Bar
Association rooms, New York City, on Tuesday, December
2nd,1925, at 11 A.TUi.
The ccM unication was ordered placed on file and
the matter referred to the Committee on Buses.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11.50 p.yi.
Town lerk. "'°