HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_12_09 Town Board Minutes (2) 5
held December 9th,1925.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9:40 o'clock P.M.
PRESETT: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer
Superintendent of Highways Coles
Torn Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble.
It was voted that the minutes of the meeting of
November l8th,1925 be approved.
A communication from the Westchester Lighting
Company was received and read, acknowledging the receipt
of a resolution requesting the installation of gas mains
on Chatsworth Avenue from Glen Road to sorest Avenue and
advising the Board that due to the prohibitive cost of
this extension, the Company could not comply with the
terms of the resolution of the Town Board-
The communication was ordered placed on file
and the matter referred to the Supervisor.
F communication from Mr. H.M. C:illiams with a
petition attached signed by the residence and property
owners of Hickory Grove Drive, was received and read,
requesting the installation of gas mains on Hickory Grove
Drive,L arcl�ont Gardens, for a distance of seventy-five
(75) feet.
The communication and petition were ordered j
placed on file and the matter was referred to the Super-
A communication from 17ajor Emil Leindorf, on
behalf of the corporation to be organized, was received
and read, offering to install and operate an emergency
system of buses for passengers and their baggage on ninety
(90) day permits.
The communication was ordered placed on file and
the matter was laid over for future consideration.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of
Highways, it was resolved:
7HF; A.S, the A -ericar. Telephone and Telegraph
Company has applied to the Town Board of the
Town of Diamaroneck,7estchester County, New,
York, for permission to construct and lay
lines of electrical conductors underground
in the said Town of 1,1amarcneck, Westchester
County, New York.
permission is hereby granted to the
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
its successors and assigns, to construct
and lay lines of electrical conductors
underground in the Torn of Mamaroneck,
by acquiring, occupying and using, with
its conductors, calbes and other
appliances, such portion of the under-
ground telephone and telegraph conduits,
lines and system of the New York Telephone
Con-oany, its successors and assigns, now
in place or hereafter constructed as the
said American Telephone and Telegraph
Connany, its successors and assigns may
require in the prosectuion of its
business, upon such terms as nay be agreed
upon between said Companies, their
respective successors and assigns,, and be it
FURT=P RESOLVIED, that the kmerican
Telephone and Telegraph Company, its
successors and assigns, shall at all times
fully indemnify, protect and save harmless
the said Town of Mamaroneck from and against
all actions, claims, suits, damages and
charges, and against all loss and necessary
expenditures arising from its negligence
in connection with the use or maintenance
of any and all of the underground_ telephone
and telegraph conduits and system acquired
by it as c.foresaid,,, and be. it
F'URT= RESOLVED, that nothing herein
contained shall be construed as extending
any of the rights or impairing any of the
obligations of the New York Telephone
Company under any franchise heretofore
;ranted to said company or its predecessors
and be it
F'URTRM R.ES'01=, that nothing herein
contained shall be construed as in any way
granting to the American Telephone and
Telegraph Company, its successors and
assigns, the right to construct and lay any
new lines of electrical conductors, conduits,
cables, lines and/or other appliances
underground or otherwise, or to alter any
streets in the Town of lmlanaroneck, without
the consent of the Town of Mamaroneck first
had and obtained; and be it
1URT= RFSOLVED, that this consent is
granted by the Tmna of Mamaroneck, sub,;ect
— to the consent of the Ivev<- York Telephone
Con-pany, its successors and assigns,
granting permission to said ?-rierican
Telephone and Telegraph Company for the
transfer herein provided for; and be it
nRTH----',? RK•SOLVED, that the Touvn of Maraaro-
neck reserves to itself the right to
rescind and revoke this resolution at any
time by giving the American Telephone
and Telegrar.,'_r. Company thirty(30 days notice
in writing of the revocation and
cancellation thereof, in the event that
the American Telephone and Telegraph
Company, its successors and assigns,
does not carry out all of the terms
and conditions of this consent and the
aforesaid franchise of the 'New York
Telephone Company, its successors and
assigns, and be it
FURTHER =--SOLVED, that any approval by
the ?ublic Service Cor=ission of this
consent shall be subject to all rights
of the Town of Mamaroneck in the premises
and shall in no way now or hereafter
be construed by the -American Telephone
and Telegraph Company, its successors
and assigns, and/or the lIew York
Telephone Company, its successors and
assigns, or the Public Service Commission
as a waiver of any rights or otherwise
now held by said Town under its franchise,
and be it
FbiRTH-HER R-SOL7TED, that this consent is
made and accepted by the New York Telephone
Comr„any, its successors and assigns,
witkcut prejudice to any of the rights
of the Town of Yamaror_eck in the premises
and shall in no -way abrogate, waive or
modify any of the terrns, conditions,
restrictions or limitations of the afore-
said franchise of the New York Telephone
Company, except to the extent hereinabove
Upon motion. tk Y �gtiri ad T.v at 1 A, u7.