HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_11_05 Town Board Minutes (2) 87
1=7y- -07 THE JOIYT TM,,-Y ECARD
held Yovember 5th, 1925
The meeting was- called tO Order by S- U-0er7iSOr
Barton at 1C:IE o'clock
Su-cervix or 3vrtor-
Justc-Lee Boyd and Collins
Zal-,perint end ant of Higin-ays Coles
To,.n-n 0lei:L S7he—z-an
.A. coinmunication fz-oni the 17eT,- York,Inter-Urban
7.17o.tei Conn-sny -,':as receives and read, s-c-v-
n- the cost of
instIallin- 162^ feel of si:: inch ni,.De arid. four hydrants
on the T-ostGn :Post Poad., -klden -Roa6-,HarmonIT Drive and
Ker-mqare Road. The communication 7,-as ordered noted in
the minutes and ---)laced on file.
A C ojjjm-U._ - -)n -'o,� - ar d
niCat4 or, f r,_,j
the Co-, nial Par!
!Teighba--r-hocd -' SSociati On was receivec.' and read, -reouestirig
the laying o-P ?,ate- mains in Higliland '-vei7-ue, Highland
-Place, Summit Place and. Forest Place. The communication
7cz ordered -,placed or. file and the Clerl: was req7o d. to
re01Y thereto 2 tat 7inZ that due to the fact that the a-fore-
mentioned streets have not officially been accepted as
-j -I I -- resolution q e 4
to-L�,,-n 11"i f",-- tl— �-esolut-lon for the layir- Of �-er mains
could not beacf-cpted by the EpoarC at t-hic tize.
Anouher co=mnics.ticn from the Colonial
Y el,2f�-I�orhood 2L--soci ation --az received. and read., cal I i the
Board's attention to the -,00r Conditions of Sheldr;1,-e-Lverge.
The corl=,anrication ordered -plaoed on file and t,,- matter
referred to the S.Luperint end ent, of Highways ii0 was authorized
to take ste-s rI,'-Y be necessary to remedy the con-
6--ition.-s com-pIa.`Lned of.
The Lopxd also received a communication from the
Colonial Park, AssociFtirn together 7,.*fth releases relating
to the aQcelptance of Highland -'vei-.Lu.--e,THi`,-.I-land Place, S=it
venue ar,d Forest Lvenue as Toi,,-r highways.
17ieseis- ',Teichert and Iorenzen of the -4ssociation
,,-.,ei:,e present and Spoke in relatio?, to the acceptance of the
afore-.-_ention,ed street,-.
An a-r,- t 4
- LIica -or, from the County Transportation Con-'Dany
2?eceilvedl and read malting fo=al epplicat-Icn for a franchlize
in +he Town of Ifamaronecl, for the o L
+ -oera,io-n Of 10uses,,cursuant
c the -p-Tovisicnz of the To-i,-nLa:�-.- ��nd the Tia-,ispOrtLtion
Cor�:=,.-tions lax- The -,-;-a.- -~laced' on file and the
I --
t'Llilervi-sor au.SL-�estedd that, a co=it-tee be ap-pointed to take
U--- all rqa�te--- jpeitairin` tO bus tranE7ortatlicn.
UT,pon motion duly seccrided. it -,,�2-s voted tl---at a
be aD-DO-11�1ted tc consi,-'er and disc-"ss the vuLestion
Of bus tra-risrortation and that their f-i-,-c7-fnZs be re--�,orted back
to this Board.
Tl_e Sui-,orvisor there: o_!pointed the foilo7-inS
c 0�11nr t
ustice Ecyd, T,,L=.'r. Clerk She=an and a-q_oerintend.e_nt
cozimunication roz, yr. F_u
9h Hev.-:2en,CheJrman
of The Co.-,,Laittee of -,-,j
.IrI, &_-�.-,)cinted on behalf
cnamicip ale ties r—I 17=_ 1 - I alf o' the
t oln e s t e r our.t 60 C=24der a County-
_'de sYster!1 of buses, onerated -ry
One C0nl113any was recei-7ed
End -presented to the 'Eoard. The 00=11-•nication -,!.,as ordered
placed on file and the Matte-1, referred to the C 02--ittee On
.SUS es
A c-_rffr:,,.n i c a t i o n f r CM _=r. TT aMs' t o E e t h e r
,with eti t__j 0 n s Of r e s i C,exr,-.e and 'Property 07M rS on C ha t z o"`,h
Avenue 7A-az received, and read, re_Que;!�tin- the ill,'�tallation
Of Z— mains on Chats't�-orthAvenue from Glen 7oac! to Forest
_Lfter due corl9iderc,_ticn- and -anon the reco=endation
O-f the Superintende-nt of Hi__hv.-,_.ys, it mG_s Upon Roll Call
R7S-_I_I7.r:E:,DI that, tlae light
ing Company be and it hereby is
authorized,reqUested and directed
to tay and install its gas mains in
and along ChatsWorth -venue beginning
at Glen Road and contlinilling along
Chatsli,:crth Even t-O 'Forest kvenue.
L 0 O=M;
I m i c a t J on from Yr.. H. R. LVEJ t ch e 11 of Glen
Road was yeceiveC_ and read, rcquesti=, the eytension of
� V
maim� in and aion.f, Valley Road-from
main Coming in n- the end of 'he ap�resent
",v,n 7C)-eSt '
&7enue and, thence to the
intef,sectiOn Of Glen a nd "all I'Zoads . The c.oLmiur�jcatJj,.Ojj
,-as czfered -
laced on f Jle and upon I-
zle reco=nendation of
the Superintendent of Hig-_mvays, it ,:,as u�o n
s econcled du:Ly
that the I'lew York inter-
Urban dater Com-cany be and it is
hereby directed to extend its v:ater
mains in and Rcaf,, from
the end Of the present maiiz whic-,
CG_rcs in from Forest A7eae, conrect-
ing the J_01-eE ent rnain
at the
intersection of �'Ien and Valley Roads
ar,d. to ins tall one hyd:-:ant ai,)r,.Z tjj
line of the eytensi on.
h-j Ii-Pon the rc-Omnmendation of the Su-oerintendent of
ghways, it V:as 1mom -motion duly seconded
P2S0L_v'=, t2aatl the Yo.-j- Inter-
Tirbaril-ater Company be and it is
hereby directedto exteric! its !:ater
mains northerjy in and ajon-0 r e s oche-
e,-,l t n-
Street -Olq tie end of the
line near Ho-v:eii A'77ellae a dista-'rice
Of 1C0 f eet.
U-pon the reco.zzmendation Of the Saul-cerint end ent of
glavmys j
',-�-ass u-Qo2a jyjotior dul-,7 Seconded
CI-,7=wD, t h-, t the --NT e-;, Yorl: !,.at er-
U an 'o,a t e r C o---,D an y be and. it is
he.ceby directed -"-, o eT-tend its
water mains nor--Lhe]:ly in an
,ourra., -L77e-n-L7.e from the end o-- the
present line at Forest =Lvenue,
"enc'iT.E- to -7ewer S'treetu a. distance
of 1170 feet an�- to in�,tall one
hydrant along the lire of the
A co=riunice-tion froll, Yr. Ernest C. Yorse of
Hoo,-:ell "zTenue -vaz, recei-,.,ed P.nd read relating ,c) the
of the sid-ewalkrs fror-ti-ric- on his -,oro-perty. The
corm-unication ;.-as ordered placed on :I-: J.le and the natter
t o the Superintendent Of for ' is re-ocrt
and recommendation.
A co=n4oation from 7LI-. 7L. M. Se
L, _;, to th Wen
,7:ith a rue'tion siSne�,. by reSidmnce and -oropert- C�,%-ners or
P..ochell I e !-'�oad,Franc e glace and HuCm enc t Dri-v-e,r'e(Z,,,es t i n,-,
the installation of street lights on the aforementionedC'
Streets 'V,.a�, received, ordere5 placed on file and the matter
referred to the Superintendent of 'High7c aZ,-z.
A communication from the 2-Iriorican Telephone and
Telegraph C=-PemY was recei-TedL and read recluesting the
authorization to la`' lines of electric-al co,Idv
c aoles and other appliances under ground th-ough the Torn
of YlamaTone,-!-, -by accUir-In-', Occ'j--OY'nsz and using e-er:-tain,
p-,0Tt-JOnM of the vndergrouDd tele-ohone and telegraTh oo=luitz,
lines and- sys+le7-,i of the '�Tc,-� Yorl: Tele�eione Com--p-any.
After due consideration the coimiunicat-Jor. -,,vas
ordered -placed or file and the matter referred to
Ouns e I
U--con motion, the meeting adjourned at
111 :25 o'clocl-K
Town Clerii.