HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_10_28 Town Board Minutes (2) STECIAL
OF T-= j-C!"-.,'T TO-:.,':'q 220�',RD
held October 28,10125
The :neetirIT ca-- led- to orda-- I!D:7 Supervisor
EUrton at --- o'cl-col--, M.
7L RE,S=7 I T: Su-.-,ervisor Burton
j7j-,t 7
l es 7Doyd and Collins
I-Unerirten,dent of HiJ=,-�ays Coles
Tc%,an Cle--I-I Sherman
'-cunoel Yr. GaZiiard-i
S'U-oerviso-- Ruston state,- tie n rose of the
TneetinS ?-,.-Inich called to entertain the s--.3,��Iicatlon of
Lr. Coles as '-7-=erinterdent of Hizh�7,ays to widen Yurray
Superintendent, -,,.-esented the
foil --t J-t 41 on -,,%-hi ch u-c-,cn rr oti on by justice Boyd,
s ec cnd eci by ti c e Collins, crder ea received, f i led
ar d spread upon the mi nut es and iz as fc-I ilov-s
To tae TcE..-n, Board
Pul-s-nant to the of 'Iha,�ter �22 of the
I FS Of 1920,� i 1erell--Y a-')licaticn to your Honcz---le
Eoa--i-d- to 'take Sncla) 1)roceea4ng-- and ado-pt such orders and
meas'-'Irss ac ria-y be nece-.sary and -f)ro--er to the end. that
17u�nray zvenUe from Edge-rood cvenue zout--r tc Dlrrtle Avenue
in the To-A'n of yorh, .—.y to F-
7,.-idth of 80 feet in accordance Lo, it• the annexed -niao -.o-r-e-cajre
Icy !:-,.,-,fnee2? and `urvsyor.
The esti--IrGted cc2t of the 7r---,Derty -necessary -and
rCLL o ed
to --e accuired for -o-ch Lrn-:)rovanientl is 5$48,5nC,.0n
C-- 7r`.,."-f1 07C-- I.-Urray Avenue b
i I-,-venue and TLrYrtlle Avenue a-- afc---eEa-" has so inc2eF-
- ed
reCel'itly as render traffiz at certain hours of the day
CI-Iite unsafe anrl T am of the o-pinicn that the 'Lect interest°
of the To-vm -be promoted. by suci_
Respectfully submitted,
Datsd,Octo'oer 2�-,-,,1925. J= L. COTZ73
Su-perintendent. of Hin-,-Til,ays
Of the Town ofllazaarorecL,N.Y.
�-fter the matter of the 7,,:ideninE of z,-venue
saj discussed, u on r:otion by Tustice seconded y
7istice Boy , the follcw-fn. order umni hj
cusly made
the To-.:r
has to this :Ecaid
fCr an ordex dlirect-4nV�:' the
of --Kn=aY Yvenue .Venue
south to Yyrtle --'Verue, in the
of Yo-rk, to a
- -th of 80' f eet; and-
., 1=,S, s�iid iS situated
-`no--v --� 'LI-.Li'n the
..ft of the To,., II
-,-n of -c,:.1ac, rcnedk-' a
-11=.ZLS, the e cost of
acnr--,--L:inZ the lan�d� =Z, _remixes
neces:sa--ry -L-.c effect crach wi6eninS,
F° me&e by said- To;,-n 'Su-peri nt end ent
0 f F�i
4 CC) 0(.1
a r;d.
7�7n==",S", t h i S :D 0 F--.0-,. i F, 4 s f i e d. L L&t
-cublic conveniencc clemoi .s that such
4 ,�117
- 7-ay be lceilEC. -=suant to t1he
a-,pr�!-i C?,t 4 on cf s p ic�' E�u-.perintenf-ent
c-.r' II-iF,'hv.-ayo arid in accordance v:it'T', the
mar made by ;-.j•Foo-Le, Esq-aire,Civil
Zn----'Lneei' End Su:-veyor, da 0.
ted A,D2.,il 7 ,
1�--5, anneyer.11. to Ia,- ff-oiez--i-d
T==,'hat 'Y-_.rat -Y ,%v enu e b et.711-e en t h e
southerly line of EdSe-,,.-ood 2---Tenue. and
the no",'
--k,:a c r 1 y line o-f r t 1.a '=v e n-a e, in
the Tow of 7aaL_E rOfjeC]-- OZI.� Ic e
Yid.ened, to a -,-,-idth of S"C feet exce-ot
that the sou"h:,,.-esterly corner of
and. L-,-enues an . the northeasterly
cci"ille2 cf 'Hurra.- and Yrtle -Lvenues be
constructed on a shown on a
-2F-- Lit e
,,- ent of affedt d
by the rrc-)oseo. 11-.1 denlno- of
"Veril-Ile, in the cf 2-.Em-�aronecy.,-est-
chestea7 County,Y.Y. ,` _jade by -�.,T.Foote
Civil Er'.,si-neer and Su--Teyoi , dated
3 C is 2.�-2�, a co- y cf' -,--hich
arme;red and niade a .-art hereof; and it
f� furt her
I- .-- L
CTIDZIR=71,that 4gk,,:`.-F y ICn t1 ne sum
C�S in .. of
?4S'50C-.C"3 be S cid 1--'r t!L.-Jz 0&-r d f the
r-r-;o s e
- of 72.yin-- the c ost of BCC ui-rir,-
'Lh-elards -rd -rremises affected, by the
,,.-idenimz of said Kurray !venu.e, as afaie-
a'J d;
and it is fu:rther
GHD=—=, that the Su-)e::visor be and -np-
hereb- is a-a"Incrized -and to
'corro^,- or- the faith and credit of the
Tc,--r of TESMSrorcck such sura or sL jU as
r!"E--y be necessary fro= time to time, but
not s��ceedin-- until said
bonds be s old, amd- tlnc.t the amount '.-u e
on said tem-pora-z-y o2zti-ficatc-c of
inde-bte--Iners. -J-f issued_ anc sol,6_ be
paid out of -he -proceecz of the sa.1 e
of the af o r e,-a id, h-J bond c, and
41F further
that the Suoz!rvisoa, be and he
ere y is nutheri zed and ergo ercd to
t�.ke suci-
, steps and em-, loy s-ac-z i,ieans
as May be necc-sarY and j-,ro--,er, _cur-
s _ _.t. t,c the -oro-.Fie!_On.- of Cha,,)te.-
322- of the Ie�,-is of I_c2,5, to
4n the na-,:i- of the of Ia_'rrar-onecT,
the land2 and prenises .'-_i._Ich are
necessary to effect t'-,le of
S F,i d_ J,'
afore- _4
shc.,.'n cn the aforesaid miap, ;,-_',i_ich are
more Uescrilbe:I. as fcllo-,,,-s
All thoze Cerra_._ I!ieces or parcels of lane, situate,
lying and being" in the To7Cn of 1,79maronecl_,C,Ccunty of 7es-t-
c.'-'ester and State of lie',-i York, lrnov:n and designate as and
by the Lots 217os. 6, 7, 8, P, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 115, 16,
17, IS, 112 and. 20, 22 erd 23, and the north"A-est r=Iion of
-Lot 5 in 3leck, 728, as shm,,.-n on a certain ma-o entitled'12•aa-
Of ',--e _oOdZ of Laro t
'ftrjlQf GIe 4n the Toin of YD-ana'ro'rec_'-,:
City c f 71och e7 I e, in t'eCouIjt7l
of '.�:'eStC7-eSter and
State of 17e-,,.- Yor_> , "' surveyed. for Clifford L._H_armor & Co.,
-c -'- -,e., - L
2 �d +-e e t an d !,ad Ji s or, Av-_nu e,f -v y D-rk, 1!P0 y T o r.g &
Ha-ne-,.-, ng J_n e e r s, and r, I'led in, the of--ic e 3f the
Register Of ",estc(-IeSter Co 'qty on 71'2rch 11. !S10 as Hap
,180'6; and P-120
-��7. that certain -clot, ibiece or e
.paTcel of cituFl
0-n.-,7- be' n`; in the To,,7-r, of liamaroneck,County of -,,estchester
and State of _11'7el�,' cork, being the .x.-esterly portion of Lots
1TOs- 153, 1541, 15-5 and 156, 187, ISE, 189 and 190(the said
parts of said lots lbeirg sho7xn on the annexed ma-O) 2hovm
on a certain man, entitl-_,-�`Yar of a -portior, of Chatsworth
mark, at La:cohricnt, in the To"-:1,1 of
7-roperties of the Estate of Lucy C,
deceased" and filed -Lr. the Office Of the Re-is'er
Of 7estche2ter County on Hay 11, as. rla 0, - _" so
Y 0 and a-L
-LIL that certain plot, niece or -pFrcel of land situnte,lying
=1 b-ein-- in the Tr,-,.%*n Of of -,.T'eStcheste_
ah' d State Of _'Tew York, -teil"S the triana,7ilar -olot situated at
L.-e 6st corner Of Eldz el,,,-ood 2':enu_e and' D'uirrey venue
as, Eho-%,,:n on a certain -_-n2-o 'entitled'I,ap of a porticzj of
Chats7,.-orth 'Fark, �-..t larcI�,,ont, 0-'7'-n Of
risin- -projDe I r
tj es of the Estate of Lucy C.
decea�ed" and, filed in the Office of the r=eds ter
of - I'. 'Z'
.'estc-hezter County,' ,o�,y lam, 1903 as NaTo and aILso
AIL that certain plot, -iece Or -Parcel of land,situ_ate,-Iyin�
and be4n, in the To%-L-r of KEzaaroneck,0ount.v of 7.'estcheste x
and State of '.7e',,: York, I:ein,7 a,1i of io' 11 and the southeaL-t
-art C,-F� 70t t7-
10 and the noi2 heast -riart of lot 12, it mlock 3�q
Ysaid southeast --B.-+ of Let 10
and the northeast part of Lot
IP tieing sho-,.^:n on the -1-nnexed lrlar-j sziovm and desi.-noted on a
ce--tain =7 entitied"Ya-
p of -Toods of Lary _ont
the Tmvn of I:amarone-_I-:,"jt7I Of JTCII: �OcnellejC
- ounty of 7est-
chester and SITtate of yc-77,- York;, zurveyed for Clifford
&Co. 42:nd 2t-T-eet and 1.•Ladison 1-7enue,2171ew 'ono &-
Herely, Clvil :::nG'ineer.q` and- -Filed in the Office of the
'PLegister of 7estchesterjountY 'ITLErch 11, 191-0 as TIITa�-,,
an'_� also
a L of land
in "he To,,-,-n of Mamaro-neci, County of
.�estc'-_e,,,ter aj-��j aLte Of e7A7 York designated ��'Icts 2,702.
130-13 and 13C.-C, or e, certain naa1p entitiedz;Yap of a 7orti on
csr. '
Of Chatts',,-orth et 1ar"C'MMOnt, Jr the To-,;�-a_of y,2
comrr-ic-ing the 01 free of t,-e
lEstate Of T cy decea2ed and Sarah J. Ta-,Ior"
� 'L and
-e �y 7 or,
f,ated Ya-
2203 end -f-iled ir -G'he ofz-r_,e of - e
L L,h
7—ister- of Beet ester- County on y 11, 190S ac
77= s vate beinc, t -er u-)on the fore oln'r
the Seme -Ti-as ,- eclared asp imou-sly adc-pted.
Uro-i motion thameetjr:z, adj,oureed at 3:45
IT 07M Clerl-K.