HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_06_17 Town Board Minutes (2) 61 MEETING OF THE JOINT TO Ua BOARD TO T& OF MAMARONECK held June 17, 1925 The meeting =,_- called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9 o'clack P.Y. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins and Dudley Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upor matian duly seconded it was voted to dis- pense with the reading of minutes of meetirgs not yet app re ved. The Supervisor reported that he had been in- formed by Counsellor Esser that the New York Inter-Urban Ti-rater Company had advised him that the resolutions - reqlls-st-lng the extension of ,rater mains and hydrants in the Harimo Subdivisian did not contain the wor]Alldkrected therein and that the Water Company are asking for an amended resolution pertaining ther4to; whereupon the f0110'Anlng resolution vas presented and up-an Roll Call Lu"arimously adopted: RESOLVED, that the resolutions adopted by the Joint Town Board Town of Mamaroneck at its meet- ings held on April 15, 1925 and May 6, 1925 be and the same here- by are modified to read as follows: RESOLVED, that the New York Inter- Urban Water Company be and it here- by is requested, required and directed to extend its water mains as follows as shown by and from a certain map entitled "Subdivis-Lsn of property perty mf the Farime Corp. To-,= of Yazaroneck, Westchester made by John F. Fairchild, C.E., dated Ilay 29, 1924, and filed in the office of the Register sf Westchester County, June 13, 1924 as Map No. 2629, to-wit. On Alder Read northwesterly from Harmony Drive to Kenmare Road and to Install one fire hydrant on the ivezterly side of Alder, Road opposite the boundary line between Lots Nos. 29 and 30 as shown �n said mzip. On Copley Read from the present terminus of water main. ON Kemare Road to the intersection of Alden Ro-ad and to install one fire hydrant an the westerly side of Copley Read opposite the boundary line between Lots Nos. 48 and 49 as shown an s;zid map. 63 RESOLVED, that as duly notified said New York Inter-Urban 'Zztez' Company- be requested, required and directed to make said extc,-sisrs and install said 'hydrants as szon as possibie, A co=xunication from the Colonial Park and 1veis'hborhQod Association 7,,Tas received and read, asking the taking Over as -oublic Town Higlhrj!ays the foljo�.,viyjg streets in Colonial Park: Highland Avenue Highland Place Summit Street Forest lolace• which had been petitioned for about tiiro years a.�o. A delegation from the Association was present and after hearing and discuss-inZ the suIloject with them, it was Voted that a Committee be appointed to meet with a Coo-mittee of the Association on Saturday, june 20th, 1925, at 3 olcloclk P-1,11, for the purpose of viewing the streets above mentioned. A coLm-luni cation from the Harimo Corporation was received and read, calling to the-attention of the Town Board the request for street lights in the Harimo Subdi- vision which was asked for b-,1- letter or Larch 12th and- April 2ath, 1925. The matter -,,vas referred to the Superintendent of Highways for his -report. A communication -erom the Howell Park Association was received and read, requesting the D and in7iprove- ment of catch basins and drains or Ho,.,,,ei1 Avenue at the corners of Chestnut Street and IdeadQ-u Place, A CoT=aittee from the Association was present and spoke before the 3oard in relation to the above mentioned Subject and after due consideration and discuss-Lon it was upon motion duly seconded RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Hiifinp,rays be and he hereby is authorized and directed to lay a drain pine aloe_� Hoi,iell Avenue from Chestnut' Street to Vleaver Street for the nurpose of remedy LI L� ink the conditions that are existing at presert. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of H i Shw ay s, it I'las upon Roil Call RESOLIFE'D, that the New York Inte_­_TJrban. Water Cormpany be and the same here-by is I juested, required and directed to extend its water mains in and along Weaver Street -inthe Town of !,Ianuaroneck northerly from the end of the present water main a distance Of 500 feet; and to install one fire hydrant on the said ext e n S i 0 n. The Clerk reloorted that Yrs. Gardner of I'laplewood Street had Oorqplained about the lack of water pressure at her residence and he suggested that a six inch main be v 65 installed upon said street. The matter was ordersd noted in the minutes and referred to the Superintendent of Highways for his report. UiDon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10 o'clock �0lerk.