HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_05_06 Town Board Minutes (2) 51 b=T=G GI' THE JOINT =71%T BOARD TOWN OF 2LQ%R ONECi held Yay 6th,1925. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 11 o I cloci( 8.LT. PRI+'SENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Collins and Shafer Town Clerk Sherman Superintendent of Highways Coles Upon motion it was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. A communication from the Harimo Corporation was received and read, rehuesting that lights be installed on Harmony Drive. The matter was referred to ethe Superinten- dent of Highways for his investigation and report. The following resolution was presented by the Superintendent of Highways and upon Roll Call was unanimous- ly adopted W=AS, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Highways, this Board did by resolution, on April 15, 1925, reciuest the New York Inter-Urban 'Water Comparr5r to extend its mains and install certain f ire hydrants on such a xtens ions which said resolution reads as follows; "RESOLVED, that the New York Inter-Urban �`fater Company, be and it hereby is re- quested to extend its water mains as follows as shown by and from a certain map entitled 'Subdivision of property of Harimo Corporation, Toim of Hamaro neck, 4e4tchester County,New York' , made by John F. Fairchild, C.E. dated May 29th 1924, and filed in the office of the Reg- ister of 'dTestchester County, June 13th, 1924, as may number 2529, to wit: On Alden Road northwesterly from Har- mony Drive to Kenmare Road and to install one fire hydrant on the easterly side of Alden Road opposite the boundary line between lots 41 and 42 as shoran on said man. On Copley Road from the present terminus of water main on Kerm are Road to the intersection of Alden Road and to in- stall one fire hydrant on the easterly side of Copley Road opposite the boundary line between lots 73 and 74 as shown on said map. And' to install one hydrant at the inter- section of Alden Road and Copley Road, opposite or near lot So as shown on said mal.t, AIM, GTFiEREAS, said New York Inter- Urban ':rater Company has suggested certain changes with regard to said extensions and hydrants, which suggestions axe hereby adopted by this Ba rd, novv. R-7SO;'CIE-, that the aforesaid reeoluv- ion of April 15, 1925, be and the same hereby is modified foread as follows: "RESOLVED, that the New York Inter- Urban 'Water Company, be and it hereby is requested to extend its mater mains as follows as shown by and from a cer- tain map entitled "Subdivision of prop- erty of HarimoCorporaticn, Town of Vramaroneck, Iestchestes County,New York," made by John F.Fairchild, C.E. dated..IFay 290 1924, and filed in the office of the Register of 'Westchester G'aun ty, June 13, 1924 , as man number 2629,9 to wit: On Alden Road northwe,terly from F�rmony Drive to Yenmare Road and -Co install one fire hydrant on the westerly side of Alden Road opposite the boundary line between lots 29 and 30 as shown on said map. -- On Copley Road from the presentterminus of water main on Kenmare Road to the intersection of Al den R oad and to install one fire hy.4xant on the westerly side of Copley Road opposite the boundary line between lots 48 and 49 as shown on said FTJRTIMR RESO?7VED, that as tI=z modified, said New York,lnter-Urban W ater Company be requested to make said extensions and install said hydrants as soon as possible. Righrrays , itowashuponcmotiona duly secondedupandiuponnKRolloCall RESQ_TV=, that the New York, Intex-Urban :Water Company be and it hereby is re- quested and directed to extend its water mains in and along Sheldrake Avenue commencing at Forest Avenue northerly to Rockland Avenue , and to install one fire Hydrant upon said extension. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Highways, it was upon motion duly seconded and upon Roll Call RESMVED, that the New York, Inter-Urban tlater Company be and it hereby is re- quested and directed tocehange its hydrant situated at the corner of Edgevrood Road and FGurray Avenue and place same at the corner of Murray Averse and Edgewood Place, and it is further P2SOI,VED, that hydrants be installed at the following points 5.5 One hydrant at the corner of Murray Avenue and Colonial Avenue. One hydrant on Murray Avenue between Colonial .Avenue and Forest Avenue. One hydrant at the corner of Forest Avenue and Bungalow Road. One hydrant at the corner of valley Road and B i rch R oad. One hydrant on R.ockingstone Avenue between Walnut Road -and Springdale Road. One hydrant at the corner of Rocky Road and Za_keside Drive. P.M. Upon motion, the meeting; adjourned at 12.20 o'clock P.M. To Clerk.