HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_05_04 Town Board Minutes 45
held Yay 4, 1925.
The meeting ims called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 10.30 o'clock 141.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd and Collins
Superintendent of Highways Coles
Town Clerk Sherman.
Counsellor Gamble
It was regularly moved by Judge Boyd, Seconded
by Judge Collins, that the reading of the minutes not yet
approved, be di,penEed with.
Superintendent of Highways, Coles, presented an
application requesting thew idening of Murray Avenue be-
tween Edgei'oed and Y)yrtle Avenues, in the Town of Mamaro-
neck, Neu York, and upon motion made by Judge Collins,
seconded by Judge Boyd, said application was ordered
read, received and placed on file.
After considerable discussion on the subject,
Judge Boyd offered for adoption the following order
VrHEBEAS, the Town Superintendent of
Hign.�ays has applied to this Board for
an order directing the widening of
Murray Avenue south, to Myrtle Avenue,
in the Torn. of Mamaroneck,Xew York, to
a width of 80 feet; and
17=AS, said highzay is situated wholly
within the unincorlDcrated part of said.
Town of Mamaroneck; and
%°MR-PAS, the estimated cost of acquiring
the lands and premises necessary to
effect such widening, as made by 2s aid
Torn Superintendent of Highways, is
$48,500; and
1MREAS, this Board is 0atisfied that
public convenience demands that such
highvay be widened pursuant to the
application of said Tot+:m Superintendent
of Highway s and in accordance with the
me-D made by A.J. Foote, Esquire, C ivil
Engineer and Surveyor, dated April 30,
1925, annexed to the aforesaid ajplicat-
1TC77. THEREF•oRE, it is
ORDE_'l, that 15.urray Avenue between the
southerly line of Edge'-good Avenue and the
ncrtherly line of EYrtle Avenue , in the
ffioWn of 111araaroneck,Nevr York, be widened
to a width of 80 feet except that the
seuthWesterly corner of Edgewood and
Murray Avenue and ,the northeasterly
corner of Murray and Kyrtle Avenues be
constructed on a curve as shown on a
nai: entitled, "flap of property affect-
ed by the proposed widening of Kurray
Avenue , in the Tour. of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County,I1i.Y. ," made by
A:,.-IJ. Foote, Civil Engineer and Surveyor
dated April 30, 1925, and a copy of
which is hereto annexed and made a part
hereto; and it is further
ORDERE23, that highway bonds in the sum
of $48,500. be sold by this Board for
the purpose of paying the cost of
accgquiring the lands and premises affect-
ed by the widening of said Iiiurray Ave-
nue, az aforesaid; and it is further
0P-11 - , that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to
borrow on the faith and credit of the
Town of Mama= neck such sum or sums as
may be necessary f rom time to time, but
not exceeding $48,500. until said bonds
be sold, and that the amount due on
said temporary certificate of indebted-
ness, if issued and sold, be paid out of
the proceeds of the sale of the afore-
said highway bonds; and it is further
— MBERED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to
take such steps and employ such means
as ma,y be necessary and proper, pursuant
to the provisions of Chapter 322 of the
Maws of 1925, to acquire, in the name of
the Town of Mamaroneck, the lands and
premises which are necessary to effect
the widening of said Murray Avenue, as
aforesaid, and shown on the aforesaid map.
Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing order,
the same was declared unanimously adopted.
The Supervisor stated that hearings would be
held before the Public Service Commission on May 6th, in
reference to the petition of the New York,New Haven & Hartford
Railroad Coml,any for permission to extend its bridges at
'Chatsworth Avenue Eald at 1 eaver Street. He presented plans
which had been prepared by the engineers for the Railroad
which were examined and discussed.
Upon Motion duly seconded it was
RESOZVED' that the Supervisor and
— 'Counsel be and they hereby a_*e author-
ized and directed to appear before the
Fublic Service Commission for and on
behalf of the Town of 11amar oneck at a
hearing to be held on May 6th; and it
is further
REjo-rV D that the Town of Mamaroneck
wi 1 consent to the proposed change of
grades caused and necessitated by t he
extension of the existing highway bridges
at Chatsworth Avenue and Veaver Street
in the To�lm o f Mamaan neck petitioned for
by the New York,New Haven & Hartford
Railway on the following conditions:
That said present bridges as extended
be limited to a period of use not to
exceed two yea,rq_
That the New Yorr,New Haven & Hartford
Railway and /or New York, ,,estchester &
Boston Railway Company enter into an
agreement with the Town of Mamaroneck
agreeing to indemnify the Tovw of Mama-
roneck and to save it harmless from any
claim or claims which may be made against
it caused by said changee and/or alterat-
ions to said grades and/or the approaches
to the bridges and/or the streets and
property contiguous thereto, and from any
damage or liability personal or otherwise,
thvough accident or otherwise, vdnich may
occur during or in connection with the
progress of the 'work, and that said rail-
roads rill re-euxfa,ce the travelled area
of the roadways affected by the improve-
mer_te rendered necessary in connection
with said extensions of said bridges with
at least 4" of heavy macadam stone and in
of top stone, Tarvis bound.
That the Town of UP- ar oneck agrees that
upon the execution of a contract by said
railroads with its agreeing to the afore-
said conditions herein set forth, it will
adopt suitable resolutions establishing
the grades shown on the maps filed in
this proceeding for the respective Road-
viays thereon shown, subject to such changes
as may be necessary in said ,grades due to
new improvements now contemplated and in
It was further
RES01VED, that the Supervisor and Counsel
be and they hereby are authorized. and eml)ow-
eyed to take such action for and on behalf
of the Town as shall to them in their dis-
cretion a1ppear to be to the best interests
of the Town.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 1 o'clock A.M.
To-�(n Glerk.