HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_03_04 Town Board Minutes (2) Q5. IMTING OF TM J0INT TOT T1 BOARD TO7M OF 161URONECK held March 4th, 1925 The meeting 7ras called to order by Supervisor Burton at 5.30 o'clock P.M. PRESMFT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd and Collins Superintendent of Highways Coles To-v,n Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble The minutes of the meeting of January 21st, 1925 1 7ere read and upon motion approved. Counsellor Gamble reported on the petition_ for the acceptance of a portion of Caerleon Avenue and Yea.dow Place, in Howell Bark., and he presented the following resolution which, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of High- ways, was, upon Poll Call unanimously adopted: MMEAS, the owners of the fee and rights of way and owners of the property abutting upon that portion of Caerleon Avenue in the _ Town of Mamaroneck from the intersection of the westerly boundary line of Lot Twenty-four (24) in Flock Three (3) and the westerly bourda.— line of Lot Si,-.teen (16) in Block Four (4l easterly to and in front of Lot Thirty-one (31) in Block Three (3), and Headau Place from the southerly side of Howell Ave- nue to the northerly side of Caerleon Avenue all as shown upon a "Yap of Howell Park, To= of Mamaroneck, New York, Property of the Howell Realty Company, made by Carpenter & Duffy, Civil Engineers & Surveyors of 11amaro- neck, January, 191391, and filed in the office of the Register of Westchester County on the 8th day of February, 1913, as Map No. 2007, have heretofore filed a petition recquesting said Town. and the Superintendent of highways to accept the aforesaid portions of said streets as Town Highways; and i. 3. E S, the Howell Realty Company were the owners of the tract of land embraced within and shown upon the aforesaid map, together with the streets and roads thereon shovm, and caused the same to be duly filed and recorded in the Register's Office of u:'est- chester County, New York, in January, 1913, as Yap Nom 2007; and usM - S, in filing said map Howell Realty Company made an offer of dedication of the said streets and roads thereon_ shown as Public Highways to the Tovm of Mamaroneck, and TM RtAS, the aforesaid offer of dedication has never been vrithdravvn by it or any one in its behalf", and 37 WHEREAS, said Ho,,-tell Realty Company have requested that the said offer of dedication of that portion of Caerleon Avenue and Meadow Place hereinafter described, being streets and roads shown on the aforesaid map, be accepted as Town Highways of the Torn of Mamaroneck and have delivered to the Town Clerk a duly executed deed of same in proper form, and `•+'.SAS, said petition had been con- sidered by this Board and the Town Superintendent of Highways; and VvMREAS, the Board of Sewer Commission- ers of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town OIL Mamaroneck has recommended that said portions of streets be accepted as Town Highways and has formally requested that said action be taken4 and ?-E12REAS, in consideration of the premises, the Superintendent of Highways has re- coxmnended that the same be accepted as '�T��//o��wn Highways; �j m �i �T�}�� 1V0 , T_�iL+'t E-PORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck do and it hereby does accept the aforesaid offer of dedi- cation of the aforesaid portions of Caerleon Avenue and Meadow Place herein= after described heretofore made by the Howell Realty Conpany and the deed to the Town of Mamaroneck presented therewith, and does hereby accept as Town Highways the following described portions of Caer- leon Avenue and Meadow Place as shown on a certain map entitled, "Kap of Howelb Park, mown of Mamaroneck, New York, Prop- erty of the Howell Realty Company, made by Carpenter &Duffy, Civil Engineers &: Surveyors of Mamaroneck, January, 1913i1, and filed in the Office of the Register of Westchester County on the 3th day of February, 1913, as Vap No. 2007, and which said pieces or parcels of land are hart of respective streetz or highways known as "Caerleon Avenue' and "Meador ?lace" and are each bounded and described as follows I. BEGINNING at th-e point on the westerly (southerly at this point) side of Caerleon Avenue as it winds, which point is the intersection of the westerly boundary line of Dot No. 24 in Block No. 3, as shown on said mapi thence northerly and at right angles to the westerly side of said Caerleon Avenue and across said Avenue to the westerly boundary line of Lot No. 16 in Block Edo. 4, as sholnn on said :yap (the last two points above mentioned being the lines of division between Dots Nos. 23 and 24 in Block No. 3 and Lots Nos. 15 and 16 in Block No. 4), thence easterly along the northerly side of Caerleon Avenue and across the intersection of said Avenue 1,77ith Meadow Place and to a point 20.77 feet easterly of the easterly side of Meadow Place; thence southerly across Caerleon Avenue, intersect- ing the southerly side thereof at a point 57.09 feet east- erly of the westerly boundary line of Lot No. 31 in Block No. 3 as shown on said map (the last point above mentioned being the line of division between Lots Nos. 30 and 31 in 39 said Block No. 3),; thence westerly and along the westerly (or southerly at this point) boundary line of Caerleor. Avenue to the point or place of beginning. II. BEGINNING at the corner formed by the inter- section of the southerly side of Howell Avenue with the westerly side of Meadow Place, thence running southerly and along the westerly side of Ileadow Place to the corner formed by the intersection of the said westerly side of Readow Place and the northerly side of Caerleon Avenue:, thence easterly along the northerly side of Caerleon avenue to the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Caerleon Avenue Yith the easterly side of Eeadow Place; thence north- erly and along the easterly side of Meadow Place to the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of IVteadow 'Place with the southerly side of Howell A-venue; thence westerly and along the southerly side of Howell Avenue to the point or place of beginning. And be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the afore- described portions of Caerleon Ave- nue and Meadow Place be and the same hereby are made and declared to be rablic Highways:; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he is hereby empowered and directed to record the aforesaid deed; and BE IT FURT_ RESOLVED, that the Super- intendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to execute and record whatever documents or certi- ficates are necessary according to law to vest title to the Town in said port- ions of streets, and to bring this re- solution into full forde and effect; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as an accept- ance of the offer of dedication of any other Roads, Streets or ways or portions thereof shown in said map, this said acceptance of dedication being specifically limited and confined to the portion of Caerleon Avenue and Yeadow Place herein described,, and BE IT FURTHER RES';) M:91), that the Town of Mamaroneck shall be kept safe and harmless from any claim or damage of any nature or character whatsoever in any;n=ise arising from the improvements of the a.fore-aaid streets, anything to the contrary notjith- standing; and BE IT FURT ERR FES-OLVED, that the Town re- serves the right to revoke and cancel the acceptance of the aforesaid offer of dedi- cation and the acceptance of the aforesaid streets and highways and the deeds of same, should Howell Realty Company fail or refuse to carry out the terms and conditions of a certain Agreement entered into on the 28th day of February, 1925, b etween the Iovrn of Eamaroneck and Howell Realty Company, anything $ereinabove to the contrary notwithstanding. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 9.30 o'clock Towd Clerk.