HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_12_26 Town Board Minutes (2) Meeting of the Joint Town Board
Held December 26th, 1924
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9.15 P.M.
PRESENT; Supervisor Burton,
J:swtices Boyd, Collins. and Dudley,
Superintendent of High,a-aye,;�ro tr.$
Tc,m, Clerk, Sherman,
Counselor Gamble.
The minutes of the meetings of September l?t4-,0ctober
1st, October 15th and November 10th, 1924, were read and upon,
m®tion approved.
A comrunication from C.C. Merritt was received and
read, acknowledging the letter of the Clerk relating to the
action of the Town Board pertaining to the gutter trench on
Myrtle Avenue. The communication was ordered placed an file and
the matter referred to the Superintendent of Highways who was
authorized and directed- to take the same up with Mr. Merritt -n
A communication from Michael Doherty vme received and
read, requesting the acceptance as a public street the extension
of Premium River Road running from Edgewater Place to the New
Rochelle City line and connecting with a street known as Gaillard
Place, New Rochelle, The comrr.IXnication was ordered placed on
file and the matter referred to the Superintendent of Highways
for his report and recommendation.
A petition from the owrr,ers of property on 'Weaver Street
south of Palmer Avenue was received and read, requesting the
laying of side walks on the easterly side of Weaver Street south
of Palmer Avenue, The petition was received, ordered placed on
file and the matter referred to the Superintendent of HiE—,gays
for his report and recommrendation.
A claim from R.G. Brewer vms'presented by the Clerk in
the sum of w , ?1 �" for material and supplied furnished to
the Highway Department during the period, of April 1921 to May
1922. The claims was ordered filed with the Board of Auditors
and payment approved by the Town Board.
The Clerk presented a claim from the Westchester Light-
_ ing Company for 3 street lights on Chats,Itorth Avenue north of
the railroad bridge from December 22, 3-922 to October 31, 1924
i* the sum of 390. 75, r.hich lights had been installed upon a
resolution of the officers of the Village of Larchmont. The
Board discussed the matter and thought it inadvisable to pay this
claim in as much as a resol*ation for said lights had not hereto-
fore been adopted by this Board.; but it was the unanimous onion
that in as mach as the lights were now installed and being -used
by the Town, a resolution should be adopted authorizing the pay-
ment of any claims that are hereafter submitted for the increased
candle power or. Chatsworth Avenue; whereupon the following reso-
lI:tior was presented and upon roll Call unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the 3 lights or. Chatsworth
Avenue north of the railroad bridge be in-
creased. to 250 candle power and that the
same shall take effect or, January 1, 1925,
The Superintendent of Highways presented his estimate
for Highway purposes for the year 1925, ard, after due consider-
ation, the following amounts were upon roll call allowed:
1 tem No. 1 " 22, 500.00.
n n 2
�e 9t � 3y000.00.
7, 100.QQ.
and after the adoption of the foregoing estimate and approval
by the Town: Board, the town Board proceeded to sign the necessary
farms furnished by the County Superintendent of Highways.
A new petition requesting the acceptance of Hickory
Grove Drive as a town highway was received and the same was re-
ferred back to Counselor Gamble and the Superintendent of High-
ways for further consideration,
A communication from the Larchmor,t Hills Company was
received and read requesting the taking over of street lighte
on Hillside Road., Echo Lane and Lookout Circle, stating that in
as much as the aforementioned streets were now to-hM roads, the
matter of paying for street lights should be assumed by the Town
of Mamaroneck; and after due consideration the following reso-
lution was presented and upon, roll call unanimously adopted:
`FIM-PEAS, Hillside Road, Echo Lane and Look-
out Circle have heretofore been accepted
and are now Town highways; and
WHEFEAS, said public highways are provided
with 12 incandescent lights maintained and
laid by the Westchester Lighting Company,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the rental of said 12 lights
on said streets will on and after January
1, 1925, be assumed by the Town of Mamaro-
neck and paid out of any moneys to be levied
against the li-Titin? O strict of said Tovm,
and be it further
PaSOLVED, that the Clerk be directed to
notify the Westchester Lighting Company
Upon the recommendation of Counselor Ga,.able, the follow-
ing resolution was offered by Justice Boyd and seconded by Jus-
tice rudley, which, upon roll call ryas unanimously adopted:
',Pr' ..TAS, the owners of the fee and rights
of vray and owners of the property abutting
upon that portion of Caerleor. Avenue in the
Town? of Rgamaroneck from the southerly side
of Palmer Avenue, southerly to a point
opposite Lot Twenty-four(24) in Block Three
(3), on the southerly side of Lot Sixteen
in Block Four(4) on the northerly side of
laid street, as shown upon a "Flop of Howell
Park, Town of Mamaroneck, New York, Prop-
erty of the Howell Fealty Company, made
by Carpenter & Duffy, Civil Engineers &
Surveyors of Mamaroneck, January,111131°
and filed in the office of the Regi;st.er
of Westcheeter County or, the Sth day of
Fe*5rtaary, 1913, as Map.No. 2007, have
heretofore filed a petition with this
Board and the Superintendent of xigh�,va,ys
of the Town requesting said Tourr and Sup-
erintendent of Highways to accept the
aforesaid portion of said street as a
Town Highway; and
WHEREAS, the Howell Realty Company were
the owners of the tract of lard embraced
within and shown upon the aforesaid map,
together with the streets and roads there-
on- shown, and caused the same to be duly
filed and recorded in the Register' s Office
of Westchester County,New York, in Janu-
ary, 1913, as Map No, 2007; and
17EER'E'AS, in filing said map Howell ?realty
Company made an offer of dedication of the
said streets and roads thereon shown as
Public Highways to the Torn of Mamaroneck;
WHEREAS, the aforesaid offer of dedication
has never been withdrawn by it or any one
in its behalf; and
WHEREAS, said Howell Realty Company have
requested that the said offer of dedicat-
ion of that portion. of Caerleon Avenue
hereinafter described, being one of the
streets and roads shown on the aforesaid
map, be accepted as a Town Highway of the
Town, of Mamaroneck and have delivered to
the Town Clerk a duly executed deed of same
in proper form.; and
WHEREAS, said petition had been considered
by this Board and the Town Superintendent
of Highways; and
AREAS, the Board of Sewer Commissioners of
Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaro-
neck has recommended that said street be
accepted as a Torn Highway and has formally
requested that said action be taken; and
WHEREAS, ir, consideration of the premises,
the Superintendent of Highways has reconunend-
ed that the same be accepted as a Town High-
Town of Mamaroneck do and it hereby does
accept the aforesaid offer of dedication
of the aforesaid portion of Caerleon Ave-
rue hereinafter described heretofore made
by the Hornell Realty Company and the deed
to the Town of Mamaroneck presented there-
with, and does hereby accept as a Town
Highway the following described portions
of Caerleon Avenue as shove: on a certain
map entitled, "Map of Howell Park, Town of
Mam.aroneck,New York, Property of the
Howell Realty Company, made by Carpenter
& Duffy, Civil Engineers and Surveyors,
of Yamaroneels> January , 1913", and filed
in the office of the Register of 4Yest-
chester County on the 8th day of February,
1913, as Map Noe 2007, and which said
piece or parcel of land is part of a
street or highway known. as "Caerleon Ave-
nue" and bounded and described as follows.
BEGINNING at the point. of intersection of
the southerly side of Palmer Avenue
with the westerly side of Caerleon Ave-
rue; thence running southerly and east-
erly along the westerly side of Caerleon
Avenue as it winds, to the intersection
of the westerly boundary line of Lot No.
24 in Block No. 3, as shown on said map;
thence northerly and at right angles to
the westerly side of said'Caerleon Ave-
nue and across said Avenue to the west-
erly boundary line of Lot 16 in Block No®
4, as shown on said reap (the last two)
points above mentioned being the lines
of division between. Lots 23 and 24 in
Block 3 and lots 15 and 16 in block 4) ;
thence westerly and northerly along the
easterly side of Caerleon Avenue as the
same winds and tarns and across the in-
tersection of said Avenue with Howell
Avenue to the point of intersection of the
easterly side of Caerleon Avenue with
the southerly side of Palmer Avenue; thence
westerly and along the southerly side of
Palmer Avenue to t_ne point or place. of
And be it
PURTHER RFSOLVFD, that the afore described
portion of Caerleon Avenue be and the same
hereby is made and declared to be a Public
Highway; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town clerk
be and he is hereby empowered and directed
to record the aforesaid deed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superin-
tendent of Highways be and he hereby is
authorized and empowered to execute and
record whatever documents or certificates
are necessary according to law to vest
title to the Town in said portion of street,
and to bring this resolution into full
force and effect; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothing here-
in contained shall be construed as an accept-
ance of the offer of dedication of any
other Roads, Streets or ways or portions
thereof shown in said cap, this said
acceptance of dedication, being specifically
limited and confined to the portion of
Caerleon Avenue herein described; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of
Mamaroneck shall be kept safe and harm-
less from any claim or damage of any nature
or character whatsoever in anywise arising
from the improvements of the aforesaid
streets anything to the contrary notwith-
Upon the recommendation of Counselor Gamble, the
following resolution was offered by Juetice Boyd and seconded
by Justice Dudley, which upon roll call was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, a petition has beer. presented to
this Board requesting the Town of Mamaro-
neck to accept as Town_ Highways certain
streets and roads in the development or
section in said Town lying and being with-
in_ the Town of Mamaroneck, as shown upon
a certain map entitled "Subdivision of
Property- of Harimo Corporation, Town_ of
Mamaroneck, Westchester C unty,N.Y., by
John E. Fairchild, C.E., Mount Vernon,X.Y.,
dated May 29, 1924, and filed in the Office
of the Register of the County of West-
chester on June 13, 1924, as Map No. 2629";
'n=REAS, Harimo Corporation was the owner
of the tract of land embraced within and
shown upon the aforesaid map, together with
the streets and roads thereon shown, and
caused the same to be filed and recorded
in the Registeres Office of Westchester
County,l..Y., June 13, 1924, as Map No.
2629, and
*T=RFAS, in filing said, map said Harimo
Corporation made an offer of dedication
Of the said streets and roads thereon
shown as Public Highways to the Town of
Mamaroneck; and
iTHERE+AS, the aforesaid offer of dedication
has never been withdrawn or revoked by it
or any one in its behalf; and
WHEF.EAS, Harimo Corporation still desire
and have requested that the said offer of
dedication of said streets and roads shown
on the aforesaid map be accepted as Town
Highways of the Tom of Mamaroneck; and
%'=P2AS, said Harimo Corporation is will-
ing and has agreed to deliver to the Town
of Mamaroneck a duly executed deed of said
streets and roads in proper fora; and
7,=??EAS, said petition has been considered
by this Board and the Town Superintendent
Of Highways; and
IMP.EAS, in consideration of the premises
the Superintendent of Highways has recom-
mended that the same be accepted as highway.
Town of Mamaroneck do and it hereby does
accept the aforesaid offer of dedication
heretofore made by Harimo Corporation to
dedicate to the Town of Mamaroneck as
Public 'Town Highways the streets and roads
lying and being,within the Town of Mamaro-
neck,N.v., shown upon a certain map en-
titled "Subdivision. of Properties of Harimo
Corporation., Town of Mamaroneck, 7estchester
County, X.Y.,by John_ L. Fairchild, C.E.,
Yount Vernon,,N.Y., dated May 29, 1924, and
filed in the Office of the Register of the
County of 7estchester or. June 13, 1924, as
Map No. 2629"; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the streets
and roads shown: on said map, to-wit. Alden
Road, Copley Road, .K..enmare Road and Harmony
Drive as shown on said map be and the same
hereby are made and declared to be Public
Clerk be and he hereby is empowered and
directed upon receipt of the aforesaid deed,
to record the same;
intendent of Highways be and he hereby is
authorized and empowered to execute and re-
cord whatever documents and certificates are
necessary according to law to vest title in
the Town U :the aforesaid streets and high-
ways and to bring this resolution into full
force and effect;
of Mamaroneck shall be kept safe and harm-
less of any claim or damage of any nature
or character whatsoever in any wise aris-
ing from the improvement of the aforesaid
streets, anything to the contrary notwith-
reserves the right to revoke and cancel
-- the acceptance of the aforesaid offer of
dedication, and the acceptance of the afore-
said streets and highvaays and the deeds of
same, should Harimo Corporation fail or
refuse to carry out the terms and condit-
ions of a certain Agreement entered into
on the 29th day of November, 1924, between
the Town of Mamaroneck and Harimo Corpora-
tion, anything kereinabove to the contrary
no tT.a the tan ding.
A petition from the New Rochelle Realty Company
was received and read requesting the taking over as Town High-
7--YE- of Rochelle Road., France Place and a portion. of Huguenot
_ Drive between Highland Avenue and the westerly end of Rochelle
Road. After due consideration and discussion upon the recommen-
dation of the Superintendent of Highways the following resolution
was presented by Justice Dudley and seconded by Justice Boyd:
zffHEREAS,Nev, Rochelle Realty Company, the
owner of the fee of Rochelle Road, France
Place and that portion of Huguenot Drive
in the Town. of Mamaroneck between High-
land Avenue and the westerly end of Roch-
elle Road, as shown upon a certain map
entitled, 10Map of Larchmont Hills in the
Tows: of Mamaroneck, :Yestchester County,
New York, Sub-Divisi on #2, " and filed in
the office of the Register of said West-
chester County, October 8,1924, as *tap
No. 2669, have heretofore filed a petit-
ion with this Board and the Superi nten-
dent of Highways to accept the aforesaid
streets and portion thereof as Town Hig h-
ways; and
WHEREAS, in filing said map New Rochelle
Realty Company made an offer of dedication
of the aforesaid streets and roads and
portions thereof thereon shown as Public
Highways to the To-,m of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the aforesaid offer of dedication
has never been withdrawn by it or any one
in its behalf; and
MEE-AS, said New Rochelle Realty Company
have requested that the said offer of
dedication of Rochelle Road, France Place
and. that portion of Huguenot Drive herein-
cbove described„ being streets and roads
shown or the aforesaid map, be accepted as
Town High. ,ys of the Town of Mamaroneck and
have delivered to the Town Clerk a duly
executed deed of same in proper form; and
WHEREAS, said petition had been considered
by this Board and the Town Superintendent
of Highways; and
WHEREAS, it consideration of the premises,
the Superintendent of Highways has recom-
mended that the same be accepted as Town
— TIC ghways;
Town of Mamaroneck do and it hereby does
accept the aforesaid offer of dedication
of Rochelle Road, Prance Place and that
portion of Huguenot Drive between High-
?and Avenue and the westerly end of Roch-
elle Road hereinafter more spedifically
described heretofore made by the New Roch-
elle Realty Company and the deed to the
Town of Mamaroneck presented therewith,
t and. does hereby accept as Town Highways
the following described streets and high-
_ ways known as Rochelle Road,France Place
and that portion, of Huguer_ot Drive herein-
after described, as shown on a certain map
entitled, "Map of Larchmont Hills in the
Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York, Sub-Division #210, and filed in
the office of the Register of Westchester
County, October 8,1424, as Yap No. 2669,
and. which certain pieces or parcels of land
are more particularly bounded and described
as follows;
BEGIA'NING at a point in the westerly line
of Chatsworth. Avenue, southerly from the
intersection formed by the southerly lire
of Highland Avenue and the westerly line
of Chatsworth Avenue, a distance of 342,22
feet, • thence running southerly and westerly
by a curve with a radius of 50 feet a dis-
tance of 75,33 feet to a point of compound
curve in the northerly line of Rochelle Road,
thence westerly and northwesterly by a curve
with a radius of 186 feet a distance of 250.86
feet to a point of compound curve, thence
northerly and northeasterly by a curve with
a radius of 10 feet a distance of 10.85 feet
to a point of reverse curve; thence northerly,
westerly and southerly by a curve with a rad-
ius of 35 feet a distance of 140. 95 feet to
a point of compound curve, thence southeast-
erly by a curve with a radius of 236 feet a
distance of 199.98 feet to a boint of reverse
curve; thence southwesterly by a curve with a
radius of 18 feet, a distance of 34.12 feet to
a point of compound curve, which point is in
the northerly lire of Rochelle Aoad;thence
westerly, northwesterly and northerly by a
curve with a radius of 216 feet, a distance
of 492.36 feet to a point of reverse curve;
thence northwesterly by a curve with a radius
of 526 feet a distance of 205.57 feet to a
point of reverse curve; thence northerly and
easterly by a curve with a radius of 18.47
feet, a distance of 34.40 feet to a point in
the southerly line of Highland Avenue,which
point is 540 feet westerly from the inter-
section formed by the southerly line of High-
land Avenue and the westerly line of Chats-
North Avenue, tierce south 720'29@ 55°" west
along the southerly line of Highland Avenue
a distance of 106.91 feet, thence easterly
and southerly by a curve with a radius of 40
feet a distance of 50.22 feet, thence southerly
by a curve with a radius of 476 feet a distance
of 197.27 feet to a point of reverse curve;
thence southerly and easterly by a curve with
a radius of 266 feet a distance of 533.15 feet
to a point of reverse curve;thence easterly by
a curve with a radius of 242 feet a distance of
151.15 feet;thence easterly and southerly by
a curve with a radius of 50 feet a distance of
Chatsworth Aovenue;thence the th 17grZ 105'e' of
155.46 feet along the westerly line of Chats-
worth Avenue to the place or point of beginning.
And be it
.nJ RTHER RESOLVED, that the afore-des
cribed Rochelle Road, France Place and
that vortion of Huguenot Drive be and
The same hereby are made and. declared
to be Public Highways; and
Clerk be and he is hereby empowered
and directed to record the aforesaid
deed; and
BE IT I"JRTHER RESOLVED, that the Super-
intendent of Highways be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to execute
and record, whatever documents or cer-
tificates are necessary according to
law to vest title to the lown in said
streets or portions thereof, and to
bring this resolution into full force
and effect; and
herein contained shall be construed as
an acceptance of the offer of dedication
of any other Roads, Streets or mays or
portions thereof shown on said map, this
said acceptance of dedication being
specifically limited and confined to
the streets or portions thereof herein
described; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town_ of
Mamaroneck shall be keat safe and harm-
less from any claim or denage arising
from the imorovements of the aforesaid
streets anything to the contrary- not-
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolu-
tions the same were upon roll call unanimously adopted.
The following resolution was presented by Justice
Collins and seconded by Justice Boyd: t7pon the recommendation
of the Superintendent of Highways,
RESOLVED, that the New York Inter Urban
Eater Company, be and it hereby is re-
quested to extend its water mains as
follows as shown by and from a certain
map entitled°"Sub®division of property
of Harfmo Corporation, Town of Kamaro-
neck, Westchester County, New York, fe
wade by John F. Fairchild, C.E., dated
May 29th. 1924, and filed in the office
of the Register of Westchester County,
June 13th, 1924, as map number 2629, to
On Boston lost Road from the present
terminus of water main opposite or near
lot number 89 on said map, to Alden
Road and to install one fire hydrant
on the northwest corner of Boston Post
Road and Alden Road.
On Alden Road northwesterly from Boston
-cost A®ad to Harmony Drive and thence
northwesterly on Harmony Drive to
{enmare Road and to install ore fire
hydrant on the westerly side of Har-
mony Drive opposite the boundary line
between lots 12 and 13 on said map and
one fire hydrant on the southeasterly
corner of 7enmare R®ad and Harmony
On Kanmare Road and Harmony Drive to
Copley Road opposite the boundary line
bet:veen lots 66 and 67 on said map and
to install one fire hydrant on the
northeasterly side of Copley Road at
the end of the water main.
The question being taken upon true foregoing resolu-
tion the same was upon roll call unanimously adopted.
The following resolution was presented by Justice
Boyd and seconded by Justice Collins: Upon the recommendation
of the Superintendent of Highways,
RESOLVED, that the New York inter Urban
Water Company be and it hereby is re-
quested to extend its water mains from
Chatsworth Avenue westerly along Roch-
elle Road to Huguenot Drive,and thence
northerly along Huguenot Drive to High-
land Avenue, faith a spur extending from
Rochelle Road northerly along France
Place a distance of 135 feet, all as
shown on a certain man entitled "Map of
Iarchmont Hills in the Town of Hamaro-
ncck, Westchester County,N.Y., Sub-
divisi'en No. 2, made by L.E.Van Etten,
Civil Engineer, 12 Lawtsn Street, New
Rochelle, certified September 20th, 1924,
and filed in the office of the Register
of Westchester County October Sth, 1924,
as map #2669, andto install four fire
hydrants on this extended main as follows:
One(1) hydrant on the southerly side of
Rochelle Drive distant about 200 feet
westerly from Chatsworth Avenue;
One(1) hydrant on the westerly side of
France Place at the end of the extension
herein requested;
One(!) hydrant on the easterly side of
the street where Huguenot Drive and Roch-
elle Road intersect;
One(1) hydrant on the westerly side of
Huguenot Drive at the corner of Highland
The question being taken upon the foregoing reso-
11.ation the same ras upon roll call unanimously adopted.
The following resolution .vas presented by Justice
Dudley and seconded by Justice Boyd; upon the recommendation
Of the Superintendent of Hig.1wa,ys,
RESOLVED, that the New York Inter Urban
'Water Company, be and it hereby is re-
quested to extend its water mains on
Rockland Avenue easterly from the end
of the present main a distance of 1750
feet, and to install four fire hydrants
on this extended main as follows:®
Four hydrants on the westerly side of
Rockland Avenue, one of which to be ir_-
stalled at the extreme easterly end of
the extension herein requested, and the
remaining three hydrants to be installed,,
at equal distances from said hydrant,
and from each other along the line of the
extension herein requested.
The question being taken upon the foregoing reso-
lution the same was upon roll. call unanimously adopted.
The Superintendent of Highways reported that he
had inspected the truce used for highway purposes ordered by
the County and requested the returning of same as it had
outlived its usefulness. The Clerlr was requested to notify
Mr. McDonald, County Engineer, to that effect.
The Supervisor reported that he had taken up with
the Westchester LightingC4mpany the matter of gas extensions
in Larchmont Gardens and on Weaver Street from the Post Road
to Howell Avenue and suggested that a resolution be adopted
compelling them to lay the gas mains as directed by the Town
Board. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of
Highways, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to take
all necessary steps to compel the West-
c'r.ester LightingCbmpany to have their gas
mains extended and installed on Hickory
Drive, Cherry Street, Garden Road and
Rocky Road and on Weaver Street of the
Boston Post ?load to Howell Avenue.
in accordance with resolutions heretofore ado_ated
in order to furnish proper gas service,be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized
and empowered to employ special counsel
to prosecute any court proceeding or
action in the name of the Town of Mamaro-
neck if he shall deem it advisable and
A communication from E.C. Morse addressed to the
Supervisor was received. and read req=uesting the re-laying of
the side walks on the north side of Ho=well Avenue fronting
on his property.
The Superintendent of Highways stated that a side
walk had never been laid at that point because of a tree
being within the side walk line, vehich tree had since been
destroyed. The communication was ordered placed on rile
and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Highways
the following resolution was offered and upon roll cell
unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the rock on the north side
of Howell Avenue jutting out on the side
walk line be removed, walk graded and side
walks laid thereon a distance of about 20
feet all under the supervision and direct-
ion of the Superintendent of Highways,
The Supervisor reported that in accordance with
a resolution heretofore adopted he had arranged with the
Village of Scarsdale to lay a water main and install a
hydrant on Weaver Street opposite Bonny Briar Country
Club and requesting the adoption of a resolution author-
izing the payment of same. Upon his recommendation it
was upon roll call
RESOLVED, that the action of the Super-
visor and the Superintendent of Highways
in arranging with the Village of Scars-
dale for the extension of their water
main in and along weaver Street and the
installation of a fire hydrant upon said
street to a point oppo wsi to thiE. B-bnny
Briar Country Club be and the same here-
by is approved; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the cost thereof be a
charge against the unincorporated sect-
ion of the Town and the Supervisor is
herewith authorized to pay for same upon
the presentation of a proper voucher there-
fo r.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11.20 P.M.
;Xo wr. Clerk. --""-"