HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_09_17 Town Board Minutes (2) Meeting of the Joint Town Board TOWN OF I-IMAII-RONLOX, held September 17th, 1924. The meeting was C-,-,:fled to order by Chairman Burton. at 9.30 P.111. PR7SEVI'T: Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Collins an-5 Dudley, Supt.of Highways Coles, Town Clerk Sherman. Upon motion, the minutes of the meetings of July 16 and AuSust 6,10 ,24, were approved. A co.mrrunication from the Sevier Commissioners vvas received and read inquiring as to whether Bryson street had ever been accepted as -,- town highviay. The comnunication was ordered placed on file and Hr.P.H.Stevens, Chairman of the 70Zrd of Sevier Com. mi2sioners, xho -present., was informed by the Road Commissioner that Bryson Street is not a town higftway. A cormunication and petition of property owners in Fenimore Cooper Park was received ard read, requesting the extension of water mains in and along Fenimore Road ?or the purpose of securing, a. supply of water at the above rr.entioneri ,vQs 4-Instructed to advise the patit-iGners of' the fact that the pr3sant water main ends withir, tht, limits of the -Villa6e. of and in order to zacuTa the wat4r servioa on. Fenimore Road within the Torn of H'Iimaxonack, it would CL naoo53axy for the VJ11?.ge Board to first request that the New York ln� ter Urban Com-r-any, e-,,ter-d its =ains allgra; Fenimore Road to the boundary linp. of the Town and after which -prQ:po7 action 'xili be taken by this '5oard. The Supervisor --,�-ain &pokz of the ext,--nsion of ante rosins in and along Weaver 1-tiset and the Clark -aaa York Tnte U-�b ag—�-.Ln ��,sk the r r an a'ta Co action. Sup erintandant of Highways Coles raport2rd that he had ins acted Lookout Circle from the intersection of Chats- Torth and Ed_ewo-A Avenues to Echo Lane; Hillside Road fxom. its intersection -vrith Lookout Circle to Echo Lane and 75,3ho Lane from its intersection with C'aats--ivorth Avenue to Fill- si-4e Road in the Ne-,,r 7.ochel!5 Rp.�At- Con.-pany subdivi,,3ion pared to to the Town, Bcwid the accept- SMCIZI of said streets Qs public hii,-h',pisys sub juod to certain conditions, viz, the 7c,a eipto of th,- nac-.5sary deeds of dedication and such other instruments as Counsel may rc wire and provided that the Ne's Rochelle TZealty Corripany lay a za,xer pipe in and thru said streets -under the suporvision of the Town Engineer and grade the sams to his satin;action. After the matter 'xas discussed at some length, Juste Col'isr. mo%r5d to the adoption, of the following J - - I resonation: that subject to the streets hereinafter narr-ed being properly.L. propeTly segered under the supervision Of the T-can Engineer or tb;! t,-ngin5er employed by the B,)aTd Of Se-War Commissioners., subject to said streets being properly graded to the satisfaction of the Town Superintend- - ,rt of Highways and subject further to the r5coipt by this Board of the necessary deeds Of dedication and such other in- stlurfiantz as Counsel stay rzr4-LIire3 the streets hereinafter ne=ed be and the same hereby are accepted as public highway s: Lookout Circle from its intersection with 0 _c7 Chats-worth and Av,.-nrues to Echo Lanz z!. Hillside Rczd fro=m its inter. nation with Echo one fTcm its inersection with Cha-llswwrth Avenue tO Hillside Road'i as shown an a certain map entitled jr.P_p of-Larchriont Hills, of the Toren of U12ztchezter County, N.Y., Subdivision ill, made by L.E.Van -Etten, Civil Engineer dated September 1,1923 and filed in the office of the Register Of Westchester County on 1Tcvember 30, 1923, as 'Mapp Upona vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the sane was �yeclaTej to be unanimously adopted. Highaay Superintendent Coles reported on the change -of the lamp on, pole 6 on ChatsvvoTth Avenue and-, on pole 10 at Murray and Edgewood Avenues and reccmrzended thatthe bulb on the former pads 'be changsd from, a 32 candle po-,i'ier to &.CC candle power 2.nd on the latter from a. 60 candle power to a 100 candle po'xer light. Thereupon justice Collins moved the adoption of the foliovring resolution: !RTTSOLVFI�, that the 7estchester Lightins Company be and they hereby are authorized and directed to change the 1a.up or, elect- -40 'ight, pc11-- A6 on Chatsworth Avenue from_ 32 candle po=rv5r to loo candle power - T.i and the lamp on pole -" 0 at the i-n'bar- section Of lFtarray and Ed_ce-,.,rood Avenues fzOm 60 candle power to 100 candle power, and be it further FESOLIT'=, that the Town Clark be and he hereby is author- zed and directed to forward rwa-d to the said WestohestaT Ti htin; C0mT,a,nY a certified copy of the foregoing r a a Gl"Iti on. U- .Pon a vote beJng taken upon the foregoing resolution, the same was d•aOlared to be unanimously s-dopted. The following resolution was offered by Justice Dudley which waz a,,;Cbmitt Ueaupon the recommendation of the Supervisor: HERLAS, the Supervisor has reported that certificate of indebtedness L dated December 12,ifl23 for a sum of $9,121.19, the prooeeds of which wara, to pay the cost of laying and constructing, a ccnc-ret:; sidaxa,lk along the southerly side of Palmer ?venue between, Alea.ver Street and the westarlar boundary lire of the Tillage of Miiama,roneck, beca,ma due on July 1, 1924 and that there are no funds available with v,hich to pay and retire same for the reason that the amount thereof was not included in the 11524 budget; `.rid _7HEzEAS, it is the sense of this Board that the best interest of the c;-an would be promoted by renewing said Certiificate of indebtedness so that the same will become d s and payable, on June 1, 1525, now, therefore bs it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the pro- visions visions of the Westchester County Tax Act, the Sup--rviscr be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrora upor_ the faith and cre:ii t of the Town of :'?maronecg the sa= of P9,121.19 in anticipation of tha tu.xes to be _evied and collected on 'rril 1, 1925 against said sidewv-lk district, as a.foresa,id, and be it further RESCLVE,D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is wathcrizad and empowered to issue one or more cartifica.tas of indebtedness, each of such deno,aination as the Supervisor may determine in the aggregate not execading the sum ,f 4:,121.15. Said certificate° �f in® dobtedn_ss shall ba signed by the Supervisor and counte-xsigned by the Town Clerk, shell beer interest at a rate of not more than 6� per annum and shall be made payable at soon time as the S.upervissr may fix. And it is further 77SCL7ED, s s. 111. Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to dispose of Said certificates, of lndabt�• cdness for not lass than th° par value thereof, and it is further RESCL7'r, that the Supervisor andTo n Clerk be and they hereby,; are authorized and onpowerod to sign and execute such papers and doournents to effect tha sale Of Said certificates. U_ror_ a, vote bei ng takar upor the foregoing resolution, the same was upon Roll Call declared to be unanimously adopted, upon motion, the mnetirjg :adjourned F-I 11050 P.I.T. Town Clerk