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Meeting of the Joint Town Board
held June 4th, 1924.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
act 9:40 P.M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices Boyd & Collins,
'Town 01erk Sherman,
Counsellor Gamble.
UPOn motion, it was voted to dispense with the read-
ing of minutes, of meetings not yet approved.
2 communication from the State Department of Public
Works, Bu7fe4u of Highways, in relation to the added cost for
he improvement of Weaver Street, Wag received, read, ordered
spread, upon the minutes and is as follows:
Mr. Frederiok M. Sherman, Clerk,
TOWn of Mamaroneck,
Mamaroneck, New York.
'Dear Sir:
PI X-14, specifications and estimate of cost for the
improvement of the WEAVER STREET, PART 1, ,County Hidizway ' 0.1645,
rs'estchesster County, have been revised by this Bureau providing
for an V 7a 80 reinforced concrete pavement, based on present
s$andarda in place of the reinforced concrete pavement of the
uniform thickness of 5" as previo-usly approved by your town.
'The Engineer"a estimate of cost has also been revised, providing
for the additional quantities and unit prices based, on present
day prices of labor and material. The total engineer'% estimate
Of cost as revised for this improvement is 4103,300.00, of which
the State will be required, to pay 65% or 52,585.0X; 'County Of
Westchester 25% or 428,3 .5.00 and the Town of Mamaroneck an
extra work 822,400.00.
The Town share of the cost of this improvement as re-
vised is an increase of $5,700.00 over and above the amount here-
tofore appropriated by your toxrn for this work, and will necess-
itate an additional appropriation being made by your Town Bo=d
to the extent of 45,700.00. I enclose herewith in duplicate reeo-
latift providing for this additional appropriation and approval
of the gl&ns, specifications and estimate of cost as revised.
Kindly present the resolution, together with the plans, which Will
be presented to you by a representative from our division office
at Poughkeepsie, N.Y*, at the first meeting of your 'Tov. Board and.,
if adapted; exec-ate the plans in the place prepared and return
same with a certified, copy of the resolation.
I an also enclosing duplicate copies of certificate
which must be executed by you just as soon as your town has de_
posited with the State Comptroller funds to the amo=ant of $5,700,
As 0000 as funds have been filed with the State Cosrptroller, will
you kindly see that Copy of the Certificate is filed in this
Office and also in the Office Of the State Comptroller.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Burea:._, of Highways.
After due consideration, the follow in- resolution
was offered and upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted: .
W X EAS, THE Tonm Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck has.heretofore on the twenty
sixth day of Uay, 1922, approved plate,
specifications and estimate of cost ,fdr
the 'Reaves Street, Part 1, 'County High-
nay No. 1645, Westchester County, which
included the additional work desired by
the town in connection with the improve-
ment of this highway; and
WMEAS, the Town Board of the To,= of
Mamaroneck has heretofore on the twentieth
day of December 1932, approved revised
plans, and appropriated an additional
:,mount of 43,200.00 toward the improve-
ment of the weaver Street, Part 1, county
Highway No. 1645; and
WMEAS, a communication dated May 2,1924
has been received from the Department of
Public ?forks, Bureau of Highways, notify-
iag this Board that plans and specifica-
tions have been revised providing for an
80 70 811 reinforced concrete pavement,
based on present standards in place of
the reinforced concrete pavement of the
uniforms thickness of 6' as pre viously
approved, and the engineer's estimate of
cost has been revised providing for add-
itional quantitiesand unit prices barged
on present day prices of labor and mat-
erial. This revision in the plans, speci-
fications and estimate of cost shows that
- the estimated coat of the extra work de-
sired by the Town Of Mamaroneck will be
tus,400.00,r instead of 416,700.00, the
additional an otmt being 45,700.00.
RESOLVED, that said revised plans, speci-
fications and estimate be and the same
are hereby approved.
I1 IS FM TM- RESOLVED, that there is here-
by appropriated the slap of $5,700.00 being
the amount required of the town for such
excess cost, which amount is hereby ordered
deposited with the State Comptroller who
is hereby authorized and directed to the
same at any time upon the requisition or
-draft of the State Department of Public
works, Bureau of Highways, and
IT BEING "JIMRST'OOd, that the State Comp-
troller of the State of New York is to re-
fund to the proper town authorities may
unexpended balance of said appropriation
upon the comioletion of the work and after
written notice to the State -comptroller
from the State Department of Public works,
Bureau of Highways, to the effect that no
further drafts will be made upon the said
appr opr i at i on,
Upon motion the meeting adaourned at 11°00 P.M.
Town Clerk,