HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_05_14 Town Board Minutes (2) .
Meeting-of the -Joint Town Board
held, May 14th, 1924.
The meeting, waz called to Order by Supervisor Burton
at 9:10 P.M.
PI-SENT: Supervisor Burt on,
Justices Boyd., Shafer, Collins,
Supt. of Highways Coles,
Town Clerk Sherman,
Counsellor Garmble.
Upon motion, it was voted to dispense with the reading
of minutes of meetings not yet approved.
A communication and petition from the residents and
property owners Of Edge%700d Avenue and Edgewood Terrace, betw-
een Murray =d Chatsworth Avenues was received and read, Teclue' st-
ing request-
in the installation of street lights on the above mentioned
Upon the recommendation of the Supt. of Highways, it
was capon motion, upon ROLL CALF,-unanimously
RESOLtiTE), that the Westchester Lighting
Company, be and it hereby is requested
and directed to install street lights
On EdgewOod Avenue and Edgewood. 'Terrace,
between Chatsworth. Avenue and Murray
Avenue, the said lights to be installed
under the direction and supervision of
the Town Supt. of Highways.
The Supt. of Highways stated that a streetlight is
needed On Falls Road, between Palmer Lane and Lakeside Mrive, and
Upon his recommendation, it was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Westchester Lighting
Company, be and it hereby is requested,
and directed to install one street light
on Falls Road between Palmer Lane and
Lakeside Drive under the direction of
the Supt. of Highways.
The Clerk called the Boards attention to the condition
Of the Boston Post Road between Dean Place and the City of New
Rochel-l.e's boundary line and after discussing the matter, the
Clerk was authorized to write to the State Highway Department
and the County Supt. Of Highways, requesting the laying of a
new surface on the Post Road.
Mr. H. Horden again appeared before the Board relF.ative
to the acceptance Of Hickory Grove Drive as a town highway. After
discussion, the matter was referred, to Counsel to prepare the
proper papers.
Justice Boyd presented a request from. the Union Savings
Bank for the removal of the bridge abutment On the Post Road
and after -&Ue> consideration the following resolution was unan-
imously adopted:
WHEREAS, a certain portion of a highway
to wit; the Boston Post Road known as
Route NO. 41, Section 4-B Road No. in
the Town Of Mamaroneck, County of West-
cheater, N.Y. , has been improved by
state aid under Article 6 of-'Chapter 30
of the haws of 1909 ]mown as the Highway
Law, and
WHEREAS, the Union Savings Bank of West-
chester County having its principal off-
ice in Mamaroneck, N.Y., req eet permis-
sion to remove about 1/2 of the north para-
pet wall of an arch bridge over the Mam-
aroneck River at about State Survey Ease
line Station No. 231, just east of Mamar-
oneck Ave. in accordance with a map M d
plan filed in the office of the Town Clerks
WHEREAS, the State Department of Public
Works, BUr.eau of Highways,- of the State of
New York has on behalf of said State issued
a permit No. 5665, dated March 26, 1924,
authorizing the work described in said per-
mitto be performed under the terms and con-
ditions therein set forth.
mission is hereby granted to the said Union
Savings Bank of Westchester County to do
said work upon the following
This permit shall not be assigned or tram&ferred
without the written consent of the Town of Mamaroneck.
The work authorized by this permit shall be per-
forked under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the
State Bureau of Highways or its representatives.
The State Commission, of Highways and/or the 'Town
of Mamaroneck shall be given prompt notice by said applicant of
the date when it intends to begin the work authorized, by this
The said applicant hereby egrees to hold the State,
County and Town, harmless on account of damages of any kind which
may arise during the progress of the work authorized by this per-
mit or by reason thereof,
The Town of Mamaroneck reserves the right to at any
time revoke or annul this permit should the said applicant fail to
comply with the terms and conditions upon which it is granted.
The applicant agrees to pay all necessary expenses
incident to supervision and inspection by reason of the granting
of such permit, as certified by the Supt, of Highways, such payment
to be made within ten days from the rendering of the certified
i6us manner. Work under this permit to be continued in an expedit-
The applicant shall submit a detailed plan of structure
to be built, with a description of proposed method of construction.
The applicant agrees in consideration of this permit
that may prevent orfuture injury to or disturbance of the highway,
its slope& ivr gutters and to the bridge caused by removing the wall,
shall be repaired by the applicant at his own expense and in accord
anee with instructions of the State Bureau of Highways and/or the
Town of Mamaroneck.
r �
The applicant agrees that any surplus earth and
rubbish shall be promptly cleaned up and removed from the
highway upon the completion of the work, and the highway left
in a neat and orderly condition, and upon failure of the
applicant 50 to do, and upon fai lu:r a Rfxtk axsp Ajimaz± or re-
fusal of the applicant to perform said work the flown of Man-
aroneck is authorized to do the same and the applicant agrees
to reimburse the Town for the same.
The granting of this permit does not awake it unnec-
essary to obtain the consent of Village auhtorities or of
Other parties concerned.
The south wall of the new bank building shall be placed
in the rear of the Location of the removed section of the
parapet gall and connected with the undisturbed section in
such a manner that traffic will at all times be protected. The
existing tablet located on the center of the parapet wall shall
be carefully removed and placed upon the face of the undisturbed
section of the wall. Traffic shall not be interrupted on this
section of the highway while the work is in progress. The pro-
ceed work shall conform to the present grade of the highway,
and suitable provisions shall be made for the roadway drainage.
If necessary, the applicant shall erect and maintain suitable
guard rails or barricades around the wall while the work is in
Progress for the protection of the public, and they shall be
suitably lighted by red lights at night.
as a condition precedent to this permit
becoming effective, the UNION Savings
Bank of Westchester County shall accept
the same in writing under its corporate
seal subject to the restrictions and
conditions herein described.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.Ma.
'T Clerk.