HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923_12_19 Town Board Minutes (2) 2.4 3
',�e�.-tjng ,if the -:Foint 7owrz Eoai�4,
T017-7 OF 'J--`,!,-1J- 017;777
The M-3et-Im6 cal lad t order by
?7- S 7 FT
u C f hwayz
2!,Otim it was -"Fcte�f, to diz.��e7ze -,"'ith the rsac-!jr-6
Of minutee af meeetinS7). :,:�t yet a3 �2cved.
Coles s��r;-nde��. J Ji-ac-ticF,; DoyK, it
that the ezt ,2Lata -,f the 7��wn
SunaTintendant of
purposes fx: thF ye%,-�, ^er.
and ;G=Sfivrad.
Theranyon the 7own Fj
, ra jtt,d
.e& z z ;L
y _
hiz estimate ccvaxins slyropriati-onz 'b-
,;,,nd Snd miycallanaOuz
which he reque2ted an qvIryTtic; the fyos zZr ene-
hilhWLY rayair yuryaeeZ, the SUM Sf
::�l the
5 r z t t'h
0,500, Puricas of machizary and Mon and the sum of
KIM. for the purposes of the removal of snow znd
ighwnT allowance, weedz and bruz ti,az and
the zalar-�, cT tha er-Int en dsnt �-�f HiEn-aayz,
After to ajecussior. ha--, cm the
on mactjoij of h1stice 00111,,, aecMed by Wst:L it
unanina0zly a
WS077W th-�-t the
be madej ( e B
Purps*es On# far zinicez aid colveTO,
'Cr iAc-Es on e t 4ux-
of for the and
zt��T:.mz --�achircry tr�03-z and :�ther
t1ta fL�nd t e a-
-c-or. j--,��tjce 7cyd a tl-,- f
Krz: be it
USTATD, that tlne —C -d
hereby j;� �:sezzed aLainat the
d ithin the unin-
"Wrated -,,',zrt t:;f the cf e.
(lying autzid?t ths Df
the c0at 05' 1 iri-Mb the
and oulvert� z--fd
the Town of tla�� yea-�,
Uyn a vote being, taken
...0 th�-i
, za,--e t -
70ZL CALL, Z;z.o%a,ted.
e t further
tlaat "be la az�eszed
aaafnat the tl-"cble �--,f the 7awn
Of Waroneck ana collectea, the zu, vf.
a,3f:'-ZY t7�� cc�zt ,,f 1-epairf-7nL
412 4 F5
Certain bri!�E�es
a We beina takem re—
a,"70 t j
the za" Wal SPOM ROM CALL,
R%777n, that th�re -Ce 2avi�'d a2s;esz-
ad againat th7; trlMc�,blt� C)f the
7C�'jnn Cf t
I ec t
f for th--:� and ;f
��-nd for h1shway
Surlcsss fW �3ald 70-,=I- fiz:,- the year 1S24,
Ujon a vote being taken u.pon the t i C n
the za�e u',1cr , ;'
NothEr � 7ILL CALL, Ur-711i!:!-,-� Iy ad�--te!ft. zt
RPSOUM, that there be levied and assess-
ed againzt the t,�.,cabla zjt":F- ed
nd 0
a, 0 jleCt,,'
the f'�)z t'ne raYIqi3"7z--j �rf
weeds and br,shez� and for otI;�-T �L-' z -. ,
the ye
vctO bai% tmh= th� fcre��cinS z�
the t f,_
707L CALL, QW1,-'-red t3 --t'
dc c
Liam nation of Turti�:e- ce
700777-, th the year 3224 be oamplete,
sith the "--ha
Zane be in by the
Haividual Marbers Qf thiz Board, sna that
the zome ':�e fi-,�:d the C��nty 7rginsm.
The Her!. 19M. br3ught up the
,not of Avajon Mact SMd 70XIzzn
;�f the
the =atter was laid Over until the 2?=
tendert r�f ii reoej-.%'ea
I'r. 727an'--� 7, �Iagliarji the
of Sewer MyleMonars im ysgard t, by
feed of dedinatian of YOU& Toad and :�ivq in Tr r to the that t" del,'�-`;-erY Of inztrunenit
cr z;•
Compamy Qwmvay�r
7own of a
ment in and thrQugh three Icts - _I ea.?.e_
Miany h,��7-d -snz Lnv the Wr Roarl Of
the t" Orsats abovs
uiur the zame z s 4-a d t h e ar d tio, a�D t
MhGat Wzy to th-� er.d -,_f c,!� r e Z a
que'atiom wera r.at t-
ker. the 2.-D.z'd '�f �Fa"Uer QLr'.IL'i B
Varintendent of Highwa,, UL Iaz a�_, .rez:
and Hated that h' -ai! not the- t a n f
at"ata becauza af their =dIM-1 th�-.t C5
expenditure af a , it
Aftw the matter
disc., -ad at zOn-t' length, J'azt-ce.
Mlinz yrazent,,,i t,,
e reawlytionz:
it t,.
t: f
be Or the be2t
intereats Of th� d��215-ne ti.;
uccept by the L,-rch�,07-.t
Y, and 7 4 y
IT" "'ve Wz h0q and be it furhher
that ne er
ionsrs be -advized ;�t tj�.e t
thiz Basra,
e�t-"p t a,ken t b- f L7.ego in g, z�z n'-IL-t
9 Zama to '��a -1y t
71CM the recamsenStion of th�� 4S-t.1,Srir-t,�zde7-t -f
t"he MM"Han waa upon ROLL OALTO Mani'Muly adopted,
=;017:177, that t h Yamr L T--I-t er-jr" am.
Maina -In and 7,-;-re�t ,-ve�nue,
ning with the er�j ��f tIft-e le n
t t-j i
in a westerly direction along Forezt
Aver-is, a dQ0112a Of 225 feet.
A COMunication the Yew Y.,::TL 7nter-'Ur';:�=
"fany w"a rec"P-a ard Tez-d i7! ref'ranas to the reouest of the
Tu" "ra for tha extenuion of 3OU feet OZ -aate--� �nain alon,': t'he
"stsn POst R010. stitinZ thst the Carx'-'any '-'r
conatruct" work fOr the winter, rz�-,zelc't in caz-25 ,-,hare the
Meant for an entenzinn
filling. 777-ne agrees &� f'z; t'he
Qrfad file.
Wan mOtion the msstj.-.g