HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923_04_04 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Joint Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK held April 4th, 1923. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Barton at 9.30 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Shafer. Superintendent of Highways Coles. Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble. Upon motion it was VOTED to dispense with the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved. Superintendent of Highways Coles presented his report for the month of March 1923, showing work performed in his de- partment during that period. Same was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file. A communication from the Woods of Larchmont Association was received and read, pertaining to the condition of roads and the subject of gas. The Clerk was instructed to reply and state that the matters mentioned therein will receive attention. Mr. Michael Doherty and delegation appeared before the Board relating to the condition of roads in Dillon Park. The gen- tlemen were assured by the Board that the conditions would be re- medied immediately. Mr. Summers and Mr. Staropoli appeared before the Board relating to the conditions on Beach Street and also asked for the installation of gas. They were informed by the Board that the matters spoken of are receiving consideration. The Town Board then took up the matter of the agreement for the expenditure of highway monies for the year 1923. The agreement was presented and read, and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Highways, it was, upon ROLL CALL, RESOLVED that the agreement for the expenditure of Highway monies for the year 1923 as presented and read, be approved by this Board, and it was further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is instructed to forward copies of same to the County Superintendent of Highways. The Superintendent of highways presented a bid of prices of stone quoted by the New Haven Trap Rock Company. Upon his recommendation it was, upon ROLL CALL RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is author- ized and empowered to purchase ten car loads of stone at a cost not to exceed the prices submitted. The Superintendent of Highways also reported that he had received a bid for cinders of pl35 per yard delivered. Upon motion duly seconded, it was, upon ROLL CALL RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to purchase 250 yds. of cinders at a price not to exceed $1.35 per yard delivered wherever ordered by the Superintendent of Highways. The Superintendent of Highways spoke of the great need of some small vehicle for the transportation of materials from one place to another and upon his recommendation it was, upon ROLL CALL RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Superintendent of Highways be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to purchase a one ton truck for the Highway Department under terms and conditions best suited to the Town. The Superintendent of Highways reported to the Board that the men working on the roads had asked for increase in wages. It was VOTED that it is the sense of this Board that the Superintendent of Highways get his corp of men together so as to start operations and report back to the Board in relation to wages. Mr. Wm. E. Lyon Jr. addressed the Board relating to new rates of fares on the New York and Stamford trolley lines. The matter was referred to the Supervisor and Counsellor to appear before the Public Service Commission and endeavor to secure an adjournment in order to determine whether the rights of the Town would be jeopardized under the new rates of fares. The following resolution was offered by Justice Collins, seconded by Justice Boyd: WHEREAS, a report has been made to this Board that six private dwellings are in course of construction along the westerly side of Murray Avenue between Glen Road and Forest Avenue; and that construction on six more dwellings is contemplated, and WHEREAS, application has been made to have installed a gas main in and along Murray Avenue between the two roads above named, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Westchester Lighting Company be and it hereby is authorized and directed to lay a gas main in and along Murray Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, in a northerly direction from the end of the present main to the intersection of Forest Avenue; and be it further RESOLVED that the Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forward to said Westchester Lighting Company a certified copy of the foregoing resolution. The Supervisor spoke of a delegation from Quaker Ridge who had asked to be taken into the Sewer District. Mr. Stevens who was present was asked to submit a report of said conference. After reporting thereon it was moved and second- ed by this Board RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this Board that the Supervisor, Mr. Stevens and the Sewer Comnissioner be authorized and empow- ered to take up the sewer matters with the officials of the Village of Scarsdale. The matter of papers received from Edgar L. Howe, Attorney for Thomas L. Avaunt, was taken up and same referred to Counsellor. The matter of laying of a sidewalk on Palmer Avenue from Weaver Street easterly to the Mamaroneck Village line was discussed and upon the recommendation of the Superin- tendent of Highways, it was, upon ROLL CALL, RESOLVED that the Superintendent of High- ways be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to proceed with the construct- ion of a sidewalk on Palmer Avenue from Weaver Street easterly to the Mamaroneck Village Line in accordance with a resolu- tion adopted by this Board on Oct. 5th, 1921. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11.45 P.M. Frederick M. Sherman Town Clerk.