HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923_03_21 Town Board Minutes (2) Meeting of the joint Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK held March 21st, 1923. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9.10 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justifies Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer. Superintendent of Highways Anthes. Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble. Upon motion duly seconded, it was VOTED that the minutes of March 7th be approved as printed. A communication from the Colonial Park and Neighborhood Association was received and read, relating to the acceptance of certain streets in Colonial Park. The communication was ordered placed on file and the matter taken up in the regular order of business. A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was received and read relating to the condition of streets in the Woods of Larchmont. The communication was ordered placed on file. Mr. Oscar Addor, President of the Colonial Park and Neighborhood Association appeared before the Board and presented a petition asking for the taking over of streets in the Colonial Park section of the Town. The petition was ordered received, spread upon .the min- utes and is as follows: To the Town Board Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, residents and taxpayers of Colonial Park, Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. do hereby petition your Hon. Board to take over the following streets, situated in Colonial Park, as follows: Map of Colonial Park, Section 1. Colonial Ave. off Murray Ave. to Weaver St. 2700 ft. Senate Terrace off Colonial Ave. to Forest Ave. 2000 ft. Section s. Sheldrake Ave. off Forest Ave. to Rockland Ave. 750 ft. Highland Ave. off Sheldrake Ave. to Rockland Ave. 1200 ft. Forest Place off Highland Ave. to Forest Ave. 200 ft. Highland Street off Highland Ave. to Rockland Ave. 375 ft. Summit Street off Highland Ave. to Rockland Ave. 375 ft. After the above streets have been accepted by the Town, we would respectfully ask your Hon. Boardd to take the necessary steps to improve three (3) namely Colonial Ave., Senate Terrace and Sheldrake Ave. The necessity of improving Colonial Ave. and Senate Terrace is plainly shown by the fact that all the children from the Gardens and lower Weaver Street would use those streets going to and coming from school, Thus avoiding the most dangerous part of Weaver Street. At the same time it would greatly improve the East side of the School property, which, under present condi- tions is not in keeping with the beautiful building erected there, and certainly not a credit to the community. On Sheldrake Avenue seven (7) residences are already built, owners paying taxes, which entitles them to better road conditions. Hoping our petition will receive your due consideration we beg to remain, Respectfully, COLONIAL PARK AND NEIGRBORHOOD ASSOCIATION (Sgd.) Oscar Addor, President. C. W. Dorland Carl L. Narns M. Butler Philip Stouter T. L. Baxter Joseph A. Leddy J. A. Schaefer Archibald Robertson P. F. Boyle Antonio Martino R. H. Moseley C. W. Cross J. Cullen C. B. Cross James S. Dowling Oreste Poccia David F. Farrell Jr. Mrs. M. E. Drews Lauer Langlitz Josephine McKeen P. J. Fogarty Helene Corinne Wm. F. Lorenzen Ernest Gosslin Gustav Weishert Mrs. M Kayle Peter Reinstein Henriette Addor Howard Webber. Mathilde Lighte. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED that the petition be referred to the Superintendent of Highways, and be it further RESOLVED that a committee be appointed to meet with the Superintendent of Highways on March 27th at 4 P.M. at the Murray Avenue School to inspect the roads named in the petition. The following communication from the New York Inter- Urban Water Company was received, read, ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows: I March 17th, 1923. J. Henry Esser, Eastchester Savings Bank Building, Mount Vernon, N.Y. Dear Sir: Answering your letter of the 16th, beg to advise instructions have been issued to our Engineer to purchase the material and proceed with the installation of the following extensions in the Town of Mamaroneck:- 2085' - 6" pipe on Forrest Avenue from Weaver Street to Rockland Avenue, Town of Mamaroneck-Estimated cost $9,395.00 400' - 6" pipe on Edgewood Avenue, South of Murray Avenue - Estimated cost- 1,867.00 350' - 6" - pipe on Beach Street, West of Myrtle Avenue - Estimated cost- 1,175.00 $12,437.00 You will note the estimated cost of these extensions has increased considerably since last year, due to the fact that pipe is not $54.00 per ton, while at that time it was $44.00 per ton. There is considerable rock in Forrest Avenue and Edgewood Avenue which also adds to the cost. As to the Garden Road extension, we are looking into this now and expect a report from our Mamaroneck office early next week, at which time we will advise Mr. Burton what will be done about it. Yours very truly, NEW YORK INTER URBAN WATER COMPANY (Sgd.) W. H. Roth Vice-President. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Highways, and upon ROLL CALL, it was RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized and directed to instruct the Westchester Lighting Company to install three lights on Chatsworth Avenue between Glen Road and Forest Avenue, and to install two lights on Spruce Street. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Board go into Executive Session. The Board proceeded to take up the matter of the re- signation of Frederick A. Anthes, Superintendent of Highways. After discussion, the following resolution was presented, and upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Fred'k. A. Anthes has presented his resignation as Superintendent of Highways to this Board, effective as of March 31st, 1923; and WHEREAS, in accepting the same the Board desires to record its appreciation of the efficient services rendered by Mr. Anthes as Superintendent of Highways during the period which he has occupied said position and to express to him its sincere apprecia- tion for his attention to his duties and for the spirit of cooperation which he has at all times rendered to this Board; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the resignation of Frederick A. Anthes be and the same hereby is accepted with sincere regret, the same to take effect as of March 31st, 1923. The Board then took up the question of a successor for Mr. Anthes as Superintendent of Highways, whereupon the following resolution was presented, and upon ROLL CALL, unani- mously adopted: WHEREAS, due to the resignation of Frederick A. Anthes as Superintendent of Highways, it is necessary for this Board to appoint a Superintendent of Highways, therefore be it RESOLVED that this Board appoint John L. Coles as Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Mamaroneck, pursuant to Sec. 41 B of the High- way Law, constituting Chapter 231 of the Laws of 1921, of the State of New York, at a salary of FIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1,500.00) DOLLARS per year, payable monthly, to serve from April 1st, 1923. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10.30 P.M. Frederick M. Sherman Town Clerk.