HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922_05_26 Town Board Minutes (2) Meeting of the Joint Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK, held, May 26th, 1922. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9.00 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley Supt. of Highways, Anthes, Town Clerk Sherman. The minutes of the meeting of May 3rd, 1922 were read and upon motion approved. A oomminication from the State Commission of Highways in relation to the improvement of Weaver Street was received, read, ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows: STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF HIGHWAYS ALBANY. Fred'k M. Sherman, Clerk, May 18th, 1922. Town of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, New York. Dear Sir: Enclosed find duplicate copies of resolution covering the improvement of the Weaver Street, Part 1, County Highway, which includes the improvement of Weaver Street in your town, and for which the town is to pay as extra cost the sum of $13,500.00 Kindly present this resolution at the next meeting of your Board and, if adopted, execute the plans in the place pre- pared and return same together with certified copy of the res- olution. I am also enclosing herewith in duplicate certificates which must be executed by you just as soon as your town has dep- osited with the State Comptroller funds to the amount of $13, 500.00 for this improvement. These funds must be in the hands of the State Comptroller before the contract on this work can be awarded by this Commission. As soon as funds have been filed with the State Comptroller, will you kindly see that copy of the cer- tificate is filed in this office and also in the office of the State Comptroller. Very truly yours, State Commission of Highways. Sgnd, J. C. Finch, Secretary. It was regularly moved, and seconded that, WHEREAS, under Section 18 of the Highway Law the Town Board of any Town, may by resolution petition the State Commission of Highways to modify the plans for the improvement of County highway to provide for a width greater than that originally contemplated by the said Commission, or for a different style of construction, the excess cost occasioned by such mod- ification to be borne by the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester N.Y. did on the 19th day of April, 1922, adopt such resolution in regard to the improvement by State aid of the Weaver Street, Part 1, County Highway,; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has adopted resolutions providing for the raising of funds for the estimated additional cost either by authorizing the issuance and sale of Town bonds; and WHEREAS, the State Commission of High- ways has prepared plans, specifications and estimate cost for the improvement of said highway to be known as the Weav- er Street, Part 1, County Highway and has transmitted the same to this Board accompanied by a communication stating that the excess cost to be borne by the Town is $13,500.00 RESOLVED, that said plans, specifications and estimate be and the same are hereby approved. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Thirteen Thousand five hundred &00/100 dollars, being the amount required of the Town for such excess cost, including five per cent for engineering charges, which amount is hereby ordered deposited with the State Comptroller who is authorized and directed to pay the same at any time upon the joint requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways and the Sate Comptroller of the State of New York in accordance with the highway Law. IT BEING UNDERSTOOD, that the State Comp- troller is to refund to the proper Town authorities any unexpended balance of said appropriation upon the completion of the work and after written notice to the State Comptroller from the State Commission of Highways to the effect that no further drafts will be made upon the said appropriation. The question being taken upon, the foregoing resolution, same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the sum of $13,500.00 to defray the cost for the improvement of Weaver Street be raised by the issue and sale of Highway bonds, The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted. It was regularly moved, seconded and unanimously voted that the following petition be presented to the Board of Super- visors of Westchester County, requesting permission to issue and sell Town Highway Bonds in the sum of $13,500.00 being the amount required of the Town for the excess cost of construction, in- cluding 5% engineering of Weaver Street, Part 1, County Highway, so as to provide for a width greater than that originally contemplated by the State Highway Commission hereto- fore appropriated by this Board. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Westchester. The petition of the Joint Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck respectfully shows: First:- That heretofore and on April 19th, 1922, by a resolution duly adopted under Section 138 A of the Highway Law, this Joint Town Board did petition the State Highway Commission to modify the plans for the improvement of Weaver Street, Part 1, County Highway, so as to provide for a width greater than that originally contemplated by the said Commission, the excess cost occasioned by such modification to be borne by this Town. Second:- That heretofore and on May 26th, 1922, this Board re- ceived from the State Highway Commission plans, specifications and estimate of cost for the improvement of said Highway, accom- panied by a communication stating that the excess cost to be borne by this Town is $13,500.00. Third:- That said plans, specifications and estimate have been duly approved by this Board. Fourth:- That the sum of $13,500.00 being the amount required of this Town for such excess cost, including % for engineering charges, was duly appropriated by this Board by a resolution duly adopted at its Meeting held on May 26th, 1922. Fifth:- That this town has not on hand sufficient funds avail- able for that purpose to pay such cost of construction and has adopted a resolution providing for the raising of the funds nec- essary therefor by the issuance and sale of Town Highway bonds. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Westchester adopt an Act authorizing the Town of Mamaroneck to borrow the said sum of $13,500.00 being the amount required of the Town for such excess cost of construction, including 5% for engineering, and to issue and sell highway bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck therefor. Dated, May 26th, 1922. (seal) Sgnd, Geo.W. Burton. Supervisor Frederick M. Sherman. Town Clerk Wm. .A.Boyd, Patrick H. Collins, Geo. B. Dudley, Justices of the Peace Frederick A. Anthes, Town Superintendent of Highways, Constituting the Joint Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. A communication from Mr.Prado, 137 Palmer Avenue in relation to the condition of the street at Palmer Avenue was received and read, ordered placed on file and the matter was referred to the Supt. of Highways. A communication from the Chatsworth Avenue Association was received and read in relation to the condition of the stream at the foot of Oak Street near the New Haven Railroad Station. Same was ordered placed on file and the matter was referred to the Supt. of Highways and the Clerk was instructed to answer stating the action taken. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10.20 P.M. Frederick M. Sherman Town Clerk.