HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921_08_22 Town Board Minutes (2) Meeting of the Joint Town Board
held August 22nd, 1921.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 10.15 P.M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer,
Supt. of Highways Anthes,
Town Clerk Sherman.
The minutes of the meeting of July 6th, 1921, were read
and upon motion approved.
The matter of the acceptance of Edgewood Avenue west-
erly of Murray Avenue was considered and after full discussion
Counsel reported the approval of the deeds for the acceptance of
said street. Whereupon the following resolution was presented.
WHEREAS, a duly verified petition and
offer has been received to dedicate to
the Town of Mamaroneck that certain
lot, piece, or parcel of land known as
Edgewood Avenue on the easterly side of
Chatsworth Avenue and the westerly side
of Murray Avenue as now located and laid
out as shown on a certain map entitled
"Map of Chatsworth situated in the Towns
of Mamaroneck and New Rochelle, West-
chester County, N.Y.- Surveyed and laid
out by William Bryson Civil Engineer,
New Rochelle, June 15th, 1854" on file
in the Register's office, Westchester
County, New York, as map # ; and
WHEREAS, in filing the aforesaid map the
then owners of the aforesaid property
made an offer of dedication of the said
streets shown on the aforesaid map as
public highways of the Town of Mamaroneck;
WHEREAS, the aforesaid offer of dedication
has never been withdrawn or revoked by the
ten owners or by anyone on their behalf;
WHEREAS, the now owners of the aforesaid
Edgewood Avenue still desire and have re-
quested in writing that the said offer of
dedication of said Edgewood Avenue as shown
on the aforesaid map be accepted as a Town
Highway of the Town of Mamaroneck, and have
presented to the Town Board a deed dated
May 29th 1921, conveying all of their right,
title and interest to said Edgewood Avenue
as hereinafter described;
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck
do, and it hereby does accept the afore-
said offer heretofore made by the then
owners and by the now owners to dedic-
ate to the Town of Mamaroneck as a Town
Highway, all that certain lot, piece or
parcel of land situate in the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, N.Y.,
being Eighty (80) feet in width and about
One Thousand (1000) feet in lenghth on
either side, known as Edgewood Avenue,
and more particularly bounded and described
as follows:
BEGINNING at the point at the intersection
of the easterly side of Chatsworth Avenue
with the southerly side of Edgewood Ave,
as shown on a certain nan entitled "Map
of Chatsworth in the Towns of Mamaro-
neck and New Rochelle, Westchester County,
N.Y." Surveyed and laid out by William
Bryson Civil Engineer, New Rochelle, N.Y.,
dated June 15th, 1854, and which map is
on file in the office of the Register of
the County of Westchester, known as map
# running thence easterly along the
southerly side of Edgewood Avenue as shown
on said map to the Westerly side of Murray
Avenue as the same is now located and laid
out, running thence along the westerly side
of Murray Avenue Eighty (80) feet, and
running thence westerly on a line parralel
to the first metioned course herein along
the westerly side of Edgewood Avenue as
set forth on said map to a point formed by
the intersection of the northerly side of
Edgwwood Avenue with the easterly side of
Chatsworth Avenue as shown on said map,
and thence southerly along the easterly
side of Chatsworth Avenue to the point or
place of beginning. Be said several dimen-
sions, more or less. And be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid Edge-
wood Avenue be, and it hereby is accepted
as a Town Highway; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid Edge-
wood Avenue is hereby made and declared to
be a public highway; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaro-
neck shall be kept safe and harmless from
any damage or nature or character whatsoever
in any wise arising from the improvement of
said Edgewood Avenue, anything to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution
carne was upon rollcall adopted by the following vote;
AYES: Messrs, Burton, Boyd, Collins, Dudley, Shafer & Sherman
NAYS: None.
Upon notion, the meeting adjourned at 11.30 P.M.
Town Clerk.