HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921_04_06 Town Board Minutes (2) Meeting of the Joint Town Board
held, April 6th, 1921.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9.15 P.M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices, Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer,
Supt of Highways, Anthes,
Deputy Clerk Sherman,
Counsellor Gamble.
Upon motion it was voted to dispense with the reading
of minutes no yet approved.
It was moved and seconded that anyone
present who wished to adress the Board
be now given the privilege to be heard.
Mr. Holden appearing with Mr. Williams presented map
and petitions for the dedication of Edgewood Terrace, Brook Ave,
and Jefferson Street.
Upon motion duly seconded it was
VOTED, that the map and petitions be
received and placed on file and that
the Board hold a special hearing in
relation to the dedication of streets,
on Saturday afternoon April 9th, 1921
at 430 P.M.
The question being taken upon the foregoing motion,
same was declared carried.
Mr. Drake of the Hold Mfg. Company spoke in relation to
selling the Town of Mamaroneck a tractor for the removal of
snow etc. Matter was referred to the Supt of Highways.
Messrs. Mitchell and Palmer of the Sewer Commission
presented petitions, maps and report which was ordered received,
placed on file and the report spread upon the minutes which is
as follows:
Larchmont , New York.
April 2nd, 1921.
Honorable Town Board,
Mamaroneck, New York.
We have the honor of presenting herewith for your records
a petition, general plan of sewerage system and general plan and
details of sewerage disposal works, all relative to the proposed
sewerage sustem of Sewer District No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck.
The assessed valuation of the property represented by the
signatures in this petition represents more than 50% of the whole
assessed valuation of the property within the Sewer District.
The general plan of the sewerage system was prepared
by Mr. L. E. Van Etten, 12 Lawton Street, New Rochelle N.Y. The
general plans and details of the sewerage disposal works were
prepared by Messrs. Nicholas S. Hill Jr. and S. F. Ferguson, 112
East 19th Street, New York. All of the above have been duly
approved by the Department of Health and the Conservation Com-
mission, State of New York, and by your Board of Sewer Commiss-
ioners. You can readily understand that details may be changed
more or less from time to time as the actual work progresses.
The necessary New York State permots, that is, of the
Department of Health and Conservation Commission, allowing for
the construction of this system have been received by us and
will be filed promptily in the Westchester County Clerk's Office
as required by law.
We are therefore now ready to and hereby dp recommend
that your honorable Board advertise for a special election for
the purpose of securing authority from the taxpayers within the
Sewer District to issue bonds to the extent of $400,000.00 for
the construction of this system.
Considerable pressure has been brought to bear on the
Commission for immediate action, as quits a number of the res-
idents in various parts of the district are soley in need of
sewer service. We are advised also by a member of the Board of
Education that the new school to be erected on Murray Avenue
between Glen Road and Forest Avenue will, it is hoped, be ready
for occucancy in approximately eighth months time and the Board
of Education in letting their contracts for the construction of
the school naturally do not wish to include the cost of cesspools
if the same may be eliminated by the use of sewers, and further, if
same were to be eliminated the plumbing contract would be altered
to arrange for sewer connections.
In view of the above and the constant demand for quick
action in this matter, with all of which your board is no doubt
familiar, we trust that your Board will see fit to take favorable
action this evening and thus avoid if possible any delay.
Yours very respectfully,
Board of Sewer Commissioners.
Town of Mamaroneck.
Robert H. Stevens
William I. Palmer
H. Raymond Mitchell.
Upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the sewer matter be made
a special order for next Wednesday April
13th, 1921 at 8 P.M.
The question being taken upon the foregoing motion,
same was declared carried.
Supt. of Highways Anthes submitted his report for the
month of March 1921, which upon motion, was received, read,
ordered played on file and is as follows:
To the Honorable Town Board April 1st, 1921.
Town of Mamaroneck,
Mamaroneck, New York.
I herewith respectfully report as Supt of Highways the
work performed in this Department for the period extending from
March 1st 1921 to March 31st 1921, as follows:
Scraping Glen and Bungalow Roads, Forest and Fifth Aves,
and Myrtle Boulevard with scraper and team.
Cleaning catch basins in Larchmont Gardens and Woods of
Laying drain with 500 feet of tile pipe on Myrtle Boul-
Repairing Glen and Maplewood Roads with Cinders,
Repairing holes on Boston Post Road with blue stone and
Respectfully submitted,
Sgnd. Frederick A. Anthes.
Supt. of Highways.
A communication from the Clerk of the Board of Super-
visors with certification stating the allotment of the Towns
share of motor vehicle fees is $3,175.65 was received, read,
ordered placed on file and noted in the minutes.
Mr. Mitchell of Larchmont Woods spoke in relation to
the tress on Chatsworth Avenue requesting that the matter of
replacement and protection be taken up.
Upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the Supt. of High-
ways be and he hereby is author-
ized and empowered to act in con-
junction with Mr. Mitchell so that
the work in relation to replace-
ment and protection of trees on
Chatsworth Avenue can proceed.
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
same was upon ROLL CALL adopted.
Counsel presented the agreement in relation to the
drainage on Mr. Brewer's property and
Upon motion duly seconded itwas
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and
the Town Clerk be and they hereby
are authorized and empowered to
execute the stipulation in relat-
ion to the drainage across his
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted.
A communication from Mr. McDonald, County Supt. of
Highways stating that the Annual County Meeting of the State
Highway Department will be held at White Plains April 12th, 1921
at 1.30 P.M. was received read, ordered placed on file and the
meeting of the Joint Town Board were requested to attend.
Upon motion Justice Shafer seconded by Justice Boyd
it was
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation
of the Supt, of Highways the proposed
work upon Myrtle Boulevard be given
put under contract.
It was further resolved, that the County
Supt of Highways be requested to prepare
the necessary plans for the work to proceed.
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted.
The Supt of Highways advised the Board that the Town
can rent an auto truck from the County which would be very
economical and upon his reccomendation it was
VOTED, that the necessary steps be taken
to procure a County truck at a rental of
$120.00 per month and maintenance and
that the same be made a proper Town charge.
The question being taken upon the foregoing motion,
same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously carried.
Upon motion duly seconded it was
VOTED, that the Supt. of Highways be
authorized to procure housing for the
truck and it was further
VOTED, that the truck be properly
covered by insurance, the expense for
same to be made a proper Town charge.
The question being taken upon the foregoing motion,
same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously carried.
Upon motion by Justice Dudley, seconded by Justice
Shafer, it was
RESOLVED, that the Supt. of Highways
be directed to take up with the West-
chester Lighting Company the request
heretofore made in relation to the
extension of the lights on Weaver St.
to the Town line.
The question being taken upon the foregoing motion,
same was declared carried.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10.40 P.M.
John C. Fairchild
Town Clerk.
Deputy Clark.