HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920_06_02 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the JOINT TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK. held June 2nd, 1920. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8:30 P.M. PRESENT, Geo. W. Burton, Supervisor Wm. A. Boyd, ) Geo.B.Dudiey, ) Justices Fred P. Shafer ) Fred'K A.Anthes, Supt,of Highways. F.M,.Sherman, Deputy Clerk R.A.Gamble, Counsellor. The minutes of the meetings of February 24th, March 31st,, April 29th, May 17th and May 27th, 1920 were read, and Upon motion, approved. A communication fron Charles McDonaid, County Supt. of Highways was received in relation to a complaint of the lights on poles on the Post Road in front of the residence of Mr.E.C. Bingham. It was moved and seconded that the cominunication be received, placed on file and that the mat- ter be referred to the Supt. of Highways and the Supervisor for whatever action they may deem advisable. Mr. Anthes spoke of the necessity of a street light at the junction of Weaver Street and the Post Road, which Upon motion, duly seconded referred to the Supt.of High- ways and the Supervisor with power. Superintendent of Highways Anthes submitted his report for the month of May 1920 which Upon motion duly seconded was Ordered placed on file and is as follows. Mamaroneck N.Y. May 31st, 1920 Gentlemen: I herewith respestfully submit my report as Superintendent of Highways for work performed in this department for the period extending from May 1st, to May 31st, 1920 as follows: Opening trurk ditch across Weaver Street for outlet, Received 10 bbls tarvia on order of 40 bbIs and used same for the repairings of the following roads. Old White Plains Road, and Weaver Street. Digging ditch around Fire House an Edgewood Road for draining. Cleaning gutters on Murray Avenue, Edgewood Place and Edgewood Road. Respectfully submitted Sgned, Fred'K A. Anthes. Mr. McKinley, Counsel of the trolley company was present and it was moved and seconded that he be heard. Mr. McKinley asked the Board for the approval of the following resolution which was offered by Justice Shafer and seconded by Justice Boyd. WHEREAS, the Westchester Street Railroad Company heretofore made application to this Board for a temporary modification of its franchises, so as to charge a greater rate of fare than that all- owed by its franchises; and WHEREAS, this Board did on February 21st, 1920, bv resolution and under terms therein expressed grant a temporary modification of its franchises which, expired on April 25th, 1920, and WHEREAS, the said Railroad has requesled this Board to extend the period of modification from April 25th, 1920, to August 1st, 1920; and WHEREAS, the said Railroad has likewise made app- lication to the Villages or Larchmont and Mamaro- neck and to the Town of Harrison for similar mod- ifications, which, have been granted; THEREFORE BE IT VOTED, that the franchises or consents heretofore granted by the Town of Mamaro- neck to the Westchester Street Railroad Company and its predecessors and leasees, including the Shore Line Electric Company, and accepted by said Companies, be and the same hereby are modified ter- porarily so as to permit the said Westchester St. Railroad Company to charge a rate of fare of five (5) cents either way between the corner of Chats- worth Avenue and the Boston Post Road, Larchmont, and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company's bridge on Mamaroneck Avenue on the Vil- lage of Mamaroneck with a lap over between the corner of the Boston Post Road and Mamaroneck Ave, in the Village of Mamaroneck (the Bandstand) and the said New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company's bridge over Mamaroneck Avenue, in the Village of Mamaroneck, and a rate of fare of five (5¢) cents either way between the corner of the Boston Post Road and Mamaroneck Avenue in the Vil- lage of Mamaroneck (the Bandstand) and the bridge at or near the pumping station of the Inter Urban Water Company at the northerly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck; and it is further VOTED, that this modification is granted on the expressed condition that the rate of fare from the corner of Chatsworth Avenue and the Boston Post Road in the Village of Larchmont to any point in the City of White Plains, or from any point in the City of White Plains to the corner of Chatsworth Avenue and Boston Post Road, Village of Larchmont will be a total fare of twenty (20) cents; and it is further VOTED, that the transfer privileges here- tofore existing between the Westchester Street Railroad Company and its lessees, including the Shore Line Electric Road Company, be and the same are hereby discon- tinued temporarily during the period of this modification; and it is further VOTED, that this modification is granted by the Town of Mamaroneck and accepted by said Railroad Companies aforesaid upon the further condition that said modification is temporary only and shall expire on the first day of August, 1920 at which time the afore- said franchises or consents, including the aforesaid transfer privileges, shall again be in full force and effect, subject to the same covenents and conditions as when granted and accepted by said Companies; and be it futher, VOTED, that such increase of fare is to be entirely used for the benefit of the lines of the Westchester Street Railroad Company and these lines only. IT IS FURTHER VOTED, that this modification is made and accepted without prejudice of any of the rights of any of the parties in the premises and that all rights of said parties hereto under the aforesaid franchises or consents are reserved, except as herein temporarily modified. Upon ROLL CALL the following voted in the affirmatice, Burton, Boyd, Dudley, Shafer, Anthes and Clerk. Negative, None. The Supervisor thereupon declared the resolution adopted. Upon the application of the New York and Stamford Railway Company in relation to the changing of zones and fares, it was Regularly moved and seconded, that the matter be referred to Counsel and report back to the Board at its next meeting. Supt. of Highways Anthes reported the receipt of a boat load of stone and upon his reccomendation it was VOTED, that the Supt. of Highways be authorized and empowered to have same surveyed,