HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920_04_29 Town Board Minutes (2) 2,07
Yinutes of a -meeting of the
Joint To= Bop.rd,Tovm- of lrlamaro-neck
held April 29th,192v
The : etin cal-nea to y Sup
e isc
Pr- H N T F,,::,r Burton-,
justice , 20Yd C-011- ins,-Dudley and Shafer.
SUicrirten(','�e;lt of HiZh;Tlays AntheS
cle�: shenwn�
Upon motion the nine tes of the -:previous --leeting
not read, were dis-s-nsea
Anthes sub.�-iitte� his
dent OL
report for the 7nonth of Yarch, '192c
pon --motion dUIN
y Feconaed,it wp.s
Voted that 5anF ',-)e filed arid i5
as follows'
Sqpt.of HQVMyS
To-,T1 Of vdem�-,,roneck TT.Y.
April lst1920
To the Hpnotable Board,
Town of llarFroncck
Mamaronelk N.Y.
T her_-,..rith 2espectfully Fubrnit my report as
Superintentendent of for -,)er-F -='sd ir
0 , the
Depprtmenttfc-r the period extendin�-�, from 'I'Tarch ist 1920 to
March '�Ist '-�20, as f olio-ws
Cleaning and re-pairingcullvert and laying 2ift
tile Pi1pe across, --Dalmer 1,2.ne.
HeyalrinZ -with stone the folio-w-,ing roads:
F ern wood RoadMidwood. Road jfyrtle Avenue , Murray Avenue,
Old Mte Plains Road, C nut venue ?alme7 A7en'Ue
Forest Avenue,
Renoving ice fro a
SGY. 7redPT- A. 1',-7.thes,
S t,c f H i gh7,Fiay
Lntnes t'-'ae fol
Pstimates wj-ich he '!-,.ad procured on different sizes of dons
and road oil
The Barritt Compamy,
Tarvia ' in bar-el� AF-I v-ex -less
F.C.B. Eew York City, 24 cents per gnilon
T F ry i a -7CP.i n ben,rr e 1-s c a 771 o a,�� 1 C,t-'-�
Tarvia 3. --:1 `__f. r.n r-D a.J b-,; a-,:L t- pressure
in lots of e7' roxinetlly
-i r, barrels car lots 27cents per gallon
4n barrels less car lots 28 cents -per gallor
F.O.B. Iplarcus Hook Pa�
Connecticut 4uarric5 Cowcoany:
211 $1.20 per net ton F,O.B.cars quarry
l99 .40 1§ 91 to go ol It
& -P,i.6o
to AS Ig to 15
sc(crusther qsazid.) 80�� 00 ot It
2T1 .--1.-;--,and s-pecial -J--p'-" $2.65 Boat lead 1 o t s-
& /8 -�
p2-75 B,-at load lots.
Unon motior it was
PESOL�--LD, that the Superintendent of Hi-ghT,;7ays be
authorized to ]?urchase the required amount of K.P.Tarvia,
and Tarvia B. to the best interests of the Town.
TJ-oon motion it was
that the Su?-,erintendenll be authorized
ax-,6 directed to Durchase sufficient quantity of stone
under the most favorable testes and conditions most desirable
to the To,,n,,,
The Superviso-1• -presented a corm-an-ication from
the Ne7,,,, York and Stamford Trolley Comrany in relation to
the change of zones.
U-oon rr-otion du-py, seconded it was
VOTED, that the matter be laid ever
until the next nieetina, of the Board®
Upon ration by Justice Boyd,
seconded by Jlastioe Dudley it was .
RESOIVED, that the claim of the Ney.; York
inter Urban '77ater Comm~'" aqa-irst the
To,,R:i of D'amaroneck, for rent of its fire
hydrant--, heretofore filed with the Su,®
erv'sor; be and the sa=e hereby is allow-
ed a-t the rate of $40.00 per yeas for
each hydrant, with the distinct um der-
standing however, that such alloinrarce
shp-11 not be construed as an accentance
of S id. rate or as an admission on the
-cart of the Town that said rate is fair
and reasonable, or as a, 7,aiirer on the
-cart o-F' the ToT�,n of Mamaroneck of any
0-r its r -
-L -' -iglalts riore particularly the fight
to legally contest sail rate on the ground
that the SaZ,.e 42, unfe,4 r and unrea`sorable®
or upon any other ground, or as a wai-ver
of any refund to 7;hich the To vn of Tams-o--
neck may become lawfully entitled in the
event said. rate she,!! be adjudged to be
unfair and unreasonable in ,the aitig-stion
which is now ,end-ing, or as a result of mxy-xo-tkri
any other litigation which may be instit-
uted in the futureamtxtk
Be it furher Resolved t'hat the To,,,,m-
Board of Auditors be and they here-by
are reauested to audit said clairL
accordingl-y, and be it further,
=.S1v1T'V__E,D.. th-at- the Su-oervi sor send
the jje�.q York, inter Urbar. Wiater Cc
a certified copy of the -preceding
resolution TTiith the check in -oa7.m,ent
of its said- clairi and take such arid-
ionai -orecautions. to safe-aur,13- the
interests of the To-,.,v.n as he may deera
U-oon ROLL CALL the followinz VOTED in he affirmative
Burtilor.,Bo-yd,Collir Dudiey.Shafer,An'�Ehes and Clerks
negative, none.
The Su7
perviso:-- theretmon declared the resolution
Justice -oresented the followingx resolution
which was seconded by Justice 3ovd.
BE !T RHS0LV-KD- .that the Town Superin-
tendent of Highways. be ard he hereby
is directed,authorized and er.-powered
to take wo at once with the Ne z York
inter Urban Water Corooanv the matter
of havingg a i^vater r-ain and one hyd-
rant installed &lon.- Valley Road,in
the Foods o-7 az°cl-_ont Section, for
such a distance as he rnav deem, necess-
Be it further
PBeO that the ToTnn Slx?�erintend_ent
of Highways be and he hereby is direct-
ed" authorized and enpowered to take
u-o -with the 'INTe-P York Inter Urban 77ater
Company the matter of laying a -v:iater
,main and instailin_g the necessa*, num-
ber of Fire hydrants along Forest Ave.
ColoniF,,,l Park, for Fk. distance of a-o-p-
roximately 600 feet.
U-Pon ROLL CALL the following VOTED in the affi=a-uive-
Bu-_rt or 3oyd,Coll ins Dudley,Shaf er,An thes and Clerk
The Su*ervisor thereupon declared the resolution
There being no further business the meeting
ad,j"Nourned. at 11.50 Pjrl,