HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918_11_21 Town Board Minutes (2) Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, held November 21st, 1918 at 8:30 P.M. Supervisor. Burton called the meeting to order. The Clerk reported the following present : Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer, Town Clerk Fairchild and Counsellor Ralph A. Gamble. A Resolution offered by Judge Shafer, seconded by Judge Boyd was unanimously carried. WHEREAS, the minutes of the Town Board have heretofore been approved up to and including the minutes of the meeting held June 21st , 1918, therefore be it RESOLVED that we proceed to approve the minutes of all subsequent Meetings up to and including November 1st, 1918, excepting the meetings of September 24th, October 4th and October 8th, 1918, The minutes of the following meetings: June 25th, 1918 July 5th, 1918 August 8th, 1918 August 15th, 1918 August 21st , 1918 August 26th, 1918 August 30th, 1918 September 3rd, 1918 September 5th, 1918 September 9th, 1918 September 11th, 1918 September 17th, 1918 September 20th, 1918 November 1st, 1918 were separately read and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, were each separately approved. No communications . The appearance of Messers. Conrow representing the Woods of Larchmont Association, Vermilyea and Dickinson representing the Gardens Association was noted. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried it was RESOLVED that the regular order of business be suspended and that the delegation be heard: Mr. Conrow spoke in behalf of the removal of ashes and garbage being taken over as a town project , the other gentlemen voicing similar sentiment. Upon motion of Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Safer, it was RESOLVED, that the matter of Ash and garbage removal be referred to Counsellor Gamble to report on the legal steps to be taken in connection with such proposition, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that this Board recommends that the residents of the district be requested to submit petitions asking for desired service and specifying the district to be served. The following resolution was offered by Justice Collins seconded by Justice Boyd. RESOLVED, that this Board extend to our associate, Justice Dudley our sincere sympathy at this time of sorrow and bereavement in the loss of his brother Harry Dudley who made the "supreme sacrifice " in France on the 29th daly of September 1918. That this Joint Board record in the high esteem in which Harry Dudley was held, and that his loss is mourned by all who knew him. FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes and that a copy be subscribed by the members o"f the Joint Town Board and forwarded to our fellow member, Hon. Geo. B. Dudley. - Clerk Fairchild having called the roll, the vote was unanimous, i.e.: Supervisor Barton, Justices Collins, Boyd and Shafer, Supt. Hickey, Ralph A. Gamble, Counsellor, J. C. Fairchild, Town Clerk, all voting in the affirmative. Counsellor Gamble reported on the Heffner Tax matter, and stated that he had investigated the matter and. that the Board could by proper resolution clear the record for Tax Receiver Howell, but that he believed the tax and penalties should be paid and the matter cleared in a manner different from that desired by Mr. Heffner. Upon motion Counsel was authorized to prepare the proper resolution and submit the same to the Board for action. Counsel also reported on the matter of the Valentine Tax petition, and upon motion the same was left in the hands of Counsel for further action. On motion the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Town Clerk.