HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954_06_02 Town Board Minutes MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOA OF THE TOWN OF A M R NECK, HELD JUNE 2, 19542 IN THE COURT ROOM OF MAMARONECK TOWN POLICE HEADQUARTERS AT 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE, TOWN, Supervisor Mandevi called the meeting . M. - PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen McKeever, Kane� Brush� and Waterman. ABSENT. None Presence was also noted of Mr . Gronberg, Town Clerk Mr . Delius Tows, Attorney, Mr . Finson, Town Accountant, and . .. O' Brien, Superintendent Highways .of The Supervisor stated the Board would dispense with the regular order -From those Dresent. of business to heap . James Priestly, President of Ruben Construction Co. , , N, Yo appeared to ask that a spur from the sewer in Weaver Street which, he stated is shown on construction maps in the Town Office and which he has been unable to locate, be brought to his property } line on premises known on the Town Assessment Map as Block 10 part of Parcel 602 . t The Supervisor told him the Board would study the matter. , Harry Alpiar, 132 Chatsworth Avenue, Larchmont, addressed the Board with regard. to the swimming pool survey and submitted a list of ions which were received and filed * Mr, George Schuler, 70 Garden Road, West, spoke and referred to a letter or report sent to the Board from the Swimming Pool Committee . w w...x. The Supervisor read the report, which was received and filed. The Supervisor also read a letter from Mr. Lodwith , a member of the Swimming Pool Committee, representing a minority report . This was received and filed, Mr . Edward S , Hartley, Deputy Local Director of Civil Defenses also addressed the Board in behalf a swimming pool survey. 'here was much discussion about a pool and most of it centered on the question of whether or not such a pool could be restricted to residents of the Town of Mamaroneck including the two villages . Delius said it is a moot question and as far as he can learn, the only way it restricted would be by making higher charges to non-residents, imless an authority were created by an act of the S gis I ature . Mr . Brush said that inasmuch as a majority report, a minority report, and various other reports had been received, he would move that the entire matter be referred to the Recreation Commission. He feels the survey should include , survey all r , including the .............. Board hereby appropriates not to exceed $500 for the purpose .of conducting s survey as recommended by the Swimming Pool Committee . vote recorded on this resolution was as follows , AYES : Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen McKeever Kane and Waterman Councilman Brush did not vote, Councilman Brush then moved that a lake amount be appropriated for survey of the Teenage Canteen project O Mr . Delius said the money could be appropriated from the amount in the budget allocated for recreation Councilman Waterman said he feels there should first be a report from the Teenage Canteen Committee . Councilman Brush said l k his mot ion to stand even though it had no second and no vote was taken Mr . Irwin Oster, Split Tree Road, appeared in connect with dedication of parts of Split Trea Road and Murdock Road, which had been laid over from the last meeting. The Clerk submitted a letter from the Superintendent of Highways recommending that 570 feet of paved road be accepted by the Town On- motion- y Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the Town hereby accepts portions -- Murdock Road and Split Tree Road which have been paved and improved with water, sewer, and in- , to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways, and i are more particularly des- cribed s follows * ALL that parcel of land in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of New York, bounded and described follows : BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly side of Griffin Avenue with the westerly side of Murdock , as shown on a certain entitled "Amended Map of Part of Section One Subdivision Map of Murdock Woods, Property of George R, Bishop, Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, N,, Y, " � made by Sal Spinelli, L, S , N, Y, S . 23043 dated June 21, 1950, and filed in the County Clerk' s Office on July 11, 1952, as Map x7767, said point being the property now or formerly of Rubin; thence running along the southerly side of Griffin Avenue N. 480 50 ' 051? 100 feet ; thence leaving the southerly side of Griffin Avenue and running along the easterly side of Murdock Road, s shown sa id. the following courses and feet ; thence running across Murdock Road, as shown on said map, S . 2 44' 15"' W*' c..1,4. 10 feet to a point- of curve on the southerly side oJE Split Tree Road, as shown on said map; thence running on a curve the right in a south- westerly direction having a radius � 120 .48 feet for distance f feet to a point of tangency; thence running S . 69' ' 2011 V7. 185 .9 feet ; thence running across Split Tree Road, as shown on said map and on a certain map entitled "Part of Section Two, Subdivision f Murdock Woods in the Town . Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York", , Sal Spinelli, L . S . N. Y. S . 23043 , gated _._ August 1 , 1952 and L � � -� �0 October 21, 1952 as Map #7830, N. 250 031 40" W. 50 .18 feet to the northerly side of Split Tree Road, as shown .on said maps ; whence running along the northerly Side of Split Tree Road shown on said maps , N. 690 50 ' 201: E . 190.20 feet to a point of curve ; thence running curve the left in a northerly direction having radius f 70 .48 feet for a distance of 55.16 feet to a- point of tangency; thence running N . .2 ° 00 ' feet to a point curve ; thence running - curve to the legit in h direction having radius 30 feet for a distance of 26.25 feet to I reverse curve on the �.Y side of Mk Road, as shown on said nab- theme r n the westerly side Murdock Road, as said map the following courses and 1s : running on a curve to the right in northerly direction having a radius of 320 ��' nor distance ' 99 . 60 t . point tangency; thence running N. ' 30 ' 0014 `,# # 255 .45 feet and N. 390 509 05" E . 15 feet to a point - of curve ; thence rune* curare to the left . northerly direction having radius f of.20 feet for a distance .2 a point o. .ny; thence running N. 4 9 ' 55, 212 .95 feet to a POILnt - .-_-.�ury ; thence running on a curve to the 1JE-:�t JAM a northerly Feet for a and westerly direction � n radius R . - � 23 .56 feet southerly id G :�Y n-venue to the point place �lL x . F `R ] R RESOLVED that such acceptance shall include say severs now constructed said portionSk 01 said storeetS and, in addition, an sem right of way over the -ILollowing described property to connect the sanitary sewer with the trunk line of the �Vestchester County Sanitary Sewer Commission land in the Town ' Mamaroneck, County bounded� of ALL that parcel o,. � s ter and S T� BEGINNING at a point in Split Tree d, as shown on a 1 certain .. -.entitled %1...Part of Section Two, Subdivision Map k INToods in' the Town of Mamaroneck, "K s ter i County, New York' , made by Sal Spinelli, . S . N. Y. S . 23043 1 dated August 15 1952, and filed in the 1%.­."ounty Clerk's Office on October 21, 1952, as Map #7830, said point being 35. 18 fees easterly Trom the intersection Lots and and S . � � � t " E , 2 fee prom the northerly side of Split Tree Road, as shown on said map; -riinn.i mzr thrmigb Snlit Tree Road- as shown on said i S , 520 04 ' 30" feet to the northerly side of Split Tree Road, as shovin on said map ; thence run-.n_.:'Lng through Split Tree Road, as shown on sa_id map, S" . 380 E . 25 -I'L'eet cn.-nd N, 660 061 40" E . 271 .06 feet to the point or place oIE- beginning. Mr . 11. 7,.Villiam 7?7einberg, 77 Myrtle Boulevard, appeared to protest the condition of property owned by Mr . Philip Librandi on Thompson Place . fore this Board n July of lie said this protest had originally been be .- 1CV150, when he , together with a number of his neighbors had been asked to be patient and give Mr . Librandi a little time to clean up his property. feels suf h . nd . The Supervisor said this would be ref-erred to Mr, Delius and the Chief of Police, with instructions to have this matter cleared up. Mr. S . Edwin Xamdin, 17 Byron Lane, who, with Mr . Harry K. Keller, 30 Garth Road, Scarsdale, had been asked to make a survey or report on assessments in the Town ol-,F_ Mamaroneck, appeared to present their report which was received and filed . The Supervisor stated that he had a report from the Assessor and on the basis of tentative -figures , the assessment roll will be up 3 1/2 m' ll 'on dollars this year . He ^eels the impact of the report of I I Messrs . Kazd_in and Keller will be felt in the next 2 or 3 years. The Board resumed the regular order of business and the Clerk pre- sented a letter dated 'Klay 25, 1954, from the Clerk of" the Village of Mamaroneck stating that at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of that Village, held on May 24th, a resolution was adopted recommending the name oJE Robert M. Jensen, 900 Old Post Road, Mamaroneck, for appoint- ment to the Town Recreation Commission, in accordance with request made to the Village Board by Councilman McKeever . The Supervisor asked to have action on this matter put over until the next meeting# F the Recreation Commission Mr . Brush asked that the other 4 members o-- be notified o:Z their appointment and that a meeting of the Commission w 11 be held on Thursday, June 10th. l The Clerk presented a letter dated May 21, 1954 from Mr . Edward Uthe, Executive Secretary of the Association of Towns of the State of that the Board o-F Trustees of the Town and Clounty New Vork, stating L Officers ' Training School will sponsor several Statewide Schools -,--or town and county officers in June . On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Charles J. Gronberg, Frank O'Brien and Alexander Finson ,bi5 and they hereby are authorized to attend the Statewide Schools for town and county officers to be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. , on June 21st 22nd and 23rd.' -19P540 FURTHER RESOLVED that expenses shall be paid from the amount in the budget for travelling expenses . 649 I Count amen MdIc , Kane, and Brush, had nothing to report . The .supervisor presented letter , dated May 28, 1954, from Mr. A. U. Rodney of the Atlantic Hunidipal Corporation, 260 N, E , 79th Street, mi y 38, Florida, why had not been represe' nted at the 1954 Tax Lien Sale, requesting that certain liens , purchased by the Town at 12%, be assIgned to that corporation. The Supervisor Said he would not recom- mend this . The n C-Ilerk was Instructed to no'-i A C*c Municipal p � ti .a request was denied . The Supervisor requested the appointment of marl- driver in the Fire Department J�or the vacation periods and on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded Council McKeever, n c - mendat. of h Fire Council the J. chief, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Card. Mirande , 91 Myrtle Boulevard, be and he hereby is appointed Temporary Fireman in the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department, to serve for the vacation periods said Department, at an annual salary $3, 480, appointment to be e .� � , 1954. The a . the request �� ysign on his x.. property line on the motel premises on Boston Post Road , vices put over unt *.1 such time as Mr, hla . .ppears be-JEore the Board. Councilman W reported on the matter of a Planning and- Zoning Cm .ssion for the Town of Id'amaroneck, He had a written report 'which he said would have typed, and istribute copies to the Board Members . . Waterman recommended that action multiple residences be re- f e r Planning C mm i n, when appointed , - x�� .. . ' moved an Mr . Brush. seconded � that .g and Zoning ram . ion be I . The amended s y gg ng that the present Zoning Board appointed be act as a Planning C mmi l . This -was finally put over until the next meeting. . Delius reported on the parking situation at the New Haven Railroad Station and read a letter Irom M 'N. F. W -f the N ew Haven Rail- road Company, with which was enclosed a photostatic copy of the lease proposed r the parking area around the Station in May, 1952, t and which stated that, if the Town Board were agreeable� he would take up with the management of the P....aillroad Company, the quest entering into a similar lease at this time . Mr . Delius was u .zed to proceed with this matter . . Delius reported that a proceeding has been brought in the Supreme °' against the Building Inspector to mandamus him to 'issue a permit to Joseph -Piampiano to erect an archery range on property known as �. Block 412 Parcel 436 and receive. authorization from the Board to f oppose this plvoceeding. t 0151 I I i There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 10 :20 ¢ M. to meet again on June 9th, and Immediately reconvened as the Board of Fire Commissioners . i Councilman Waterman submitted the Fire Report ff ., Blay, 1400549 . an submitted the claims ' the Fire Department which had been approved by the Fire Chief Pnd audited by the Comp trot i 2 and i y loran Waterman, seconded y C . m I. Keever, ' t was unan*mously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire D . Inc . $ 249 .78 Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. , Consolidated Edison Co, of New York, Inc . 5,00 Foley Hardware, Inc . 90 ,13 William K. Fordyce 38. 19 Frank D , Gironda 35,00 Gustav C . Klein (Klein '0 40 . 50 Empire Chemical Products Co . Meola Paint & Wallpaper Supn.lies 91 ,11 Merson Clothes , Inc . 889 .2 New York Telephone Company 32 . Roberts 132 .32 Sunset Appliance Stores 45,00 Wesco Equipment and Service 347 . "dotal $22006,34 ;l n There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 P. to meet again June 9th. i k i i I