HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985_6_17_Local_Law_No_10 Local Law M-1985 This local. law Shall lac: entitled TREE PRE�SERVATION. SGc_tion 1, Leq�Lslative i.ntenl_. The destruction or daRtage to shade, ornamental, and evergreen trees and plants and the indiscriminate and excessive cutting of these trees in subdivisions and on private property cause Marren and unsightly conditions, create increased surface drainage problems, increase municipal costs to control, drain- age, impair the stability and value of improved and unimproved real property, and cause deterioration to the community which adversely affect the health, safety, environment, ecosystems, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Mamaro- neck. This law seeks to correct these conditions. Section 2. Cutting, killing, or destroying trees prohibited: exceptions: A. No person, firm or corporation or individual con- nected with such firm or corporation shall either purposely or negligently cut down, kill, or otherwise destroy or com- mit any act which will lead to the eventual destruction of any tree exceeding six (6) inches in diameter at a height of four (4) feet measured from the ground on any private prop- erty, unless he is in the possession of a permit to do so issued by the Tree Preservation Commission pursuant to Sec- tion 4. Permits issued for any other purpose by the Town shall not be valid for this purpose. A lot of one--half ('�) acre or less substantially developed with improvements and a structure or structures situated thereon shall be exempt from this section. D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this law, any property owner applying for subdivision or site plan ap- proval whose plans would require the removal. of any trees o". said property shall make application to the Planning Board Of the !'own of M mjronock, which shall have sole juri.sc,icti.on regarding the propast!d removal of such trees. The Planning Board may grant oi: deny such application on such terms and E conditions as it may prescribe, it being understood that there - must, in any event, be full compliance with the subdivision regulations and site plan approval lase of the Town of Mamaro- neck. In the event a property owner, subsequent to the fil- ing of a final plat or site plan, .shall require the removal of any trees which deviates from the plans approved by the Planning Board, application must be made to the Tree Preser- vation Commission, and all the requirements of this law shall be applicable. Section 3. Tree Preservation Commission A. The Town Board shall, create a Tree Preservation Commission which shall consist of the Highway Superintendent, Chairperson of the Conservation Advisory Commission, and the Building Inspector. B. All determinations and decisions made by the Tree C { Preservation Commission shall be by a majority vote. The Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to obtain the assistance, when necessary, of persons especially qualified by reason of training or experience in tree planting, preser- vation, and landscaping. -Section 4. Granting of permits A. Permits for the removal of trees may be granted under the following circumstances: (1) If the presence of trees would cause hardship or endanger the public or the person or property of the owner. (2) On property to be occupied by buildings or structures, within a distance of ten (10) feet around the peri- meter of such building or structure, depending upon tree spiacies and conditions to be determined by the 'free Preservation Com- mission. (3) If the trees substantially interfere with a 2 i>er�iiiLL-t2d usn of Lhe prnporl--y and Hlr� removal of the. trees shall be performed in a selectiv:3 mannc�r. . (4) if the pr"op(ij-Ly shall havc� an approved cut: 1 or fill of land deemed by the Tree Preservation Commission to be injurious or dangerous to the trees. B. The determination of the Tree Preservation Com- mission shall be final and shall depend upon the species of the tree, the degree of injury and the likelihood of the bur- vival. of the tree, and consideration of the general welfare and the overall environment of the area, except that it shall be subject to such review as is authorized by Section 5.H. C. in the event that the Tree Preservation Commis- sioh determines that a tree or trees are hazardous to life or property or substantially interfere with a permitted use of _ the property, the Tree Preservation Commission shall have the right to grant immediate approval for the removal of said tree or trees, waiving all notices as required under { this law. in the event that such approval is granted, the Tree Preservation Commission, subsequent to the cutting of said tree or trees, shall have the authority to require com- plete compliance with all other provisions of this law as ap- plicable thereto. Section 5. Procedural requirements for permit A All applications for permits hereunder shall be made in writing and verified under oath upon forms prescribed by the Tree Preservation Commission and approved by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. The fee for each application i shall be set by resolution of the Town Board, payable upon sub- mission of the application. B. The applicant shall submit plans showing existing and proposed contours at two--fooL intervals on a map or plan at a scale no smaller than one (3 ) inch equaling fifty (50) feet. Where trees are to be removed Or destroyed, existing 3 - troes, specifying Lypes nod sizes, shall be shown and the rea- sons for Yemoving or destroying said krues shall be set forth. TIM plans shall provide for new trees to be planted and shall specify their location and type to rePlace the existing trees in kind. When the existing trees are so large and mature that they cannot be replaced, the Tree Preservation Commission ' may require planting of multiple trees instead. C. The Tree Preservation Commission may require addi- tional information such as the design of walls, disposition and design of storm drainage, and any other information perti- nent to the individual circumstances. D. Where extensive tree cutting is planned, the Tree Preservation Commission may require the applicant to pay for an Inspector to be assigned by the Commission to supervise the orderly development of the land and ensure the Irotection of the trees. E. The Tree Preservation commission shall require that the applicant on applicant's representative who shall be performing the work shall furnish the Town with a performance bond as approved by the Town's Attorney in an amount suffi- cient to cover ninety percent (900) of the planting and res- toration work to be completed in accordance with the plans accompanying the application) The remaining ten percent (10%) of the cost of restoration and replanting shall be in cash, deposited in a special tree preservation escrow account. The total amount of the bond and cash deposit shall reflect all restoration and protection costs and shall be in accordance with each set of individual circumstances. Upon completion of all planting and restoration work to the satisfaction of the Tree Preservation Commission, the performance bond shall be cancelled and replaced with a maintenance bond to be appi'ovi d by the Town's Attorney and to run for a term of two (2) years. The ten percent (100) cash in escrow shall remain on deposit t:ith the 'Down until they maintenance bond is cancelled. 1'. The Tree Preservation Commission, within twenty (20) days from the date the Application is submitted in final form, shall approve or disapprove the application for permit. No trees shall be cut pursuant to a validly issued permit for a period of ten (10) days from the date of the issuance of said permit. The failure to act upon the application for per- mit within the said twenty (20) days shall be deemed a grant- ing of automatic approval by the 'free Preservation Commission of the application for permit. G. All decisions or determinations made by the Tree Preservation Commission approving applications pursuant to this law shall be sent to property owners within a two-hundred- fifty foot radius of the area in question and to the Planning Board. H. Any person, firm, organization, or corporation ( aggrieved, affected, or interested in the determination or de- cision of the Tree Preservation Commission shall have the right, within ten (10) days from receipt of the decision of the Tree Preservation Commission, to appeal to the Town Board who shall review the decision. Any decision or determination of the Tree Preservation Commission which is appealed to the r ' -Town Board shall be stayed pending review by the Town Board. 1. Any decision or determination of the Commission sustained, revoked, or modified by the Town Board may be ap- pealed by any person, firm, organization, or corporation aggrieved, affected, or interested in the determination or decision of the Town Board by application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York within thirty (30) days of firing of such decision with the Town Clerk. J. The Tree Preservation Commission may revolve any permit if the work is not proceeding according to permit. 5 - Suction 6 . Requiuod acts. A. All persons who or causa to Lie removed trees with or withouL a permit, as ro(juired, shall rc>tore the area by backfilli.ng all holes and by creating an accept- able grade and covering, subject to approval by the 'free Preservation Commission. Any tree damaged during construc- tion or development of the property shall be either replaced in kind or, where existing trees are so large and mature they cannot be replaced, the Tree Preservation Commission may re- quire the planting of multiple trees instead. Minor tree damage shall be repaired in accordance with accepted tree - surgery practice. A. Tree stumps shall be removed, not cut flush. After the planting of trees, removal of all debris in the disturber) area shall be made immediately. The property where such plant- ing is done- must be left in a neat and orderly condition with good and acceptable planting and tree surgery practice. [ C. All trees which fail to survive for a period of C two (2) calendar years following planting shall be replaced by the permit bolder at no expense to the Town or the owner of the land, if other than the holder of the permit. Said replacement shall be within sixty (60) days following writ- ten demand for such replacement from the Tree Preservation Commission or within an extended period of time as may be specified. Should the permit holder fail to replace, the trees pursuant to demand within the required period of time, the Tree Preservation Commission shall have the right to declare the maintenance bond in default and apply the escrow cash de- posit and the procebds of the bond to replace the required trees. D. All tree planting, tree dressing, and associated restoration work must be substantially completed within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit, except that the permit may be extended by the Tree Preservation Com- 6 - mission which shall have so:!_a di-,;crei:ion to c3k 2nd such an eXten:;ion. (killer all the porformanCi bond ob- tained by the permit ho;€.tier. sh 111 continue in full force and effect until there has boon full compliance and approval of all restoration work by the Tree Preservation Commission. in the event the planting and restoration work has not been sub- stantially completed within six (G) months and no permit ex- tension has been applied for or granted, the Tree Preserva- tion Commission shall have the right to consider the site abandoned and declare the performance bond in default, and may apply the Escrow deposit and the proceeds of the bond -to perform all required planting and restoration work. By ac- cepting a permit, the holder thereby agrees to this procedure and grants unconditional access to the land for such restora- tion purposes. Section 7. Certificate of Occupancy No Certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the Building Inspector until all tree planting, tree dressing, and associated restoration work shall be completed to the { satisfaction of the Tree Preservation Commission, except that where a Certificate of Occupancy is applied for between Octo- ber 31 and April 1, the permit holder shall submit an agree- ment, in writing, to the Town signed by the permit holder to ensure compliance with all planting and restoration work to the satisfaction of the Tree Preservation Commission on or be- fore the first day of May next following the making of the agreement. The escrow cash deposit and the bond obtained by the permit holder shall continue in full force and effect un- til the planting and restoration work has been completed. Should the permit holder fail to complete the restoration work on or before May 1 next following 'the execution of the agree- ment, the Tree Preservation Commission shall have the right; to declare the said performance bond in default and apply the escrow cash deposit and 'the proceeds of the bond to re- l store the land. - 7 Section 8 . pcn;l.ties fog-ofLcatst;a<, A. Any person, fi.rW, 077 corporation violat 1-1g any of the provisions of tlti.s 1a5y shill )DO guilty of a m.isdemcanor, J the fine for which shall. not exce-cd one Lhousand dollars ($1,000.00) . B. Civil penalty. In addition thereto, any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of this ordi- nance shall be subject to a civil penalty enforceable and col- lectible by the Town in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100. ) each and every day that the violation continues, for each and every tree. In addition thereto, the violator will be required to replace each and every tree so taken down in accordance with Section 6. Section 9. Enforcement The Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck shall enforce this law. Section 10. Prohibited acts and conduct on Town-awned ro ert ,. { A. No department, agency, commission, or author- ity in the Town of Mamaroneck, employee of the Town of Mama- roneck, or any firm or individual retained by the Town shall propose to or shall cut Clown, kill, or otherwise destroy more than five (5) trees, each exceeding six (6) inches in diameter at a height of four (4) ' feet measured from the ground, within an area of two-thousand five'-hundred (2,500) square feet or any single tree exceeding eighteen (18) inches in diameter at a height of four (4) feet measured from the ground on Tol9n property, with the exception of Town highways within the Town of Mamaroneck, without first filing a statement with tile' 'Town Board. (1) The statement required hereunder shall, be made in writing to the Town Board on a form approved by the Town Board. Such statement shall specify the particular type of work to be performed, the exact location, a general description of the tree or trees that shall be removed, a 1 sketch plan if appropriate and required, together With the reasons for the removal of said tr(,cc or tree:;. (2) [3p01i filing said staterncnt with the Town 23oard, notification shall lac sent to Owners of record of land within a radius of two hundred fifty (250) feet from the tree or trees that are to be removed. In addition thereto, notice of the proposed removal of said tree or trees shall be pub- lished in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck. (3) The Town Board shall be stayed from making any decision or determination for a period of ten (10) days from the date of publication. In the event any person, .firm, organization, or corporation aggrieved, affected, or interested in the removal of the said tree or trees shall file an objection with the Town Board in writing five (5) days prior to the Town Board meeting, said Town Board shall not make any decision or determination until its next regular or special Town Board meeting following the filing of said objection. B. All contracts entered into by the Town with firms { or individuals for work to be performed on Town-owned land, excluding Town highways, shall contain a provision that there shall be complete compliance with Section 1O.A. of this local law. Section 11. Repealer. All ordinances and local laths or parts of ordi- nances and local ]acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 12. Severabi.l- ity. The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision of this local law shall not affect the validity of any part of this local law which can be given effect without. such invalid part or parts. Section 13. When effective. This local law shall. take effect immediately. { - 9 -