HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_6_30_Local_Law_No_6 Local Law No. IZ, 19810 T'niP n11 all a Tc),,,al Lew t:o —,Iend Local Lz<w, 00. 3 C-{w 1`384 "SITE PLAN APPROViV," Policy 14 of the Town of Mamaroneck - Village of Larclm*nt Local Waterfront 'Revitalization Program, adopted {Date) , 1986, d eel a res t I I'A i: .,,---!--.1'v-i i,-.i�--,z; ill:! dhevel nt; ":h:111 undertaken so that there will be no measurable increase in erosion or flooding at the site of such activities or development or at other locations." It is the purpose of this local law to give effect to that policy through appropriate amendment of the Site Plan Approval Law of the Town of Mamaroneck. =T1QN 2. AMENDMENTS: Article 5-G Local Law No. 3 of 1984 is hereby amended to read as follows: (G) Drainage. 1. A storm drainage system which demonstrates afZirT-iiaI've c,-;-,Jdl1.ance with the form, scop--., and substance of all applicable design criteria shall be provided to accommodate expected loads from the tributary watershed when developed to the maximum density permitted under the existing zoning standards. Drainage shall be conducted to a point of adequate and suitable disposal.. 2. On sites of 10,000 square feet or more and in other instances determined by the Planning Board to be appropriate after consultation with the Town Engineer, development shall be so designed and executed as to limit overflow from the site to zero increase in the rate of runoff and to create zero decrease in the rate of upstream runoff into the site, as related to existing conditions; except that thz-- P!,nning Bo --'J, afL�r co';12ultatioll .:it it the Tolan P r t i t e if: it (12'C t ha L Lh-� �;ubstitut,,�l rc(JuirniiienL will be- ,.ore -effective in controlling flooding and erosion at the site and at other locations. 3. On parcels of five acres or more, the Planning Board may require that development be so designed and executed as to reduce the rate of runoff by a as co-.-pared with existing conditions, through drainage systems, water retention, and/or the maintenance of open spaces, both those required under ordinary circumstances and such additional open spaces as may be required for this purpose; but without reducing the rate of runoff into the site from upstream. Such a requirement shall not be applied unless the Planning Board determines that it is an appropriate and important means of preventing an increase in erosion and flooding at the site and/or at other locations. In making such &;'"erm4natian, �he Pl�tnning Eoara shall consult w' !--h the Town Engineer and with the Westchester County Soil and Wate:r Conservation District, who shall respond within the time limits set by this local I aw. Fl,ilure to respond within such tirn limits, shall be deemed approval by such agencies- SECTION 3. Should any provision of this local law be determined to be invalid by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any other provision of this local law. This local law shall take effect immediately. 2 M.t