HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945_07_18 Town Board MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD JULY 18, 1945 In the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire House Town of Mamaroneck, New York The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8:15 P.M. (Eastern War Time) Present: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Keeler Stiner Embury Watson The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne Town Attorney Delius and Accountant Finson The Town Clerk read the affidavit of the publcation of the Public Notice which appeared in the Daily Times on July 11, 1945 for the sale of Town owned property known on the assessment map of the Town as Block 205 Parcel 1 Block 205 Parcel 1 Block 205 Parcel 25. He informed the members of the Board that no bids had been received other than the offer received from Mr. Walter C. Burbank Real Estate Broker on behalf of a client of his office Following discussion it was on motion by Councilman Stiner seconded by Councilman Keeler upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sell to Raymond T. Matson Jr. the following two describred parcels : Block 205 Parcel 1 - For a consideration of $757.50 Block 205 Parcel 25 - For a consideration of $1,106.00 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign the necessary contract and deed conveying title to Mr. Raymond T. Maston FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town recognizes Mr. Walter C. Burbank Real Estate Broker as the broker who brought about this sale and that he shall be paid the rate of commission fixed by the Westchester County Board from the proceeds of these sales The Supervisor stated that he had at hand Mr. Michael A. Merola's medical certificate which was received from Dr. R.E. Machan recommending that Mr. Merola take leave from his position for a rest period. The Supervisor referred to the consideration given Mr. Merola's request at the meeting held June 20, 1945 and asked the Town Board what they wished to do NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board does hereby grant Mr. Michael A. Merola Assistant Superintendent of Public Works a vaction period of thirty days with pay The Town Clerk reported that pursuant to the provisions of the Election Law the chairman of each major political party had filed their lists of recommendations for the appointment of election inspectors. The lists were examined by the members of the Board and passed on to the Supervisor for his action The Supervisor filed the following certificate: CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION INSPECTORS BY VIRTUE of the authority vested in me by Chapter 688 Section 2 of the Laws of 1900 State of New York and Section 41 of the Election Law being Chapter 17 of the Consoliated Laws of the State of New York as amended. I hereby appoint from the duly certified original lists filed with me by the Chairmen of the Town Committees of the Republican and Demcratic parties the following inspectors of election for the election districts in the Town of Mamaroneck to serve for the year beginning July 1, 1945 DISTRICT NO. 1 Rep. Adelaide Grippo 911 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamroneck, N.Y. Mrs. Margaret Alfisio 225 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck N.Y. Dem. Charles Lanza 934 Lester Place Mamaroneck, N.Y. Mrs. Theresa Rainaldi 911 Lester Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO . 2 Rep. Marion A. Palmieri 160 Waverly Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. Rose Giovannone 339 Center Avenue Mamaroneck, N.Y. Dem. Joseph Vitti 258 Washington St. Mamaroneck, N.Y. Marguerite O' Reilly 639 Fenimore Road Mamaronek N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 3 Rep. Norma Corti 138 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck N.Y. Rose Giovannone 339 Center Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. Dem Mrs. Margaret Hogan 143 Prospect Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. Maitland Hanrahan 118 Palmer Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 4 Rep. John H. Murray 122 Rockland Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. Bessie Charters 118 Rockland Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. Dem Miss Mae Lombard 723 Prospect Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. Michael Walsh 418 West Post Road Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO . 5 Rep. Mrs. Elise B. Herz 1308 Crown Court Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 7 Rep.Mrs. Hazel Corson Park Plaza Apts. East Ave Larchmont , N.Y. Mrs. Dorothy B. Neely 16 Wendt Avenue Larchmont N.Y. Dem. Ruth Krex 74 Wendt Avenue Larchmont , N.Y. Amida Cuddy 72 Wendt Avenue Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO . 8 Rep. Mrs. Marjorie Williams Albee Court Apts. Larchmont N.Y. Mrs. Elizabeth Mahaney 3 Carleon Avenue Larchmont, N.Y. Dem. Ann Lawrence Alden House Apts. Larchmont N.Y. Katherine Hogan 19 Dillon Road Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 9 Rep. Emelia Ernst 149 Beach Avenue Larchmont N.Y. Ethel Hoag 5 Shadow Lane Larchmont N.Y. Dem.Mrs. Ruth Green 9 Cliff Way Larchmont N.Y. Katherine McCahill 14 Clark Court Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 10 Rep. Mrs. Dorothy Kip 12 Kane Avenue Larchmont N.Y. Elizabeth MacIntosh 69 Chester Place New Rochelle N.Y. Dem Ann Hanan 429 Post Road Larchmont N.Y. Adelaide McCahill 14 Clark Court Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 11 Rep. Mrs. Mildred Runk 172 Myrtle Boulevard Larchmont N.Y. Mrs. Lillian Gerety Chatsworth Gardens Apts. Larchmont, N.Y. Dem Gertrude M. DeAlleaume 20 Valley Place Larchmont, N.Y. Marion Ruiz Park Plaza Apts. Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 12 Rep.Herman Lampe 6 Vine Road Larchmont N.Y. Gladys Wilson Leavitt 19 Spruce Road Larchmont N.Y. Dem Harriet Fernschild 193 Chatsworth Avenue Larchmont N.Y. Mabel McElroy 75 Briarcliffe Drive Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 13 Rep john Forrar 10 Wildwood Road Larchmont N.Y. Mrs. Dorothy Leavitt 19 Spruce Road Larchmont N.Y. Dem. George McElroy 75 Briarcliff Drive Larchmont N.Y. Matthew Costello 4 Echo Lane Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO 14 Rep Mrs. Adele Bibas 124 Palmer Ave Larchmont N.Y. Mrs. Ann Dobler 4 Maple Hill Drive Larchmont N.Y. Dem. Charlotte Roth Larchmont Gables Larchmont N.Y. Charles Fisher 20 Plymouth Road Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 15 DISTRICT NO. 16 Rep. William G. Horne Larchmont Acres Larchmont N.Y. Irena B. Mills 26 Forest Park Avenue Larchmont N.Y. Dem. Winifred Pierce 8 Birch St. Larchmont N.Y. Robert H. Von Stein 29 Forest Park Ave Larchmont N.Y. The Town Clerk presented copies of the list of Polling Places for the 1945 Fall election and stated that the chairmen of both major political groups had approved same The members of the Board examined the list following which it was on motion by Councilman Embury seconded by Councilman Watson upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that in accordance with the provisions of Section 66 of the Election Law being Chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as amended the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby designates the place in each Election District in the Town at which the meeting for the registration of voters and elections and primaries shall be held in the year following: DISTRICT NO. 1 Mamaroneck Avenue School Mamaroneck Avenue Mamronecj N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 2 Mahlstedt Office Building 560 Fenimore Road Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 3 Mamro Firehouse Palmer Avenue Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 4 Central School Boston Post Road Mamroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 5 Hillcrest Apartments Warren Ave Entrance Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 6 New Building Chatsworth Avenue School Forest Park Avenue Larchmont n.Y. DISTRICT NO. 7 New Building Chatsworth Ave School Forest Park Ave Larchmont N.Y DISTRICT NO. 8 Larchmont Village Hall Boston Post Road Larchmont N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 11 Chatsworth Gardens Apts. 14 N. Chatsworth Avenue Town Of Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 12 Murray Avenue School Town Of Mmamroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 13 Murray Avenue School Town Of Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 14 Second Floor Weaver St. Fire House Weaver St. Town Of Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 15 First Floor Weaver St. Fire House Weaver St Town of Mamaroneck N.Y. DISTRICT NO. 16 Fenimore Cooper House Larchmont Acres Richbell Rd Town of Mamaroneck N.Y. The following reports for the month of June 1945 were received and ordered filed Report of the Town Clerk Report of the Building Inspector Report of the Pluming Inspector The Supervisor announced that the examination of the accounts and fiscal affairs of the Town for the year ended December 31, 1944 had been completed by the State Auditors and that copies of this report had been typed for distribution to the members of the Board for study The Town Clerk was requested to proceed with the advertising of same in the local official paper of the Town in accordance with the statutory requirements On motion by Councilman Watson seconded by Councilman Stiner it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Report of Examination of the Accounts and Fiscal Affairs of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year ended December 31, 1944 be and it hereby is acknowledged received and filed in the office of the Town Clerk as a public record available for inspection by any one interested therein Councilman Watson presented and read a petition received from the Assesor requesting the approval of a number of pages from the assessment maps showing corrections made by the Town Engineer as of June 1, 1945 such corrections being due to the sale or transfer of lots or plots filing of maps in the Department of Land Records in White Plains and so forth On motion by Councilman Watsonn seconded by Councilman Stiner it was unanimously 023 Page 107, 109, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122 123, 124, 129, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 217, 222, 224, 327 Councilman Watson reported that tax Receiver Dillon had made a study of the unpaid taxes if Section 1 in the unincorporated area of the Town listing only those properties that have a valuation of $500. or over. That the poperty reperesented a valuation of $221,000 with back taxes of $117,500 or about 53% of the valuation Following discussion it was decided that the receiver of Taxes be authorized to proceed in sending letter to the delinquent taxpayers along the lines suggested using section 1 as a test area Councilman Embury stated that at the last meeting of the Park Department it was reported that there now appear 1345 names on the Honor Roll 759 from the unincorporated section and 586 from the village of Larchmont with 36 Gold Stars. He informed the members of the Board that the expenditures to date for the Park Departmet are slightly under last year mainly because less water was consumed. He added that there was no shortage of water this year. In connection with the Station Park Plaza Councilman Embury referred to an article which appeared in the local newspaper on June 12, 1945 by Mrs Wm. Clifton Lawton member of the Park Commision commending the New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad in cooperating with the park commission on the attractive job done at the Larchmont Station. That after the railroad men had cleaned up the old Boston and Westchester roadbed the men placed fill top soil and built the fence which Park Commission _... members "hope will influence peorle to keep off the grass and serve the beauty of the park, A copy of the newspaper clipping was sent to the Railrocad people , Councilman Embury said Councilman Embury discussed with the members of the Board the existing shortage of tree men, That the Park Department had always done the work for the Highway Department, That there have been many complaints about the low branches and something should be done, The Supervisor stated that he would take the matter up with the Superintendent of Highways . Es suggested at the last meeting Mr. Charles A. Mink and Mr. Frank Guadagnolo appeared and presented to each member of the Board Plans ard specications of the proposed service station and taxi office to be erected or, Myrtle Boulevard. The members of the Board examined the plans submitted and folllowing discussion the matter was referred to the Town Attorney to prepare the contract of sale . : Mr. Martin E. King and Mr. Thomas Hunter , attorneys for the Johnethel Reality Corporation appeared before the Board and discussed the unpaid taxes certiorari proceedings and apportion Following discussion it was on motion by Councilman keeler seconded by Councilman Embury upon roll call unanimously resolved that the following notice be publisjed in the official newspaper PUBLIC NOTICE The Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck will accept bids for the purchase of a parcel of property described as follows: All that plot lot or parcel of land lying being and situate in the Town of Mamaroneck Westchester County State of New York known by and as the northerly portion of the property as shown on a map entitled "Map of property belonging to the Town of Mamaroneck made by L.E. Van Etten Civil Engineer and Surveyor June 1 1931 and filed in the County Clerk's office as Map no. 3925 said plot lot or parcel being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which point is the southerly corner of Whitestone property and running thence northeasterly along the southerly boundary of Whitestone property N. 34-37-0" E 5.15 feet N 22-43-0" E 14.79 feet N. 5-2-17" E 29.42 feet to lands of Haugelstine thence southeasterly along the Haugelstine Boundary line S. 62-23-6 E. 76.84 feet thence southwesterly lands of the Town of Mamaroneck S 43-11-38" W. 63.66 feet to an angle point thence continuing through lands of the Town of Mamaroneck N. 46-48-22" W.40.05 feet and N. 41-41-50" W. 9.95 feet to the point or place or beginning The property is to be sold subject to any state of facts an accurate survey or an inspection of the premises will show Bids must be filed with the Town Clerk on or before August 15th 1945 at 5 o'clock P.M. at his office 158 West Boston Post Road in the village and Town of Mamaroneck All bids must be accompanied by certied check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid The right to reject any or all bids submitted pursuant to this advertisement is reserved by the Town Board In the event the bid is rejected the check will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder All bids should be contained in an envelope addressed to the Town Clerk Town of Mamaroneck and should be plainly marked bid for property The Supervisor distributed the following statements to the members of the Board. Bank Balances as of 9 A.M. July 18, 1945. List of claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from July 5 to July 18 1945. Supervisor's report for the month of June 1945. Analysis of Estimated Revenues. Summary of Receipts and Disbursements. Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures The Supervisor informed the members of the Board that he has been negotiating with Mr. C.W. Moody for the sale of the Fenimore Cooper property. He said he would keep the members informed of whatever progress is made Councilman Stiner asked the members of the Board if they had received a copy of his report on the Board of Review which had been completed. Each replied that they had He presented the Agreement for the expenditure of Highway moneys as called for by Section 284 of the Highway Law showing that for 25.37 miles of highways under the jurisditction of the Town Superintendent of Highways there has been set aside $13,261 for general repairs That the receipts and disbursements are to be as follows: Receipts Balance, highway fund all other $299.85 Town Highway tax levied 21,600.00 State aid to be received 900.00 Total $22,799.85 Expenditures Average per mile $522.71 for 25.37 miles 13,261.25 Reserve fund 2,279.99 Payment of orders No. 1 to 240 inclusive 7,258.61 Total $22,799.85 The agreement was handed to the Supervisor who examined and signed same. It was then passed around to all of the members of the Board for their signatures The Town Clerk was requeted to forward the papers on the State through the County Engineer's office Councilman Stiner pointed out to the members of the Board the conditions existing for some times and the need for the installation of sewers on Altheas Lane Following discussion it was decided that Town Engineer Foote be authorized to estimate the cost and incolude the item in next year's budget subject to obtaining an easement from Mr.C.W. Moody RESOLVED that the following described claims to be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay same out of the budget for the Fire Department: Mamaroneck Glass Company $11.00 G.W. Merrell 26.66 New York Telephone Company 25.55 Westchester Joint Water Works #1 Westchester Lighting Company 23.83 $99.94 Councilman Keeler read the report of the Fire Department covering the activites for the month of June 1945 which report was placed on file The Town Attorney informed the members of the Board that he had nothing to report At 10:30 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn Town Clerk