HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_7_1_Local_Law_No_9 Nall Ln" No. 3WO& ZON10A The purpose of Qjs jocoi asw 13 to amoDd tho 20PI1"ig of the Ton of Mm oc aarock to PrOvido for changes it the Zoning al,(I w tl-.�� requIaHan of rusidontial dia4fica Ln ordev to ioplemnnt the wCal Novee0oat WKWINaWn Program Of the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchoont - by providing for additional Wen space in areas within the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck designated by the Local Water Front Revitalization Program. 2. The Zoning 'Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck shall be amended as folio-,,Is: Section 89-4 "DiStActs" Aid; "R-50 ReWdenwe District (51,000 square fact) .!, Section 89-5 Zoning Map, The Official Zoning Hap Of the Town of NumaroneyRr Low YOH, ajapted Aunt 29, 1339 shall be . ammended by inserting the map changes which are annexed hereto ' and are made a part hereof. Section 39-20 one Family Residence Districts: Add nn 5p" SOction 89-30 One Family Residence Districts: R-50. A. Lot Requirements: 1. Minimum Lot Area Per DwellinU WL.- Fifty thousanet (50,000.00) nquare feet. 2. Minimum Lot 11116cb and Length of Street Line FlOntage: One hundred fifty (15o) feet. 3• MUnillium Depth of 1,o%; oje h,,111dred fUty (150) feat. B. Yards, Courts and Open spaces. 1. Ninimurij Front yard: FifLy (50) feet. W a corner 10t a front yard should be provided on each street. (See Section 89-44F.) 2. Minimum Side YVLd5% Thjjrty-fiva (35) feet for each side yard. 3. ?•(in!-FRJM Rll,-OT YZ1r6: [.�'i f LY (3J) 0-t t- cly ii ro':ir yaKd sball be provided oa a corner lot,. and the shall ha7y the privilege of electing which yard K to be the rear yard. b. An unattached accessory building not over on,-:! (1) story or fiftean (15) feet in height and located on the rear one third (1/3) . of the lot may be placed at a Tainimno distanca of five (5) feet from the property line. on a corner lot, such accessory building shall not be located nearer to the street line than . the required minimum front-yard ;setback for the zoning district. a. Minimum Courts: As required by-ss 89-44G... d. -Usable Open Space -(in square feet per dwelling unit) : one thousand two hundred (1,200) . C. Floor Area: Minimum First--Floor Area in Square Feet: . 1. one (1) Story; Two tbousa& one hundred (2,100) . 2. One and One-Half (1 1/2) Sturias: one' thousand eight hundred (1,8 OLO) 3.' 'Two (2) and Two and One •Half (2 1/2) Stories: One thousand five hundred D. Maximum Beights: 1. in Stories: Two and one-half (2 1/2). 2. In Feet: Thirty-five (35) . B. Off-Street Parking Spaces: As required by 89-63 through 89-66. 3. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 89-30A One-Family Residence District: R-30. A. 1�ot -Requireqi6nts: minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit: Thirty thousand (30,000) square fret. 2 2. M j,n i 1r.U L y4i d L 11 d L Frontage: One hundred twenty-five (125). feet. 3. minimum D,th K not:. One hundrnd fifty (150) feet. Yards, Coults and opea Spaces: 1. . Minim"n.1 :-root Yard: Fifty (50) fent. On a corner 10te a front yard shall be provided on each street (see 89-44A . C. 1.1init.ium Ya_-d3: 1. Least On?: Twenty (20) feet.' 2. Total of Two (2) : Fifty (50) feet. 3. An unattached accessory building not oxter one (1) story or fifteen (15) feet in height andlocated on the rear one-third (1/3) of the- lot may be placed at a minimum distance of. five (5) feet from the property line. On a corner lot, such .accessory building shall not be located nearer tQ the street line than the required minimum fronL-yard setback for -the zoning district. D. Minimum Rear Yard: Fifty (50) feet 1. A rear yard shall he proyVed on a corner 10tr and the owner shall have the privilege of electing which yard is to be the rear yard. 2. An unattached accessory building not over one (1) story or fifteen (15) feet in height and located on the rear one-third (1/3) of the lot may be placed at a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the property line. on a corner, lot, such accessory building shall not be located nearer to the street line than the required minimum front-yard setback for the zoning district. 3. Minimum Courts: As required by Ss 69-44G. 4. Usable open Space (in square feet per duelling unit) : 'One thousand two hundred (1,200) . 3 T. Floor Area: 1­iinimum Virsh-door Arun in Sjuare Feet: 1. Oni (1) Story. Two tbauf--,a.-id one hund-cod 2. One -:nd On 2 Lhol--sand eigi-,t 3. Two (2) ani Two and one-Hu!E (2 1/2) M&qs: one thousand five hundred 11,500) , - 1. In Stories: Wo aad ono-h 2) . 2. in Onet: Thirty-five (35) . G. Off-Stree • Parking: Minimum Number of Off-Street 'Parking Spaces: As required by Ss 89-63 through 89-66. 4. SRYE BILIT • Should any provision of this local law be determined to be invalid by any court . of competent jurisdiction', . such determinatina Hall not affect any other provision of this looal law. This local law shall take effoct immediately. s. 4