HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988_6_29_Local_Law_No_4 I '
(Please Use this Fonn for filing your Local Law with the Secretary of State)
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MiVu Ptama r o nec k............ ..
.................. ... .
1Frlt 4-1988
-Local Law No................................,........................of thin year 19 _..........
to amend Chapter 81 of the Town Code of the Town of Mamaroneck
A local law.. ....................................................... .(I y
.................. . ... ..........................,........................... »
in relation to stop signs..
Town Board of the
Beit enacted the ................................... .» ..»...... ...... .............,...... .
(Ilm�oI Lqi+Mire Body)»
'Rim- oE.....Mamaroneck............................................................ . ............................................................. as follows;
Town "
An act to amend Chapter 81 of the Town Code of the Town of Mamaroneck-in relation
to Stop Signs.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck as follows:
Section 1. Section 81-6 of the Mamaroneck Town Code is hereby
amended by adding thereto a new 'section to be known as sub-
paragraph (70) to read as follows:
(70) At the northeast and southwest corners of
Edgewood Avenue at its intersection with Preston
Section 2. This action shall take effect immediately.
M-i- Of additional space is needed, please attach sheets of the same size as this and number each)---t"
Page 1
(Complete the certification in the paragra pit whlch applies to titefi ling of thisloeal law and strike out the
( matter therein which is not applicable.)
1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.)
i hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law NO.-.1............or 10.....
of the of.. amaroneck was duly passed by, the..........TOW A...9,ix.d.......................
�Town ,••..•.••••• (Yams at Legislative Body).............•.•.•.........
Y 141 -
on„June 29, ,,.,.•...•.,,,19 88 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval fir no disapproval by-Elective Chief Executive Officer,`
or repassage after disapproval.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No.....................af 19........
of the City of............................... was duly passed by the ...., .... ...... ............
Town (Name of Legislative Body)
Village not disapproved :
........_19.......: and was'approved' by the .......................................................
on""""""""""""""""""' pp - Elective Chief Eieeutive Officer k
repassed after disapproval ,
and was deemed duly adopted on........................................................19....:... r in accordance with the applicable
provisions of law.
3. (Final adoption by referendum.)
1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No................... of 19..........
of the City of.................... was duly passed by the ........,.................
Town `Name of Legislative Body)
Village not disapproved
on....................................... ....,...19........ and was approved by the......................::...........................I...........
repassed after disapproval Elective Chief P�xecutive Officer
Oil,,,,,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,,,,.,•...,,,•,,.......................19........ Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a
utr:ndatory rernrendunn,and received the affirmative vote of a inajority of the qualified electors voting
thereon at the special election held on....................................................-19........, in accordance with the appli-
cable provisions of law.
4. (Subject to permissive referendum,and final adoption because no valid petition flied requesting
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designatedas local law No................... of 19..........
of tine Town of...................................... was duly passed by the................, ...... .................. ...............,...on
(Nsme of Legislative Body)
Village not disapproved
.......19......., and was approved by the.........................................................on
repassed after disapproval Elective Chief Executive OE leer x
.................................................19......... Such local law being subject to a permissive referendum and no
valid petition requesting such referendum having been filed, said local law was deemed duly adopted on
...... ................ ........1. 19........, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
*Elective chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county alected on a countywide basis
or,if there be pone,the chairman of the county legislative body,the mayor of a city or village or the supervisor of a town,
where such officer is vested with power to approve or veto tocal laws or ordinances.
Page 2
c ,
,Cit) local law concerning Charter re%iston proposed by petition.)
I hercbvi certify that the local law annexed hereto,deli;natedaslocal law No.....................of 19........
of the City of..........................................................................hating been submittod to referendum pursuant to the
provisions of § 37 of of thy. Municipal Howe flute Law,and Laving received the affirmative vote of a majority
' ' -
of the qualified electors of such city noting thereon at" the S general ECiat-election held on ..................................
................19............became operative.
6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) -.
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as Local Lnw 0a.......of 19....:.of the
County of ......................................... Stutc of New'York, having been' submitted -to the Electors at the
General Election of November........... 19 ........... pursuant to sa6divisions S and 7 of Section 33 of the Muni-
cipal Home Rule Lanv,and having received the aflirittative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the
cities of said county as a unit and of a majority of the qualified electors-oF"tlne towtts of said county
considered as a unit voting at said general election,became operative.
(If any other authorized form of final adoption. has been followed, please provide an appropriate
certification.) '
VW I further certify that I have compared the preceding local taw with the original on file in this office
and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was
finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph...::......... above.
i'k�FiF #e �`tt� ff�iiY Get iXKiy..TQwn SrxriSa�e Cterk&
- "dS�t�cYnt�tG�te�irY�8u7tYyx
Date: July 5, 1988
(Certification to be executod by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney
or other authorized Attorney of locality.)
COUNTY OF...WestchesCer
1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all
proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto.
Edward Lieberman Siznatum .
1 Town Counsel
. . .......... ... ......
Date: July 8, 1988 W*1
k f.............Mamaroneck .................