HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987_3_4_Local_Law_No_3 Mea-W Use INS FOYM fur Filill,Your LoeJ Law wiIII tjjC' SM'CUCY Of SIMV) TeX[ Of IdW blIOUld be given as alneilded. Do not include ruAlwr bQijfg eliminated and do not use italics or undedinin,to indicate new matter. cftyx Mawaronec k Townof........................ ...........................I............—............................................. Nillwgvx Local Law No.........L..198Z.................................... of the year 1987....... A local law en 1 n I.Lit lo,d....S..to.p....Intersections Be it enacted by the ...............................town .....ro,.w.I.I Board,. -I ..................................................................... or the ...... ....... CVIUAtyx Git,yxx of.........................p I.a m.a.r.o.n.e,c.l.c............................................................................................................... as follows: Town ViRO40, A local law entitled Stop Intersections to amend the Town of Mamaroneck Vehicle and Traffic Law, Section 1. Purpose: The purpose of this local lZtW is to amend Local Law #1 of 1965, Section 8.1-6B, entitled "Stop Intersections" of Lhe To%,ai Code of the Town of Mamaroneck by adding thereto, Subsections (67) atj(t (68) which sh;1-11 read as follows: (67) On Meadow Place at its intersection with Howell Avenue. (68) On Hawthorne Road at its intersection with Howell Avenue. Section 11. S,-ver,ibiliVy: Should a court of competent jurisdication declare any provision of this local law illegal, then such decInrotiou :;hail not effect any other provision of this loci!- law. SOCCiOil Ill. Effective Date: This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the Office Of the Secretary of State in ae.cordance With the Municipal Home RuJ.L Law. additional space is needed, Pease attach sheets of the sanse size as this and number each)--,�y (GuipIctc tlit: cvrtifiv;4Lion inthc par;t;;raI,ik%Melt appl it,s to thr,FiIind of 1hiS10c;II faw• and strike out Ilre f ruatter therein which is nut applicable,) t, (Fin;d udnpli„n hp local legislative hody only.) 1 1wr,r,4,y certify that the local low „nneXf d hereto,rlr•si„note,)as kcal law 1\o. ......3..........af 1 7...., Law&)t ”` ' 3Ia;.e ranee k t lty� i'oldn lintid ofthe ., of............. .was dal}' passr:J by the..................................................................,.,.............. Town (5:unc uE l,cai.l alive Wady) X:•i Urge on March G, 19.... in accordance with the applicable provisions of late. .-. (PasSiloo by local lugil latiw; Lod)' with approval or no disapproval h}' Elcetive Chief Executive Officer,” or rcpussagn after disapproval.) 1 hr•rolly rurtify th;t the local law as:nexed hereto,designated as local law No.....................of 19........ County of (he City ............wa.s duly passed by the Town _egi.JaL....................................... (Nama�f f.eyisWtive Body} Village not disapproved on..................................................19........ and was approved by the ....................................................... repassed after disapproval Elective Chid Exacutiva Officer' and was deemed duly adopted on........................................................19........ , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 3. (Final adoption by referendum.) 1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No................... of 19.......... County of the. ..City of......................................tvos duly passed by the............, lOwEl (Name of t.ebibt4tlYe Body) ViIIn�-e not disapproved on_.................................. .........19....... and was approved by the.................,....:.....,.................................. repassed after disapproval Elective Chief 4:xeoattve Officer* on......................................................................19......., Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a ntr:ndotory permissive refrrewfunl,and reccttod the affirrnntive tote of a majority of the qualified electors voting Fonvral thereon at the special election held on......................................................19........r in accordance with the appli- annual cable provisions of law. 4• (Subject to p.srnrissive refereadum,und final adoption because no valid potition filed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that the local Inw annexed hereto,designated as local law No................... of 19.......... County City ........................on of the of............ was duly passed by the....................................................... Town ........................ (Name ni LeKialaeive Body) Village not disapproved 19........ and was approved by the.........................................................on repassed after disapproval Elective Chief executive Officer* ................................19.,.,..... Such local law being subject to a permissive referendum and no valid pi tition requesting such referendum having been filed, said local law was deemed duly adopted on .................................................................... 19........, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law, *Elective Chief Executive officer means or vtJudes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-wide basis or,if these be none,the chalrrium of the county le6lative body,the mayor of u city or village or the supervisor of a town, where such officer is vested with power to approve or veto locill laws or ordinances. Page 2 (Cit) local luiv concernin6 Charter rexision propose'd,,b). petition.) I ljct,0byCcTqif% that LlIk•local 1,1--mrioxed herrtu,dcsiguaterlasltcal ta,yr\,(,........................or ig.:.,.... of the City of............................................... .....................lt-iv:og been submitt,!d to rofer,�nduol pursuant to the [krovisiolls of § 36 ';UDiLij,,ll 11- ulu.Law-aw.] Lavin,,,, roceived thc ai�irmativc vote of a majori(y 37 f Lil, 13 of the qualified electors of such city thereon at h, sPec'411 ...............19............became operatie. general e lection hold all •................. ................ m v 6. (COU11CY local law concerning adoption of Chqrtar.) I hereby eertiCy that the local 1:1,41,11,2xe(I Itere ilted as LOC.11 'o. ......or 19...... or the County of .................... ...... SL[tc Of New Volk, having Non submitted to the Electors at the General FlecLion of Nuvember........... 19........... pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of Section 33 Of the NILLni- cipal llojrl,: Rule Lats,,',Md having received the affirm:tits Vote 0(a majority Of the quAillied elactors of'the cities Of said county as a unit and of a majority of the qualified electors at' the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election,became operative. (if ally other authorized form of final adoption has been fullowed, please Provide an appropriate Certification.) Dg ` I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in Otis office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole or such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph........................... above. Clerk Of Date: March 23, 1987 (Seal) (Certification to he executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized Attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF.... estrheseer 1, the ing undersigned, hereby certify that the forego local la%v contains the correct text and that all 0 0 proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment or the local law annexed hereto, Steve w- e- - Si1verber .. ....... .. .. . .. ... Signature Tq%la.counsel...... .. . . .. .. . ... TiUe Date: March 23, 1.987 Btsuttty ea- of.......M T a.r.o.n..e.c.k.................................. Town VULge