HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987_1_21_Local_Law_No_1 TOWN OF MAMARONECI: LOCAL LAW NO. 1 - 1987 A Local Law Entitled PLUMBING CODE This Local Law shall be known and cited as "Local Law Regulating the Administration and Enforcement of the Plumbing Code for the Town of Mamaroneck, Outside of the Incorporated Villages." BE IN ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneckr as follows: S �TPON ONE, PURPOSE The purpose of this local law is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Mamaroneck by providing for the licensing and regulation of the plumbing trade. 5= T LICENSE REQUIRED No person shall do any plumbing work on any premises in the Town of Mamaroneck unless such person shall first be duly licensed in the manner provided by this Code. SECT SECTON T iBKE' •XAM B D OF PLUMBERa A. Est b ishment Upon adoption of this local law by the Town Board, the Town Board shall establish the Examining Board of Plumbers, hereinafter called "the Board." B. C, Oil PPE t-Lo The Board shall consist of fjve (5) members, to wit: The Town Building Inspector, one (1) member of the Town Board, a duly licensed physician practicing in the Town and two persons who have actively engaged in the plumbing business for at least two (2) years. The last four (4) members shall be appointed by the Town Board and must be residents of the Town of Mamaroneck. The term of office of the last-mentioned three (3) members shall be one (1) year, and that of the first two (2) members shall be the term to which each has been appointed or elected, as the case may be. vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms. C. ComPenaati-OA Each member of the Board, except the Town Board member and Building Inspector, shall receive as compensation as such Board member, such amount as a majority of said Board shall determine, but in no event shall such compensation for any one (1) member total more than One Hundred ($100) Dollars per year. The Town Board member and the Town Building Inspector shall serve without compen- sation. D. Jurisdiction The Board shall have jurisdiction over and examine all persons desiring or intending to engage in the { trade, business, or calling of plumbing as employing plumbers or master plumbers in the Town of [Mamaroneck, with the- power of examining persons applying for a Certificate of Competency as such employing or master plumbers, to determine their fitness and qualifications for conducting the business of master plumbers, and to issue Certifi- cates of Competency to all such persons who shall have satisfactorily passed the examination before the Board, and shall be by it determined to be qualified for conducting the business of employing or master plumber. E. Pxaminations The Board shall hold an examination during each June and December hereafter for each of which the entrance fee shall be established from time to time by Town Board resolution. F. SVecia Examinations A special examination may be held at any time at the discretion of the Board. The expense of such special examination shall be established from time to time by Town Board resolution and shall be deposited with the Town Clerk by the applicant for such special examination. U T F QIR APP TIONS Before an applicant shall be admitted to an examination he shall file his application therefor, in writing, with the Town Clerk at least fourteen (14) days before the examination day, pay the Town Clerk the required examination fee, and shall furnish proof of having served at least five (5) years as a journeyman. The names and addresses of applicants shall be forwarded by the Town Clerk to the Board. , SECTION FIVE•_ PUBLIC'ATI QF DATE The Board shall publish in the 'Sown newspaper, for two (2) consecutive weeks, notice of the date and place where each regular semiannual examination shall be held; the last notice to be published at least ten (10) days before the examination date. X-_ QQMP E ATIO Compensation of the Board members shall be paid by the Supervisor out of the General Fund. SECTION E -M-L REGiST ..RATION and _ iL CEyS_xL9 A. PMaster__prmAloving Plumbexs Except as otherwise herein provided, a person desiring or intending to conduct the trade, business, or calling of a plumber or plumbing in - 2 - the Town of Mamaroneck as an employing or master plumber, shall be required to pass an examination conducted by the Examining Board of plumbers, to { determine his competency to properly perform his functions as a master or employing plumber. in the case of a firm or- corporation, said organi- zation may be represented by one or more members of said firm, or by an officer of the corporation. B. Any person, firm, or corporation who holds a license as a master plumber or employing plumber issued by another municipality which has not lapsed or been revoked, may apply to the Town Clerk for a license to carry on the business or trade of master or employing plumber in the Town of Mamaroneck provided that the application to the Town Clerk is accompanied by (A) a certified copy of said license issued by the other municipality and (B) the required license fee is paid and applicant shall not be required to take the examination as required by Section Three E. SECTION EIGHT: DETERMINATION F 9t9PETENCE Upon receipt of the application from the Town Clerk and payment of the fees required by this local law, the Examining Board of Plumbers shall examine the applicant to determine his fitness and competency as provided in this local law. If the Board finds such person or persons to be competent after examination and payment of all fees required by this local law, the Board shall issue to the applicant a Certificate of Competency. Upon the filing of such Certificate of Competency, the Town Clerk, upon payment of further fees required by this local law, shall issue a license to engage in business as a master or employing plumber in the Town of Mamaroneck. SECTION NINE GERTIFICATE,OF COMPETENCY The applicant for a Certificate of Competency shall pay a fee to be established from time to time by Town Board resolution to cover the -cost of his examination, and no part of said fee shall be returned to the applicant whether or not the certificate is granted. =M QN TEN: - MASTER PLUMBER LICENSE The Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck shall, upon application therefor, issue a master plumber's license to the persons entitled thereto in accordance with the preceding section of this local law, and any person to whom the master plumber's license is issued shall register his name and address at the office of the Building Inspector. S,E-CUDI-EEVTN:_ EXPIRATION OF_LIC,, __a All All master plumbers' licenses issued under the provisions of the preceding section of this local law shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which they are issued and may be renewed for one (1) year from the first day of January in each year, upon 3 application made within thirty expiration. The master plumberIs days any receding failing to renew within the time above person become void. specified shall �—C T�1'kI,VE A domestic corporation desiring or intending to conduct the trade, business, or calling of a plumber or of plumbing in the Town of Mamaroneck as employing master plumber, may do so provided p y�IIg or officers of such corporation one {1) or actually hold and ow separately or a more Of the issued n at least fifty-one {51%)9lregately corporation and outstanding capital stock percent holding such nd provided that each of such Officers master percentage lice of the stock is the holder�ofra master plumber's license issued by the vided in this local law, ssu Board corporation holding a master and every member pro- comply with all the plumber s of said rules license shall master or employing PlumbersdinetheaTownsofapplzcabsh In corporation BuildingInspector,shall register at the Officemaofnethe Each licensee shall file with the Town the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Clerk a issued bond in two by an indemnity company o {$2+500} Dollars {2) individual sureties p y f, or not less than, Board of Mamaroneck satisfactory to the naming the and a Certificate Town Town of Mamaroneck as a °f Insurance amount not less than Faye co-insured Dollars, conditioned t Hundred Thousand ($500,000) an Town of Mamaroneck ° indemnify and save harmless may of and from all damages and its Y result from the work of said losses °r officers, a ents licensee or his carelessly or imperfect] or empl°gees being or loss results to y or in such a that injury done reason of the persons or property thereby, injury singular rules and failing "' Comply with or by be established regulations rea and as now or may hereafter ordinances of the bTowttthof' Board, or with State of Mamaroneck and any laws or New York, laws of the ,�E T F .-�ixEEl'Lt W16 1P 0 T' Q —Fr FE All license fees and examination fees Town Clerk shall be received by the within thirty {30} days the Clerk to the Su deposited y the receipt in the Town General Fund��pt thereof and Inspector shall turn over to the Supervisor Building fees received pervisor all permit receipt by him within thirty Permit p thereof for deposit in the Town General Fu after Fund. No licensed plumber shall allow the use of name or license his the any unlicensed person corporation for firm its otherwise conducting purpose Of obtaining firm or g plumbing work in the g permits or he Town. { 4 ----------- y . ACTION 5IXTEEiV:_ D..,TRPI�YZNG LICENSE Any person, firm or corporation doing plumbing work in the Town of Mamaroneck shall exhibit his or its license upon request to any officer of the Town, Town Board member, member of the Board or the Board's representa- tive and shall, while opening any highway for purposes incidental to such work and while such highway is opened, exhibit in a conspicuous place adjacent to such opening a sign at least one (1) foot square, plainly marked, showing the number of such license. No street or highway may be opened without first complying with all regulations pertaining to street opening. SBCJ7ON SEVE_NTEE N- NOTRANOEBRAMIXTY The dissolution of a firm or corporation shall operate as a cancellation of the license of such firm or corporation. Licenses shall not be transferable. SECTION GTG LTEEDti SUSPENSIONS and EVQCATIONS A license may be suspended or revoked at any time by the Board if, in its judgment, the best interests of the inhabitants or the Town shall be served thereby. Such suspension or revocation is reviewable by the Town Board if the licensee requests a review in writing to the Town Board within thirty (30) days of the suspension or revocation of the license. SECTION_NINETP PRJ91Z APPROVAL OF PLrAKS A. Before any plumbing work is started or before any additions or alterations are made to old work, an application on regular printed forms properly filled out in ink and signed by a licensed master plumber shall be filed in the office of the Building Inspector, together with plans and a description in duplicate showing and describing the proposed work, except that where only stop- pages are removed or leaks repaired or where plumbing fixtures are replaced without altering or disturbing any drain, soil, waste or vent pipe, no application or permit will be required. B. The plumbing plans shall consist of such floor plans and sections as may be necessary to show clearly all the work to be done including all sewers, drains, soil, waste and vent pipelines and the location of fixtures and their traps and connections. All plans shall be drawn to scale in ink or may be the prints of such scale drawings. C. No work shall commence until the plumbing plans and specifications referred to in this section have been approved in writing by the Building Inspector. D. Modification of approved plans or of the work described therein shall not be permitted unless such changes have been previously approved in writing by the Building Inspector, on written application, signed by the owner or architect. l 5 E. Approval of all plans expires six (6) months from date of issuance of the permit unless work is in progress. If work is not begun under approved ( plans within that time, such plans shall again be presented to the Building Inspector for reconsid- eration. I SECTION TWENJY_ FEES--FOR INSTA LATIQN The Town Board shall from time to time, by resolution, fix fees for installation and inspection. SECTIQN_TWENTY-ONE;- �3gE SEWER INSPECTIaNS All house sewers between the building and the street line shall be laid by a licensed plumber under the specifications set forth. This work shall be inspected once by the Inspector upon notification by the plumber that the entire line is complete and ready for inspection. E TION TWENTYVTWO: PhAUIC and FIBER PIPE A. The use of plastic pipe for any part of the sanitary sewer system or domestic water and supply system in any structure in the Town of Mamaroneck is prohibited. B. Plastic pipe to be used in roof leaders, other storm water pipes and underground drainage pipes for ground water may not be used until samples of plastic or fiber pipe of strong and durable quality are submitted to the Building Inspector ' for approval. Only if approved, may they there- after be used in and around structures as set forth in plans submitted to the Building Inspector. E_C_TJ_Q�3 `Iti?FiL7T�d -E-L NO_T_ICP1_.Q Z7x��ATr9 sZ A. Whenever a person ,violates any of the provisions of this local law or whenever any person omits or refuses to comply with the provisions of this law or deviates from the approved plans and specifi- cations for plumbing and draining filed with the Inspector, the Building Inspector shall serve notice of violation thereof upon the master plumber doing the work and upon the owner or occupant of the premises. $. Such notice may be served personally or by mail and, if by mail, may be addressed to such master plumber at the address registered by him with the Building Inspector and upon the owner or occupant at the address given by him upon any application made by him for the plumbing work in connection with which the violation occurs; or, if no permit is obtained, notice shall be served upon the owner or occupant at the location of the work, but the failure of the master plumber to register shall relieve the Building Inspector from the require- ment of giving such notice to the master plumber. 6 - i Unless the violation is removed within five (5) I, days after the day , of serving or the mailing of such notice, exclusive of the day of serving or mailing, then each day thereafter that such vio- lation continues shall be considered a separate offense. ,qECTION T -F VIQjATIONS and PENALTIES Any person who omits or refuses to comply with or resists, willfully violates any of the provisions of this local law, or who obstructs or hinders any inspector or officer in the due performance of his duty hereunder, shall be punishable for each conviction by a fine of not less than Fifty ($50) Dollars nor more than Five Hundred ($500) Dollars, or by imprisonment in case of default in payment of the fine, for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. Each day the provisions of such law are violated after due notice has been served upon the offender in writing shall constitute a separate offense and subject the offender to a like penalty and, if the offender is a master plumber, he shall forfeit any license or certificate of competency or registration which he may hold from the Examining Board of Plumbers. Such violation shall also subject any person committing the same to a penalty in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars, recoverable in a civil action brought by or on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck. In addition, The Town may take whatever additional actions in the nature of injunction or otherwise that is otherwise provided for by law. I ,SC ION TFITENTTY-PIVE: SEVERABILITY If any term, part, provision, section, subdivision or paragraph of this law shall be held unconstitutional, invalid, or ineffective in whole or in part, such determination shall not be deemed to invalidate the remaining terms, parts, provisions, ' sections, sub- divisions and paragraphs thereof. $ECTIO A TWRNTY- SJJ,: EZEJE CTJVE DATE This local law shall become effective immediately upon filing in the Office of the Secretary of State in accordance with the Municipal Home Rule Law. (Fee Schedule on following page) i 7 AMENDMENT TO FEE SCHEDULE The following are fees with regard to plumbing which should be added to the Town Fee Schedule: FEES FOR• Entrance and Examination $25.00 Entrance and Special Examination 50.00 Certificate of Competency 25.00 Master Plumber's License 25.00 Renewal of Master Plumber's License 15.00 Certified Copy of Master Plumber's License 10.00 PERMIT FEES: Sewer Connection $25.00 1 to 9 inclusive - Plumbing Fixtures 25.00 10 to 100 inclusive - Plumbing Fixtures 2.00 each 101 to 150 inclusive - Plumbing Fixtures 1.50 each Over 150 inclusive - Plumbing Fixtures 1.00 each 11/j/p