HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990_12_5_Local_Law_No_7 Baud of Architectural Review Local Law 7-I990 1. Legislative purpose and findings. A. It is the purpose of this chapter to promote the health, safety, comfort and general welfare'of the community and to preserve and promote the character amd appearance and conserve the property values of the unincorporated area of the Down, time attractiveness of whose residential and business areas is the economic mainstay of the axmanrnity by providing procedures for an architectural review of structures hencefort-.h erected, reconstructed, altered or remodeled in the Town and, thereby: (1) Zb encourage quality exterior building design and good appearance and to relate such design and appearance to the sites and surxuurxzjWs of structures. (2) 9b permit originality and resourcefulness in building- design and appearances which are appropriate to the sites and smrtxrxmndings. (3) 2b prevent such design and appearances as are offensive to visual sensibilities. B. It has been determined thorough review which includes the Town's Master Plan Update, that there are elements of design particularly in the Zbwnls business districts which detract from property and have an adverse visual impact on the con ty. The Ztawn Board hereby finds that structures which ate visually offensive or inappropriate, by reason of poor qualities of exterior design, monotonous similarity or striking visual discord, including color, in relation to their sites or surxoundings, mar the appearance of their areas, impair the use, enjoyment and desirability and reduce the values of properties, are detrimental to the character of neighborhoods, prevent the most appropriate development and utilization of land and, therefore, adversely affect the functioning, economic stability, prosperity, health, safety and general welfare of the entire community. 2. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the followIW teens shall have the meanings indicated: PERMIT - A sign permit or building permit for the construction, reconstruction, alteration or remodeling' of any structure mentioned in section 5 hereof. 3. Creation, membership, terms of office and reaoxds of Board. There is hereby created a Board of Architectural Review which shall consist of five (5) members who shall serve without cogpen.Cation. All members of the Board shall be residents of time Ttwn and shall be specially qualified, by .reason of training or experience in architecture, land developmant, city planning, real estate, landscape architecture or other relevant business or profession or by mason of civic interest and sound judgment, to judge the effects of a proposed buildi_ny or alteration or rexiedelina therp�of rrmn im,d r7�ci ra Fri I tif�r nmmr! i,�7��� �„7 development of slr z=kI;g areas, and at .feast one' (1) member of the Board shall be a registered ardutect in the State of New York. The Chainron and other mZ9>--= of the Baud shall be appointed by the Town Board. The term of off-log of each me� shall be three (3) years, except that the first members of the Board shall be appointed as follows: Chairman and one (I) member for one (I) year; two (2) members for two (2) Years; one (1) med)er far- throe (3) years, so that herBafter the terms of office shall expire on a staggered basis. vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose position has become vacant. The 2 Ot" Board shall appoint a socretary to the Board who shall keep Or the Board cause to be Board.. kept in the 2twn Hall a complete record of all meetings of as well as a record of all transactions handled by said 4. Meetings, minutes, rules and regulations of Bo's . Meetings of the Board of Architectural Review shall be held monthly or at the call of the Chair:tan and at such other times as a majority of the Board shall determine, but shall be held within thirty (30) days of the date of the referral of any application for a building permit xeferred to the Board as A majority of said Board shall �nstiLute required in Sion 5. transaction of business. The Board shall keepminu for the ProceedLWs shOWI the vote of each p minutes of its if absent or fail" me upon each question or, ing� to vote, ;ndi atjng such fact and shall also keep copies of its exanunations and other official actions. The Board shall have pier from tine to Lune to adopt, amend and repeal rules and Of this regulations not inconsistent with law or the provisions Chapter governing its Procedure and the transaction of its business and for the purpose of Carrying into effect the standards outlined in section 6 hereof. 5. Applications for building permits. A. Every application for a permit for any structure other than a one (1) or two (2) family house or interior modifications to y structure which does not otherwise require site plan approval, a variance or result in an increase in the number tenants, shall be referred to each member of the Board of Architectural Review within seven (7) days of the date of application, provided that it Conforms in other respects to all other applicable Taws and ordinances. B. Applications must be accompanied by plans showing all elevations of new structures and all affected elevations in the case of additions, alterations or remodeling and such details as to elements of design, exterior materials and treatments, roof design, creased me exterior equiPment, service and storage areas, retaining walls, landscaping, awnings, lightposts signs, P�"�+g' areas and fences, service and leading areas and such other information as the Board of Architectural Review my r9quire. When the applicant is required by any other local law or orriinance to submit plans for approval , the applicant shall supply the same plans to the Board of Architectural Ievi.ow. The Board may also require photographs of all buildings within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the proposed structure, addition, alteration or remodeling. 6. standards for Board action: imposition of conditions. A. Approval of any application shall be by a vote of at least a majority of the m✓mbers of the Board of Architectural Review. takes^intA account � ,i• :• :-,�:yi:, uac iwcu �ixu.�. natural features of the site and surroundings, exterior design and appearance of existing structures and the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for particular pies, with a view to congemiW the values of and encouraging the mast appropriate use of the land. C. The Board my approve an application referx-sd to it upon finding that the building or structure for which the permit was requested, if erected or altered in a000rdance with the 6Ubmitt:ed plan, would be in harmony with the purpwe of this 3 chapter, would not be visually offensive or inappropriate by reason of poor quality of exterior design, monotonous similarity or visual discord, including color, in relation to the site or its sunrcmdirgs, would not mar the appearance of the area, would not impair the use, enjoyment and desirability and reduce the values of properties in the area, would not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood, would not Prevent an appropriate development and utilization of the site or of adjacent lands and would not adversely affect the functionirxT economic stability, prosperity, health, safety and general welfare of the community. D. In approving any application, the Board may imp se appropriate conditions and safeguards designed to prevent the harmful effects set forth in section 1. Such conditions and safeguards may include screening, planting, fencing or other methods of keeping from view obviously unsightly feabn-es of such buildings or structures. Except that, if site plan approval is rWlircd, the Board shall act in an advisory capacity only, with regard to elements of design and screening reviewed by the Planning Board, as is more fully set forth In Section 7 of this local law. E. If the Town Beard shall adopt an official design for any portion of any district or districts established by the Zoning Ordinance, no building or structure shall be approved by the Board of Architectural Review unless it shall conform to such Official design. P. The Board may disapprove any application for a permit, provided that the Board has afforded the applicant an opportunity to confer upon suggestions for change of the plans, and provided that the Board finds and states that the building or structure for which the permit was requested would, if erected, altered ( or remodeled as indicated, provoke one (1) or mare of the han'Lt'd effects set forth in section 1 by reason of: (I) Striking r g disc nd l ari ty, visual discord or inappropriatervess with respect to other business or cm ercial stuctuaes located or proposed to be located on the same street or a corner thereof, in respect to one (1) or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance. (a) Facade, including color. (b) Size and arrangement of doors, windows, portions or other openings, breaks or extensions in the facade. (c) CUbical content and gross floor area. (d). Wier significant design features, such as, but not limited to, heights, widths and lengths of elements of design, exterior materials and treatments, roof design, exposed mechanical egLapm°nt, service and storage areas, retaining walls, landscaping, signs, lightposts, parking areas and fences, service and (2) Visual offensiveness or other poor qualities of exterior design, including, with respect to signs, considerations of the harmany or discord of colors or incrxnpatibility of the proposed building or structure with the terrain on which it is to .be located, including but not limited to excessive divergences of the height of .levels of any part of the structure from the grade of the terrain. 4 I G. The Board of Architectural Review's written findings shall be {' filed with the Town Clerk within ten (10) days of the Board of Architectural Reviews decision. 7. Site Plan, Variances and Special Pe Mits. If any person files an application for site plan approval, variances or a special permit, the Board of Architectural Review shall require that plans and such other information set forth in this chapter., as it deems necessary, for all buildings or structures on such site, be Presented to it before a hearing is held on an application for site Plan aPProval, variances or special permit. The Board of Architectural Review shall act in an advisory capacity to the Planning Board and/o- the Zoning Board of Appeals on any elements of design contained in Chapter 66 A-5 of the 7bpmis Site Plan Review Iaw and as to aDnditions to be set by the Zoning Board of Appeals and for Planning Baird which world otherwise fall under the authority of the Board of Architectural Review. Approval by the Planning Board of Site plan or a special perAdt or approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals of variances shall not negate the requ_irert is of approval by the Board of Architectural Review, as to the design items set forth in this local law which are not otherwise delegated to the Plawling Board or Zoni_ug Board of Appeals, prior to the issuance of any building permit. To the extent that it is practical the review by the Planning Board or Zonmy Board of Appeals and the review of the Board of Arrhitectutal Review shall be concurrent. In instances where the Planning Board or ZonLW Board of Appeals do not follow the advisory recommendations of the Board Of ArrJutectural Review, the findings of the Planning Board and/or Zoning' Board of Appeals shall specify the reasons for not applying the Baird of Architectural Reviews recomeldations. S. Advisory powers of Board. The Baird of Architectural Review shall advise with respect to public bu ldings and such other matters as the Town Board, the Zoning Beard of APPeals and the Planning Board may refer to it or as my be granted it pursuant to other Local Laws or ordinance, 9. Failure of Board to act. No building permit shall be issued .if the BGarj of Arrhitectural Review does not approve the application. If the Baird of Architectural Review shall fail to approve or disapprove any application referred to it udder Section 5-A Within forty--five (45) days of the date of referral of such application to it, the application shall be deemed to have been approved unless the applicant shall have agreed to an extension of time. 10. Appeals Any applicant aggrieved by the action of the Board of Architectural RevieW in ciisapproving a building Permit application, and of the Building Inspector in denying such perndt because of such disapproval, may request the Board to make formal findings of fact within fifteen (15) days after the request is filed in the Town -i �--•- 1 ...�-.1..�.�c Sri &vv.eu� Lime CtPP-JCL t1]L WIr:n an opportunity to answer the findings by the submission of formal proof and shall within thirty (30) clays after the answer is filed xeaonsider the application on the basis of such answer. If the application is disapproved after such reconsideration, the applicant May appeal directly firm such action of the Board of Architectural Review to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Such appeal shall be taken within thirty (30) days after the decision of the Board of Arrdu.tectural Review has baen filed in the off-toe of the Town l i 5 ( app cant Imay br as is dismissed by the Zoning card of Appeals, the Article 78 of the Civil to review in the manner provided by Such Practice Lahr and Rules in the Supreme m:.st c"Mnance within Court. in the office of the ?bwn Clerk of the thirty ytseafo � films Appeals. ni gr Baud of 11. Applicability of other legislation. Mi chapter shall Supersede such provisions of the 1Dwn,s L,,ls • � and 1�gulataons as may be inconsistent herewith. 12. Penalties for offenses. Any Parson or corporation, including but not limited to the own,_,,architect or builder or the agent Or employee of any of them, who violates or is accessory to the violation of any provision of this chapter or any regulation made under the authority conferred by this chapter; or who shall urge, mnvett or 7r17ve fit' construct, reconstruct, alter, any wilding or structure without a buzld?rxg �t or in violation of any statement or plans submitted and approved and t7nc�?er the provisions of this chapter, or who shall use Y '-Idinq, structure or land in violation of this chapter or anY regulation made under the authority conferred by this chapter or in violation of the provisions of any building it_t or certificate or of ofcuPancY, or without a building permit or certificate of of OCOUPar-y where no One a required by this chapter, shall be liable, ($250.) pi- io • fine of up to two hundred fifty dollars both, for each Offense,imprisonment for each'and a than fifteen such days, 'or not continues shall co and each and every day that such violation nstitute a separate offense. The Bui7dLW Inspector shall serge or mail rx3ti� of any violation of this chapter to the last known address es men of the owner of such property as °n the co official assessment rolls or to the person or gyration axmrutting or pa=t rolls the same. In addition, the -Inspector sha11 report all violations to the DC✓n gaud. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as depriving ytPM Board of any other available the civil or the criminal nab, as provided by law, ray' Bather of a cavil or criminal 13. Public Hearings: 19'e Baud of Atrhitectuzal Review shall hold a public hearing on every ce of the made to it, notice of which hearing and the osTthstaaalce of the application shall be given by Publication in the date of such hearing of the 7bwn at least five (5) days .before the in and by such other notice as the Board of Architectutal Review, by duly adopted rule, shall require. 14. Severability: Should any provision of this local law be declared invalid, any such invalidity shall not effect any other Provision of this local law. 15. Effective Date TMS! 7Ck'A2 7—.r -)-77 s_ 1