HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991_4_3_Local_Law_No_2 Local Law No. 2-1991
A local law to amend local law #12-1985.
§24-1- Legislative intent.
The Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck recognizes that
there are state statutory provisions mandating towns to
codify rules and standards of ethical conduct for employees
and persons engaged in business with the town which, when
implemented and adhered to, will further enhance public
confidence in local government. It is the purpose of this
focal law to comply with state law, to create a Board of
Ethics, to establish standards of conduct for employees, to
prescribe certain disclosure by employees and persons engaged
in business with the town, and to set forth functions of the
Board of Ethics.
§24-2 Provisions implementing state law.
The standards, prohibited acts and procedures established by
this local law are promulgated in addition to any provisions
prescribed by the State of New York, and administrative
rulings, common law rules and judicial decisions relating to
the conduct of- employees and not in derogation thereof.
§24-3 Board of Ethics.
There is hereby established a Board of Ethics consisting of
five members to be appointed by the Town Board. All of said
members shall reside in the Town of Mamaroneck and shall
serve without compensation, for a period of three years to be
determined by the Town Board. Initial appointments are to be
staggered so that no more than two member positions will
expire in any one year. A majority of such members shall be
persons other than town employees but shall include at least
one (1) member who is an elected or appointed town employee.
§24-4 Definitions.
For the purpose of this local law, the terms used herein are
defined as follows;
TOWN - Any board, commission, district, council, court, or
other agency, department, unit or subdivision, of the
. government of the Town of .Mamaroneck.
EMPLOYEE - Each officer, volunteer or employee of the Town of
Mamaroneck, whether paid or unpaid, whether elected or
appointed, whether serving in a full-time, part-time or
advisory capacity.
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Volunteers whose responsibilities do not give rise to
possible violations of these rules shall not be considered
employees for the purpose of this Code. The Town Board
shall determine which volunteers shall be considered
employees for this purpose.
SENSITIVE POSITIONS - The following positions entail
potential conflicts of interest and are deemed to be
sensitive positions: Supervisor, Member of the Town
Council, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Town Justice, Town
Administrator, Counsel to the Town or Town Attorney, Town
Prosecutor, Superintendent of Highways, Superintendent of
Recreation, Building Inspector, Assistant Building
Inspector, Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Fire Inspector,
Police Commissioner, Chief of Police, Comptroller, Deputy
Comptroller, Director of Public Housing, Public Housing
Administrator, Town Engineer or Consulting Engineer, Senior
Engineering Aide, Assessor, Member of the Board of Review,
Real Property Appraiser, General Foreman, Member of the
Planning Board, Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and
Counsel to the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of
Appeals. In the event that a new position is created at a
later date which the Town Administrator deems to be
sensitive then such position shall be added to this list
upon the adoption of a resolution by the Town Board.
§24-5 Standards of conduct for employees.
Each employee shall endeavor to pursue a course of conduct
that will avoid not only an actual conflict of interest but
also the appearance of a conflict of interest, and each
employee shall avoid engaging in any acts that would
violate his/her public trust.
A. Conflicts of interest.
1. No employee shall have any interest, financial or
otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business,
service, transaction, or professional activity or incur any
obligation of any nature that is or might reasonably appear
to be in conflict with the proper and impartial discharge
of his/her public duties.
2. No employee shall engage in any transaction as a
representative or agent of the town with any business
entity in which he/she has a direct or indirect interest,
financial or otherwise, if such transaction will conflict
or would reasonably appear to conflict with the proper and
impartial discharge of his/her public dutues.
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3. No employee shall solicit, negotiate for, accept or
promise to accept employment by any person, firm or
corporation with which the employee or his/her department
is engaged in the transaction of business on behalf of the
town and which might reasonably appear to affect or impair
his/her independence of judgment in the exercise of
official duties.
B. Improper conduct.
1. No employee shall, except in the performance of
his/her duties, use or attempt to use his/her official
position to secure or deny privileges, benefits or
exemptions for himself/herself or others, nor shall an
employee act so that a reasonable person might conclude
that the employee intended to use his/ her official
position to secure or deny privileges, benefits or
exemptions for himself/herself or others or that any person
could improperly influence him/her in the performance of
his/her official duties by offering the employee a
privilege, benefit or exemption.
2 . No employee, in the performance of his/her official
duties, shall give any special consideration, treatment,
favor, or advantage to any citizen beyond that which is
available to every other citizen.
C. Treatment of confidential information.
1. No employee shall disclose confidential information
acquired by him/ her in the course of performing his/her
public duties or use such information to further his/her
private interests or the private interests of any other
person or entity.
2 . No employee shall accept employment or engage in any
business or professional activity that will require him to
disclose confidential information that he/she has gained by
reason of his/her official position or authority.
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D. Use of town property or employees.
1. No employee shall direct or cause any other employee
to do or perform any service or work within the hours of
employment by the town where the service or work is outside
the scope of his/her official duties or employment for the
town, nor shall any town employee perform such service or
2 . No employee shall request or permit the use of
town-owned vehicles, equipment, materials, or property for
his/her own personal convenience or profit other than for
the use of the employee in the conduct of his/her official
E. Solicitation or acceptance of gifts and favors.
No employee shall solicit or accept any gift, favor or
other thing of value, irrespective of form, either directly
or indirectly, from any person, firm or corporation which
the employee has a reasonable basis to believe is
interested directly or indirectly in any matter or business
dealing with the town, and under circumstances in which a
reasonable person could infer that the gift or favor was
intended to influence the employee in the performance of
his/her official duties.
F. Prohibited political activities.
No paid employee or employee in a sensitive position shall
solicit, directly or indirectly, any contribution of money,
property or service for any town political organization,
campaign, or candidate from a paid, non-elected employee.
No paid, non-elected employee shall make any such
G. Representation of private interests before the town.
No employee in a sensitive position shall represent an
interest in a matter, either in support or in opposition,
that is pending before the town nor shall an employee in a
sensitive position represent any party other than the town
in litigation in which the town is a party. In this
paragraph, the term "employee,$ shall include any partner or
employee of a partnership or shareholder or employee of a
personal service corporation which represents such
interest. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as
prohibiting an employee from appearing before the zoning
board on an application for a variance concerning his/her
personal residence or from participating as a litigant
against the Town.
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H. Future employment.
No employee, after the termination of his/her public
service to the town, may represent a party or appear before
the town in connection with any matter, case or application
in which he/she personally participated during the period
of his/her town service, or which was pending or under
consideration in the department in which the employee
worked at the time of his/her town service and of which the
town employee had personal knowledge. Employees in
sensitive positions may not appear before any town board or
commission on behalf of any other party for a period of two
years after termination of his/her public service to the
town. In this paragraph, the term "employeell shall include
any partner or employee of a partnership or shareholder or
employee of a personal service corporation which represents
such party or appears in such matter. This provision does
not apply to investigations by the town or court actions
for which the employee might be asked to serve as a witness
regarding actions during his/her town service.
I. Violations.
In addition to any penalty contained in any other
provisions of law, any employee who shall knowingly and
willfully violate any of the provisions of this local law
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be subject to a
fine of up to $1000 and/or imprisonment of up to six (6)
months in jail and shall be further subject to suspension
or removal from office or employment in the manner provided
by law. Any person who shall knowingly and willfully
violate any of the foregoing provisions of this code shall,
upon conviction thereof, forfeit employment with the town.
§24- 6 Disclosure.
A. Each employee in a sensitive position shall on or before
January 31 of each year, or if not in such a position on
that date, then within 30 days after assuming such a
position, and any employee requested at any time by the
Hoard of Ethics to file a disclosure statement shall file a
disclosure statement setting forth his/her property
ownership in the town and such information as to his/her
employment and financial interests as may be set forth in a
form prescribed by the Hoard of Ethics. The information
requested of an employee may also include information about
the employees's spouse or other person to whom the employee
is related or with whom the employee has a business or
financial relationship. such form shall be filed with the
Town Clerk's office and shall be available for inspection
by all persons upon written request. Further
information shall be filed by an employee in a sensitive
position when reasonably requested by the Board of Ethics
at any time. The employee shall promptly file a report of
any change as to the information previously filed.
B. On or before the date set forth in §24-6A, each employee
shall also file a statement on the form prescribed by the
Board of Ethics stating that he/she has read the Code of
Ethics, understands the Code of Ethics and has not violated
the Code of Ethics.
C. Any employee who has a direct or indirect financial or
other interest in any matter before the Town Board, and who
participates in any discussion before or makes a
recommendation to, or gives an opinion to the Town Board on
that matter, shall publicly disclose on the official record
the nature and extent of such interest.
D. Refusal by an employee to file a disclosure statement may
be grounds for dismissal from employment or other
disciplinary action.
E. Persons seeking to do business with the town or engaged in
business with the town must inform the town in writing
about any contribution of money, property or service to any
town political organization, campaign or candidate.
Failure of a person making such a contribution to inform
the town about it will be grounds for the townfs turning
down a proposal for business or terminating existing
business with such person.
§24-7 Functions of the Board of Ethics.
A. Disclosure procedure.
1. Review of disclosure statements.
The Board of Ethics shall review all employee disclosure
statements. It shall consider possible conflicts of
interest and render advisory opinions to the Town Board
where conflicts of interest may exist.
2. Notification.
An employee shall be notified by mail if the Board of
Ethics requires clarification or has questions about
his/her disclosure statement or intends to render an
opinion that a conflict of interest may exist. The
employee. shall have an opportunity to file a written
response to such communication prior to the Board of
Ethics, reporting a possible conflict of interest.
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3 . Personal Conference.
A personal conference with an employee shall be held if
requested by the employee or by the Board of Ethics.
B. Advisory Opinions.
1. The Board of Ethics shall render advisory opinions to
employees upon their written request, and to the Town Board
upon its written request.
2 . An advisory opinion rendered at the request of an
employee asking about a possible, prospective action or
situation shall be confidential, and the identity of the
employee shall not be disclosed if no action is taken by
the employee in apparent violation of the Code.
3 . An advisory opinion rendered at the request of the
Town Board shall be filed with the Town Board.
C. Violations.
The Board of Ethics shall refer apparent violations to the
Counsel to the Town or to the Town Attorney for appropriate
D Request for Opinion of the Counsel to the Town or the Town
The Board of Ethics may consult with and request the
opinion of the Counsel to the Town or Town Attorney.
E. Recommendations.
Upon request of the Town Board, the Board of Ethics shall
make recommendations to the Town Board as to any amendments
of this local law.
F. Referral.
The Board of Ethics may refer any matter within its
jurisdiction to the County Ethics Board.
G. Rules and Regulations.
The Board of Ethics, upon its formation, shall promulgate
its own rules and regulations as to its form and
procedures, shall , maintain appropriate records of its
opinions and proceedings, and make such reports as it
believes useful.
§24-8 Copies distributed to employees; posting of local law.
Upon the adoption of this local law, the Town supervisor
shall cause a copy thereof to be distributed to every
employee of the town. Each town employee shall acknowledge
receipt of a copy of this local law and affirm that his/her
compliance with its provisions is a condition of his/her
employment or elected position. Failure to distribute such
copy or failure of any town employee to receive such copy,
however, shall have no effect on the duty of compliance
with this code, nor the enforcement of provisions hereof.
The Town supervisor shall, further, cause a copy of this
local law to be kept posted conspicuously in each public
building under the jurisdiction of the town. Failure to so
post this local law, however, shall have no effect on the
duty of compliance herewith, nor the enforcement of
provisions hereof.
§24-9 Copy to be filed.
Within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this local law
the Town Clerk shall file a copy thereof in the office of
the State Comptroller.
924-10 Appropriation of funds.
The Town Board may appropriate necessary moneys from the
general town funds for the maintenance of and for the
personnel services to the Board of Ethics established
hereunder. The Board of Ethics may not, however, commit
the expenditure of town moneys except within the appro-
priations provided by the Town Board.
§24-11 Severability.
Should any provision of this local law be found illegal or
unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such
finding shall not affect any other provision of this local
§24-12 When Effective.
This law shall take effect immediately.
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