HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996_9_25_Local_Law_No_8 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE
Local Law Filing 162 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NY 12231
(Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.)
Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not
use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.
IRJUXX of Mamaroneck
Town ................................................................................................
Local Law No. ...............I.................................... of the year 19 91....
A local law So amend Loeat Law No. 10-1985, Thee Pkaenvation
(Insert Title
Be it enacted by the Town Boaxd
..........................................................................................................................................of the
(Name of Legislative Body
X of ............. v Mama/roneck........... ...........................I......... as follows:
A toea.2 .haw to amend Loea2 Law No. 10-1985, Tnee PnezeAvati.on
1 . The PuApo.ae o4 tW amendment to Loeat Law No. 10 o� 1985 is to modiAy
the makeup of the Tnee P&aeAvati,on Commiuion.
t 2. Tnee Preservation Comm"zion, Section 76 A-3 6hatt be amended to read
as Got towd:
(A) The Town Board bhatt cAeate a Tnee Pnezenvat-i.on Commiz.6ion
which .shah consizt o6 the Enviunmentat Coor(.dinaton, Building
inzpeeton and the cha4Apeuon o4 the Comenvation Adv.vsony
Comm""ion on a membeA o� the Commi64ion dezignated by the
chaiApeuon oA the Comeh.vati_on Advizony CommizAion.
3. Ei6ec i,ve date: T�tiz tocat .haw 6ha,U become esjeeti,ve .immediatety.
(If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)
DOS-239 (Rev. 7/90)