HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_7_20_Local_Law_No_6 I ih I r • LOCAL LAW ## 6 - 1994 RECREATION ZONE Z. Purpose: The Town Board recognizes that open space and recreational facilities within the Town of Mamaroneck are a rapidly diminishing resource of the community. Such open space and facilities are necessary in order to maintain the character of the Town of Mamaroneck as a suburban community and to reduce the. adverse effects of over-building. In addition, the last remaining large areas of open space within the Town of Mamaroneck are located in areas of the Town where excessive construction could have severe, adverse impacts upon downstream properties as a result of storm water runoff . These open spaces are of sufficient significance so as to be listed on a County-wide inventory of open space. The Town of Mamaroneck, through its Local Waterfront Revitalization Program has recognized the significant I interrelationship of development in a haphazard and unplanned manner and adverse environmental consequences for surrounding properties, particularly when those properties, are located in watershed areas . The areas in question have been designated as Critical Environmental Areas by the Town's own local environmental laws and the Town' s Master ` Plan has recognized I gIlized the importance of protecting these areas . The purpose of this local law is to insure the maintenance Of important open space and recreational resources within the Town, reduce the potential for substantial flood hazard and maintain the suburban quality of the community as a whole. I 2 . Section 89-4 of the Zoning Ordinance entitled "Districts Establishment" shall be amended by adding the following district: Recreation (R) 3 . §89-5 is amended to reflect the changes set forth on the Zoning Map of the Town of Mamaroneck which are annexed hereto. . Add new §89-20.1 - Recreation (R) District A. Principal Uses : 1 . Private recreation facilities, including golf, tennis, and/or swimming clubs; along with clubhouses with accessory restaurants and catering i f i facilities, used in conjunction with a recreational facility. 2 . Other uses similar to those listed in the preceding paragraph, provided the Planning Board makes specific findings that the use is in full conformity with the purposes and intent of this zone district, all general and special requirements of the district and that the use has no greater impact upon open space, traffic, and drainage than any of the specifically enumerated uses . B. Special Permit Uses : 1 . Public playground or park, including golf, tennis, and/or swimming clubs . This provision shall apply to the Town in addition to any other municipal government or authority. 2 . a. Special Permits shall be issued by the Planning Board provided there is a finding that all general and special conditions are met . b. The Planning Board shall require that no special permit is issued until a traffic study is conducted which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that the proposed use shall not adversely impact upon traffic in the surrounding area, to a greater degree than any other Principal Use permitted in the zone. C. Accessory Uses (when located on the same lot with the principal uses to which they are accessory) . 1. Off street parking in accordance with H89-63 through 89-66 . 2 . Cabanas, lockers, snack bars, and/or pro shops . 3 . Maintenance sheds and/or garages. 4 . Signs as provided in Article XIV of the Building Code. 5 . Playing fields and courts for baseball, volleyball, basketball and similar sports . 6 . Playgrounds and picnic areas . x 7 ! % 7 . No more than one residence for caretakers and staff of a recreational facility consisting of no more than ten (10) sleeping rooms or three (3) dwelling units . 8 . Cross country skiing, sledding, ice skating and similar winter sports, however, winter sports using mechanized or motorized equipment is prohibited. 9 . Child care facility limited to children of members or quests of the recreational facility, and used only while the members or quests are using the recreational facilities . D. Special Requirements : 1 . The Planning Board shall review the design of all site plans of properties located in this district: a. So as to preserve to the maximum extent possible wetlands, wetland control areas, flood hazard areas, designated Critical Environmental Areas, and other unique natural features, including but not limited to the highest crest of hills, natural rock outcroppings, and major tree belts; b. To insure that no construction takes place on areas which have slopes greater than 25 percent prior to any disturbance of the natural contours of the property or" on wetland control areas . A slope shall be computed by taking a percentage in which the vertical distance is the numerator and the horizontal distance is the denominator calculated by measuring the vertical rise using two foot contours, in a thirty foot horizontal length; C. To minimize cut and fill, roads should follow natural topography wherever possible. 2 . There shall be maintained a minimum of twenty (20) percent of the area of a parcel as a permanent open space. For the purposes of this section, permanent open space shall be an area exclusive of fairways, tees, greens or other areas of active recreational use, which shall be kept undisturbed and in its natural state, including areas designated as wetlands . �y. 5 . Add §89-35 . 1 Recreation (R) District . A. Lot Requirements 1 . Minimum lot area 50 acres . 2 . Minimum lot width and length of street line frontage 300 feet . Minimum lot depth 500 feet . -3 . Perimeter buffer area around the entire perimeter of the property, in which no court, pool, field, green, fairway, tee or structure may be placed, of no less than 40 feet in width. The Planning Board shall approve appropriate screening within the buffer area so as to minimize visual, sound and fa other impacts on adjacent property. i B. Yards, Courts, and Open Space 1. Minimum front yard 150 feet . On a corner lot a front yard should be provided on each street (see §89-44F) . No parking may be placed in any required front yard. 2 . Minimum side yard, 75 feet for each side yard. Minimum rear yard 100 feet . 3 . Principal and accessory uses are not permitted in required front yards . 4 . Accessory uses require a minimum fort 4 y ( 0) foot rear yard and forty (40) foot minimum for each side yard. C. Coverage 1 . No principal buildings or combination of principal buildings on the site shall have a coverage which exceeds 1 percent of the total area of the lot. 2 . The total of all buildings shall not exceed an area of 1 .25 percent of the total lot area. D. Maximum Height 1. In stories, 2M stories; in feet, 35 feet. E. ' Off street . Minimum number of off-street parking spaces; as required by sections 89-63 through 89-66 . F. Minimum off-street loading spaces : see section 89--70 . I G. All permitted storage shall be entirely within a building except for parking and loading vehicles . H. All lighting shall be located and shaded in a manner so that the light source itself is riot visible beyond the boundaries of the lot on which it is located. 6 . Add to §89-66 A. lype of use Minimum recruirements Private Golf Courses two (2) parking spaces for each acre of land contained in the course Public golf courses 2 .5 spaces for each acre of land contained in the course Public multiple use 2 .5 spaces per acre on a recreational course; facilities one (1) space for every three (3) bathers in a swimming pool y Tennis public or three (3) spaces per court private Private swimming one (1) space for each three pools (3) bathers Soccer, football and ten (10) spaces for each field baseball fields plus one (1) space for every five (5) spectator seats �7 . Severability - Should any provision of this local law be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this local law which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provision.