HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996_7_17_Local_Law_No_14 PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 1996 A LOCAL LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE CODIFICATION OF THE LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES AND CERTAIN RESOLUTIONS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK INTO A MUNICIPAL CODE TO BE DESIGNATED THE"CODE OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK" This local law: (1)States the legislative intent of the Town Board in adopting the Code. (2)Provides for the designation of the local laws,ordinances and certain resolutions of the Town of Mamaroneck as the"Code of the Town of Mamaroneck." (3)Repeals local laws and ordinances of a general and permanent nature not included in the Code, except as provided. (4)Saves from repeal certain local laws and ordinances and designates certain matters not affected by repeal. (5)Retains the meaning and intent of previously adopted legislation. (6)Provides for the filing of a copy of the Code in the Town Clerk's office. (7)Provides for certain changes in or additions to the Code. (8)Prescribes the manner in which amendments and new legislation are to be incorporated into the Code. (9)Requires that Code books be kept up-to-date. (10 Provides for the sale of Code books by the town and the supplementation thereof. (11)Prohibits tampering with Code books,with offenses punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars($250.or by imprisonment for not more than fifteen(15)days,or both. (12)Establishes severability provisions with respect to the Code generally. (13)Provides that the local law will be included in the Code as Chapter I,Article I. (14)Adopts the"Code of the Town of Mamaroneck,"the Table of Contents of which is as follows: TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION CHAPTER 1. General Provisions Article 1 Adoption of Code Article II Legislation Enacted During Codification 3. Architectural Review,Board of 8. Coastal Zone Management Commission 12.Conservation Advisory Commission 17. Ethics Article I Code of Ethics Article II Disclosure Statement 26. Officers and Employees Article 1 Defense and Indemnification Article II Receiver of Taxes Article III Term of Town Clerk 32. Police Department Article t Police Escort Service Article II Administration 36. Residency Requirements 40. Summonses 45. Traffic Violations Bureau PART II GENERAL LEGISLATION 50. Alarm Systems 52. Alcoholic Beverages 55. Amusement Devices, Mechanical 58. Animals Article I General Provisions Article II Removal of Canine Waste 65. Bingo 71. Buildings, Unsafe 74. Cable Television 77. Conservation Areas 82. Dances and Dance Halls 86. Discrimination 90. Electrical Standards 92. Environmental Quality Review 95. Erosion and Sediment Control 97. Fees 100. Firearms Article I Discharge of Firearms Article II Sale and Use 102. Fire Hydrants 103. Fire Limits 106. Fire Prevention and Building Construction Part 1 Fire Prevention Part 2 Building Construction 108. Fire Safety Zones 110. Flood Damage Prevention 114. Freshwater Wetlands 117. Garage Sales 122. Helicopters and Other Aircraft 137. Motels 141. Noise Article I General Provision Article II Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered Blowers 147. Parking Lots,Town-Owned 154. Peddling and Soliciting 158. Plumbing 161. Property Maintenance Article I Lot Maintenance Article II Residential and Commercial Properties 167. Records Article I Public Access to Records 173. Sewers .175. Signs 177. Site Plan Review 183. Solid Waste 187. Streets and Sidewalks 190. Subdivision of Land 192. Swimming Pools 195. Taxation Article I Business Investment Exemption Article it Senior Citizens Tax Exemption Article ill Exemption for Improvements to Aid Handicapped Article IV Abatement for Rent-Controlled Properties Occupied by Senior Citizens 198. Taxicabs 202. Tenant Protection 207. Trees' 216. Vehicles,Abandoned 219. Vehicles and Traffic 226. Vehicles,Off-Road 231. Water Article I Water Conservation 233. Waterfowl 234. Waterfront Revitalization 240. Zoning 241. Zoning(continued)