HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003_11_19_Local_Law_No_23 Local Law No. 23 -2003 This local law shall be known as the "Design Requirements and Guidelines for the Improvement of Properties in certain Non-Residential Districts of the Town of Mamaroneck" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck as follows: Section 1 - Purpose. The Town Board has determined that future development of properties in the Town's Business District, Service Business District, Business-Mixed Use Business District and Urban Renewal Areas District should be governed by more specific design criteria to provide the Boards responsible for approving site plans and issuing special permits with the statutory predicate for the orderly and proper development of Mamaroneck's business community. Section 2 -Amendment to an Existing Section of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 240-45 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended by adding the following paragraph to it: H. Design Requirements and Guidelines. (1) There are five areas where careful attention to design is warranted. Those areas are: (i) building design, (ii) landscaping on the perimeter of a lot and within its parking area, (iii) signs and exterior lighting, (iv) placement of buildings on lots and (v) parking, internal traffic circulation and curb cuts. Criteria for each such design element are set forth in paragraphs (8) (i) through (v) of this section. (2) In general: (i) for lots in this district having frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of these criteria are to ensure that the Boston Post Road in the Town of Mamaroneck develops into an attractive and convenient business district for the town, functions as a focal point for local residents and through-travelers and blends landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way; and, (ii) for lots in this district that do not have frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of the criteria set forth in this section are to ensure that these areas in the Town of Mamaroneck become convenient for local residents and through- travelers and develop into attractive parcels that blend landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way. (3) Applicants are discouraged from proposing standardized corporate franchise design. (4) In addition to complying with the standards, requirements and guidelines contained in this section, all applicants shall propose customized, site-specific designs that satisfy the criteria contained in Chapter 3 of the Code. In situations where any provision of Chapter 3 of the Code is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this section, the provisions of this section shall apply. (5) For any project which requires site plan approval and/or a special permit ("Board Approval") and involves any of the work described in paragraphs (a) through (g), below, the Board having the authority to issue such approval and/or permit (the "Issuing Board") shall not do so without first obtaining an advisory opinion from the Board of Architectural Review with respect to the design criteria contained in paragraphs 8 (i) through (iii) of this section. (a) Construction of a new structure; (b) Relocation of an existing structure; (c) Demolition or razing of all or a portion of the exterior of an existing structure; (d) Addition to or alteration of the exterior wall of an existing structure by tearing down or removing any portion thereof, or, by filling in, sealing, boarding up, closing or enclosing any portion of an existing window or door space of an existing structure; (e) Alteration of any roofline; (f) Construction, enlargement or alteration of any non-landscaped area on a lot, including, but not limited to, parking areas, access lanes, sidewalks, loading, refuse or storage areas; or (g) The removal or change to landscaping on the lot. (6) Prior to conducting a public hearing on an application requiring Board Approval, the Issuing Board shall refer the application to the Board of Architectural Review for an advisory opinion regarding the proposed project's (a) Building design; (b) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area; and (c) Signs and exterior lighting. (7) In determining whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit, the Issuing Board shall consider the opinion rendered by the Board of Architectural Review and decide whether to accept or reject that Board's recommendations, in whole or in part. It shall also apply the design review criteria set forth below with respect to the proposed projects (a) Placement of buildings on the lot and (b) Parking, internal traffic circulation, and curb cuts. 2 (8) The design criteria to be applied by the Board of Architectural Review when rendering its advisory opinion and by the Issuing Board in determining whether to accept or reject the Board of Architectural Review's opinion in whole or in part and in deciding whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit are: (i) Building design. (a) At least 40% of the primary structure's front elevation at street level shall be window. (b) Structures situated at corners should "wrap" the corner by continuing facade elements on all street elevations, with such elements as the overall building material and window design, and horizontal features such as the cornice. (c) Main building entrances shall face the street and shall be easily identifiable and scaled to the size of the street that they face. (d) Proposed changes in exterior architectural features shall be in harmonious relationship to the remainder of the structure and to the surrounding area. Unity and compatibility with adjacent structures is to be achieved to the maximum extent possible. Areas of review shall include the scale and general size of the structure or structures in relationship to the existing surroundings; specifically, the structure's overall height, width, street frontage, number of stories, roof type, facade openings ( Windows, doors, etc ), and architectural details. (e) Treatment of the sides and the rear of the structures shall be comparable in a appearance and amenity to the treatment given to the street frontage elevation. f) Building materials and colors should be selected which avoid jarring and incongruous contrasts, both within new development and seen against existing structures. (ii) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area. (a) The proposal landscaping shall (i) visually bind the primary structure into the larger streetscape fabric or soften the edge of a freestanding structure, (ii) provide shade, windbreak, and glare reduction to pedestrians and parked cars, (iii) physically separate pedestrians from vehicles, and (iv) provide pervious surface to assist in storm water management. (b) A coordinated landscaped design shall be required, incorporating open space and/or recreation if appropriate, walks, access drives, parking areas, and lot perimeter. The following areas shall be landscaped: 1. Along the public right-of-way. (a) Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, one shade tree shall be planted for every 30 feet of frontage, excluding curb cut openings. Additional front yard landscaping shall be required. 3 2. Along the parking lot's perimeter. (a) The landscaped perimeter strip shall be a minimum of five feet wide. Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, one tree and three shrubs shall be planted for every 35 linear feet. 3. Within the parking lot's interior, where appropriate. (a) Planting islands shall be evenly spaced within the parking lot. (b) No planting island shall be less than five feet wide in any dimension. (c) Plants shall be a mix of shrubs, deciduous trees, evergreen trees, and groundcover. (d) Existing parking areas shall either install landscaped islands, or increase the number of landscaped islands to the maximum extent practicable. (e) All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition. (iii) Signs and exterior lighting. In addition to the provisions of Chapter 175 of the Code, the following provisions shall be applied: (a) Signs shall not be mounted on a pole. Signs shall be wall signs, projecting signs, monument signs, or hanging signs. (b) No one business shall exceed two signs on the premises. (c) Multiple uses on a lot shall have coordinated signage. (d) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. (e) All exterior lighting shall be of such a type and location and shall have such shielding as will direct the light downward and will prevent the light from shining directly on any adjacent residential property or street. Site illumination for uncovered areas shall be evenly distributed. (iv) Placement of buildings on the lot. (a) Primary structures should be placed as close as practicable to the front yard setback line. The preferred build-to line shall be 10 feet or less, for non- residential structures, from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. The preferred build-to line for residential structures shall be 10 feet from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. (b) In developments where there will be more than one structure on a single site, such structures, and their signage, landscaping, and lighting, shall be designed as an integrated part of an overall site design related to other surrounding development and topographical conditions. (v) Parking, internal circulation, and curb cuts. (a) To the maximum extent practicable, parking shall be located to the side and/or rear of the primary structure. (b) No more than ten percent of the parking may be located as convenience (short-term) parking in front of the primary structure. 4 (c) Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, including but not limited to, a demonstration by the applicant that it cannot coordinate internal parking lot circulation for its property with the parking area on an adjacent lot, no lot shall be allowed more than one curb cut. Internal parking lot circulation shall be encouraged between adjoining lots. Section 3 -Amendment to an Existing Section of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 240-46 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended by adding the following paragraph to it: H. Design Requirements and Guidelines. (1) There are five areas where careful attention to design is warranted. Those areas are: (i) building design, (ii) landscaping on the perimeter of a lot and within its parking area, (iii) signs and exterior lighting, (iv) placement of buildings on lots and (v) parking, internal traffic circulation and curb cuts. Criteria for each such design element are set forth in paragraphs (8) (i) through (v) of this section. (2) In general: (i) for lots in this district having frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of these criteria are to ensure that the Boston Post Road in the Town of Mamaroneck develops into an attractive and convenient business district for the town, functions as a focal point for local residents and through-travelers and blends landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way; and, (ii) for lots in this district that do not have frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of the criteria set forth in this section are to ensure that these areas in the Town of Mamaroneck become convenient for local residents and through-travelers and develop into attractive parcels that blend landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way. (3) Applicants are discouraged from proposing standardized corporate franchise design. (4) In addition to complying with the standards, requirements and guidelines contained in this section, all applicants shall propose customized, site-specific designs that satisfy the criteria contained in Chapter 3 of the Code. In situations where any provision of Chapter 3 of the Code is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this section, the provisions of this section shall apply. (5) For any project which requires site plan approval and/or a special permit ("Board Approval") and involves any of the work described in paragraphs (a) through (g), below, the Board having the authority to issue such approval and/or 5 permit (the "Issuing Board") shall not do so without first obtaining an advisory opinion from the Board of Architectural Review with respect to the design criteria contained in paragraphs 8 (i) through (iii) of this section. (a) Construction of a new structure; (b) Relocation of an existing structure; (c) Demolition or razing of all or a portion of the exterior of an existing structure; (d) Addition to or alteration of the exterior wall of an existing structure by tearing down or removing any portion thereof, or, by filling in, sealing, boarding up, closing or enclosing any portion of an existing window or door space of an existing structure; (e) Alteration of any roofline; (f) Construction, enlargement or alteration of any non-landscaped area on a lot, including, but not limited to, parking areas, access lanes, sidewalks, loading, refuse or storage areas; or (g) The removal or change to landscaping on the lot. (6) Prior to conducting a public hearing on an application requiring Board Approval, the Issuing Board shall refer the application to the Board of Architectural Review for an advisory opinion regarding the proposed project's (a) Building design; (b) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area; and (c) Signs and exterior lighting. (7) In determining whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit, the Issuing Board shall consider the opinion rendered by the Board of Architectural Review and decide whether to accept or reject that Board's recommendations, in whole or in part. It shall also apply the design review criteria set forth below with respect to the proposed project's (a) Placement of buildings on the lot and (b) Parking, internal traffic circulation, and curb cuts. (8) The design criteria to be applied by the Board of Architectural Review when rendering its advisory opinion and by the Issuing Board in determining whether to accept or reject the Board of Architectural Review's opinion in whole or in part and in deciding whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit are: (i) Building design. (a) At least 40% of the primary structure's front elevation at street level shall be window. (b) Structures situated at corners should "wrap" the corner by continuing fagade elements on all street elevations, with such elements as the overall building material and window design, and horizontal features such as the cornice. 6 (c) Main building entrances shall face the street and shall be easily identifiable and scaled to the size of the street that they face. (d) Proposed changes in exterior architectural features shall be in harmonious relationship to the remainder of the structure and to the surrounding area. Unity and compatibility with adjacent structures is to be achieved to the maximum extent possible. Areas of review shall include the scale and general size of the structure or structures in relationship to the existing surroundings; specifically, the structure's overall height, width, street frontage, number of stories, roof type, facade openings (windows, doors, etc.), and architectural details. (e) Treatment of the sides and the rear of the structures shall be comparable in appearance and amenity to the treatment given to the street frontage elevation. (f) Building materials and colors should be selected which avoid jarring and incongruous contrasts, both within new development and when seen against existing structures. ii) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area. (a) The proposed landscaping shall (i) visually bind the primary structure into the larger streetscape fabric or soften the edge of a freestanding structure, (ii) provide shade, windbreak, and glare reduction to pedestrians and parked cars, (iii) physically separate pedestrians from vehicles, and (iv) provide pervious surfaces to assist in storm water management. (b) A coordinated landscaped design shall be required, incorporating open space and/or recreation if appropriate, walks access drives, parking areas, and lot perimeter. The following areas shall be landscaped: 4. Along the public right-of-way. (a) Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, one shade shall be planted for every 30 feet of frontage, excluding curb cut openings. Additional front yard landscaping shall be required. 5. Along the parking lot's perimeter. (a) the landscaped perimeter strip shall be a minimum of five feet wide. Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, on tree and three shrubs shall be planted for every 35 linear feet. 6. Within the parking lot's interior, where appropriate. (a) Planting islands shall be evenly spaced within the parking lot. (b) No planting island shall be less than five feet wide in any dimension. 7 (c) Plants shall be a mix of shrubs, deciduous trees, evergreen trees, and groundcover. (d) Existing parking areas shall either install landscaped islands, or increase the number of landscaped islands to the maximum extent practicable. (e) All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition. (iii) Signs and exterior lighting. In addition to the provisions of Chapter 175 of the Code, the following provisions shall be applied: (a) Signs shall not be mounted on a pole. Signs shall be wall signs, projecting signs, monument signs, or hanging signs. (b) No one business shall exceed two signs on the premises. (c) Multiple uses on a lot shall have coordinated signage. (d) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. (e) All exterior lighting shall be of such a type and location and shall have such shielding as will direct the light downward and will prevent the light from shining directly on any adjacent residential property or street. Site illumination for uncovered areas shall be evenly distributed. (iv) Placement of buildings on the lot. (a) Primary structures should be placed as close as practicable to the front yard setback line. The preferred build-to line shall be 10 feet or less, for non- residential structures, from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. The preferred build-to line for residential structures shall be 10 feet from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. (b) In developments where there will be more than one structure on a single site, such structures, and their signage, landscaping, and lighting, shall be designed as an integrated part of an overall site design related to other surrounding development and topographical conditions. (v) Parking, internal circulation, and curb cuts. (a) To the maximum extent practicable, parking shall be located to the side and/or rear of the primary structure. (b) No more than ten percent of the parking may be located as convenience (short-term) parking in front of the primary structure. (c)Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, including but not limited to, a demonstration by the applicant that it cannot coordinate internal parking lot circulation for its property with the parking area on an adjacent lot, no lot shall be allowed more than one curb cut. Internal parking lot circulation shall be encouraged between adjoining lots. 8 Section 5 -Amendment to an Existing Section of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 240-47 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended by deleting the word "bulk" from the introductory sentence of the section and by adding the following paragraph to it: H. Design Requirements and Guidelines. (1) There are five areas where careful attention to design is warranted. Those areas are: (i) building design, (ii) landscaping on the perimeter of a lot and within its parking area, (iii) signs and exterior lighting, (iv) placement of buildings on lots and (v) parking, internal traffic circulation and curb cuts. Criteria for each such design element are set forth in paragraphs (8) (i) through (v) of this section. (2) In general: (i) for lots in this district having frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of these criteria are to ensure that the Boston Post Road in the Town of Mamaroneck develops into an attractive and convenient business district for the town, functions as a focal point for local residents and through- travelers and blends landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way; and, (ii) for lots in this district that do not have frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of the criteria set forth in this section are to ensure that these areas in the Town of Mamaroneck become convenient for local residents and through-travelers and develop into attractive parcels that blend landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way. (3) Applicants are discouraged from proposing standardized corporate franchise design. (4) In addition to complying with the standards, requirements and guidelines contained in this section, all applicants shall propose customized, site-specific designs that satisfy the criteria contained in Chapter 3 of the Code. In situations where any provision of Chapter 3 of the Code is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this section, the provisions of this section shall apply. (5) For any project which requires site plan approval and/or a special permit ("Board Approval") and involves any of the work described in paragraphs (a) through (g), below, the Board having the authority to issue such approval and/or permit (the "Issuing Board") shall not do so without first obtaining an advisory opinion from the Board of Architectural Review with respect to the design criteria contained in paragraphs 8 (i) through (iii) of this section. (a) Construction of a new structure; (b) Relocation of an existing structure; (c) Demolition or razing of all or a portion of the exterior of an existing structure; 9 (d) Addition to or alteration of the exterior wall of an existing structure by tearing down or removing any portion thereof, or, by filling in, sealing, boarding up, closing or enclosing any portion of an existing window or door space of an existing structure; (e) Alteration of any roofline; (f) Construction, enlargement or alteration of any non-landscaped area on a lot, including, but not limited to, parking areas, access lanes, sidewalks, loading, refuse or storage areas; or (g) The removal or change to landscaping on the lot. (6) Prior to conducting a public hearing on an application requiring Board Approval, the Issuing Board shall refer the application to the Board of Architectural Review for an advisory opinion regarding the proposed project's (a) Building design; (b) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area; and (c) Signs and exterior lighting. (7) In determining whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit, the Issuing Board shall consider the opinion rendered by the Board of Architectural Review and decide whether to accept or reject that Board's recommendations, in whole or in part. It shall also apply the design review criteria set forth below with respect to the proposed project's (a) Placement of buildings on the lot and (b) Parking, internal traffic circulation, and curb cuts. (8) The design criteria to be applied by the Board of Architectural Review when rendering its advisory opinion and by the Issuing Board in determining whether to accept or reject the Board of Architectural Review's opinion in whole or in part and in deciding whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit are: (i) Building design. (a) At least 40% of the primary structure's front elevation at street level shall be window. (b) Structures situated at corners should "wrap" the corner by continuing fagade elements on all street elevations, with such elements as the overall building material and window design, and horizontal features such as the cornice. (c) Main building entrances shall face the street and shall be easily identifiable and scaled to the size of the street that they face. (d) Proposed changes in exterior architectural features shall be in harmonious relationship to the remainder of the structure and to the surrounding area. Unity and compatibility with adjacent structures is to be achieved to the maximum extent possible. Areas of review shall include the scale and general size of the structure or structures in relationship to the existing surroundings; specifically, the structure's overall height, width, street frontage, number of 10 stories, roof type, facade openings (windows, doors, etc.), and architectural details. (e) Treatment of the sides and the rear of the structures shall be comparable in appearance and amenity to the treatment given to the street frontage elevation. (f) Building materials and colors should be selected which avoid jarring and incongruous contrasts, both within new development and when seen against existing structures. (ii) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area. (a) The proposed landscaping shall (i) visually bind the primary structure into the larger streetscape fabric or soften the edge of a freestanding structure, (ii) provide shade, windbreak, and glare reduction to pedestrians and parked cars, (iii) physically separate pedestrians from vehicles, and (iv) provide pervious surfaces to assist in storm water management. (b) A coordinated landscaped design shall be required, incorporating open space and/or recreation if appropriate, walks, access drives, parking areas, and lot perimeter. The following areas shall be landscaped: 1. Along the public right-of-way. a. Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, one shade tree shall be planted for every 30 feet of frontage, excluding curb cut openings. Additional front yard landscaping shall be required. 2. Along the parking lot's perimeter. a. The landscaped perimeter strip shall be a minimum of five feet wide. Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, one tree and three shrubs shall be planted for every 35 linear feet. 3. Within the parking lot's interior, where appropriate. (a) Planting islands shall be evenly spaced within the parking lot. (b) No planting island shall be less than five feet wide in any dimension. (c) Plants shall be a mix of shrubs, deciduous trees, evergreen trees, and groundcover. (d) Existing parking areas shall either install landscaped islands, or increase the number of landscaped islands to the maximum extent practicable. (e) All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition. (iii) Signs and exterior lighting. In addition to the provisions of Chapter 175 of the Code, the following provisions shall be applied: (a) Signs shall not be mounted on a pole. Signs shall be wall signs, projecting signs, monument signs, or hanging signs. (b) No one business shall exceed two signs on the premises. (c)Multiple uses on a lot shall have coordinated signage. (d) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. 11 (e) All exterior lighting shall be of such a type and location and shall have such shielding as will direct the light downward and will prevent the light from shining directly on any adjacent residential property or street. Site illumination for uncovered areas shall be evenly distributed. (iv) Placement of buildings on the lot. (a) Primary structures should be placed as close as practicable to the front yard setback line. The preferred build-to line shall be 10 feet or less, for non- residential structures, from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. The preferred build-to line for residential structures shall be 10 feet from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. (b) In developments where there will be more than one structure on a single site, such structures, and their signage, landscaping, and lighting, shall be designed as an integrated part of an overall site design related to other surrounding development and topographical conditions. (v) Parking, internal circulation, and curb cuts. (a) To the maximum extent practicable, parking shall be located to the side and/or rear of the primary structure. (b) No more than ten percent of the parking may be located as convenience (short-term) parking in front of the primary structure. (c) Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, including but not limited to, a demonstration by the applicant that it cannot coordinate internal parking lot circulation for its property with the parking area on an adjacent lot, no lot shall be allowed more than one curb cut. Internal parking lot circulation shall be encouraged between adjoining lots. 12 Section 6 -Amendment to an Existing Section of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 240-48.1 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended by adding the following paragraph to it: Design Requirements and Guidelines. (1) There are five areas where careful attention to design is warranted. Those areas are: (i) building design, (ii) landscaping on the perimeter of a lot and within its parking area, (iii) signs and exterior lighting, (iv) placement of buildings on lots and (v) parking, internal traffic circulation and curb cuts. Criteria for each such design element are set forth in paragraphs (8) (i) through (v) of this section. (2) In general: (i) for lots in this district having frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of these criteria are to ensure that the Boston Post Road in the Town of Mamaroneck develops into an attractive and convenient business district for the town, functions as a focal point for local residents and through-travelers and blends landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way; and, (ii) for lots in this district that do not have frontage on the Boston Post Road, the objectives of the criteria set forth in this section are to ensure that these areas in the Town of Mamaroneck become convenient for local residents and through- travelers and develop into attractive parcels that blend landscaped commercial and residential structures in a compatible way. (3) Applicants are discouraged from proposing standardized corporate franchise design. (4) In addition to complying with the standards, requirements and guidelines contained in this section, all applicants shall propose customized, site-specific designs that satisfy the criteria contained in Chapter 3 of the Code. In situations where any provision of Chapter 3 of the Code is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this section, the provisions of this section shall apply. (5) For any project which requires site plan approval and/or a special permit ("Board Approval") and involves any of the work described in paragraphs (a) through (g), below, the Board having the authority to issue such approval and/or permit (the "Issuing Board") shall not do so without first obtaining an advisory opinion from the Board of Architectural Review with respect to the design criteria contained in paragraphs 8 (i) through (iii) of this section. (a) Construction of a new structure; (b) Relocation of an existing structure; 13 (c) Demolition or razing of all or a portion of the exterior of an existing structure; (d) Addition to or alteration of the exterior wall of an existing structure by tearing down or removing any portion thereof, or, by filling in, sealing, boarding up, closing or enclosing any portion of an existing window or door space of an existing structure; (e) Alteration of any roofline; (f) Construction, enlargement or alteration of any non-landscaped area on a lot, including, but not limited to, parking areas, access lanes, sidewalks, loading, refuse or storage areas; or (g) The removal or change to landscaping on the lot. (6) Prior to conducting a public hearing on an application requiring Board Approval, the Issuing Board shall refer the application to the Board of Architectural Review for an advisory opinion regarding the proposed project's (a) Building design; (b) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area; and (c) Signs and exterior lighting. (7) In determining whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit, the Issuing Board shall consider the opinion rendered by the Board of Architectural Review and decide whether to accept or reject that Board's recommendations, in whole or in part. It shall also apply the design review criteria set forth below with respect to the proposed project's (a) Placement of buildings on the lot and (b) Parking, internal traffic circulation, and curb cuts. (8) The design criteria to be applied by the Board of Architectural Review when rendering its advisory opinion and by the Issuing Board in determining whether to accept or reject the Board of Architectural Review's opinion in whole or in part and in deciding whether to grant site plan approval and/or issue a special permit are: (i) Building design. (a) At least 40% of the primary structure's front elevation at street level shall be window. (b) Structures situated at corners should "wrap" the corner by continuing fagade elements on all street elevations, with such elements as the overall building material and window design, and horizontal features such as the cornice. (c) Main building entrances shall face the street and shall be easily identifiable and scaled to the size of the street that they face. (d) Proposed changes in exterior architectural features shall be in harmonious relationship to the remainder of the structure and to the surrounding area. Unity and compatibility with adjacent structures is to be achieved to the maximum extent possible. Areas of review shall include the scale and general size 14 of the structure or structures in relationship to the existing surroundings; specifically, the structure's overall height, width, street frontage, number of stories, roof type, facade openings (windows, doors, etc.), and architectural details. (e) Treatment of the sides and the rear of the structures shall be comparable in appearance and amenity to the treatment given to the street frontage elevation. (f) Building materials and colors should be selected which avoid jarring and incongruous contrasts, both within new development and when seen against existing structures. (ii) Landscaping on the lot perimeter and within the parking area. (a) The proposed landscaping shall (i) visually bind the primary structure into the larger streetscape fabric or soften the edge of a freestanding structure, (ii) provide shade, windbreak, and glare reduction to pedestrians and parked cars, (iii) physically separate pedestrians from vehicles, and (iv) provide pervious surfaces to assist in storm water management. (b) A coordinated landscaped design shall be required, incorporating open space and/or recreation if appropriate, walks, access drives, parking areas, and lot perimeter. The following areas shall be landscaped: 1. Along the public right-of-way. a. Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, one shade tree shall be planted for every 30 feet of frontage, excluding curb cut openings. Additional front yard landscaping shall be required. 2 Along the parking lot's perimeter. a. The landscaped perimeter strip shall be a minimum of five feet wide. Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, one tree and three shrubs shall be planted for every 35 linear feet. 3. Within the parking lot's interior, where appropriate. a. Planting islands shall be evenly spaced within the parking lot. b. No planting island shall be less than five feet wide in any dimension. c. Plants shall be a mix of shrubs, deciduous trees, evergreen trees, and groundcover. (d) Existing parking areas shall either install landscaped islands, or increase the number of landscaped islands to the maximum extent practicable. (e) All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition. (iii) Signs and exterior lighting. In addition to the provisions of Chapter 175 of the Code, the following provisions shall be applied: (a) Signs shall not be mounted on a pole. Signs shall be wall signs, projecting signs, monument signs, or hanging signs. (b) No one business shall exceed two signs on the premises. 15 (c)Multiple uses on a lot shall have coordinated signage. (d) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. (e) All exterior lighting shall be of such a type and location and shall have such shielding as will direct the light downward and will prevent the light from shining directly on any adjacent residential property or street. Site illumination for uncovered areas shall be evenly distributed. (iv) Placement of buildings on the lot. (a) Primary structures should be placed as close as practicable to the front yard setback line. The preferred build-to line shall be 10 feet or less, for non- residential structures, from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. The preferred build-to line for residential structures shall be 10 feet from the boundary line between the lot and the right-of-way. (b) In developments where there will be more than one structure on a single site, such structures, and their signage, landscaping, and lighting, shall be designed as an integrated part of an overall site design related to other surrounding development and topographical conditions. (v) Parking, internal circulation, and curb cuts. (a) To the maximum extent practicable, parking shall be located to the side and/or rear of the primary structure. (b) No more than ten percent of the parking may be located as convenience (short-term) parking in front of the primary structure. (c) Except where there is a sufficient reason not to do so, including but not limited to, a demonstration by the applicant that it cannot coordinate internal parking lot circulation for its property with the parking area on an adjacent lot, no lot shall be allowed more than one curb cut. Internal parking lot circulation shall be encouraged between adjoining lots. Section 7 - Severability Should any court of competent jurisdiction declare any provision of this Local Law invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 8 - Effective Date This Local Law shall become effective on the date that it is filed in the office of the Secretary of State 16 11-20-03 LL No. 23, 2003 (Design Requirements-passed 11/19/03) 18 \\Clerkserver\server\Documents\LLawsCombined\2003\LL No.23 2003 (Design Requirements).docwk.doc 17