HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007_06_20 Town Board Minutes JUNE 20, 2007
Supervisor Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner
Councilman Ernest C. Odierna
Councilwoman Nancy Seligson
Councilman David J. Fishman
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney
Cindy Atiencia, Deputy Town Clerk
ABSENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk
The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor O'Keeffe
at 8:3513M. She then pointed out the location of exits.
The Honorable Jean Marie Brescia swore in Councilman David J. Fishman.
Councilman Fishman, introduced his wife Nancy and three sons Jack, Matthew and
Benjamin. After thanks and congratulations, the regular meeting was called to order.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner O'Keeffe and on motion of
Commissioner Odierna, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, the Board of Fire
Commissioners was unanimously declared open.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner
Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna
Commissioner: Nancy Seligson
Commissioner: David J. Fishman
1. Fire Claims
Commissioner Wittner presented the fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter
on Commissioner Wittner's motion, seconded by Commissioner Seligson, it was
RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment
of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the
Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office.
AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 198.05
AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 35.00
AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 35.00
AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 29.00
Avaya $ 51.89
Brewer Hardware $ 172.93
JUNE 20, 2007
Cascade Subscription Service $ 76.00
Conners, John V. $ 72.00
Diamond Glass $ 225.00
DTM Parts Supply $ 226.30
Flower Barn $ 695.00
IKON $ 212.13
Murphy Bed Co. Inc. $ 940.00
New England Sportswear $ 192.25
N.Y.S. Assoc. of Fire Chiefs $ 572.84
Pitt Stop Auto Parts $ 555.15
Pitt Stop Auto Parts $ 70.00
Tri-City Auto Parts $ 79.85
Verizon Wireless $ 12.73
Westchester Elevator $ 196.35
Total: $ 4,647.47
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Commissioner David J. Fishman
Commissioner Nancy Seligson
Commissioner Ernie Odierna
Commissioner Phyllis Wittner
Commissioner Valerie O'Keeffe
2. Other Fire Department Business
Commissioner Wittner announced that on June 9th, the Weaver Street Fire House held
its 100th Anniversary Dinner at the Larchmont Yacht Club. She applauded the Fire
Department for a job well done. Commissioner Wittner also commended the
Department for having raised all of the funds for this affair. At the event many Chiefs
were recognized for their longevity, as well as those families who have served for many
Commissioner Seligson added that it was a proud moment and a wonderful event for
the Town of Mamaroneck and the Fire Commissioners of the Town. Also exciting, was
the display of fabulous fireworks over the Larchmont Harbor.
Commissioner Odierna stated that he was most impressed by the respect and affection
they had for one another; the legacy is most impressive.
Commissioner O'Keeffe noted that Mr. Burton was the founder of the Weaver Street Fire
Mr. Altieri reminded residents of the 100th Anniversary Carnival being held on
September 8; the rain date will be September 9. There will be games, food and
entertainment for all. Hillcrest Avenue and Edgewood Avenue will be closed for this
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of
Commissioner Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Odierna, the Commission
unanimously adjourned and reconvened the regular meeting of the Town Board.
JUNE 20, 2007
1. Tree Permit Appeal — 18 Salem Drive
The Town Administrator explained that Robert Cromwell and Sarit Rozycki of 52
Sheldrake Road, Scarsdale applied for a permit on March 30, 2007 to remove four trees
from their property at 18 Salem Drive, in order to construct a single family dwelling.
Mr. Altieri further explained that the Tree Commission approved the removal of the four
trees at 18 Salem Drive. The Building Department subsequently received a letter of
appeal for that permit from Mr. Kramer of 23 Salem Drive. Pursuant to the Town's tree
regulations, this appeal requires a hearing before the Town Board.
Mr. Carpaneto addressed the Board, further explaining that he as well as Marco
Gennarelli and Liz Paul, members of the Tree Commission, had inspected the property
and determined that the trees being requested for removal were in fact too close to the
foundation of the proposed house. A permit to remove the trees was issued.
Mr. Cromwell, property owner 18 Salem Drive, clarified for the Board his proposed plans
for the property.
Mr. Kramer, 23 Salem Drive, voiced his objections. He stated that previous tree removal
permits were issued under previous owners; one for a pool, another for a house. Trees
were removed and the structures were never built. He questions why a tree permit
would be issued prior to a building permit being issued. It is possible for the proposed
structure to change during the approval process and thus negating the possibility of
tree removal.
Mr. Maker, Town Attorney, stated that there was nothing in the Town statute that
requires a building permit to be issued prior to a tree removal permit being issued.
The Board asked Mr. Cromwell, if he would agree not to remove the trees until such time
as he receives a permit to build a structure.
Mr. Kramer voiced his approval of this settlement between the Town and Mr. Cromwell.
It was determined that the Town Board did not need to make a SEAR finding, the Tree
Preservation Committee, as lead agency had already done so.
Alan Annex, 6 Salem Drive, addressed the Board, reinforcing the history of the property
regarding tree removal. He agreed with the consensus that a building permit be issued
prior to any additional trees being removed.
Mr. Maker advised the Board, that if it agrees that the findings of the Tree Preservation
Commission are factually correct, it can affirm the decision of the Tree Preservation
Committee, on condition agreed to by the applicant, Mr. Cromwell, that no trees will be
removed, except for the hazardous tree which has already been identified, from the
property until a building permit has been issued, all fees paid and the performance bond
for the tree restoration is completed.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Fishman, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board hereby affirms
the findings of the Tree Preservation Commission with respect
to the removal trees at 18 Salem Drive, and
RESOLVED, that, except for the hazardous tree identified as
33TR, the three trees for which a permit to remove has been
issued, will not be removed from the property until a building
permit has been issued, all building permit fees are paid and
the performance bond for the tree restoration is secured.
JUNE 20, 2007
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
The Board decided to review the permit process as it pertains to building permits in
conjunction with tree removal permits. Mr. Maker noted that he would prepare
something for the Board to review and ultimately discuss at a Public Hearing. The
residents were encouraged to watch the web site for upcoming dates.
2. Authorization -Amended Lease Agreement—VFW
Mr. Altieri explained that previously the Board had approved a lease agreement with the
VFW Building for use as a senior citizen center. The VFW is concerned that the
increased use of the building will increase the energy costs, thus the $1,000.00 a month
rent originally approved would not be sufficient.
Mr. Altieri further explained the proposed changes to the lease.
Supervisor O'Keeffe explained that this had been discussed in detail during this
evening's work session.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the following
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby
approve the amendment to the lease agreement between the
VFW and the Town, for use of the VFW building as a senior
citizens center on the following terms:
Rent will remain at $1,000.00/month for the first two years. During
the second two years, the rent will increase by the annual
percentage change in the consumer price index.
During the first year of the lease, the actual rent to be paid by the
Town will be $9,500.00, since there will be a $2,500.00 credit for
improvements to create a handicapped bathroom.
The Town will be allowed to use the big hall 48 times per year as
part of the current rent. For each use above the 48, the Town will
pay a $20.00 fee.
The Town will replace the two air conditioners in the small
meeting room which date back to 1988 with new and more
energy efficient units. The cost to the Town will be $800.00 for
both units, and
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby
authorize the Town Administrator to execute this amended
agreement on behalf of the Town.
JUNE 20, 2007
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
Mr. Altieri explained that additionally the Board needed to authorize a transfer of funds
to pay for the upgrades to the building, as have been previously discussed in work
sessions and Town Board meetings. They include the upgrade of an existing bathroom,
painting and repairing walls, replacing blinds, resealing the wood floor and replacing
exit signs.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby
authorize the transfer of funds from the unreserved part town
fund to account B6772.2101- Senior Citizens Activity Account
to pay for the repairs and upgrades to the VFW building for use
as the senior citizens center.
The above resolutions were put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
3. Set Public Hearing — Bonding Resolution — Garbage District
Mr. Altieri explained that due to the fact that the Journal News failed to publish the
Public Hearing Notice as previously set, it was therefore, required that the Board re-
approve the setting of the Public Hearing for July 11, 2007.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the
following order was approved,
In the Matter
The Increase and Improvement of the CALLING
Facilities of the Garbage District, in the Town PUBLIC
of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, HEARING
New York
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, has caused to be prepared a map, plan and report,
including an estimate of cost, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town
Law, relating to the increase and improvement of the facilities of the
Garbage District, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York, being the purchase of a new garbage truck, including
incidental equipment and expenses in connection therewith, at a
maximum estimated cost of$180,000; and
WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the capital
project hereinafter described, including compliance with the provisions
of the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), have been
performed, it having been determined that this capital project is a Type
II Action; and
WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing on the question of
the increase and improvement of the facilities of said Garbage District,
JUNE 20, 2007
in the matter described above, and to hear all persons interested in the
subject thereof, concerning the same, in accordance with the
provisions of Section 202-b of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS
ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York, as follows:
Section 1. A public hearing will be held at the Town Hall, in
Mamaroneck , New York, in said Town, on July 11, 2007, at 8:15 o'clock
P.M., Prevailing Time, on the question of the increase and improvement
of the facilities of the Garbage District, in the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York, in the manner described in the
preambles hereof, and to hear all persons interested in the subject
thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is
required or authorized by law.
Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
cause a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing hereinafter provided to be
published once in the official newspaper, and also to cause a copy
thereof to be posted on the sign board of the Town, such publication
and posting to be made not less than ten, nor more than twenty, days
before the date designated for the hearing.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
4. Approval of Certiorari
Mr. Maker explained the following Certiorari.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
approve the following Settlement of Certiorari as
recommended by the Town Attorney:
Harben Associates
2151 Palmer Avenue
Larchmont, NY 10538
Block: 601 Lot: 427
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2003 $24,950 $20,000
2004 $24,950 $20,000
2005 $24,950 $20,000
2006 $24,950 $20,000
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
JUNE 20, 2007
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
approve the following Settlement of Certiorari as
recommended by the Town Attorney:
Harbor Reality
803-809 West Boston Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Block: 920 Lot: 486
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Mamaroneck-
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2003 $22,000 $20,000
2004 $22,000 $20,000
2005 $22,000 $20,000
2006 $22,000 $20,000
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
5. Set Public Hearing - No Parking Zone- Daymon Terrace
Mr. Altieri explained that over the past few months there has been increased awareness
of the serious safety concerns regarding parking and accessibility of emergency
vehicles along Daymon Terrace. The Traffic Committee has made recommendations
which have been discussed with the Murray Avenue School PTA, as well as the school
principal. At this juncture, a Public Hearing needs to be set to consider the amended
parking plan.
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilwoman Fishman, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set
the date for public hearing on a No Parking Zone
Daymon Terrace for July 11, 2007, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby
authorized to publish the notice of said hearing in
a newspaper appointed as an official newspaper,
and that said notice be posted.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
JUNE 20, 2007
6. Set Public Hearing —Amendment to Leaf Blower Law
The Board discussed in work session, a need to police the existing Leaf Blower Law
more effectively with the use of the new Town Constables. The Board would also be
sending out written notice to all known landscapers and gardeners to alert them to the
guidelines of the existing law.
The Board decided not to amend the current Leaf Blower Law at this time.
Mr. Paul Schwendener, 27 Edgewood Ave, addressed the Board. He congratulated the
Board on their efforts to curb the use of leaf blowers. Although leaf blowers are viewed
as noise pollution, he would like the public to be more educated on the health hazards
these blowers produce. This issue is currently being commented on by very objective
sources, specifically the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Los Angeles
Times and the New York Times. As reported by the United States Public Interest
Research Group, Westchester County ranks the fourth worst in the Nation for
dangerous levels of particulate pollution and four times the national average for ozone
pollution. Regarding the kind of pollution leaf blowers generate, the California EPA has
reported that in a single hour of leaf blower use, 145 times more hydro carbons are
produced and seven and one half more carbon monoxide is produced than a light duty
vehicle going 35 miles per hour would traveling 350 miles. The pollution generated by
the automobiles is spread out across the 350 miles, where as the leaf blower pollution is
highly concentrated in one area. Mr. Schwendener continued citing the various
particulate matter created by leaf blowers, with particular emphasis on hazards to
children, as cited by Westchester County's Clean Air Task Force.
Supervisor O'Keeffe suggested a health risk notification be included in any written
notices sent to landscapers and gardeners.
The Board thanked Mr. Schwendener for addressing the Board with these important
comments this evening.
7. Set Public Hearing —Amendment to Flood Damage Prevention Law
Mr. Maker explained that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is
revising its flood insurance rate maps. Unless the Town updates its Flood Damage
Protection Law by September 28, 2007, properties in the Town currently eligible for
flood insurance through FEMA no longer will be eligible for such insurance. Mr. Maker
used a model law provided by the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation ("DEC"). He then sent a draft to the DEC for comment. At this time the
Town Board must set a date for a Public Hearing on the proposed Amendment to the
Flood Damage Prevention Law.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set
the date for public hearing on the Amendment to
the Flood Damage Prevention Law for July 11,
2007, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby
authorized to publish the notice of said hearing in
a newspaper appointed as an official newspaper,
and that said notice be posted.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
JUNE 20, 2007
8. Salary Authorization —
Summer Interns -Town Administrator's Office
Town Clerk's Office
Sara Price
Emily Pierpont
Michael Cookingham
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint
Emily Pierpont as a Summer Intern at an hourly rate of
$12.00, to work with Michael Liverzani on an emergency
services project and Elizabeth Paul on several
environmental projects, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint
Sara Price as a Summer Intern at an hourly rate of$12.00,
to work on a greenhouse gas emissions inventory,
drafting of a gas reduction action plan as well as a
project with the Town Attorney, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint
Michael Cookingham to the position of Summer Intern at
an hourly rate of$12.00, to work in the Town Clerk's
Office and the Archive Room.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 2007 Town Budget
the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of
salary to the following:
Hommocks Playground
Kelly Brennan Director $6,700/season
Margaret Waits Extended Day Director $1,700/season
Unit Leader $3,700/season
Andrea Gioello Unit Leader $3,200/season
John Lanza Unit Leader $400/week
Abbie Levitt Naturalist (all camps) $2,900/season
Josh Margulies E.M.T. $11.50/hour
Nicholas Santoro Lifeguard $9.00/hour
Alicia Vignola Lifeguard $10.50/hour
JUNE 20, 2007
Connie Flay Art Specialist $4,600/season
Deborah Polykarpous Dance Specialist $385/week
Richard Ortiz Sports Specialist $280/week
Tommy Polykarpous Sports Specialist $315/week
Scott Reynolds Sport Sports Specialist $750/week
Tommy Bates Counselor $235/week
Casey Cappelli Counselor $220/week
Tommy Capalbo Counselor $215/week
Ashley Doubrava Counselor $220/week
David Geeslin Counselor $230/week
Jonathan Glauber Counselor $200/week
Aaron Gootzeit Counselor $215/week
Amanda Greenberg Counselor $200/week
Meredith Mason Counselor $205/week
Ryan McCabe Counselor $215/week
Drew Moore Counselor $230/week
Naghmeh Moussapour Counselor $270/week
Joni Newman Counselor $205/week
Matt Petrone Counselor $215/week
Brett Polsky Counselor $205/week
Jordan Samuel Counselor $195/week
Joseph Sandoval Counselor $215/week
Steve Sandoval Counselor $225/week
Fanta Scipio Counselor $240/week
Owen Walters Counselor $220/week
Jayron Whitted Counselor $220/week
Niashaly Lugo Junior Counselor $140/week
Camp Central
Name Position Salary
Charlene Farrell Assistant Director $3,000/season
Peter Denyssenko Sports Specialist $175/week
Mary Lou Hughes Art Specialist $280/week
Christine Andrews Counselor $170/week
Joanne Betker Counselor $185/week
Judith Clark Counselor $170/week
Guillermina DeRiggi Counselor $195/week
Olivia Fine Counselor $140/week
Anna Hammond Counselor $205/week
Donna Hughes Counselor $215/week
Mary Ann Madia Counselor $195/week
Irena Mullen Counselor $170/week
Carol Nardozzi Counselor $175/week
Michelle Raysor Counselor $175/week
Mario Zapata* Counselor $280/week
*Mario will work mornings at Camp Central and afternoons at Hommocks Playground.
Camp Monroe
Name Position Salary
Alyssa Reigle Unit Leader $350/week
Jessica Richardson Sports Specialist $20.00/hour
Michael Melillo E.M.T. $11.50/hour
Griffin Calkins Counselor $160/week
Maria Cavallaro Counselor $220/week
JUNE 20, 2007
Michelle Colonia Counselor $140/week
Boris Hohl Counselor $220/week
Jessica LaBarbera Counselor $155/week
Sienna Martz Counselor $140/week
Nick Mezansky Counselor $140/week
Arthur Micheli Counselor $180/week
Evan Schneider Counselor $165/week
Tameeka Smalls Counselor $185/week
Amanda Wald Counselor $180/week
Jacqueline Baron Junior Counselor $115/week
Jessica Cimmino Junior Counselor $115/week
Hommocks Pool
Name Position Salary
Sabrina Bieloski Manager $17.00/hour
Brian Murray Manager $16.00/hour
C.P.O. $16.00/hour
Manager/C.P.O. $16.50/hour
Robert Rainaldi Manager $16.50/hour
Joanne Schroeder Manager/C.P.O. $19.25/hour
Matthew Trainor Manger $19.00/hour
C.P.O. $19.00/hour
Manager/C.P.O. $19.50/hour
Mark Bronzo Lifeguard $ 9.00/hour
Assistant Swim Team Coach $12.00/hour
Elizabeth Eney Swim Instructor $12.00/hour
Leticia Garcia Key Attendant $11.00/hour
Shira Korn Lifeguard $ 9.00/hour
Lindsey Naughton Early Morning Swim $25.00/session
Meredith Naughton Lifeguard $ 9.75/hour
Early Morning Swim $25.00/session
Michael Ragone Lifeguard $10.50/hour
Rebecca Sobel Swim Instructor $12.00/hour
Tennis Instruction
Name Position Salary
Evan Brown Instructor $20.00/hour
Leah Citrin Instructor $12.00/hour
Thomson Michael Instructor $16.00/hour
Sarah Permutt Instructor $13.00/hour
Tara Quinn Instructor $ 9.00/hour
Christopher Sheldon Instructor $11.00/hour
Frank Cioffi Maintenance Assistant $11.00/hour
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
JUNE 20, 2007
9. Set Date for August Town Board Meeting
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Fishman, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby
set the August 2007 Town Board Meeting for August 8, at
8:15PM in the Court Room of the Town, 740 W. Boston Post
Road, Mamaroneck, New York.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve
the Board minutes from the meeting of May 16, 2007.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Abstain
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
George Roniger, Larchmont Gardens Civic Association, attended the Flood Summit held
at the County Center this morning. He asked the Supervisor, who was also in
attendance to elaborate on the Summit.
Supervisor O'Keeffe stated that the Summit had been organized by County Executive
Andrew Spano, in conjunction with his Department of Planning under the direction of
Commissioner Gerry Mulligan. David Kvenge, Director of Environmental Planning
spoke. There was general discussion regarding the roles of government agencies in
what they can and cannot due. Gina D'Agrosa, Water Master, pointed out that because
of New York State Home Rule Authorization for local jurisdiction, there is no structure to
address environmental issues that have crossed municipal boundaries. She stated
there was a need for municipalities to work together. Long Island Sound Watershed
Inter-Municipal Council (LISWIC), was sited as an excellent example. Many studies
were sited specifically the Harding Study of 1942, as well as various Army Corps of
Engineer Studies. Many of these studies had solutions that were cost prohibitive or a
solution "worse than the crime". Councilwoman Wittner interjected, noting how
relevant the Harding Study was today, adding it can be viewed in its entirety on the
County web-site. There was discussion of what was really meant by a One Hundred
Year Flood; whether this kind of flooding would increase in frequency due to climate
change or other factors. Mayor Otis, from the City of Rye, spoke about prior studies the
City of Rye had conducted. There was discussion regarding commercial development
and its concrete and dramatic effects on flooding. The Stickley/A.J Audi building in
White Plains was sited as an example. The Federal Emergency Management
Association (FEMA) and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
discussed flood plain management and mitigation. The Summit ended with a very
informative and meaningful question and answer period. Councilwoman Seligson and
Wittner also attended Summit.
Supervisor O'Keeffe stated the Town is not giving up on this issue, adding the Town is
working on many fronts to address the flooding issues.
JUNE 20, 2007
Mr. Roniger noted he had received his emergency notification call for the
implementation of the new Emergency Notification System. He made note of the
informative remarks of Mr. Schwedener regarding leaf blowers. In closing, he reported
that the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association's Spring Fling was a wonderful event.
Supervisor O'Keeffe read the following letters:
Honorable Valerie Moore O'Keeffe-
Town of Mamaroneck
740 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Honorable Valerie Moore O'Keefe,
On behalf of the board and staff of the Sheldrake Environmental
Center, I would like to express my gratitude to you and to Highway
Foreman Alan Casterella for once again ensuring that the M.E.R.C.
was a safe and pleasant place during the 2007 Spring Festival.
Foreman Tony Fiera and his crew, Donato Colontonio, Giovanni
Bianco, Kendal Wesley, Al Cirillo, John Phillipson, and Rodger
Gutierrez, addressed the safety issue at the Weaver Street entrance
by making repairs to the area where it was unsafe to walk due to
work by the electrical company and to damage caused by the
Nor'easter, and, by removing some dangerous and dead limbs
from the walkway.
I would like to also express my gratitude to Sergeant Thomas
Houlahan and Officer Douglas Coleman for ensuring the safety of
pedestrian and vehicular traffic on Weaver Street before, during
and after the event.
Thanks to the dedicated work of all these people all the families
who attended were able to enjoy the Spring Festival once again
this year.
Thank you for your continued and much appreciated support.
Amy Bisignani
Sheldrake Environmental center
Scheduling Coordinator
Supervisors, Managers-
Attached is a press release we sent out late Tuesday afternoon announcing
the closing of all our Disaster Loan Outreach Centers—except 740 West
Boston Post Road in Mamaroneck. The Centers in New Rochelle and
Eastchester will close at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 21st.
Anyone needing to talk with someone face-to-face can go to the Center at the
Senior Nutrition Community Center in Mamaroneck. We will be open there
Monday-Friday, 9-6, until further notice. Or they can call 1-800-659-2955.
In addition to funds from FEMA we have been able to approve close to $13
Million in long-term, low-interest loans to residents, businesses and non-
profits in Westchester County. These people are already using these funds to
get their lives back to normal.
However, 85% of those who registered with FEMA have not taken the next
step and completed their SBA Disaster Loan Application. Unless these
JUNE 20, 2007
applications are received by next Monday, June 25th these people may not
receive all the Federal disaster assistance they are entitled to receive.
Please forward the attached release to local officials and the press. We want
to insure that anyone affected by the Nor'easter receives all the benefits to
which they are entitled.
Thank you for all you have done to assist your citizens in their recovery.
Carl Sherrill, P/O
SBA Office of Disaster Assistance
Supervisor O'Keeffe congratulated Avril Wheately, of the Comptroller's Office, on her
graduation form Monroe College. Ms Wheatley graduated, Suma Cum Laude, with an
Associate degree in Applied Science, Accounting.
Supervisor O'Keeffe also noted that the Town had received private donations to the
Community Services Flood Relief Fund of$51,413.74. A committee has been formed to
administer these funds; to date 95% of these funds have been disbursed to families in
Councilman Odierna attended the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association's Spring Fling,
Recreation Commission, Human Rights Commission and the Mamaroneck Chamber of
Commerce meetings. He reminded residents of the Monday night concerts in Memorial
Park. He informed the residents that the Hommocks Pool would reopen on June 23rd
Councilwoman Wittner reported that residents of Murray Ave met with Westchester
County recently to address the flooding issues along Murray Ave. She attended the
League of Women Voters Breakfast as well as the Board of Assessment Review
Councilwoman Seligson attended the Planning Board meeting , the Westchester County
Global Warming meeting and the Flooding Summit.
Councilman Fishman attended the Fire Department's 100th Anniversary Dinner on June
8th, adding this was his first affair as Councilman. He attended the Cable Advisory
Board meeting as well as the Traffic Committee meeting. Councilman Fishman
congratulated those Larchmont Mamaroneck Little League players who received the
Daniel Marcus Award for Sportsmanship.
9. Designation of Meeting Date —August 2007
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Fishman, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set
the date for the month of August 2007, for
Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 8:15 PM in the
Court Room of the Town Center.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Fishman Aye
Seligson Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
O'Keeffe Aye
JUNE 20, 2007
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna the meeting
was unanimously adjourned at 10:40 PM.
Submitted by
Christina Battalia, Town Clerk