HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007_06_06 Town Board Minutes June 6, 2007 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON JUNE 6, 2007 AT 8:15 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK PRESENT: Supervisor Valerie M. O'Keeffe Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner Councilman Ernest C. Odierna Councilwoman Nancy Seligson Councilman Paul A. Winick ALSO PRESENT: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney Christina Battalia, Town Clerk Cindy Atiencia, Deputy Town Clerk WORK SESSION Proposed Change Order- Replacement of Engine 51 Chief Matt Peloso and Joe Russo, explained that the new Fire Truck was slated to be outfitted with new federal requirements for emission systems. The Chief explained that this system utilizes technology that allows certain particulate matter in the emissions to be stored in a special filter attached to the engine. On a periodic basis, the engine must go through what is termed a regeneration, whereby the particulate is burned off at extreme heat (1,200 — 1,400 degrees). The heat from the regeneration process is then emitted through the engine's exhaust pipe. Regeneration takes between 20-30 minutes. Chief Peloso explained the issues with the regeneration process, emphasizing the Department's concerns. These range from safety to firefighters working around the vehicles to such problems as those that occurred in Los Angeles, when the sudden shutting down of the engine caused heat from the exhaust to set trees on fire. The recommendation of Chief Peloso is to upgrade the size of the engine from a six cylinder to an eight cylinder diesel engine, whereby avoiding the new technology. The cost of the upgrade is expected to cost approximately $16,000.00. The Board agreed with Chief Peloso's recommendation. Mr. Altieri would have an authorization for a transfer of funds prepared for the next Town Board meeting. Connect CTY Mike Liverzani explained the time line for implementation of the new Emergency Notification System. The Board discussed a press release for June 7, 2007, and the time line for implementation. The Board agreed to contact County Executive Spano's office requesting they contact the Town if a County wide notification were to be sent, thereby avoiding redundancy. The Board discussed a draft of the Emergency Notification System Policy & Procedure. Town Constables The Board reviewed a copy of the Manual being issued to the Town Constables, sample appearance tickets and Town Constable badges. Town Constables have been issued all of the above as well as names and addresses of all Town residents. The Board recommended that lanyards be issued for badges, so the Constables would be easily recognizable to residents. Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Hagar Supervisor O'Keeffe explained that a resident had requested that the Town install a new curb in front of their property on Bonnie Way. The Board discussed a Town policy in which new curbing is not installed where none previously existed. They discussed cost, neighbor notification as well as whether a change in policy was warranted. The Board agreed that if the resident was willing to pay for the curb installation, the Town 1 June 6, 2007 would maintain it going forward. Mr. Altieri would notify the resident of the Board's proposal. Residents of Murray Ave School Supervisor O'Keeffe notified the Board that she was contacted by residents of Murray Avenue of an upcoming meeting they would be having with the County regarding the flooding and drainage issues on Murray Avenue. The meeting would take place at Murray Avenue School, June 7th, at 7:00 PM. Supervisor O'Keeffe stated that she and other Board members would attend the meeting. Mr. Maker noted that this did not constitute a Special Meeting of the Board and therefore, it would not be published as such. Correspondence— Larry Miralia County Legislator Judy Myers received an email from Mr. Miralia. He is concerned about additional sediment in the East Creek after the April 15th storm. The Board asked Mr. Altieri to look into this and report back to the Board. Skating Rink Fees — Mamaroneck Union Free School District As part of their re-vote budget process, the School Board asked the Town to review the fees it was charging for use of the Hommocks Ice Rink. The School Board noted that fees had increased drastically over the past year. During the Town's review process it was determined that the Town was not charging more but rather the school had increased their use dramatically by adding the Hommocks Middle School students to their skating program. It was noted that this information will be forwarded to the School Board. Hommocks Pool Update Mr. Altieri reported that the new floor had been poured; the new epoxy will be inspected shortly. The pool is expected to open on June 23. The Board discussed the proposed credit being issued to Town residents for their pool permit fees. Superintendent of Recreation, Jill Fisher would be sending out a letter to all resident permit holders. Mr. Altieri also advised the Board of an issue regarding the handicapped accessibility of the pool ladders. Jill Fisher felt the need to purchase new handicapped ladders and the Town would be deducting the cost from monies owed to the school district. Board of Architectural Review (BAR) Councilwoman Seligson received a letter from Edward Jacobson, Chairman of the Board of Architectural Review (BAR), requesting the status of finding a new board member for the BAR. The letter also asked for a response to their request to have a voice on commercial signage; the BAR would like to have oversight over the Zoning Board's power regarding commercial signage. The Board had a general discussion regarding the BAR and what the parameters of their powers are and should be. Councilman Winick noted that the City of New Rochelle has a policy that if any substantial commercial development is built, the City requires an architect of their choice to design it. Councilwoman Seligson stated she liked the City of New Rochelle's policy. EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Supervisor O'Keeffe seconded by Councilwoman Wittner the Board convened into Executive Session to discuss Certiorari. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor O'Keeffe at 8:2513M. She then pointed out the location of exits. 2 June 6, 2007 OUT ORDER AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 2. Resolution - Housing Authority Supervisor O'Keeffe stated that the following item, Affairs of the Town #2, would be taken out of order. Supervisor O'Keeffe introduced Richard Cherry, Chairman of the Housing Authority. Mr. Cherry thanked the Board for this opportunity to address the Board with the following resolution; WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority (Authority) under its Lease with the Town of Mamaroneck (Town) is responsible to pay the Town a payment in lieu of taxes when the Authority's Reserves are sufficient to meet its long term needs and its finances are otherwise sound: and WHEREAS, due to the excellent stewardship of the Authority's Reserve Funds by Paul Winick former and founding Chair of the Authority, the Board of the Authority feels that it is now in a position to make a payment in lieu of taxes, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED. That in the next year the Authority will hire an independent consultant to conduct a capital needs assessment to verify the adequacy of its Reserves, and While waiting for such study to be completed the Authority will make a first payment to the Town in lieu of taxes in the amount of $40,000.00 representing the approximate annual interest earned on its Long Term Reserve Fund, and Upon completion of said assessment, the Authority will review its financial situation to determine the amount of future payments in lieu of taxes. Councilman Winick thanked Mr. Cherry adding, what a pleasure it has been to have worked with him during their entire tenure on the Housing Authority. He thanked the Authority for this significant check. On motion of Councilman Winick seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe the following was unanimously approved; WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck formed the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority (the "TMHA") and developed the Hommocks Park Apartments as affordable housing; and WHEREAS, during the initial development and construction of the Hommocks Park Apartments, the Town of Mamaroneck secured certain grants from Westchester County that were conditioned upon the TM'IHA maintaining a stipulated 20 percent of the apartments at the Hommocks Park Apartments in the Federal Section 8 housing program and applying certain income guidelines to the non-Section 8 ("Market Rate") units (the "Grants") and 3 June 6, 2007 WHEREAS, during the period of operation of the Hommocks Park Apartments from inception to date the participation of units in the Federal Section 8 program and the application of income guidelines to the non-Section 8 units has resulted in the HPA providing a significant benefit to residents of the Town and the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck (collectively, the "Villages) in the form of rental housing at below market rents; and WHEREAS, the requirements in the Grants of participation of apartment units at Hommocks Park Apartments in the Section 8 program and the application of income guidelines to Market Rate units have expired; and WHEREAS, there is a continuing need in the Town and Villages for rental housing at below market rates. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS Resolved by The Town Board as follows: 1. The TMHA should continue to make at least twenty percent of the apartment units at the Hommocks Park Apartments available for rental to participants in the Federal Section 8 program in accordance with the past practice of the TMHA; and 2. The TMHA should continue to rent all apartment units at Hommocks Park Apartments that are not rented under the Federal Section 8 program under the income guidelines that have heretofore been in effect; and 3. From time to time the Town Board may determine that the income guidelines applicable to market rate apartments may require amendment or modification to meet particular needs within the Town and Villages. The TMHA should apply such modification to the income guidelines as the Town Board may approve by majority vote. Mr. Altier noted that the Authority has been paying a lease, as well as the payoff of 9 million in bonds; this has been a tremendously successful investment. PUBLIC HEARING - Phase II Storm Water Annual Report On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Winick, the public hearing was declared opened. The Supervisor introduced Liz Paul, Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Planner, she gave the following overview. GOOD EVENING. MY NAME IS ELIZABETH PAUL. I AM THE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER FOR THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK. I AM HERE TONIGHT TO PRESENT THE 4TH ANNUAL REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOWN'S STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. THE PHASE II STORM WATER REGULATIONS ARE INTENDED TO CONTROL "NON-POINT SOURCE"POLLUTANTS LIKE OIL, LITTER, 4 June 6, 2007 FERTILIZERS, PESTICIDES, PET WASTE AND SEDIMENT THAT ARE WASHED OFF OF LAND AND PAVED SURFACES BY STORMWATER AND CARRIED INTO OUR STREAMS, RIVERS, PONDS AND ULTIMATELY THE LONG ISLAND SOUND. TO CONTROL POLLUTANTS THAT CAN COME FROM SO MANY DIFFERENT PLACES, THE PHASE II REGULATIONS REQUIRE MUNICIPALITIES TO IMPLEMENT A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN THAT INCLUDES: 1.PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH, 2.PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION, 3.THE IDENTIFICATION AND ELIMINATION OF ILLICIT DISCHARGES, 4.CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL, 5.POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL, AND &MUNICIPAL GOOD-HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES EACH MUNICIPALITY HAS FIVE YEARS TO FULLY IMPLEMENT ITS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND THIS REPORT SUMMARIZES OUR PROGRESS FOR THE FOURTH YEAR. 4TH ANNUAL REPORT HIGHLIGHTS 1.PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH THE TOWN HAS PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED A VARIETY OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS. I BROUGHT SOME EXAMPLES OF THESE WHICH INCLUDE A CHILDREN'S FACT SHEET AND BOOKMARK. THESE HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED AT LOCAL FESTIVALS, IN THE TOWN CENTER, AND AT THE TOWN'S KIOSK ON MYRTLE BLVD. WE HAVE ALSO AIRED A VIDEO ON LMC TV, RUN ARTICLES IN LOCAL PAPERS AND THE TOWN NEWSLETTER AND HAVE CREATED A STORMWATER WEB PAGE. 2.PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION: OVER 75 VOLUNTEERS HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THE STORM DRAIN MARKING PROGRAM. SO FAR APPROXIMATELY 200 CATCH BASINS HAVE BEEN MARKED WITH THESE BILINGUAL MARKERS. IN ADDITION, LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS HELPED THE TOWN RESTORE NATIVE PLANTINGS AT THE LARCHMONT RESERVOIR ALONG THE BANK OF THE SHELDRAKE RIVER AND VOLUNTEERS HELP US CLEAN UP LITTER. 3.ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION IN 2005, THE TOWN PASSED A LOCAL LAW THAT REQUIRES HOMEOWNERS TO OBTAIN A DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE PRIOR TO THE SALE OF THEIR HOME THAT CERTIFIES THAT THERE ARE NO ILLEGAL CONNECTIONS TO THE SANITARY OR STORM SEWER SYSTEM. A BROCHURE WAS PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED EXPLAINING THE REQUIREMENTS AND WHY THIS IS NECESSARY. AT THE END OF THIS REPORTING PERIOD, 158 PROPERTIES HAVE BEEN 5 June 6, 2007 INSPECTED AND HAVE BEEN ISSUED DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATES. 4.CONSTRUCTION & POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL THE TOWN REQUIRES ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES TO USE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND CONDUCTS ROUTINE INSPECTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE. IN ADDITION, STORMWATER DETENTION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACES GREATER THAN 100 SQ FT. THE STATE HAS CREATED A MODEL STORMWATER ORDINANCE THAT ISN'T AS STRINGENT AS OUR OWN SURFACE WATER AND EROSION CONTROL LAW. BUT, BECAUSE THE TOWN DID NOT ADOPT THIS MODEL ORDINANCE, WE WERE REQUIRED TO CONDUCT A GAP ANALYSIS OR A LINE BY LINE COMPARISON OF OUR ORDINANCE TO THE STATE'S MODEL. THIS WAS COMPLETED THIS YEAR WITH THE HELP OF ELIZABETH COONEY, THE CHAIR OF CZMC AND LISA HOCHMAN ALSO A MEMBER OF CZMC. AS A RESULT OF THIS ANALYSIS WE HAVE BEGUN DRAFTING SOME PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO OUR LOCAL LAW THAT WILL INCLUDE: -REQUIREMENTS FOR ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF STORM WATER DETENTION STRUCTURES. - UPDATES TO THE TECHNICAL LANGUAGE THAT WILL REPLACE OUTDATED DESIGN TECHNIQUES AND - THE USE OF THE MOST CURRENT STORMWATER AND EROSION CONTROL MANUALS THESE AMENDMENTS WILL NEED TO BE ADOPTED THIS YEAR TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PHASE//REGULATIONS. E) MUNICIPAL GOOD HOUSEKEEPING THE TOWN'S GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES INCLUDE KEEPING ROAD SALT IN A COVERED SALT DOME, FREQUENTLY SWEEPING STREETS, WORKING ON STREAMBANK RESTORATION PROJECTS AND TRAINING OUR STAFF IN THE SAFE HANDLING OF WASTES AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. THE TOWN HAS ALSO JOINED FORCES WITH THE OTHER MUNICIPALITIES IN LISWIC— THE LONG ISLAND SOUND WATERSHED INTERMUNICIPAL COUNCIL TO WORK ON REGIONAL WATER QUALITY ISSUES, SHARE IDEAS, APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDING AND SAVE MONEY ON THE DESIGN AND PRINTING OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS. LISWIC HAS HIRED A CONSULTING FIRM TO STUDY THE FEASIBILITY OF THE CREATION OF A REGIONAL STORMWATER UTILITY DISTRICT. THE FINAL REPORT WILL BE COMPLETED SHORTLY. IF FEASIBLE, A REGIONAL DISTRICT COULD ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MAINTENANCE OF 6 June 6, 2007 THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM. THE STUDY WILL LOOK AT FINDING SOURCES, ORGANIZATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND STAFFING NEEDS OF SUCH A DISTRICT. AS A MUNICIPALITY, WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED A LOT DURING THE PAST FOUR YEARS AND WE WILL FULLY IMPLEMENT OUR STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR. OVER THE WEEKEND I WAS AT THE MAMARONECK VILLAGE HARBOR FESTIVAL HANDING OUT EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS AND TALKING WITH RESIDENTS WHEN A GENTLEMAN WALKED UP TO ME AND ASKED ME WHAT THE TOWN WAS DOING TO IMPROVE WATER QUALITY. THE TRUTH IS THAT NO MATTER HOW EFFECTIVE THE TOWN'S PROGRAM IS, IT IS REALLY UP TO THE RESIDENTS TO DO THEIR PART TO REDUCE STORMWATER POLLUTION. CURB YOUR USE OF FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES ON YOUR LAWNS, FIX LEAKS IN YOUR CARS AS SOON AS THEY ARE DETECTED, CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS, DON'T LITTER AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF HOUSE HOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES AND THE LONG ISLAND SOUND WILL THANK YOU BY GIVING US A CLEANER PLACE TO SWIM, SAFER FISH TO EAT AND A HARBOR WE CAN BE PROUD OF. The Board members thanked Ms. Paul for her report. Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if any of the Council members or the audience had any comments or questions. Councilwoman Seligson had a few questions which were addressed by Ms. Paul. David DeSanto, 450 Weaver Street, commented on the lack of trash cans around the Town. Supervisor O'Keeffe responded that the Town's problem is really one of leaves and twigs clogging the storm drains, not one of litter. Councilwoman Wittner commended Ms. Paul for a job well done, adding most municipalities hire consultants to prepare this report. On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilman Odierna the Public Hearing was unanimously closed. On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the Phase II Storm Water Annual Report was unanimously accepted. 7 June 6, 2007 BACK TO ORDER BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Commissioner O'Keeffe and on motion of Commissioner Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Seligson, the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna Commissioner: Nancy Seligson Commissioner: Paul A. Winick 1. Fire Claims Commissioner Wittner presented fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter on Commissioner Wittner's motion, seconded by Commissioner Seligson, it was RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 75.00 AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 75.00 AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 41.50 AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 30.50 Atlantic Westchester $ 463.02 Avaya $ 51.89 Brake, Clutch & Driveshaft $ 697.90 Brewer Hardware $ 284.60 Carrot-Top Industries Inc. $ 147.76 Clean Air Company $ 423.00 Cleaning Systems $ 588.41 Cleaning Systems $ 230.33 Community Fire Equipment $ 195.00 Con Ed $1,036.90 Corsi Tire $ 811.90 Cygnus Expositions $2,370.00 Dennis Delborgo $ 180.00 G & K Services $ 136.62 Harrison Paint $ 73.90 Giacomo Service Center $ 37.00 Nextel (paid-service was being turned off) $ 422.65 Noco Energy $ 25.00 John Pierce $ 500.00 Pitt Stop Auto Parts $ 59.40 Poland Springs Water $ 57.91 Poland Springs Water $ 6988 Rickert Lock & Safe $ 95.00 TCD $ 327.50 Town of Mamaroneck PFFA $ 330.12 Verizon Wireless $ 1256 Westchester Elevator $ 196.35 Westchester Elevator $ 196.35 Total: $ 10,242.95 8 June 6, 2007 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye 2. Other Fire Department Business - SERVICE AWARDS Commissioner Wittner read from Chief Peloso's report to the Fire Council. Service Awards for the 1St Quarter 2007 are entered into the record as ATTACHMENT "A" AT THE END OF THE MINUTES Mr. Altieri gave the audience a brief overview of the service awards. On motion of Commissioner Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Winick the report of Service Awards was unanimously accepted. Sadly, the Chief reported that Ex-Chief Gordon Albert passed away in December, his widow will continue to receive his benefits for the duration of his 10 year guaranteed annuity. There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Seligson, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, the Commission unanimously adjourned. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appeal — Tree Permit Adjourned until June 20, 2007. 2. Resolution — Housing Authority Taken out of order—see above 3. Set Public Hearing — Bond Resolution — Purchase of a New Garbage Truck On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the following was approved; In the Matter of ORDER The Increase and Improvement of the CALLING Facilities of the Garbage District, in the PUBLIC Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, HEARING New York WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, has caused to be prepared a map, plan and report, including an estimate of cost, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law, relating to the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Garbage District, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, being the purchase of a new garbage truck, including incidental equipment and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of$180,000; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the capital project hereinafter described, including compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), have been performed, it having been determined that this capital project is a Type II Action; and 9 June 6, 2007 WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing on the question of the increase and improvement of the facilities of said Garbage District, in the matter described above, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, in accordance with the provisions of Section 202-b of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A public hearing will be held at the Town Hall, in Mamaroneck , New York, in said Town, on June 20, 2007, at 8:15 o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time, on the question of the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Garbage District, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, in the manner described in the preambles hereof, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing hereinafter provided to be published once in the official newspaper, and also to cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign board of the Town, such publication and posting to be made not less than ten, nor more than twenty, days before the date designated for the hearing. The above resolutions were put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye 5. Resolution — ICLEI On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following was approved; WHEREAS, scientific consensus has developed that Carbon CO2 and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere have a profound effect on the Earth's Climate; and WHEREAS, in 2006, the U.S. National Climatic Data Center confirmed clear evidence of human influences on climate due to changes in greenhouse gases; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Conference of Mayors endorsed the 2005 U.S. Mayors' Climate Protection° Agreement initiated by Seattle Mayor Nickels and signed by 238 mayors in the United States as of June 2006; and WHEREAS, the Urban Environmental Accords adopted by local government delegates during UN World Environment Day 2005 call for reduced emissions through energy efficiency, land use and transportation planning, waste reduction, and wiser energy management; and WHEREAS, in 2003, the American Geophysical Union adopted a Statement noting that human activities are increasingly altering the Earth's climate and that natural influences cannot explain the rapid increase in near-surface temperatures observed during the second half of the 20th century; and WHEREAS, in 2001, at the request of the Administration, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reviewed and declared global warming a real problem caused in part by the actions of humankind; and WHEREAS, the 2001 Third Assessment Report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the 2000 10 June 6, 2007 U.S. Global Change Research Program's (USGCRP) First National Assessment indicate that global warming has begun; and WHEREAS, 162 countries including the United States pledged under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, energy consumption, specifically the burning of fossil fuels, accounts for more than 80% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, local government actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency provide multiple local benefits by decreasing air pollution, creating jobs, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money for the local government, its businesses, and its residents; and WHEREAS, the Cities for Climate Protection° Campaign sponsored by ICLEI — Local Governments for Sustainability has invited the Town of Mamaroneck, New York to join ICLEI and become a partner in the Cities for Climate Protection° Campaign; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, will join ICLEI as a Full Member and participate in the Cities for Climate Protection° Campaign, and, as a participant, pledges to take a leadership role in promoting public awareness about the causes and impacts of climate change. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck, New York will undertake the Cities for Climate Protection° Campaign's milestones to reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions throughout the community, and specifically" • Conduct a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecast to determine the source and quantity of greenhouse gas emissions in the jurisdiction; • Establish a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target; • Develop an action plan with both existing and future actions which when implemented will meet the local greenhouse gas reduction target; • Implement the action plan; and • Monitor and report progress; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby approve the Town's participation in ICLEI's Cities for Climate Protection° Campaign at a fee of$600.00. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck, New York requests assistance from ICLEI's Cities for Climate Protection° Campaign as it progresses through the milestones. The above resolutions were put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye 11 June 6, 2007 5. Westchester County STEP Grant— Police Department On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the following resolution was adopted; WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck wishes to enter into an agreement with the County of Westchester to receive Step Grant Aide for traffic enforcement. The purpose of the program is to assist local governments with enforcement of traffic regulations in an attempt to reduce traffic accidents and the resulting injuries and fatalities. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Step Grant Aide for traffic safety for a five year term beginning October 2006 and running through September 2011, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town will receive up to $1,600.00 to offset overtime costs associated with traffic enforcement, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Town. 6. Approval of Certiorari On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Winick, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax certiorari on the following terms: Pace Oldsmobile, Inc. 218 -230, 236 and 260 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Block:914 Lots: 32, 44 and 65 Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Mamaroneck Lot 32: Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment 2003 $25,400 $11,800 2004 $25,400 $12,000 2005 $25,400 $11,600 2006 $25,400 $11,600 Lot 44: Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment 2003 $48,100 $24,500 2004 $48,100 $24,900 2005 $48,100 $24,100 2006 $48,100 $24,100 Lot 65: Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment 2003 $35,100 $22,700 2004 $35,100 $22,900 2005 $35,100 $22,300 12 June 6, 2007 2006 $35,100 $22,300 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye 7. Authorization - Ice Rink Maintenance Contract Mr. Altieri explained that on May 31, 2007 the Town received proposals for the maintenance of equipment at the Hommocks Ice Rink. The contract requires scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of all of the mechanical equipment at the rink including the ice making machinery along with the building's heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment. On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby award a new three year contract for the maintenance of the equipment at the Hommocks Ice Rink to Eagle Air Systems of Goshen, New York, for three years as follows: Year 1 $ 9,660.00 Year 2 $ 9,996.00 Year 3 $10,220.0, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the hourly rate for emergency and unscheduled maintenance be as follows: Year 1 Regular workday $ 80.00 Evenings (5-8pm) $120.00 Weekends & holidays $160.00 Year 2 Regular workday $ 83.00 Evenings (5-8pm) $124.50 Weekends & holidays $166.00 Year 3 Regular workday $ 86.00 Evenings (5-8pm) $129.00 Weekends & holidays $172.00, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is herby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the Town. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye 13 June 6, 2007 8. Salary Authorizations Crossing Guard On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the appointment of Alfonse Buonvicino as a substitute school crossing guard effective June 4, 2007 at a per diem rate of$69.00 a day. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye Highway Department On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint Michael C. Mendes to the position of Laborer with the Highway Department at annual salary of$32,299.00, effective June 20, 2007. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye Summer Conservation Corps On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Winick, it was RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 2007 Town Budget the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to the following: Name Position Salary Kenneth Vanderpool, Crew Leader $9.00 an hour Zachary Mailer crew member $8.50 an hour Christopher Bailey crew member $8.50 an hour Timothy Lau crew member $8.50 an hour Will Klein crew member $8.50 an hour Eric Leal crew member $8.50 an hour Robert Koziak, Jr crew member $8.50 an hour Jonathan Gold crew member $8.50 an hour The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick - Aye Seligson - Aye Odierna - Aye Wittner - Aye O'Keeffe - Aye 14 June 6, 2007 Recreation On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe, it was RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 2007 Town Budget the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to the following: HOMMOCKS PLAYGROUND Name Position Salary Bruno Duarte Assistant Director $4,000/season Laura Giles Art Specialist $295/week Charles Rizzo Sports Specialist $315/week Carolina Bracho Lifeguard $10.50/hour Robert Miceli Lifeguard $9.00/hour Jamie Valenintetti Lifeguard $10.50/hour Lisa Alfano Counselor $280/week Stephanie Alfano Counselor $235/week Jason Bilotti Counselor $310/week Laura Bottari Counselor $280/week Cody Blume Counselor $200/week Julie Brown Counselor $230/week Amanda Curry Counselor $285/week Carmen DeJesus Counselor $315/week Matthew Eckes Counselor $225/week Kayla Farley Counselor $235/week Brittany Ganesh Counselor $200/week Anne Giles Counselor $215/week Samantha Guardino Counselor $220/week Guido Lancman Counselor $210/week Derek Lanza Counselor $250/week Stephanie Lazarus Counselor $215/week Ruby Leon Counselor $195/week John Mueller Counselor $205/week James Pappas Counselor $225/week Kyra Pearson Counselor $230/week Daniella Rabino Counselor $265/week Yolanda Rose Counselor $235/week Ariana Sanabria Counselor $250/week Tenefer Scipio Counselor $250/week Ziggy Scipio Counselor $235/week Elise Sjostedt Counselor $210/week Daniel Smith Counselor $220/week Karen Snyder Counselor $210/week David Adler Junior Counselor $170/week Matthew Levinson Junior Counselor $170/week Marc Lanni Junior Counselor $150/week CAMP CENTRAL Name Position Salary Pam Triano Director $4,500/season Kathleen Faulkner Unit Leader $270/week Julia Gacio Unit Leader $310/week Thelma Rhodes Unit Leader $350/week Jennifer Hughes Sports Specialist $230/week Marguerite Rozek Music Specialist $240/week Camielle Tompkins Art Specialist $245/week Michael Crowley E.M.T. $10.50/hour Elsa Brewer Counselor $210/week Kandi Brown Counselor $210/week Brenda Cherry Counselor $170/week Patricia Faulkner Counselor $190/week 15 June 6, 2007 Christa Glielmi Counselor $180/week Carol Kienzle Counselor $195/week Gloria Lewandowski Counselor $210/week Rose Richards Counselor $240/week Ella Romero Counselor $160/week Doris Staar Counselor $190/week Diane Toscano Counselor $175/week Caroline Veintimilla Counselor $200/week Elizabeth Henry Junior Counselor $100/week CAMP MONROE Name Position Salary Maria Ellin Director $4,500/season Haydee Colon Unit Leader $335/week Cosette Albert Counselor $200/week Gian Angiolillo Counselor $170/week Molly Calkins Counselor $185/week Diana DiMicelli Counselor $120/week April Havranek Counselor $170/week Chris Leddy Counselor $160/week Brooke Rosenfeld Counselor $170/week Walesila Salgado Counelor $210/week Anna Schafler Counselor $170/week Marielle Vitti Counselor $150/week Vanetta Wingster Junior Counselor $115/week TENNIS Name Position Salary Robert Lawner Instructor $19.00/hour Andreas Riss Instructor $24.00/hour Megan Ryan Instructor $11.00/hour David Still Instructor $13.00/hour HOMMOCKS POOL Name Position Salary Stephanie Allen Alternate Manager $16.00/hour Sabrina Bieloski Manager $16.00/hour John Keenan Manager $18.75/hour C.P.O. $18.75/hour Manager/C.P.O. $19.25/hour Wayne Pollack, Jr. Manager $17.50/hour C.P.O. $17.50/hour Manager/C.P.O. $18.00/hour Joanne Schroeder Manager $18.50/hour C.P.O. $18.50/hour Manager/C.P.O. $19.00/hour Chelsa Bruck Lifeguard $10.00/hour Swim Instructor $17.00/hour Julia Caro Lifeguard $8.75/hour Alternate Swim Instructor $17.00/hour Christine Corsetti Lifeguard $9.75/hour Kathleen Corsetti Lifeguard $9.00/hour Elizabeth Eney Lifeguard $8.75/hour Swim Instructor $17.00/hour Katherine Frouman Lifeguard $9.75/hour Anna Kravet Lifeguard $9.50/hour Emma Kravet Lifeguard $10.50/hour Alternate Swim Instructor $17.75/hour Tamara Muscarell Early Morning Swim Lifeguard $32.00/session Lindsey Naughton Lifeguard $8.75/hour Alexandra Oppenheimer Lifeguard $11.25/hour Swim Instructor $19.50/hour Kathryn Ragone Lifeguard $9.50/hour 16 June 6, 2007 Jonathan Rubin Lifeguard $10.25/hour Cathleen Scanlon Lifeguard $10.25/hour Alternate Swim Instructor $18.00/hour Early Morning Swim Lifeguard $25.00/session Rebecca Sobel Lifeguard $9.50/hour Swim Instructor $17.00/hour Caroline Spader Lifeguard $9.00/hour Swim Instructor $17.00/hour Early Morning Swim Lifeguard $25.00/session Katherine Spader Lifeguard $11.25/hour Swim Instructor $19.25/hour Thomas Spader Lifeguard $9.75/hour Early Morning Swim Lifeguard $25.00/session Kelsey Wentz Lifeguard $9.75/hour Brian Garvey Key Attendant $8.50/hour Megan Mannion Key Attendant $8.25/hour Sara Mathias Key Attendant $8.00/hour Barbara Mendes Key Attendant $10.75/hour Bob Wittich Mushroom Pool Supervisor $10.00/hour Julie Schoenlank MSC Head Coach $6,900/season Katherine Spader MSC Assistant Coach $3,250/season The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick Aye Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 18, 2007 & May 2, 2007 On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was Unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the Board minutes from the meeting of April 18, 2007. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the Board minutes from the meeting of May 2, 2007. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick Abstained Seligson Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye O'Keeffe Aye 17 June 6, 2007 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS George Roniger, Larchmont Gardens Civic Association (LGCA), asked if hard data had been used to determine if extra water was coming from upstream. Supervisor O'Keeffe responded that the County has data on housing statistics, specifically on the building in White Plains along the Mamaroneck River. Supervisor O'Keeffe also noted that on June 20th State, County and Local officials would be meeting to review data regarding storm water. Mr. Roniger was pleased to hear that he felt the County should be getting involved. The LGCA would be having their Fourth Annual Spring Fling on June 9th, from 1-4PM; all are invited. SUPERVISOR'S REPORT Supervisor O'Keeffe attended the Mamaroneck Village Street Fair. She noted the increase in environmental awareness. She was especially proud of the plaque she was given by Eddie Richbell, relative of Mr. Richbell, founder of Mamaroneck. She noted that Mr. Richbell was the only Town founder to be buried in the Town. Each Councilperson spoke of the many and meaningful Memorial Day events throughout the Town. Councilman Wincik reported that the World War II Veteran, James Allen Callaghan's name would be added to the plaque at Memorial Park. Councilman Winick reported that the Traffic Committee was addressing the issues concerning Murray Avenue School, recommendation would be forthcoming. He noted that the Cable Television negotiations were taking longer than expected. He gave a brief overview, adding he would be available through the summer as an advisor. The Parking Committee was in its final stages; a report for the Board to consider was almost complete. The Board reminded residents that beginning June 1St, the use of leaf blowers would be halted for the summer. Residents were also reminded of the School Budget Re-Vote on June 19th OUT OF ORDER 9. Resignation of Councilman Paul A. Winick Appointment—Town Councilman Supervisor O'Keeffe said with sadness that she was announcing the resignation of Councilman Paul Winick. She announced that Councilman Winick and his wife Rhonda Lustman would be moving to Arizona. She praised him for the work he has done for the Town as Councilman. She praised him for his broad range of knowledge, adding how uniquely qualified he was in guiding the Town. The following Proclamation was read: PROCLAMATION PAUL A. WINICK WHEREAS: Paul A. Winick was appointed Deputy Town Supervisor in 2000 and served through 2005 when he was appointed Town Councilman in March 2005; and WHEREAS: Paul has served on several boards and commissions for our community: Member of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals (1999- present); Chairman of the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority (1992- present), Chairman of the Washington Square Parking Task Force (2002) and Co-Chair of the Washington Square Parking/Traffic Committee (2007); Chairman of the University Club of Larchmont's Scholarship 18 June 6, 2007 Committee (2002-present) and a member since 1996; Member of the Board of Directors of Hudson Valley Affordable Housing Finance Corporation (1996-2000); Founder of the Citizens for the Pool which developed the initial proposal for construction of the teaching and wading pools at the Hommocks Middle School; Director of the Larchmont Mamaroneck Basketball Association (1995-1999); and Coach and Assistant Coach for the Larchmont Mamaroneck Youth Soccer Association for 9 years; and WHEREAS: Paul has had a distinguished law career, including working as an attorney with Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner LLP in New York City, worked for the New York City Dept. of Investigation, Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Attorney's Office as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Dept. of Justice, and has been in private practice specializing in Commercial & Securities Litigation; and WHEREAS: Paul is a member of the American Bar Assoc., Association of the Bar of NYC, member of the Committee on Construction Law (1993-1998) and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Vendor Responsibility (1996-1998), and Chairman of the NYC Procurement Policy Board Advisory Council (1995-2004); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Valerie Moore O'Keeffe, Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, and the Town Board members hereby thank Paul for his many years of service to our community and extend best wishes to him and his wife Rhonda as they relocate to Arizona and pursue new adventures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 6th day of June 2007. The Town Board members each spoke of Paul's many services to the Town and shared wonderful anecdotes and fond memories. The Board wished him all the luck in his new endeavors. Councilman Winick thanked the Board for all their kind words. He said what a pleasure it had been to work with such wonderful groups of people. Councilwoman Seligson announced that David Fishman was being appointed to fill Paul Winick's term. She gave an overview of his many accomplishments and qualifications. Mr. Fishman is the owner and publisher of Fathoms Magazine, the award-winning magazine of the underwater world. He also owns and operates Downshift Media, Inc., a media-centric franchise development agency and production company. Mr. Fishman earned a dual Magna Cum Laude degree in advertising and psychology at the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. Mr. Fishman is active in several local community organizations, including being president of the Larchmont Mamaroneck Little League. Mr. Fishman serves on the Mamaroneck School District's Athletic Advisory Committee, and is a founding member and an active participant on the steering committee of the Larchmont Mamaroneck Fields for Kids. He is also working with the Village of Larchmont on a master plan to reconfigure the village's Lorenzen Park. Mr. Fishman lives in the Town of Mamaroneck with his wife Nancy Felsten, and their three sons. On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the following was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does herby appoint David J. Fishman to fill the unexpired term of Paul A. Winick as Town Councilman, said term to expire December 31, 2007. Councilman Fishman thanked the Board for this opportunity to serve on the Town Board. 19 June 6, 2007 ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson the meeting was unanimously adjourned into executive session to discuss certiorari on advice of council at 10:15PM. Submitted by Christina Battalia, Town Clerk 20